The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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sure it can be amended, but not at your whim. Nor can it be ignored at your whim.

You seem to think that if you do not like the outcome of a trial that the government should have a do-over. I wonder how you would feel if it were you that was found not guilty and 20%, if that much, of the population screamed for you to be tried again. Somehow, i am convinced you would be singing a different tune.


why are you so afraid that our government should take any interest in civil rights?

civil rights? The only interest these goons have regarding civil rights is denying george zimmerman his civil rights. He was fairly tried in a court of law and found not guilty. Now, because the government and a few race baiters do not like the outcome of that trial, they (i think i should include you in that) want to move the goal posts and try again. In my book, that is frigging un-american.

That is why i am opposed to this ploy.

It is frigging anti-american and i happen to love the country of my birth and quite frankly, i do not want you guys changing it into the hell hole you are striving for, where we cannot trust our own government to play by the rules.


If both actions are legal separately, why wouldn't they be legal together?

Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?

When you're following a trouble maker, sometimes it's exactly what you need.
Case in point.

If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?
Nobody needs a gun to follow somebody. But somebody who is already carrying something on his person, whether it be a camera or cell phone or legal gun/knife or purse or backpack or whatever should not be expected to take it off or put it down in order to use a public sidewalk in their own neighborhood either.

There's always some excuse. If you don't have the common sense or intelligence to know you're armed and need to act accordingly, then you are a menace to society.

The difference being...none of those four people sucker punched him in the face. Duh?

If you believe he is telling the truth. Of course. You believed all his lies. Happy hunting.

LOL He didn't "save" or "rescue" anyone. He did what amounts to a roadside assistance. Nothing noble or heroic. Jesus, how pathetic and desperate people are to try to turn this nimno into a heroic figure. You know, it's not always wise to pull over and do a roadside assistance. Depending on the situation of the road, the traffic, etc., suddenly pulling over to assist someone on the roadside could endanger others, other cars following behind you. I wonder how many people's safety he may have endangered in his zeal to play the hero, yet again. That's his specialty though: endangering lives so he can play the hero.

It's pathetic "grasping for straws".
Sure it can be amended, but not at your whim. Nor can it be ignored at your whim.

You seem to think that if you do not like the outcome of a trial that the government should have a do-over. I Wonder how you would feel if it were you that was found not guilty and 20%, if that much, of the population screamed for you to be tried again. Somehow, I am convinced you would be singing a different tune.


Why are you so afraid that our government should take any interest in civil rights?

Civil rights? The only interest these goons have regarding civil rights is denying George Zimmerman his civil rights. He was fairly tried in a court of law and found not guilty. Now, because the government and a few race baiters do not like the outcome of that trial, they (I think I should include you in that) want to move the goal posts and try again. In my book, that is frigging un-American.

That is why I am opposed to this ploy.

It is frigging anti-American and I happen to love the country of my birth and quite frankly, I do not want you guys changing it into the hell hole you are striving for, where we cannot trust our own government to play by the rules.


The millions of posts countrywide about Zimmerman couldn't possibly mean there are deeper implications. NO! LOL
Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?

When you're following a trouble maker, sometimes it's exactly what you need.
Case in point.

If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.
I'm sorry, but, I am soo lol'ing at some of this stupidity about 'white hispanic' 'brown hispanic'...:laugh:
See, I am father is Mexican, my mother is a White girl. My pic is in my avie (more in my pic album in my profile)....go from

I agree. Good grief. If I had to describe how many colors are in my skin we'd be here all day. Lolol.
Why are you so afraid that our government should take any interest in civil rights?

Civil rights? The only interest these goons have regarding civil rights is denying George Zimmerman his civil rights. He was fairly tried in a court of law and found not guilty. Now, because the government and a few race baiters do not like the outcome of that trial, they (I think I should include you in that) want to move the goal posts and try again. In my book, that is frigging un-American.

That is why I am opposed to this ploy.

It is frigging anti-American and I happen to love the country of my birth and quite frankly, I do not want you guys changing it into the hell hole you are striving for, where we cannot trust our own government to play by the rules.


The millions of posts countrywide about Zimmerman couldn't possibly mean there are deeper implications. NO! LOL

Please tell us your posting toasted. Please! :eusa_pray:
What I meant to say is why does anyone need a gun to follow someone? To add trouble to the mix, amirite?

Nobody needs a gun to follow somebody. But somebody who is already carrying something on his person, whether it be a camera or cell phone or legal gun/knife or purse or backpack or whatever should not be expected to take it off or put it down in order to use a public sidewalk in their own neighborhood either.

There's always some excuse. If you don't have the common sense or intelligence to know you're armed and need to act accordingly, then you are a menace to society.

How did George Zimmerman "menace" society? He was a "menace" to the teen who sucker punched him in the face then sat on him and beat the crap out of him. He was a "menace" to the portion of society that thinks the response to someone following you at a distance is to confront them violently. To the REST of society, George Zimmerman is the neighbor who's there for you when your house get broken into...when your car flips on the highway...or when some racist son of a cop beats you because you're black! To THAT part of society, George Zimmerman isn't a "menace"...he's an "asset".

We were talking about if ANYONE were following someone with a gun. Try to follow along and not make replies that can't be answered because of the false premise.
Civil rights? The only interest these goons have regarding civil rights is denying George Zimmerman his civil rights. He was fairly tried in a court of law and found not guilty. Now, because the government and a few race baiters do not like the outcome of that trial, they (I think I should include you in that) want to move the goal posts and try again. In my book, that is frigging un-American.

That is why I am opposed to this ploy.

It is frigging anti-American and I happen to love the country of my birth and quite frankly, I do not want you guys changing it into the hell hole you are striving for, where we cannot trust our own government to play by the rules.


The millions of posts countrywide about Zimmerman couldn't possibly mean there are deeper implications. NO! LOL

Please tell us your posting toasted. Please! :eusa_pray:

Everybody is just wasting their breath. :tongue:
When you're following a trouble maker, sometimes it's exactly what you need.
Case in point.

If that's the case, which it wasn't then let the police handle it. Zimmerman cannot hold a trial in the dark of night. So you're following someone and expect trouble? Care to go on?

If Trayvon hadn't hit GZ, the police would have handled it.
GZ did not hold a trial, you really should get that dictionary.

No, he wasn't expecting trouble, too bad the thug found it for him.

Trayvon had no reason to start a fight, but Zimmerman did. He finaly figured out that there was nothing that the police could do to Trayvon so he made sure "These assholes" NEVER "get away."

BTW Trayvon was not a thug. Nothing has been reported to suggest anything of the kind.
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