The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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We are on a rapid descent into an oligarchy run by liberal elites presiding over the nanny state they proudly created.

We will only have what they allow everyone to have. We will only eat what they feel is best for everyone to eat. We will have no need for SYG because whose ground is it really? It's everybody's ground and how dare you presume to claim it over another? We will need to be disarmed because we might need to protect ourselves from the protectors or the truly protected and they just cannot have that possible insurrection.

But I'm not a conspiracy theorist either. :shock:
If Trayvon Martin had been white and beat up George Zimmerman, it would have ended the same way. It's convenient how blacks and liberals want to ignore the beating up part.

"Fighting words", does that mean anything to you?

"No person shall address any offensive, derisive or annoying word to any other person who is lawfully in any street or other public place, nor call him by any offensive or derisive name, nor make any noise or exclamation in his presence and hearing with intent to deride, offend or annoy him, or to prevent him from pursuing his lawful business or occupation."

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

The law allows for mitigation when the utterance of fighting words results in a violent response. It seems that the actions of GZ on the night he killed TM may have triggered a violent response. Certainly TM didn't deserve to die if he had thrown a first punch, and wouldn't have if he hadn't hit a cream puff with a gun.

fightin words
that's a good one. :lmao:

What fightin words did George use ?


These people are just continually lie and pretending things happened that never did.

According to testimony, the only person who said anything threatening was Trayvon when he told Zimmerman that he (Zimmerman) had a problem now.
If Trayvon Martin had been white and beat up George Zimmerman, it would have ended the same way. It's convenient how blacks and liberals want to ignore the beating up part.

"Fighting words", does that mean anything to you?

"No person shall address any offensive, derisive or annoying word to any other person who is lawfully in any street or other public place, nor call him by any offensive or derisive name, nor make any noise or exclamation in his presence and hearing with intent to deride, offend or annoy him, or to prevent him from pursuing his lawful business or occupation."

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

The law allows for mitigation when the utterance of fighting words results in a violent response. It seems that the actions of GZ on the night he killed TM may have triggered a violent response. Certainly TM didn't deserve to die if he had thrown a first punch, and wouldn't have if he hadn't hit a cream puff with a gun.

Uhh, what? So what did Zimmerman say? Martin uttered the phrase "what's your problem, homie?" Zimmerman replies, "I don't have a problem." Martin reacts with "Well you do now!" and devastating left hook to Zimmerman's nose.

Please keep your so called facts to yourself.
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He answered didn't sound like he thought his voice sounded. Tell me that your voice sounded like you thought it did the first time you heard it on a recording...

No, it wasn't a matter of identifying a voice. @16:50, the detective asked him to identify the screaming in the 911 call. Are you saying Zimmerman didn't know who was screaming, himself or Trayvon? :badgrin:

Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Piece of advice on this case, Quick? Understand that "snippets" of recordings taken out of context to give them meanings that don't reflect what the person was saying have been the method that a biased media used from the start to paint George Zimmerman as a racist vigilante who stalked Trayvon Martin. Go back and listen to the entire recording of that conversation.

It was an official examination by police and not a snippet and not taken out of context in any way. It was an unambiguous question of who was screaming and given while the 911 tape was played of the screaming. The rest of the questioning has no relevance to what WE have been discussing here, other than it was regarding the 911 recording. Since GZ didn't take the stand, it is the most definite determination about who was screaming.
For the president to bring this case up in a press briefing is awful. he is basically saying that he does not accept a ruling of the court system of the USA and that he wants the federal govt to find a way to overturn the state court jury trial.

This shows who he really is-------be careful people, be very careful. Your federal government is trying very hard to take away your constitutional rights.
Yea, they pass along many things from the magistrates and judges. Magistrate judges issue them like judges do. Clerks do not create them.

Incorrect. Clerks can and do issue summons and subpoenas without having to get it passed on from a judge whatsoever.

Unless you can give examples of exactly what summons we're talking about, what value is there in comparing clerks and magistrates? To know the difference between a clerk and a magistrate in Virginia, you would have to study them or have lived there for years to have heard many examples of what the differences are.
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What are we supposed to do about this? Watch it happen?

Unfortunately, there's nothing else we can do, other than prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Slick & company are going to ride this "racism" pony until it falls over dead. (when the DOJ has to give up and say there is no grounds for a hate crime case)

I hate this. I hate having so much disrespect and disgust for my government because I love my country so much.

When you can't fix or change it, go on a boat trip and bring some beer I always say.

We are on a rapid descent into an oligarchy run by liberal elites presiding over the nanny state they proudly created.

We will only have what they allow everyone to have. We will only eat what they feel is best for everyone to eat. We will have no need for SYG because whose ground is it really? It's everybody's ground and how dare you presume to claim it over another? We will need to be disarmed because we might need to protect ourselves from the protectors or the truly protected and they just cannot have that possible insurrection.

But I'm not a conspiracy theorist either. :shock:

are too are too
Virginia Court Clerks Association

This google thing is awesome.

Public Services: The Clerk is responsible for issuing marriage licenses in Virginia, processing notary public commissions, and processing business name applications (commonly referred to as fictitious name applications) for citizens in a county/city. The Clerk issues witness subpoenas in court cases, issues concealed handgun permits, and administers the oath of public office to elected officials, sheriff deputies and to citizens who are appointed to local or state commission posts. In most jurisdictions, military discharge papers, referred to as DD-214, are filed with the Clerk. In some jurisdictions, the Clerk may provide passport application services and fishing license services.
You will go to jail. And should.


FBI statistics from 2011 show that more than twice as many people were killed by fists and/or feet than were killed by rifles of any kind (including "assault" rifles)

So if you are attacked with fists or feet you have every reason to believe your life in in danger.

Because I saw the vid and have determined that that 'attack' didn't rise to the level of attempted murder.

Try being on the receiving end and not a third party video viewer and then get back to me
TM left the store at 6:24pm & GZ called police at 7:09pm. That is a full 45 minutes & it only takes 9 minutes to walk from 7-11 to where GZ first spotted him walking in yards next to houses & starring at them. It only takes 12 minutes to walk from 7-11 to his dad's GF house. TM spent 36 minutes in yards scoping out houses instead of walking home. Anyone doing that is suspect. Police found a Slim Jim Burglar Tool in bush where TM hid.

If your timeline is correct, it may mean Trayvon stopped into another store, smoked a few cigarettes along the way, talked to someone near the store, etc.

No! - You are lying which shows you are bias. TM is seen & heard on 7-11 video answering DD's call. She said TM walked back home from the 7-11. Then she changed it a few times, said he "turned around", "got caught in the rain & saught shelter under the mailing area roof", then she said TM "headed back home after GZ saw him."

TM broke Florida 856.021 Loitering or Prowling Law. - (1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity. (2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern. (3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Did Trayvon tell Jeantel exactly what he was doing or just give partial descriptions. Did she misinterpret them and give impressions of what she thought he did. Did the phone call get interrupted at any point? Did Trayvon take a longer route, because he needed exercise. He was an athlete, remember?

There could have been many things Trayvon did in between 7-11 and his killing. You haven't given the slightest indication that Trayvon was doing anything to do with burglary, and who gives a rats' ass if he was "loitering" in a park somewhere? Anyone with the least bit of common sense knows it's wrong to assert Trayvon was a burglar.
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Virginia Court Clerks Association

This google thing is awesome.

Public Services: The Clerk is responsible for issuing marriage licenses in Virginia, processing notary public commissions, and processing business name applications (commonly referred to as fictitious name applications) for citizens in a county/city. The Clerk issues witness subpoenas in court cases, issues concealed handgun permits, and administers the oath of public office to elected officials, sheriff deputies and to citizens who are appointed to local or state commission posts. In most jurisdictions, military discharge papers, referred to as DD-214, are filed with the Clerk. In some jurisdictions, the Clerk may provide passport application services and fishing license services.

That still doesn't give us examples of what the differences are between clerks and magistrates.
What can you expect from a Piece of Fukking Shit like him?

Fer real....

His Mother was a communist, his "father" was a communist. His mentor (and biological father) Frank Marshal Davis was a communist, his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was a Muslim and had serious communist leanings. His Grandfather was a communist and his grandmother was a communist

As a child, he went to a Madrassa in Indonesia for his education...

He hates America. He hates White People (his Mother was an autoracist [a person who despises their own race]), he hates our Laws, he hates our culture, he hates everything about America.

The individual is psychologically unstable.

And why not?

Look at these and tell me you don't know who his real (biological) father is...



Now look at these....



Is there anybody in here stupid enough or blind enough to think Barak Hussein Obama Sr is the Stuttering Clusterfukk's Father?

I really don't care about conspiracy theories. Not interested.

But what I am interested in is the childhood of the President of The United States and how damaged he must have been by his upbringing.

A 'father' who left him and his Mother to study at Hawvawd (from which he was later booted).

A Mother who dragged him around like excess baggage and got rid of him, sent him back to Hawaii, as soon as she could.

Where he runs into his REAL (biological) Father in the form of communist (Yes, he belonged to the CPUSA) Frank Marshall Davis, bestus buddies with his granddaddy.... Another communist.

We're talking about the childhood of a serial killer, folks.

Not the childhood of a future president.

Is it any wonder he's filled with hate?

Do with it what you want.
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I'm freaking mad about it. Do they think we're dumb as rocks or do they just not give a shit?

They think 53% are dumb as rocks (proven last November) and don't give a shit about the rest of us.

Yes. They definitely think the public is dumb. That's why they keep coming up with "guidelines" and "recommendations" and are literally regulating the shit out of us! (A little bathroom humor. :tongue:) NANNY knows best. And Wifey's right in there too with her restaurant portion recommendations, and her "No more Happy Meal prizes". Please. Just stop. Stop with the distractions. Just stop.
If your timeline is correct, it may mean Trayvon stopped into another store, smoked a few cigarettes along the way, talked to someone near the store, etc.

No! - You are lying which shows you are bias. TM is seen & heard on 7-11 video answering DD's call. She said TM walked back home from the 7-11. Then she changed it a few times, said he "turned around", "got caught in the rain & saught shelter under the mailing area roof", then she said TM "headed back home after GZ saw him."

TM broke Florida 856.021 Loitering or Prowling Law. - (1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity. (2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern. (3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Don't go overboard, Kiss...seeking shelter from the rain under the overhang of the mail boxes would hardly qualify as "loitering". Let's just say that Trayvon was in no hurry to walk home despite the rain. He wasn't walking from point A to point B as most people would under those conditions. He was walking one point going past Zimmerman's parked vehicle and up to the T area but then coming back to walk around Zimmerman's SUV. I have no idea what he's doing at that point but it's strange behavior at the least.

There is no reliable account to indicate that Trayvon came back towards Zimmerman. The only reason to say Trayvon came back would be to say he came back towards GZ when GZ confronted him.
No, it wasn't a matter of identifying a voice. @16:50, the detective asked him to identify the screaming in the 911 call. Are you saying Zimmerman didn't know who was screaming, himself or Trayvon? :badgrin:

Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Piece of advice on this case, Quick? Understand that "snippets" of recordings taken out of context to give them meanings that don't reflect what the person was saying have been the method that a biased media used from the start to paint George Zimmerman as a racist vigilante who stalked Trayvon Martin. Go back and listen to the entire recording of that conversation.

It was an official examination by police and not a snippet and not taken out of context in any way. It was an unambiguous question of who was screaming and given while the 911 tape was played of the screaming. The rest of the questioning has no relevance to what WE have been discussing here, other than it was regarding the 911 recording. Since GZ didn't take the stand, it is the most definite determination about who was screaming.

Actually, I would make the case that the most definite determination about who was screaming was Prosecution witness John Goode who stated that the man on the bottom was the one who was screaming for help and that man was George Zimmerman.

You didn't go back and listen to a full version of that recorded conversation...did you?
TM left the store at 6:24pm & GZ called police at 7:09pm. That is a full 45 minutes & it only takes 9 minutes to walk from 7-11 to where GZ first spotted him walking in yards next to houses & starring at them. It only takes 12 minutes to walk from 7-11 to his dad's GF house. TM spent 36 minutes in yards scoping out houses instead of walking home. Anyone doing that is suspect. Police found a Slim Jim Burglar Tool in bush where TM hid.

If your timeline is correct, it may mean Trayvon stopped into another store, smoked a few cigarettes along the way, talked to someone near the store, etc.

State?s Witnesses in Zimmerman Trial Put the Prosecution on the Defensive -

Other pieces of testimony may also have reflected poorly on Mr. Zimmerman. Officer Serino, who took the stand again on Tuesday, said the expletives that Mr. Zimmerman used as he was pursuing Mr. Martin connoted ill will — a necessary component in a second-degree murder conviction. The police officers were also clearly disturbed that Mr. Zimmerman, a community watch volunteer, seemed to have pursued Mr. Martin on foot after a police operator had told him he need not do so...

The police are saying it is most likely Zimmerman followed Trayvon without hesitation or stopping. This rules out the unsubstantiated version we hear so often from GZ lovers that Trayvon "doubled back."

The Police never made any such statement, Quick! You only have to listen to the calls to understand that Zimmerman's attempt to follow Trayvon Martin was not successful. He quickly lost sight of the man he was trying to follow as Martin ran. The ONLY way that confrontation takes place once Martin runs away is if Martin returns.

The ONLY way it took place is because GZ followed in the first place. It could NEVER have happened if GZ had returned to his truck when he was told to do so.
No! - You are lying which shows you are bias. TM is seen & heard on 7-11 video answering DD's call. She said TM walked back home from the 7-11. Then she changed it a few times, said he "turned around", "got caught in the rain & saught shelter under the mailing area roof", then she said TM "headed back home after GZ saw him."

TM broke Florida 856.021 Loitering or Prowling Law. - (1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity. (2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern. (3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Don't go overboard, Kiss...seeking shelter from the rain under the overhang of the mail boxes would hardly qualify as "loitering". Let's just say that Trayvon was in no hurry to walk home despite the rain. He wasn't walking from point A to point B as most people would under those conditions. He was walking one point going past Zimmerman's parked vehicle and up to the T area but then coming back to walk around Zimmerman's SUV. I have no idea what he's doing at that point but it's strange behavior at the least.

There is no reliable account to indicate that Trayvon came back towards Zimmerman. The only reason to say Trayvon came back would be to say he came back towards GZ when GZ confronted him.

We have George Zimmermans "play by play" account of what's happening as he speaks with the 9/11 dispatcher. What reason would he have to make something up at that point? He simply tells the dispatcher that the guy who's acting suspiciously is "checking him out".
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