The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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HOLY SHIT! When is he going to learn to shut up?

Stupid on stupid.

What is their motivation if not to incite this thing as far as it will go? Someone please give me another logic explanation.

(CNN) - President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since the verdict last weekend in the case of Martin's shooting death last year.

Obama: ?Trayvon Martin could have been me? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

We should have been so lucky.

Slick would have never gotten into politics if he had grown up an illiterate ghetto thug like Tampon was.

And who would want someone like DeeDee as the first lady? :eek:
bet obama never says boo about this:

FBI’s crime figures for 2007: “Blacks committed 433,934 violent crimes against whites, eight times as many as the 55,685 that whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black-on-white, with 14,000 assaults on white women by African-American males in 2007. Not one case of white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.” (Page 243)
"That could have been me 35 years ago"

What is this guy thinking??

What was he thinking, how about how can I pander to the race profiteers and my base today?

To him, like most commiecrats, facts mean nothing.

This one got me more:

"If Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman who had followed him in a car because he felt threatened? And if the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, then it seems to me that we might want to examine [stand your ground] laws."

-President Barack Obama

The answer is not in any way ambiguous and neither is the law, of course Maobama once again has no use for facts, just going for the division.
HOLY SHIT! When is he going to learn to shut up?

Stupid on stupid.

What is their motivation if not to incite this thing as far as it will go? Someone please give me another logic explanation.

(CNN) - President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since the verdict last weekend in the case of Martin's shooting death last year.

Obama: ?Trayvon Martin could have been me? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

We should have been so lucky.

Slick would have never gotten into politics if he had grown up an illiterate ghetto thug like Tampon was.

And who would want someone like DeeDee as the first lady? :eek:

:clap2: LMFAO
Any attempt by the federal government to begin "examining" state law, manipulating it or out right over -ruling it on scotus rulings will hopefully lead to the actual uproar we need in this country. Not the 5 minute ADD worth of complaining and then return to reality TV, but the kind that really fires up the people.

It's long overdue to put these federal fucktards back in their proper place.
Civil War is a very scary thing and if you ask me I am scared. Not so much for myself in ways but for my sons future and your kids too. If its this bad now I cant imagine how it may be in the future.

What else are they doing?

Jesse with the boycott yesterday, Eric Holder hanging onto the evidence yesterday, Al's rallies tomorrow and this well timed speech.

I'm not conspiracy theorist but...

Any attempt by the federal government to begin "examining" state law, manipulating it or out right over -ruling it on scotus rulings will hopefully lead to the actual uproar we need in this country. Not the 5 minute ADD worth of complaining and then return to reality TV, but the kind that really fires up the people.

It's long overdue to put these federal fucktards back in their proper place.

2014 is your chance to do just that. 2016 is another. Make your voice heard.
Civil War is a very scary thing and if you ask me I am scared. Not so much for myself in ways but for my sons future and your kids too. If its this bad now I cant imagine how it may be in the future.

What else are they doing?

Jesse with the boycott yesterday, Eric Holder hanging onto the evidence yesterday, Al's rallies tomorrow and this well timed speech.

I'm not conspiracy theorist but...


It's all a well conceived plan to keep the public focused on the cherubic 12 year old while Slick fucks the country over from the Oval office.
TM left the store at 6:24pm & GZ called police at 7:09pm. That is a full 45 minutes & it only takes 9 minutes to walk from 7-11 to where GZ first spotted him walking in yards next to houses & starring at them. It only takes 12 minutes to walk from 7-11 to his dad's GF house. TM spent 36 minutes in yards scoping out houses instead of walking home. Anyone doing that is suspect. Police found a Slim Jim Burglar Tool in bush where TM hid.

If your timeline is correct, it may mean Trayvon stopped into another store, smoked a few cigarettes along the way, talked to someone near the store, etc.

1. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to follow Trayvon? - No!
2. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to continue following TM even after the police dispatcher recommended he stop? - No!

State?s Witnesses in Zimmerman Trial Put the Prosecution on the Defensive -

Other pieces of testimony may also have reflected poorly on Mr. Zimmerman. Officer Serino, who took the stand again on Tuesday, said the expletives that Mr. Zimmerman used as he was pursuing Mr. Martin connoted ill will — a necessary component in a second-degree murder conviction. The police officers were also clearly disturbed that Mr. Zimmerman, a community watch volunteer, seemed to have pursued Mr. Martin on foot after a police operator had told him he need not do so...

The police are saying it is most likely Zimmerman followed Trayvon without hesitation or stopping. This rules out the unsubstantiated version we hear so often from GZ lovers that Trayvon "doubled back."
Yes, Obama is a race baiter. Tell me something I didn't know.

Sad thing is, Blacks everywhere will fawn over his words, without noting the fact that he continues to divide the country.
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