The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Piece of advice on this case, Quick? Understand that "snippets" of recordings taken out of context to give them meanings that don't reflect what the person was saying have been the method that a biased media used from the start to paint George Zimmerman as a racist vigilante who stalked Trayvon Martin. Go back and listen to the entire recording of that conversation.

It was an official examination by police and not a snippet and not taken out of context in any way. It was an unambiguous question of who was screaming and given while the 911 tape was played of the screaming. The rest of the questioning has no relevance to what WE have been discussing here, other than it was regarding the 911 recording. Since GZ didn't take the stand, it is the most definite determination about who was screaming.

Actually, I would make the case that the most definite determination about who was screaming was Prosecution witness John Goode who stated that the man on the bottom was the one who was screaming for help and that man was George Zimmerman.

You didn't go back and listen to a full version of that recorded conversation...did you?

No comparison. Zimmerman knows for sure and was officially asked to answer who was screaming, and he didn't. Goode is only going by voice recognition. Could Goode see the person screaming and his mouth?
If Trayvon Martin had been white and beat up George Zimmerman, it would have ended the same way. It's convenient how blacks and liberals want to ignore the beating up part.

I disagree. Given the same jury, the verdict would have been different if the roles were reversed.

Are you speaking of the mixed race jury that BOTH the prosecution and defense agreed to?
Don't go overboard, Kiss...seeking shelter from the rain under the overhang of the mail boxes would hardly qualify as "loitering". Let's just say that Trayvon was in no hurry to walk home despite the rain. He wasn't walking from point A to point B as most people would under those conditions. He was walking one point going past Zimmerman's parked vehicle and up to the T area but then coming back to walk around Zimmerman's SUV. I have no idea what he's doing at that point but it's strange behavior at the least.

There is no reliable account to indicate that Trayvon came back towards Zimmerman. The only reason to say Trayvon came back would be to say he came back towards GZ when GZ confronted him.

We have George Zimmermans "play by play" account of what's happening as he speaks with the 9/11 dispatcher. What reason would he have to make something up at that point? He simply tells the dispatcher that the guy who's acting suspiciously is "checking him out".

What's wrong with looking at someone who's following you?
For the president to bring this case up in a press briefing is awful. he is basically saying that he does not accept a ruling of the court system of the USA and that he wants the federal govt to find a way to overturn the state court jury trial.

This shows who he really is-------be careful people, be very careful. Your federal government is trying very hard to take away your constitutional rights.

Yes...and they will attempt it by way of usurping constitutionally granted states rights.

Their contention is that Big Brother knows better what we all need.
If your timeline is correct, it may mean Trayvon stopped into another store, smoked a few cigarettes along the way, talked to someone near the store, etc.

State?s Witnesses in Zimmerman Trial Put the Prosecution on the Defensive -

The police are saying it is most likely Zimmerman followed Trayvon without hesitation or stopping. This rules out the unsubstantiated version we hear so often from GZ lovers that Trayvon "doubled back."

The Police never made any such statement, Quick! You only have to listen to the calls to understand that Zimmerman's attempt to follow Trayvon Martin was not successful. He quickly lost sight of the man he was trying to follow as Martin ran. The ONLY way that confrontation takes place once Martin runs away is if Martin returns.

The only was it took place is because GZ followed in the first place. It could NEVER have happened if GZ had returned to his truck when he was told to do so.

Martin takes off running before Zimmerman leaves his SUV. The 9/11 dispatcher asks Zimmerman if he can see which way the suspicious man went. So does Zimmerman get out to the truck to try and comply with that request? Trying to follow Martin to keep him in view until the Police arrive only to be told that "We don't need you to do that."? You do realize that Zimmerman says "OK" at that point? Zimmerman isn't looking for a confrontation. If he had been he could have had a confrontation when Martin approached his vehicle. Zimmerman didn't do so. The truth is...the actual physical confrontation was COMPLETELY caused by Trayvon Martin. He's the one who had to have walked BACK from the safety of the condo he was staying in to appear out of the darkness with his "You got a problem?" and blow to the face of a man whose response was "I don't have a problem with you.".
Don't get me started. I'm a smoker and I ride a motorcycle. I'm fed up with my government wanting to be my mommy.
I know the risks and don't expect anyone else to be responsible for my fate.

According to your link, magistrates work very closely with the police. That means they are likely to invoke the blue wall and support his son, George.

What does a magistrate do?

The main job of the magistrate is to provide an independent, unbiased review of complaints brought to the office by police officers, sheriffs, deputies, and citizens and determine whether there is probable cause for a warrant or summons to be issued. “Probable cause” is a reasonable belief based on facts that would cause a reasonable person to feel that the accused committed the offense. ...
There is no reliable account to indicate that Trayvon came back towards Zimmerman. The only reason to say Trayvon came back would be to say he came back towards GZ when GZ confronted him.

We have George Zimmermans "play by play" account of what's happening as he speaks with the 9/11 dispatcher. What reason would he have to make something up at that point? He simply tells the dispatcher that the guy who's acting suspiciously is "checking him out".

What's wrong with looking at someone who's following you? find fault with Zimmerman for following at a distance...yet you excuse Martin's decision to circle back and walk around Zimmerman's vehicle? It shows me that Martin ISN'T scared of Zimmerman and is more than willing to have a confrontation. Someone who IS scared would move away from the threat...not go back to check it out closer.

According to your link, magistrates work very closely with the police. That means they are likely to invoke the blue wall and support his son, George.

What does a magistrate do?

The main job of the magistrate is to provide an independent, unbiased review of complaints brought to the office by police officers, sheriffs, deputies, and citizens and determine whether there is probable cause for a warrant or summons to be issued. “Probable cause” is a reasonable belief based on facts that would cause a reasonable person to feel that the accused committed the offense. ...

You may be right if this happened in Virginia fucktard

According to your link, magistrates work very closely with the police. That means they are likely to invoke the blue wall and support his son, George.

What does a magistrate do?

The main job of the magistrate is to provide an independent, unbiased review of complaints brought to the office by police officers, sheriffs, deputies, and citizens and determine whether there is probable cause for a warrant or summons to be issued. “Probable cause” is a reasonable belief based on facts that would cause a reasonable person to feel that the accused committed the offense. ...

You may be right if this happened in Virginia fucktard

So you admit I'm right. :)

But police and justices in one state are somehow foreigners to those in another state.
Civil War is a very scary thing and if you ask me I am scared. Not so much for myself in ways but for my sons future and your kids too. If its this bad now I cant imagine how it may be in the future.

What else are they doing?

Jesse with the boycott yesterday, Eric Holder hanging onto the evidence yesterday, Al's rallies tomorrow and this well timed speech.

I'm not conspiracy theorist but...


It's all a well conceived plan to keep the public focused on the cherubic 12 year old while Slick fucks the country over from the Oval office.

awww I love your little rat in his suit. He's so easy on the eyes after the fat albert ugly.
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