Would someone who defends Kama-Kama-chameleonomics (formerly "Bidenomics) explain the following?

There you go again, blaming Trump for something he wasn't even responsible for. While President Trump was attempting to stop the flow of illegals into this country by enacting what he could through executive order, the courts, the Democrats in Congress, and even some Republicans were fighting against him tooth and nail. Had Trump been successful, we wouldn't have gained an addition 12-15 million illegals in addition to the estimated 20 million who were already here in 2020.

I'm sorry, but the way you constantly insist on denigrating that great President without holding the other side accountable, I have as little respect for you as I do the liberals, progressives, and Democrats. You might feel like you're some kind of an "independent" who weighs the balance between the left and right, but to everyone else, your affinity with the left is pretty damned obvious.

And quit saying you hold both party's feet to the fire, because you don't. Now go ahead and give this post your customary "laughing face", Mr. Giggles. But you know gawddamned well I'm right. You just don't have the honesty and humility to admit it.

I did not blame anyone for anything, I just looked at the numbers given by your fellow MAGA cult member.

If you do not like the data, I cannot do anything about that
I did not blame anyone for anything, I just looked at the numbers given by your fellow MAGA cult member.

If you do not like the data, I cannot do anything about that

Fuck you and your "MAGA cult" bullshit. We have nothing further to discuss, asshole.

I'm done trying to get through to you. Don't bother responding, and have a nice life in Panama.
Fuck you and your "MAGA cult" bullshit. We have nothing further to discuss, asshole.

I'm done trying to get through to you. Don't bother responding, and have a nice life in Panama.

oh damn, I hurt his little feelings by telling the truth.

I feel so bad....:(
Explain to me how the following experts are making up "right wing line"?

What was true when Biden said this:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

And then Biden does this 7 days after taking office.

Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change​


So again... folks...
Biden guaranteed to get rid of fossil fuels... which includes oil... and therefore GASoline!
He guarantees to remove 24% of oil production by terminating oil exploration leases on Federal Land.
Proof: The Truth: Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production.
FACT:The Biden administration will cancel oil leases sold by the Trump administration in an Alaskan wildlife refuge and block new drilling in millions of acres

And to further cause oil companies to charge more for gas...

Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands​

The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/16/1093195479/biden-federal-oil-leases-royalties

Again folks I'm not making up these exact words! NPR is!

So if 24% of oil production comes from Federal lands that are being reduced and charging 50% more in royalties...
DUH!!!!! Dummies! Why don't you comprehend that the OIL companies now:
1) Have to pay MORE in royalties to NON-federal landholders.
2) Raise the prices because of
The CEO of Chevron, Mike Wirth's said..."You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying,
‘We don’t want these products.’”

but investment banks and fund managers are growing more wary of fossil fuels after pumping more than $2.7 trillion into financing fossil fuel, exploration, production, and infrastructure in the five years since the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement, according to data compiled by the Rainforest Action Network and other advocacy organizations.

Financial support for fossil fuel projects has waned for both environmental and financial reasons. The return on investment of carbon-intensive fuels is no longer the guarantee it once was.

AGAIN and AGAIN... I don't put up guesses! I substantiate and you idiots that claim "right wing line", please prove
the above FACTS as wrong!
Biden guaranteed to rid fossil fuels.
Oil companies and investment firms believe him!
HENCE after eliminating 24% of producing Federal land exploration from future exploration due to higher 50% cost and due to investment firms believing in climate change crap... that's what the following chart shows... the effect!
View attachment 1011980

Brevity is the soul of wit. Try it sometime.

I already addressed oil in my first post. I explained what happened to trigger inflation in that post. Concisely. Clearly. And based on the 23+ years I put in, in my profession.

You believe what you're going to believe. It's about politics for you. Mindlessly pointing the finger at the other tribe, always.
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Brevity is the soul of wit. Try it sometime.

I already addressed oil in my first post. I explained what happened to trigger inflation in that post. Concisely. Clearly. And based on the 23+ years I put in, in my profession.

You believe what you're going to believe. It's about politics for you. Mindlessly pointing the finger at the other tribe, always.
That’s your answer? Reads like a kama-kama-chameleon word salad!!
The interesting thing about these numbers is this...

Had COVID not slowed illegal immigration and it had keeping the same rate of growth as Trump's first 3 years, 2020 would have seen 1,619,232 crossings, which is pretty close to what we saw in 2021. Keeping the same rate of growth that Trump had his first 3 years 2023 would have seen 5,746,914 crossings...which is less than we ended up with.

The Border Wall System is Deployed, Effective, and Disrupting Criminals and Smugglers​

In 2006, the U.S. Senate voted in a bipartisan 80 to 19 majority to pass the Secure Fence Act, which authorized construction of physical infrastructure to secure the border. Securing our Southwest Border was once a bipartisan issue.

Neglected, easily compromised, and sparsely constructed, the border fence concept needed a reinvestment in 2017.
From US Homeland Security!!!

From day one, President Trump prudently recognized that America must have an effective border wall system that delivers first-of-its kind capabilities to the men and women of the USBP.

Today, CBP is constructing a border wall system which includes a combination of various types of infrastructure including:
  • Internally hardened steel-bollard barriers from 18’ to 30’ high
  • New and improved all-weather access roads
  • Perimeter lighting
  • Enforcement cameras
  • Other related technology
The border wall system deploys the right mix of personnel, technology, and infrastructure to meet the challenges of a dynamic border threat environment and ultimately achieve operational control of the border.
As of October 23, 2020, construction of the wall system breaks down as follows:

  • FUNDED: 738 miles
Bottom line: The Trump administration is well on its way to meet the goal of having 450 miles of new border wall system deployed by December 31, 2020.
I did not blame anyone for anything, I just looked at the numbers given by your fellow MAGA cult member.

If you do not like the data, I cannot do anything about that
Where in all of Trump's comments especially regarding illegal migrants did he EVER SAY...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Screen Shot 2024-09-17 at 12.49.58 PM.png
Inflation peaked at 9.1% year-over-year in June 2022, the highest increase in 40 years.
And below are the increases in costs in food, energy and other items that ALL Americans must have to exist!

View attachment 1011818
There’s not a single number in the chart that doesn’t start with a 2, only Bernie Madoff accounting is able to report inflation at 9%
There’s not a single number in the chart that doesn’t start with a 2, only Bernie Madoff accounting is able to report inflation at 9%
You calling PBS liars?

U.S. inflation at 9.1 percent, a record high​

Economy Jul 13, 2022 9:40 AM EDT
Consumer prices soared 9.1 percent compared with a year earlier, the government said Wednesday, the biggest yearly increase since 1981, and up from an 8.6 percent jump in May. On a monthly basis, prices rose 1.3 percent from May to June, another substantial increase, after prices had jumped 1 percent from April to May.

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