The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The idiot rdean actually believes a persons face must reach a predetermined level of damage before they are allowed to defend themselves from street thugs who are assaulting them. This is why the idiot rdean is complete f-in moron.

We only have Zimmerman's word for it. How do you know he didn't grab Trayvon first and that was when Trayvon swung? Remember, Trayvon ran. George said he ran and got out of his vehicle and started to track him down. It's recorded for all to hear. And why couldn't Trayvon use "stand your ground". He wasn't doing anything wrong.

if you don't know, why are you calling for zimmerman's conviction and making all your whiny claims of racism, open season on blacks....etc?
poor rdean, has nothing better to do with his life so he digs up a bunch of pictures as if they are suppose to mean something..

sad just sad
You know Georgie and his wife lie a lot. I don't know how they could use his parents and uncle the way he did. Getting them to say it was him crying for help like that..

He's a sociopath. I don't think anyone believes he was beaten as badly as he lets on. Not one suture, he didn't follow up to see whether his nose was broken.
Another look at why the wannabe cop and fiancee beater Thug Zimmerman is a lying sack of shit.

let us know how much skin it is taking off your alls asses?
until then.
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It's called self defense. I have every right to defend myself against violent attacks. And I will exercise that right in every instance.

You can wail the heck out of him....

...or sue him....

But not shoot him.

Unless he is using a deadly weapon.

That doesn't seem to be the case in the vid.

If one were not stronger than their attacker then they couldn't wail the heck out of him.
If one were beaten to death then they couldn't sue their attacker.
Fist most certainly can be a deadly weapon.

Notice, in the vid, the victim's shoulders didn't even move.
Some would say the only reason he wasn't more seriously hurt was because he stopped the fucker who was beating on him.

If Rhainna put a cap in that asshole who was beating her up I'll bet she wouldn't have looked so bad. Using professional fighters as a comparison is invalid.

The moral of the story according to the OP is unless you let someone beat you senseless then you have no reason to defend yourself.

And since more than twice as many people were killed in 2011 by fists and feet than were by rifles (including so called "assault" rifles) then anytime anyone attacks you with fists and/or feet you should consider your life to be in danger.
Some would say the only reason he wasn't more seriously hurt was because he stopped the fucker who was beating on him.

If Rhainna put a cap in that asshole who was beating her up I'll bet she wouldn't have looked so bad. Using professional fighters as a comparison is invalid.

The moral of the story according to the OP is unless you let someone beat you senseless then you have no reason to defend yourself.

And since more than twice as many people were killed in 2011 by fists and feet than were by rifles (including so called "assault" rifles) then anytime anyone attacks you with fists and/or feet you should consider your life to be in danger.

And 15 seconds later..the cops were there.

He wasn't "seriously" beaten up..he was smacked around a little. By a kid.

And if Rhianna had put a cap into anyone..she'd be in Marissa Alexander.
I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.

Anyone that punches me. Will be shot.

You will go to jail. And should.


FBI statistics from 2011 show that more than twice as many people were killed by fists and/or feet than were killed by rifles of any kind (including "assault" rifles)

So if you are attacked with fists or feet you have every reason to believe your life is in danger.
Some would say the only reason he wasn't more seriously hurt was because he stopped the fucker who was beating on him.

If Rhainna put a cap in that asshole who was beating her up I'll bet she wouldn't have looked so bad. Using professional fighters as a comparison is invalid.

The moral of the story according to the OP is unless you let someone beat you senseless then you have no reason to defend yourself.

And since more than twice as many people were killed in 2011 by fists and feet than were by rifles (including so called "assault" rifles) then anytime anyone attacks you with fists and/or feet you should consider your life to be in danger.

And 15 seconds later..the cops were there.

He wasn't "seriously" beaten up..he was smacked around a little. By a kid.

And if Rhianna had put a cap into anyone..she'd be in Marissa Alexander.

He had no way of knowing how long the local doughnut eaters were going to take to get their asses to the scene. and 15 seconds is a long time in a fight. Give an adrenaline pumped 17 year old 15 seconds to bash your head on a sidewalk and tell me if you change your mind.

Since twice as many people were killed by fists and feet in 2011 than were killed by rifles anyone who is attacked with fists and feet has every reason to believe their life is threatened.

And Rhianna would have had a valid self defense claim.
Trayvon would still alive today if his parents had been responsible parents.
Trayvon had been suspend from school
Responsible parents ground their kids till they are allowed back to school.
That means they have no life out side of the home.
Instead Trayvon was sent to his Dad's (place a mini vacation). His Dad allowed him to watch TV, call his fiends on his cell phone and to see his friends where his Dad lives and to go the store to get snack food.
In a responsible parent home. You take away the cell phone, no TV or internet. No talking with friends and not allowed to leave the house.

I also don't see how the people are suppose to have sided with a case for Trayvon, that used lies and deceptions and deceit right from the start.
Showing a picture of Trayvon when he was a cute little 12 year old boy to exaggerate that he was just a child is deceitful.
Another argument for opening the Rdean Wing in the Rubber Room

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

You must live for my posts. So glad I could bring some knowledge into your humdrum and sad life. You're welcome.

If the people in your op were armed at the time of the attack they would not look like

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.

Anyone that punches me. Will be shot.

Spoken like a real pussy.
Trayvon would still alive today if his parents had been responsible parents.
Trayvon had been suspend from school
Responsible parents ground their kids till they are allowed back to school.
That means they have no life out side of the home.
Instead Trayvon was sent to his Dad's (place a mini vacation). His Dad allowed him to watch TV, call his fiends on his cell phone and to see his friends where his Dad lives and to go the store to get snack food.
In a responsible parent home. You take away the cell phone, no TV or internet. No talking with friends and not allowed to leave the house.

I also don't see how the people are suppose to have sided with a case for Trayvon, that used lies and deceptions and deceit right from the start.
Showing a picture of Trayvon when he was a cute little 12 year old boy to exaggerate that he was just a child is deceitful.

THAT RIGHT THERE...but it's ok with them if people are LIED to by the deceitful media and the left race baiters..

how some people can live with themselves and also just sit by while they see it going on is shameful...horrible people
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Much different set of circumstances. While it is easier to get a decision that goes against Zimmerman in civil court, I don't see it happening. In fact, I see things getting very ugly for the parents of Trayvon Martin and their son will be exposed for the thug he was rather than this sweet boy the media tried to sell us on. Last of all, Zimmerman might even counter sue. As it is, Zimmerman is likely to have many lawsuits going on. I'm just waiting for the lawsuit against Angela Corey and the state of Florida for malicious prosecution.


The truth hurts, doesn't it? Apparently you are just another left winger who can never see anything other than the propaganda that you are fed. The same shit happens on the right with many issues. I suppose you consider being called a creepy ass cracker normal coming from a black person. I don't. It tells me the kid was a punk. BTW, there is plenty of evidence that did not come out at trial that also indicates this kid was a punk. Want to keep ignoring facts?

No, lies get negged.
Either rdean is saying that a person must suffer a certain level of abuse and pain before he or she defends themselves, or he is saying that a person is never justified in defending themselves.

I just can't figure out which one it is...
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