The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Come to think of it, if Zimmerman had shot a white kid who was beating the hell out of him the outcome would have been different, because the race profiteers would have not gotten involved and no charges would have been brought.
After my first usage of solely "judge," I have changed to saying "magistrate judge." What more do you want? They are calling him magistrate judge in the MSM.

To admit that Robert Zimmerman had no additional political pull with officials in Sanford or Florida because of he was a retired magistrate from the state of Virgina.... or in the alternative, prove that he did have additional political pull because he held the position of glorified clerk of a court in Virginia.

So because he is not a full-fledged judge and some kind of mid-level judge, that means he is due NONE of the respect judges get?

He was not even a mid level judge in Virginia because judges in Virginia are statutorily required to be a member in good standing with the Virginia bar for a minimum of 5 years before they can become a judge. Magistrates, on the other hand, only require a bachelors degree. and have no trial court jurisdiction. They are glorified court clerks. Now prove he had influence with the official in Sanford and Florida because he was previously a glorified clerk for the courts in Virginia.
If Trayvon Martin had been white and beat up George Zimmerman, it would have ended the same way. It's convenient how blacks and liberals want to ignore the beating up part.
Civil War is a very scary thing and if you ask me I am scared. Not so much for myself in ways but for my sons future and your kids too. If its this bad now I cant imagine how it may be in the future.
Bailiffs and clerks don't perform some of the same duties as regular judges do. Magistrate judges do.

Yes they do. Clerks of the court issue summons and writs and all sorts of such things which you claim that "regular judges do"

(B) The clerk of a county court shall have general powers to administer oaths, take affidavits, and issue executions upon any judgment rendered in the county court, including a judgment for unpaid costs, power to issue and sign all writs, process, subpoenas, and papers issuing out of the court

Lawriter - ORC - 1907.20 Powers and duties of county court clerk.

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The liberal media is real good at omitting things that don't support an agenda.

I get the feeling that the current far lefties in power would prefer it if they could eliminate congress and all state powers and just crown Obama king so he can make all decisions.
Rachel Jeantel is a proven lier story teller.


Rachel Jeantel was impeached many many times on the stand.


"That could have been me 35 years ago"

What is this guy thinking??

What was he thinking, how about how can I pander to the race profiteers and my base today?

To him, like most commiecrats, facts mean nothing.

This one got me more:

"If Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman who had followed him in a car because he felt threatened? And if the answer to that question is at least ambiguous, then it seems to me that we might want to examine [stand your ground] laws."

-President Barack Obama
"That could have been me 35 years ago"

What is this guy thinking??

He wasn't thinking. He was forgetting that he was once a drug addict who stuffed his nose with cocaine and rode around in a choom wagon.

He was inserting himself (again) into where it doesn't need to go. It's always about him, no matter what it is, it's about him.
Obama unexpectedly took the stage to offer his views on the Martin/Zimmerman case. What was apparent to me is that he wants the federal government more involved in determining what states do regarding law enforcement. Who would have guessed?

In my words, here is basically what he addressed in separate points.

Obama says:
Because Law Enforcement is at the state and local levels, the Feds will help with training

It would be useful for the Feds to examine some state and local laws

Speculates about what happened at the scene. He asked what would have happened if Trayvon Martin had had a gun and stood his ground?

How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

We should do some soul searching; Should we convene a conversation on race?

Things are actually getting better.

You can look for Obama and Company to encroach upon STATES RIGHTS in the very near future.

Is he going to examine the federal law that imposes no duty to retreat, or is he going to pretend that only racist states think it is a good idea to give black people a chance to raise self defense when they are arrested for murder?
There are going to be a lot of whites killed for his statements.

Whites and blacks, and hispanics too, and everyone else. He just justified any and all acts of violence. Defending yourself against a black assailant is an attack on the president. It's TREASON!
Obama asked the most stupid question ever asked by a "Constitutional Professor".

"If Trayvon Martin was of age and he was armed, could he have 'stood his ground' on that sidewalk?"

Read more: Obama On Trayvon Martin-Zimmerman Verdict - Business Insider

The simple answer is "NO".

He wasn't attacked on that sidewalk.

He was the attacker, not the victim. The Stand Your Ground laws are to protect the victims of people like Trayvon. Those who are physically attacked. They are not there to defend the attacker.
This speech is not going to end well. Again, he should have kept his mouth shut. He just doesn't know that there is a time to be black and a time to be president.

White people look at this with a set of experiences too, like being attacked by black men. Women who have had their purses snatched by black men, stores that have been burlarized and vandalized by black men. There are more experiences in the world than just black experiences and obama just attempted to invalidate all those experiences.
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