The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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As a White Hispanic, the one thing Obama can do to raise awareness of the whole Travyon thing and to keep it in the news is to resign the Presidency.

At best he's headed for impeachment and at worst we're headed the way of Egypt which just ousted its scumbag Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Obama, for Travyon, Resign

Who's with me?
While they are at it the state needs to examine the conduct of the prosecution. If the allegations are true that they deliberately withheld information from the defense it is a serious charge.

Zerobama won't do it, but I think someone has already started the ball rolling on that one.

It is horrifyingly scary to me to see how far down the toilet this country has gone in the last 5 years.

I am not done fighting as my letters, emails and phone calls get fired off to my reps and senators every week but there are not enough of us.

afraid so--its like the alamo
you dont need him too because you wont understand it. Now go serve some sloppy joe.

The fact remains his speech was very even handed and tempered. The on;y people who would be getting pissed off by this speech are worthless bottom feeders of politics.

facts are he needs a muzzle. he blew the dog whistle again and gave a green light for continued rioting.

Doing a fantastic job trying to get the whites to riot as well. Get a little jungle blood boiling in them


americans have the right to protest, and he said that there was no need to get violent. You didnt even listen to the speech did? It shows because you are lying.

Protest? Is that what you call going on in LA and other areas? Property crime, assault, et al?

facts are he needs a muzzle. he blew the dog whistle again and gave a green light for continued rioting.

Doing a fantastic job trying to get the whites to riot as well. Get a little jungle blood boiling in them


americans have the right to protest, and he said that there was no need to get violent. You didnt even listen to the speech did? It shows because you are lying.

Protest? Is that what you call going on in LA and other areas? Property crime, assault, et al?


and he doesnt think thats cool. He is telling people not to do that, but they have the right to be out there.

Again you are lying and got caught.
You are right Quick. GZ's dad got the police to let him go that night. Then TM's dad got the Freemason's together to get that shit changed. The tapes have all been doctored. GZ admitted it wasn't his voice and retired magistrate from another state beat out the freemason for supremacy and got the prosecutors and jury to just ignore it. What's even more crazy is that this whole event was staged in an air force hanger in New Mexico.

Think horses not zebras dipshit, or maybe unicorns in your case.

Try not making these incoherent statements once in awhile, peabrain.

I'm just following your logic old man. Could the only reason that charges were even brought be because Tracy Martin was a freemason? Give me definitive proof or your argument is meaningless.
How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

When is this AFRICAN-American idiocy going to stop? They are NOT born in AFRICA, so why are they being referred to as AFRICAN-American?

There isn't ANOTHER RACE ON EARTH that does that. Why do the BLACKS... see that... "BLACKS," INSIST on setting themselves APART at EVERY TURN and on EVERY ISSUE? It appears to me that it's because they WANT to be divided. They DON'T want to be part of anything else other than BLACK. They're not interested in ASSIMILATING into ANYTHING but their own AFRICAN'NESS. Seems all VERY RACIST to me.

I think us whites need to start calling ourselves EUROPEAN Americans.
I think we need a WHITE CAUCUS in government.
I think we need a WHITE PRIDE month.
I think we need a MISS WHITE AMERICA.
I think we need a magazine called WHITE.
I think the KKK should have all the same respect the NAACP has.

The sad part is, black people are BLATANTLY the most RACIST people on the planet, and the only people that deny that fact are liars and cowards, and you can bet your ass obama and holder are just as big of RACISTS as all the rest of the blacks.
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You are right Quick. GZ's dad got the police to let him go that night. Then TM's dad got the Freemason's together to get that shit changed. The tapes have all been doctored. GZ admitted it wasn't his voice and retired magistrate from another state beat out the freemason for supremacy and got the prosecutors and jury to just ignore it. What's even more crazy is that this whole event was staged in an air force hanger in New Mexico.

Think horses not zebras dipshit, or maybe unicorns in your case.

Try not making these incoherent statements once in awhile, peabrain.

I'm just following your logic old man. Could the only reason that charges were even brought be because Tracy Martin was a freemason? Give me definitive proof or your argument is meaningless.

We also want your definitive real world example. Please also be prepared to defend this argument against endless what if scenarios. If not then your replies are meaningless.
If one were not stronger than their attacker then they couldn't wail the heck out of him.
If one were beaten to death then they couldn't sue their attacker.
Fist most certainly can be a deadly weapon.

Notice, in the vid, the victim's shoulders didn't even move.

And? The guy punched him in the face. Did the guy who got punched have any way of knowing that the guy who did the punching wasn't going to beat him to a bloody pulp, or stab him, or shoot him? Nope. The guy did what anyone would do when attacked, he defended himself. If someone decides to attack another individual the individual being attacked has every right to defend himself ... be it with their fists, a pipe, a knife, a gun, etc. Don't want to get punched, or whacked with a pipe, or stabbed or shot? Don't attack other people with your body or anything else.

"The guy did what anyone would do when attacked..."

I don't believe so.

1. The station was closed....he could have ignored the customer

2. The opened the locked door, and engaged in in the verbal dispute

3. The punch had very limited effect

4. If the attack had continued, or a deadly weapon used, the use of the gun would have been appropriate. Not here.

5. "anyone" would not have behave so....and I can prove it.
Licensed gun owners try to avoid the use of the gun....

"In 91.7% of these incidents the defensive use of a gun did not wound or kill the criminal attacker."
Source: "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Northwestern University School of Law, Volume 86, Number 1, Fall, 1995


But violent crimes have been rare among carrying a concealed weapon license holders. Only 2% of license holders have been sanctioned for any kind of misbehavior, State Police records show.
Guns Don?t Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do ? The Detroit Edition | Stuff Black People Don't Like 2.0

So...if you and I were on a jury and the charges were based on the vid, our votes would, it seems, be very different.

FBI statistics from 2011 show that more than twice as many people were killed by fists and/or feet than were killed by rifles of any kind (including "assault" rifles)

So if you are attacked with fists or feet you have every reason to believe your life in in danger.

Because I saw the vid and have determined that that 'attack' didn't rise to the level of attempted murder.

Try being on the receiving end and not a third party video viewer and then vet back to me

Your blanket statement is less than intuitive.

If a smaller person, a woman, had been the subject of the incident, my view might be different.
You are right Quick. GZ's dad got the police to let him go that night. Then TM's dad got the Freemason's together to get that shit changed. The tapes have all been doctored. GZ admitted it wasn't his voice and retired magistrate from another state beat out the freemason for supremacy and got the prosecutors and jury to just ignore it. What's even more crazy is that this whole event was staged in an air force hanger in New Mexico.

Think horses not zebras dipshit, or maybe unicorns in your case.

Try not making these incoherent statements once in awhile, peabrain.

I'm just following your logic old man. Could the only reason that charges were even brought be because Tracy Martin was a freemason? Give me definitive proof or your argument is meaningless.

The Blue Wall is widely accepted as fact while your freemason BS is conspiracy junk. Rightfully so, IMO George's father being a magistrate could have easily had many effects in what happened in Justice for Trayvon.
Try not making these incoherent statements once in awhile, peabrain.

I'm just following your logic old man. Could the only reason that charges were even brought be because Tracy Martin was a freemason? Give me definitive proof or your argument is meaningless.

The Blue Wall is widely accepted as fact while your freemason BS is conspiracy junk. Rightfully so, IMO George's father being a magistrate could have easily had many effects in what happened in Justice for Trayvon.

Give proof or your opinion is meaningless.
As a White Hispanic, the one thing Obama can do to raise awareness of the whole Travyon thing and to keep it in the news is to resign the Presidency.

At best he's headed for impeachment and at worst we're headed the way of Egypt which just ousted its scumbag Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Obama, for Travyon, Resign

Who's with me?

Who is Travyon?
How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

When is this AFRICAN-American idiocy going to stop? They are NOT born in AFRICA, so why are they being referred to as AFRICAN-American?

There isn't ANOTHER RACE ON EARTH that does that. Why do the BLACKS... see that... "BLACKS," INSIST on setting themselves APART at EVERY TURN and on EVERY ISSUE? It appears to me that it's because they WANT to be divided. They DON'T want to be part of anything else other than BLACK. They're not interested in ASSIMILATING into ANYTHING but their own AFRICAN'NESS. Seems all VERY RACIST to me.

I think us whites need to start calling ourselves EUROPEAN Americans.
I think we need a WHITE CAUCUS in government.
I think we need a WHITE PRIDE month.
I think we need a MISS WHITE AMERICA.
I think we need a magazine called WHITE.
I think the KKK should have all the same respect the NAACP has.

The sad part is, black people are BLATANTLY the most RACIST people on the planet, and the only people that deny that fact are liars and cowards, and you can bet your ass obama and holder are just as big of RACISTS as all the rest of the blacks.

My best friend is black and I call him black.
Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

yeah sure, that silver spoon he grew up with, I'm sure gives him the same experience as ones living in public housing...Just look at Chicago his home state..He did a hell of a lot there..

what a joke

Yes you are, as well as dumb as a box of hammers and a racist to boot.

Ohh, can't you just feel that white guild slipping through your fingers? As massive amounts of Democrats reflect on voting for a man purely based on skin color (Obama), and getting royally screwed on the deal, it has to make you wonder what the future hold for a part (democrat) that lost 7 million voters from 2008 to 2012. I wonder if once again Democrats will shed millions of it's voter base 2016.
I think the freemasons are a widely accepted group. I think this group had many effects in what happened in Justice for Trayvon.

[ame=]Trayvon Martin's Father the Freemason - YouTube[/ame]
Obama unexpectedly took the stage to offer his views on the Martin/Zimmerman case. What was apparent to me is that he wants the federal government more involved in determining what states do regarding law enforcement. Who would have guessed?

In my words, here is basically what he addressed in separate points.

Obama says:
Because Law Enforcement is at the state and local levels, the Feds will help with training

It would be useful for the Feds to examine some state and local laws

Speculates about what happened at the scene. He asked what would have happened if Trayvon Martin had had a gun and stood his ground?

How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

We should do some soul searching; Should we convene a conversation on race?

Things are actually getting better.

You can look for Obama and Company to encroach upon STATES RIGHTS in the very near future.

did he take any questions?
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