Starmer Memes

Starmer is too scared of the reactionaries to be the leader the UK needs after its disastrous Brexit seppuku.
He's the leader of the British commies.
The problem is that he is a rather clever and smart guy who is a 100 % Mother WEFfer and a key part of the more extreme faction within Deep State.
He is the thinking man's version of a Jeremy Corbyn and potentially very dangerous .
Putting it another way -- a more subtle version of Canadian- Cuban Mutant ,Trudeau .
The problem is that he is a rather clever and smart guy who is a 100 % Mother WEFfer and a key part of the more extreme faction within Deep State.
He is the thinking man's version of a Jeremy Corbyn and potentially very dangerous .
Putting it another way -- a more subtle version of Canadian- Cuban Mutant ,Trudeau .

Like our California governor then, who's also an asshole.

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