The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I attempted to send a question to koshergrl but she will not accept PM's. I now understand why. She, like others who post here like to hit and run. Cowards they be. So, I suggest that the powers (Cereal Killer) sanction anyone who will not accept PM's when they give Negative Reps.

American jurisprudence always allows the accused to confront their accusers. Seems 'American' that we be allowed to question our accusers. or they ought not to be allowed to cowardly hide behind their keyboards.

Heaven knows, Wry Catcher, you and I disagree on most topics, but on this I am with you 100%.

It is fine to declare a thread moronic, idiotic and whatever else, if it states an opinion. But it takes a paranoid idiot to neg a thread that only poses questions.

There was a time when I considered koshergirl as a friend.

Forget about it.
Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

I believe it has something to do with the court not releasing their names yet.
I attempted to send a question to koshergrl but she will not accept PM's. I now understand why. She, like others who post here like to hit and run. Cowards they be. So, I suggest that the powers (Cereal Killer) sanction anyone who will not accept PM's when they give Negative Reps.

American jurisprudence always allows the accused to confront their accusers. Seems 'American' that we be allowed to question our accusers. or they ought not to be allowed to cowardly hide behind their keyboards.

Heaven knows, Wry Catcher, you and I disagree on most topics, but on this I am with you 100%.

It is fine to declare a thread moronic, idiotic and whatever else, if it states an opinion. But it takes a paranoid idiot to neg a thread that only poses questions.

There was a time when I considered koshergirl as a friend.

Forget about it.

She's as friendly as a scorpion with a bad attitude.

Strike that..the scorpion is far friendlier.
Why didn't Zimmerman just stay in his truck and wait for the cops he called AND/OR just tell Trayvon who he was and why he was watching?

Why didn't TM walk the 350 feet to the place he was staying. He had a full four minutes.

Fact is you numb-nutted prick, GZ had no obligation to stay in his truck. In this country you are free to move about as you please as long as you break no laws.
Zimmerman tracked Trayvon after he left his car.

He was told "we don't need you to do that" by the 911 operator when he said he was going to follow him.

How's that work out for you?

Zimmerman "attempted" to follow at a distance. Never once did he confront Martin, even when Martin circled back to walk around Zimmerman's SUV. When the 9/11 operator told Zimmerman "We don't need you to do that."...what was Zimmerman's response? He said "OK".

So kindly explain how Martin's decision to return over a hundred yards...AWAY FROM THE SAFETY OF THE CONDO...after referring to someone in a racially derisive manner wasn't HIM confronting George Zimmerman?

If his response was "ok", then why did he continue to follow Trayvon?

Sorry...............but if you tell me that you don't need me to follow someone, and I answer "ok", but continue to do so, that means that I didn't follow the directions that I was given.

Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after being told he didn't need to do that.

There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow him. Besides the non-emergency operator has no authority to tell anyone anything. He can only advise. Why don't you learn the facts so you don't look so ignorant.
And as for blaming Zimmerman for getting out of his SUV and "attempting" to follow Martin? When Martin takes off running the dispatcher asked, "He's running? Which way is he running?" At which point Zimmerman gets out of the truck and tries to see. For all of you that put such great import into the dispatcher telling Zimmerman to stop pursuing (which he DID!) you should also give some thought to whether Zimmerman was simply trying to provide the dispatcher the information that they were requesting by getting out of the truck to try and keep Martin in sight.

For all of you that put such great import into the dispatcher telling Zimmerman to stop pursuing

as of late they go one step further

with the lie that dispatch told Zimmerman not to get out of the vehicle

it is the same bunch of phony facts that got Zimmerman charged with a crime

if it goes federal it will still be the same bunch of phony facts
You're right.................following someone isn't a crime here in the U.S.

However....................if you follow me in a vehicle and then decide to follow me for around 100 yards, I'm gonna think that you're going to do harm to me and I WILL confront you.

Would I be considered bad if you said racist crap to me while following me and I decided to kick your ass?

Quick many of YOU people would allow someone to follow you in a vehicle, jump out and start following you down the street, without asking what the fuck they were following you for?

I live in a pretty decent place, but if you follow me down the block after tracking me in a vehicle, I'm gonna ask you why you're there. If you can't provide a decent response, my response may be to attack.

Trayvon was murdered and Zimmerman needs to go to jail. Sorry, but the 911 operator told him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow him.

Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle, going out of it lost him the "stand your ground" defense.

Oh brother. Another internet tough guy!

You attack someone you go to jail moron!!

The 911 operator isn't a cop and has no authority. Besides GZ said "ok" when advised not to follow and you have zero evidence that he continued to follow TM as a matter of fact at that point in time GZ had already lost sight of TM so he couldn't follow him even if he wanted to you stupid ass!

How the fuck do you know? Were you there?

How do you know he lost sight of him? How do you know he listened to the dispatcher?

There's actually no proof he listened to them because the shooting happened quite a ways from where his vehicle was, even though the GZ true believers think it happened right next to the car.

Everything GZ was saying points to him definitely not letting TM out of his sight. "These fucking punks always get away", he said. He wasn't going to let the kid out of his sight because he wanted the credit for apprehending him.

In the non-emergency call, GZ says "I don't know where this kid is", which is a good indication that he lost sight of him.

Whether he listened to the operator or not doesn't matter, you can't follow someone when you don't know where they are. Besides, you don't know that he "didn't" listen to the operator. And again, whether he did or didn't GZ did nothing to warrant being attacked.

I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.
I had to laugh when i saw some Race-Baiting dunces on CNN chastising the jury for not knowing the facts of the case. Even though they actually served on the Trial, while the Race-Baiter media dunces merely watched and didn't know jack-shite. The kooks on CNN strongly felt they knew the facts better. Oh well, that's the Dumbed-Down American MSM for ya.
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I'm thinking no. #1 she is black. That's a valid defense for lying to the poe lease, much like self defense is justification for lethal force. #2 is anybody really sure what she said? #3 she had a hurry on.

[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION]

She makes me think of the old adage: Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone!

I had to laugh when i saw some Race-Baiting dunces on CNN chastising the jury for not knowing the facts of the case. Even though they actually served on the Trial, while the Race-Baiter media dunces merely watched and didn't know jack-shite. The kooks on CNN strongly felt they knew the facts better. Oh well, that's the American Dumbed-Down MSM i guess.

that is because to some

"could have"



is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

they banked so heavily that if Zimmerman simply was tried

that surely he would be convicted

I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.

Anyone that punches me. Will be shot.
I had to laugh when i saw some Race-Baiting dunces on CNN chastising the jury for not knowing the facts of the case. Even though they actually served on the Trial, while the Race-Baiter media dunces merely watched and didn't know jack-shite. The kooks on CNN strongly felt they knew the facts better. Oh well, that's the American Dumbed-Down MSM i guess.

that is because to some

"could have"



is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

they banked so heavily that if Zimmerman simply was tried

that surely he would be convicted

And even more troubling these mental midget low information "citizens" still do not have a CLUE about innocent until proven guilty, the presumption of innocence, the defendant does NOT HAVE TO SAY OR PROVE ANYTHING, the defendant DOES NOT HAVE TO OFFER ANY EVIDENCE TO DIDPUTE ANY OF THE PROSECUTIONS EVIDENCE and that 100% of the burden OF PROOF is on the prosecution as they have to prove EACH AND EVERY element of their claims.

I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.

Anyone that punches me. Will be shot.

You will go to jail. And should.

It says that magistrates are an integral part of the judicial system.

Also, it says they perform a lot of the duties judges perform in other states like bail determination, warrants, subpoenas. It also says that along with judges, magistrates can produce orders to hospitalize certain individuals.

Yet, under Virginia law a "magistrate" is not a "judge" and has no trial court jurisdiction.... the primary issue here is not whether you can confuse the issue by posting links to the Daily Kos wherein Robert Zimmerman is called a judge. The real and only issue is what kind of political pull Robert Zimmerman could have exercised in Sanford, Florida as a consequence of being a retired magistrate from Virginia? Answer:


That does not exclude the possibility that Robert Zimmerman did not have pull in Sanford for some other reason. If he did, I would like to see proof of it.

It says that magistrates are an integral part of the judicial system.

Also, it says they perform a lot of the duties judges perform in other states like bail determination, warrants, subpoenas. It also says that along with judges, magistrates can produce orders to hospitalize certain individuals.

Court reporters are an integral part of the judicial system as well.

Utah's Court Reporters are an integral part of our judicial system.

Utah Court Reporters Association | An Integral Part of Our Judicial System are an integral part of our judicial system. Court Reporters are responsible for ensuring a complete, accurate, and secure legal record.

Court reporters have become an integral part of the judicial system

Court Reporting Degree

Want me to do bailiffs next? Then we can move on to clerks.:cuckoo:
While they are at it the state needs to examine the conduct of the prosecution. If the allegations are true that they deliberately withheld information from the defense it is a serious charge.
This is what George Zimmerman looked like at the scene where his face was "bashed".


This is what George looked like a few minutes later after cleaning up his face. He is still wearing the same clothes. Notice the back of his head? What would you estimate? Two band aids worth of scratches?


This is Rihanna after Christ Brown beat her up:


And here her face has been "cleaned up". Like George.


How she normally looks:


This is what your face looks like after a "pounding":


Now this is George right after the shooting at the police station. Jacket's not wet so it wasn't cleaned and it may be red, but not "blood red".


And remember, the gun was behind his back, down his pants, covered by that shirt and jacket. George tells us exactly where it was:


So let's review:

Face pounded:




Laying on gun:


Face Pounded:


George right after face pounding and head smashed against cement:


Can gullible right wingers possibly understand what the problem is here? How do you educate such people?

I am not an expert on assessing the severity of injuries, so I yield to your greater expertise. However, I believe I am more familiar with laws pertaining to self defense than you might be (actually, I have a JD). The law does not require that someone receive serious injury before using deadly force in self defense. In fact the law does not require that one suffer any injuries at all before using deadly force in self defense. The law requires only a reasonable FEAR of serious bodily injury or death. It is the reasonable FEAR of serious injury that is required, not an actual injury . I will give you an example:

John and Joe are friends. Joe has a friend named Mark that John does not know. Joe wants to play a trick on John and asks Mark to confront John with an unloaded gun and pretend he is going to shoot him. Mark agrees and approaches John accusing him of messing around with his girlfriend. Mark then says, ”Now you die,” and points the gun at John's chest.

At this point John has not been seriously injured, and in reality is in no danger of being seriously injured. However, if John draws his concealed weapon and shoots Mark, killing him, John has a perfect case for self defense. John didn’t know that Mark was joking and didn't know the gun was not loaded; therefore he had a reasonably fear of death or serious bodily injury unless he shot Mark and the use of deadly force is justified. I am aware of more than a few cases where deadly force was allowed when someone was threatened with a toy gun. If a jury determines that a reasonably prudent person would believe the toy gun is real, the defendant is justified in using deadly force.

The only relevant legal question in the Zimmerman case is this: Did George Zimmerman have a reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death if he did not use deadly force against Trayvon Martin? The jury determined that he did.

Not really. They felt there wasn't enough evidence to convict. Something entirely different.
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