The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The idiot rdean actually believes a persons face must reach a predetermined level of damage before they are allowed to defend themselves from street thugs who are assaulting them. This is why the idiot rdean is complete f-in moron.

We only have Zimmerman's word for it. How do you know he didn't grab Trayvon first and that was when Trayvon swung? Remember, Trayvon ran. George said he ran and got out of his vehicle and started to track him down. It's recorded for all to hear. And why couldn't Trayvon use "stand your ground". He wasn't doing anything wrong.
to defend oneself with a weapon and deadly force it should take more than a bloodied nose..I dont know what sheltered world you live in but in my world there would an awful lot of dead good people if everyone who got in fist fight pulled a gun and shot someone

If I'm packing a gun and someone is smashing my face into concrete would you expect me to ask them nicely to stop, or blow their brains out. Personally, I'd choose the latter. Thanks for proving you are just as stupid as rdean is... I knew you had it in you.

now its his face that was smashed into the concrete ??..if you are packing a gun I would expect you not to follow people around at night in the dark and have enough sense to know what that person may fear..I would expect you to do everything in your power to defuse the situation not aggravate it..and I would expect you to fight like a man before resorting to a gun..

Huge problem thees days. To many have replaced their cock and bells with a gun. This is one of the reasons Zimmerman is protected so heavily. They need to protect the trinkets that make them men. With out their guns they have no value, and consider them selves sheep.
The idiot rdean actually believes a persons face must reach a predetermined level of damage before they are allowed to defend themselves from street thugs who are assaulting them. This is why the idiot rdean is complete f-in moron.

We only have Zimmerman's word for it. How do you know he didn't grab Trayvon first and that was when Trayvon swung? Remember, Trayvon ran. George said he ran and got out of his vehicle and started to track him down. It's recorded for all to hear. And why couldn't Trayvon use "stand your ground". He wasn't doing anything wrong.

Purely subjective nonsense. Zimmerman was found innocent by a jury of your peers idiot, obviously there was enough evidence to show that Zimmerman was defending himself. Get over it moron, you numbskulls will get another chance to reopen your gun control BS as soon as another child's body is offered up for you to stand on. Gun control is the reason this case was divided along partisan lines, not race... Nobody on the left cares about Trayvon Martin, they just wanted to stand on his back to further their agenda while people were emotionally challenged. Rational people are not fooled.
If I'm packing a gun and someone is smashing my face into concrete would you expect me to ask them nicely to stop, or blow their brains out. Personally, I'd choose the latter. Thanks for proving you are just as stupid as rdean is... I knew you had it in you.

now its his face that was smashed into the concrete ??..if you are packing a gun I would expect you not to follow people around at night in the dark and have enough sense to know what that person may fear..I would expect you to do everything in your power to defuse the situation not aggravate it..and I would expect you to fight like a man before resorting to a gun..

Huge problem thees days. To many have replaced their cock and bells with a gun. This is one of the reasons Zimmerman is protected so heavily. They need to protect the trinkets that make them men. With out their guns they have no value, and consider them selves sheep.

I know right... It's so unfair that Law abiding citizens aren't fighting street thugs who are assaulting them FAIRLY...:cuckoo: you are nuts.
George didn't have the abillity to "call timeout" and check out his wounds to see how bad they were before acting in self defense.

And another thing. Self Defense is a preventive measure. One reason the GZ didn't look much worse was because his self defense tactic was successful.
the idiot rdean actually believes a persons face must reach a predetermined level of damage before they are allowed to defend themselves from street thugs who are assaulting them. This is why the idiot rdean is complete f-in moron.

to defend oneself with a weapon and deadly force it should take more than a bloodied nose..I dont know what sheltered world you live in but in my world there would an awful lot of dead good people if everyone who got in fist fight pulled a gun and shot someone

It did. It took Trayvon throwing Zimmerman to the ground, straddling him and pounding his head into the pavement. Not knowing if he will only pound your head 3 or 4 times to get a point across or until you pass out and die is the point where you reach for your weapon and defend your life. Trayvon threw the dice and lost.
This is what George Zimmerman looked like at the scene where his face was "bashed".


This is what George looked like a few minutes later after cleaning up his face. He is still wearing the same clothes. Notice the back of his head? What would you estimate? Two band aids worth of scratches?


This is Rihanna after Christ Brown beat her up:


And here her face has been "cleaned up". Like George.


How she normally looks:


This is what your face looks like after a "pounding":


Now this is George right after the shooting at the police station. Jacket's not wet so it wasn't cleaned and it may be red, but not "blood red".


And remember, the gun was behind his back, down his pants, covered by that shirt and jacket. George tells us exactly where it was:


So let's review:

Face pounded:




Laying on gun:


Face Pounded:


George right after face pounding and head smashed against cement:


Can gullible right wingers possibly understand what the problem is here? How do you educate such people?

[ame=]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]
I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.

Anyone that punches me. Will be shot.

You will go to jail. And should.

It's called self defense. I have every right to defend myself against violent attacks. And I will exercise that right in every instance.
Does this have anything to do with Rachel Jeantel's interview Monday night on Piers Morgan?

That was really something. She was more open and honest about the phone conversation the night Trayvon died.

Rachel Jeantel's quote from Monday night on CNN:

"They don't understand, they understand, 'Oh, he would just bash, or was kill.' When somebody bash somebody, like, blood people, trust me, in the area I live, that's not bashing. That's just called 'whoop ass.' You just got your ass whooped. That's what it is."

Rachel also admitted some other things that give insight as to why Trayvon chose to go after Zimmerman rather than run away. The two talked about Zimmerman being a rapist (and therefore gay) and Trayvon apparently decided he needed a whoop ass. Rachel said Trayvon ain't that way (gay). She seems to be saying that it was all Zimmerman's fault simply because he thought Trayvon was going to do more than just beat him up. I have no idea how you can tell what a person's intentions are, but it's clear that Trayvon was wanting to fight and not scared.

In earlier text messages, Trayvon told Rachel that he got into a fight and was happy because he made the other guy bleed. He was anxious to fight him again because he didn't bleed enough to satisfy Trayvon.

Then, as if she realized she said too much, she made this remark:
"Oh, my! Jeez! Oh, my. I'm destroying the whole thing."

Maybe she did destroy the chance for the DOJ to go after Zimmerman. She admitted that Trayvon was going to give Zimmerman a whoop ass after they talked about him being a rapist. Sounds like Trayvon may have believed Zimmerman was interested in him.

If there is truth to what Rachel said, then maybe beating Zimmerman up was actually a hate crime against gays. That seems to be the reason he went after him.

Stupid things happened that night. If Zimmerman had stayed in his truck, then Martin wouldn't have acted like an idiot punk who was looking for a fight.

I wonder if it would have helped if Zimmerman and other neighborhood watch people would wear a hat or jacket that identifies them as watchers.

yeah, and if that guy hadn't flashed his cash he wouldn't have been mugged. If that girl hadn't dressed so provocatively she wouldn't have been gang raped.

I am so tired of hearing lefties blame the victim when the perp is a protected group and the Truth hurts their agit prop of the day.

I was being glib. We keep hearing that it was all Zimmerman's fault for A) Watching Trayvon in the first place. B) Getting out of his truck to see which way Trayvon was going. C) Having the nerve to carry a concealed weapon. The left calls the above profiling, stalking and being a bitter clinger.

I find it ridiculous that some people claim that Zimmerman wasn't in danger and had no right to fight back the way he did. For Rachel to suggest that somehow Zimmerman should have known the difference between a whoop ass and being beaten to death is just insane. Just how does a person gauge the severity of what is coming at you? Was Zimmerman supposed to know that Trayvon would stop before he was seriously injured or unconscious? It's like Rachel is saying Zimmerman was a big baby because he couldn't take a good whooping.

Where were her comments before and during the trial? I believe she said at one time that Trayvon was scared. I don't think he ever felt threatened. She also claimed that he didn't want to go home and have Zimmerman follow because he might be a rapist (a gay rapist) and Trayvon didn't want him near his little brother. Of course, those comments weren't in any of her original statements. It was only after it was pointed out numerous times that Trayvon could have run home instead of confronting and then attacking Zimmerman. I still say he could have outrun Zimmerman easily had he wanted to do so.

The guy who broke the law that night was Trayvon when he punched Zimmerman and then commenced with the ass whooping.

I do think the neighborhood watch folks should wear identifying clothing if they are on patrol. If nothing else, it would let people know they can go to them for help.
The Zimmerman case was not about poor "little" Trayvon, nor was it about race. It was about the lefties have another opportunity to resume their war on guns, too bad a jury of their peers didn't see it that way. Tissue libs?
Reasonable fear which justifies self defense is not required to entail a physical assault. In fact, Zimmerman's black prof and legal expert testified that it is best NOT to wait until hands have been put on you to defend your life. A mere threat of harm is enough.

I hope you're not suggesting that, either, this is the same as the Zimmerman case.....where testimony said "Martin was the aggressor in the confrontation, straddled Zimmerman and slammed his head against the pavement – putting him in fear of his life before he fired his 9mm."

The case on the vid: jail time.

Nope he assaulted the guy. Punch me in the face without physical provocation and I'm going to shoot you.
I don't think this thread will get much traction longknife... It doesn't fit the left's, NAACP's, or Holder's agenda on painting Zimmerman as a racist.

This is my favorite though;
George Zimmerman voted and campaigned for Obama.

I have a feeling the Dems have lost his vote...

I agree - the lefties are sitting on their hands because the truth about this young man don't fit the pattern they're desperate to report. :eusa_whistle:
You will go to jail. And should.

It's called self defense. I have every right to defend myself against violent attacks. And I will exercise that right in every instance.

You can wail the heck out of him....

...or sue him....

But not shoot him.

Unless he is using a deadly weapon.

That doesn't seem to be the case in the vid.

If one were not stronger than their attacker then they couldn't wail the heck out of him.
If one were beaten to death then they couldn't sue their attacker.
Fist most certainly can be a deadly weapon.
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