The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Fear of jurors being subjected to various bad things: reprisal, hounded by the media, subjected to general bother/harassment.
What else are they doing?

Jesse with the boycott yesterday, Eric Holder hanging onto the evidence yesterday, Al's rallies tomorrow and this well timed speech.

I'm not conspiracy theorist but...


It's all a well conceived plan to keep the public focused on the cherubic 12 year old while Slick fucks the country over from the Oval office.

awww I love your little rat in his suit. He's so easy on the eyes after the fat albert ugly.


Had to get rid of the Ebonics, too. :thup:
It was an official examination by police and not a snippet and not taken out of context in any way. It was an unambiguous question of who was screaming and given while the 911 tape was played of the screaming. The rest of the questioning has no relevance to what WE have been discussing here, other than it was regarding the 911 recording. Since GZ didn't take the stand, it is the most definite determination about who was screaming.

Actually, I would make the case that the most definite determination about who was screaming was Prosecution witness John Goode who stated that the man on the bottom was the one who was screaming for help and that man was George Zimmerman.

You didn't go back and listen to a full version of that recorded conversation...did you?

No comparison. Zimmerman knows for sure and was officially asked to answer who was screaming, and he didn't. Goode is only going by voice recognition. Could Goode see the person screaming and his mouth?

Everyone else who testified as to whose voice it was had skin in the game EXCEPT Goode. He wasn't a friend of Trayvon or George...he wasn't related to Trayvon or George. He was the only witness that was close enough to witness the fight. He was the only one who was close enough to identify who was on top and who was on the bottom.

Goode's testimony that Zimmerman was on the bottom and yelling for help isn't going by "voice recognition"...that's everyone ELSE! He's basing his testimony on what he's SEEING as well as hearing.
According to your link, magistrates work very closely with the police. That means they are likely to invoke the blue wall and support his son, George.

You may be right if this happened in Virginia fucktard

So you admit I'm right. :)

But police and justices in one state are somehow foreigners to those in another state.

Obviously English is your second language. Those words in my sentence are qualifiers. Under the conditions that I gave you a) the word MAY b) in Virginia c) you are a fucktard, if all those conditions are met then you are correct. Only one of those is correct though, as everyone knows.

Have you ever moved from one state to another? Do you get special treatment from other hippie burnouts, because you were a hippie burnout in your last state?
Civil War is a very scary thing and if you ask me I am scared. Not so much for myself in ways but for my sons future and your kids too. If its this bad now I cant imagine how it may be in the future.

What else are they doing?

Jesse with the boycott yesterday, Eric Holder hanging onto the evidence yesterday, Al's rallies tomorrow and this well timed speech.

I'm not conspiracy theorist but...


Not a conspiracy since there's no love lost between 8arack and Jesse. But def a plan of action between AG and the administration. Just wait for an Executive Order suspending SYG until an investigation can take place.

We already see gun and ammo bans as a result of Sandy Hook. Wherever exploitation of a tragedy can be done, this admin will pounce.

Obama knows what he is doing. He is manipulating.
We have George Zimmermans "play by play" account of what's happening as he speaks with the 9/11 dispatcher. What reason would he have to make something up at that point? He simply tells the dispatcher that the guy who's acting suspiciously is "checking him out".

What's wrong with looking at someone who's following you? find fault with Zimmerman for following at a distance...yet you excuse Martin's decision to circle back and walk around Zimmerman's vehicle? It shows me that Martin ISN'T scared of Zimmerman and is more than willing to have a confrontation. Someone who IS scared would move away from the threat...not go back to check it out closer.

I didn't defend Trayvon circling back to go to GZ's truck, nor did I say he came back in any way except later on when GZ confronted him. There is no evidence Trayvon circled the vehicle, except by falsely stating he did something like that.

By GZ's own admission, "He's running," and Trayvon did move away from the threat.
What else are they doing?

Jesse with the boycott yesterday, Eric Holder hanging onto the evidence yesterday, Al's rallies tomorrow and this well timed speech.

I'm not conspiracy theorist but...


Not a conspiracy since there's no love lost between 8arack and Jesse. But def a plan of action between AG and the administration. Just wait for an Executive Order suspending SYG until an investigation can take place.

We already see gun and ammo bans as a result of Sandy Hook. Wherever exploitation of a tragedy can be done, this admin will pounce.

Obama knows what he is doing. He is manipulating.

He's playing a game.

A very dangerous one for us.
What is the name of the city where Obama was a community organizer?

What is the name of the city where thousands have died in black on black murders over the past year?

Is Obama doing as good of a job as president as he did organizing that community?
the fact is that obama has NEVER been able to resist jumpoing in on the side of minoroites whenever race is at issue even when like here it really is beneath a president to do so such as in law enforcement matters. He jumped right in in this case early on when he knew nothing about it and likewise when his old Harvard law professor was making trouble for the police.

He is a racist plain and simple. Maybe everyone is, but he certainly is. I dont see how anyone can deny that. That is evidenced here by the fact that he is talking about stand your ground when it wasnt even relevant in the case as it was tried because it serves his racial narrative. He well knows that. And then he wonders why the country is so divided -- its because he promotes divisiveness (which i do not criticze - its a good strategy for him but it does have its consequences).
You may be right if this happened in Virginia fucktard

So you admit I'm right. :)

But police and justices in one state are somehow foreigners to those in another state.

Obviously English is your second language. Those words in my sentence are qualifiers. Under the conditions that I gave you a) the word MAY b) in Virginia c) you are a fucktard, if all those conditions are met then you are correct. Only one of those is correct though, as everyone knows.

Have you ever moved from one state to another? Do you get special treatment from other hippie burnouts, because you were a hippie burnout in your last state?

Ok, you're right. You said "may" which doesn't mean you agree with me fully. It does show you think it's plausible though.

Oh yea, hippies really live under the code of the Blue Wall sometimes.

Blue Code of Silence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought only the police, and consequently sometimes the justice system live under it. LOL
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Since he says that could have been him 35 years ago, is he saying he would have beat the crap out of a "creepy white assed cracka" back then? Does this man think at all?

The problem with his and the justice department inserting themselves here is, is it is going to create so much resentment that is undeserved all the way around. I just don't understand it. If they want the SYG laws, of which had nothing to do with this case, changed then present the country with the reasons they want them changed, but don't use a case that had nothing to do with such.

Why is it they just seem to have absolutely no PR finesse at all? They only have access to the best in the country.
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You are right Quick. GZ's dad got the police to let him go that night. Then TM's dad got the Freemason's together to get that shit changed. The tapes have all been doctored. GZ admitted it wasn't his voice and retired magistrate from another state beat out the freemason for supremacy and got the prosecutors and jury to just ignore it. What's even more crazy is that this whole event was staged in an air force hanger in New Mexico.

Think horses not zebras dipshit, or maybe unicorns in your case.
You are right Quick. GZ's dad got the police to let him go that night. Then TM's dad got the Freemason's together to get that shit changed. The tapes have all been doctored. GZ admitted it wasn't his voice and retired magistrate from another state beat out the freemason for supremacy and got the prosecutors and jury to just ignore it. What's even more crazy is that this whole event was staged in an air force hanger in New Mexico.

Think horses not zebras dipshit, or maybe unicorns in your case.

The Bilderburgs & the Illuminati can do anything they put their minds to. :thup:
What's wrong with looking at someone who's following you? find fault with Zimmerman for following at a distance...yet you excuse Martin's decision to circle back and walk around Zimmerman's vehicle? It shows me that Martin ISN'T scared of Zimmerman and is more than willing to have a confrontation. Someone who IS scared would move away from the threat...not go back to check it out closer.

I didn't defend Trayvon circling back to go to GZ's truck, nor did I say he came back in any way except later on when GZ confronted him. There is no evidence Trayvon circled the vehicle, except by falsely stating he did something like that.

By GZ's own admission, "He's running," and Trayvon did move away from the threat.

Zimmerman makes that statement AFTER Martin comes back and circles the SUV. It's at that point that the dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see which direction the man went and Zimmerman gets out of his truck and attempts to follow.
Obama the Destroy speaks! What an irresponsible PRICK! The country was starting to move past this BULLSHIT drama tossed upon us by the leftist media and race baiters and of course the FAILURE in chief speaks again in order to divide the country! What a douche bag!

First off asshole, you could also be one of the 500 African Americans murdered by other African Americans in Chicago year in and year out!

Second, Stand Your Ground wasn't even the DEFENSE it was CLASSIC self-defense defense.

Stand Your Ground (in my opinion) is poor constructed legislation. It allows the use of deadly force if you feel threatened with serious injury or , even if you could have fleed but didn't. Classic self-defense requires fleeing if you are able to. They didn't need stand your ground, because Zimmerman was unable to flee!
Obama is a lame ass duck..he CAN stop quacking out his ass anytime..nobody cares what he and his administration has to say anymore..

just let him TRY to interfere with the State laws, then hopefully people will WAKE UP

I told you all the man is NEVER sincear and that he ALWAYS has an AGENDA with everything and now you see what it was when he spoke on how if he had a son bs
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