The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is what George Zimmerman looked like at the scene where his face was "bashed".


This is what George looked like a few minutes later after cleaning up his face. He is still wearing the same clothes. Notice the back of his head? What would you estimate? Two band aids worth of scratches?


This is Rihanna after Christ Brown beat her up:


And here her face has been "cleaned up". Like George.


How she normally looks:


This is what your face looks like after a "pounding":


Now this is George right after the shooting at the police station. Jacket's not wet so it wasn't cleaned and it may be red, but not "blood red".


And remember, the gun was behind his back, down his pants, covered by that shirt and jacket. George tells us exactly where it was:


So let's review:

Face pounded:




Laying on gun:


Face Pounded:


George right after face pounding and head smashed against cement:


Can gullible right wingers possibly understand what the problem is here? How do you educate such people?

Why don't you give it up, rdumbass. The trial has already happened. The jury has reviewed the evidence and found Zimmerman not guilty.

Either rdean is saying that a person must suffer a certain level of abuse and pain before he or she defends themselves, or he is saying that a person is never justified in defending themselves.

I just can't figure out which one it is...

who the hell knows? all I know is his threads cause a lot of pain they are so insane..
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now its his face that was smashed into the concrete ??..if you are packing a gun I would expect you not to follow people around at night in the dark and have enough sense to know what that person may fear..I would expect you to do everything in your power to defuse the situation not aggravate it..and I would expect you to fight like a man before resorting to a gun..

Huge problem thees days. To many have replaced their cock and bells with a gun. This is one of the reasons Zimmerman is protected so heavily. They need to protect the trinkets that make them men. With out their guns they have no value, and consider them selves sheep.

I know right... It's so unfair that Law abiding citizens aren't fighting street thugs who are assaulting them FAIRLY...:cuckoo: you are nuts.

Like I said.
Anyone that punches me. Will be shot.

You will go to jail. And should.


FBI statistics from 2011 show that more than twice as many people were killed by fists and/or feet than were killed by rifles of any kind (including "assault" rifles)

So if you are attacked with fists or feet you have every reason to believe your life in in danger.

Because I saw the vid and have determined that that 'attack' didn't rise to the level of attempted murder.
While they are at it the state needs to examine the conduct of the prosecution. If the allegations are true that they deliberately withheld information from the defense it is a serious charge.

Zerobama won't do it, but I think someone has already started the ball rolling on that one.
HOLY SHIT! When is he going to learn to shut up?

Stupid on stupid.

What is their motivation if not to incite this thing as far as it will go? Someone please give me another logic explanation.

(CNN) - President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since the verdict last weekend in the case of Martin's shooting death last year.

Obama: ?Trayvon Martin could have been me? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
HOLY SHIT! When is he going to learn to shut up?

Stupid on stupid.

What is their motivation if not to incite this thing as far as it will go? Someone please give me another logic explanation.

(CNN) - President Barack Obama said Friday that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago" in his first live comments since the verdict last weekend in the case of Martin's shooting death last year.

Obama: ?Trayvon Martin could have been me? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I'm speechless!
I can't even believe this.

How far do they want to take this? Where? Guns all taken?, rioting? civil war?

How far are they going to keep pushing this.
I can't even believe this.

How far do they want to take this? Where? Guns all taken?, rioting? civil war?

How far are they going to keep pushing this.

I don't know but to me it is crazy.

He is not guilty by court of law! The jury has done their job and people should respect that. Just my opinion though. But damn!
As usual he did nothing to try to sooth the situation. No quite the contrary, he said if Zimmermans's victim had been white the outcome would have been different.

Fuck you very much Maobama for letting us down, again.
Don't worry guys. Everyone knows he's never had anything but hatred and contempt for this country and everyone in it except for the radicals he associates with. His words will always be meaningless blathering.

It says that magistrates are an integral part of the judicial system.

Also, it says they perform a lot of the duties judges perform in other states like bail determination, warrants, subpoenas. It also says that along with judges, magistrates can produce orders to hospitalize certain individuals.

Court reporters are an integral part of the judicial system as well.

Utah's Court Reporters are an integral part of our judicial system.

Utah Court Reporters Association | An Integral Part of Our Judicial System are an integral part of our judicial system. Court Reporters are responsible for ensuring a complete, accurate, and secure legal record.

Court reporters have become an integral part of the judicial system

Court Reporting Degree

Want me to do bailiffs next? Then we can move on to clerks.:cuckoo:

Bailiffs and clerks don't perform some of the same duties as regular judges do. Magistrate judges do.

Yet, under Virginia law a "magistrate" is not a "judge" and has no trial court jurisdiction.... the primary issue here is not whether you can confuse the issue by posting links to the Daily Kos wherein Robert Zimmerman is called a judge. The real and only issue is what kind of political pull Robert Zimmerman could have exercised in Sanford, Florida as a consequence of being a retired magistrate from Virginia? Answer:


That does not exclude the possibility that Robert Zimmerman did not have pull in Sanford for some other reason. If he did, I would like to see proof of it.

After my first usage of solely "judge," I have changed to saying "magistrate judge." What more do you want? They are calling him magistrate judge in the MSM.

So because he is not a full-fledged judge and some kind of mid-level judge, that means he is due NONE of the respect judges get? That makes a lot of sense.
All I can think is Holder and Obama want to stir up a civil war, they want to use this to take a couple of our freedoms.

There is no other motivation explanation for this.
TM left the store at 6:24pm & GZ called police at 7:09pm. That is a full 45 minutes & it only takes 9 minutes to walk from 7-11 to where GZ first spotted him walking in yards next to houses & starring at them. It only takes 12 minutes to walk from 7-11 to his dad's GF house. TM spent 36 minutes in yards scoping out houses instead of walking home. Anyone doing that is suspect. Police found a Slim Jim Burglar Tool in bush where TM hid.

Tell me exactly which law Zimmerman broke!

1. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to follow Trayvon? - No!
2. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to continue following TM even after the police dispatcher recommended he stop? - No!
3. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to suspect someone spending 4 times more time looking around at night than walking home & met the description of someone committing a rash of burglaries in the area? - No!
4. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to carry a gun? - No!
5. Was the Stand Your Gun any part of the law used by Zimmerman's attorneys? - No! Anyone who's read this law knows it was not applicable in this case.
6. Was it illegal for Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon? - No! - Zimmerman faced great bodily harm inflicted by Trayvon....any reasonable person would have shot their gun under those circumstances.

Trayvon broke many laws & unfortunately it caused him to lose his life. First TM broke Florida 856.021 Loitering or Prowling Law. - (1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity. (2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern. (3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.

Then TM committed "Battery" with the first sucker punch that DD said he threw breaking GZ's nose knocking him to the ground. Then TM committed "Felony Battery" when he attacked GZ again as he laid on the ground screaming HELP! Then TM committed "Felony Attempted Murder" pounding GZ head onto concrete. TM stated his intent to kill GZ when he said "your are going to die".

Trayvon Martin likely knew more about Stand Your Ground law than George Zimmerman. TM's parents have been going after SYG law even though it had nothing to do with TM's death. TM often wore his Cory Craig Johnson button as he did the night he was killed. Cory Craig Johnson's death is why the Martin family have such a keen interest in defeating the “Stand-Your-Ground” law. JOHNSON v. STATE No. 82-369.
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He's trying to really create violence. It's all about him. It wasn't Trayvon shot in the street, it was HIM. What was happening, obama you idiot? Were the nightly bash mobs dying down?
What a coincidence on the timing of this little speech with Al Sharpton's 100 city "rally" thing tomorrow and Jesse Jackson "boycotting" Florida last night.

How unbelievably transparent.

If I'm wrong or you think there's some other motivation - please tell me, because I'm shocked and that's exactly what I think is going on.
Obama unexpectedly took the stage to offer his views on the Martin/Zimmerman case. What was apparent to me is that he wants the federal government more involved in determining what states do regarding law enforcement. Who would have guessed?

In my words, here is basically what he addressed in separate points.

Obama says:
Because Law Enforcement is at the state and local levels, the Feds will help with training

It would be useful for the Feds to examine some state and local laws

Speculates about what happened at the scene. He asked what would have happened if Trayvon Martin had had a gun and stood his ground?

How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

We should do some soul searching; Should we convene a conversation on race?

Things are actually getting better.

You can look for Obama and Company to encroach upon STATES RIGHTS in the very near future.
Zimmerman said he was screaming for help in EVERY interview that he gave. Mr. Goode's testimony was that it was the man on the bottom who was screaming...the man he identified as George Zimmerman.

There is a REASON the jury felt the screams were George Zimmerman.

All the more reason he should have identified the screams when the detective asked him to. He just hadn't rehearsed it yet.

He answered didn't sound like he thought his voice sounded. Tell me that your voice sounded like you thought it did the first time you heard it on a recording...

No, it wasn't a matter of identifying a voice. @16:50, the detective asked him to identify the screaming in the 911 call. Are you saying Zimmerman didn't know who was screaming, himself or Trayvon? :badgrin:
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