The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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And it is extremely difficult to make a case for harrassment when somebody has a perfect right to go wherever he or she chooses on a public sidewalk whether or not somebody else worries that he or she might be followed. There is no law that prevents any of us from following anybody. I do it all the time when I think somebody is headed some place I need to go. I have done it when somebody seemed to look or be behavingly suspicious to me. And I have done it inadvertently with no intention to actually follow. How many of us have observed a car following us for some distance, making the same turns as we did, etc. and then noted that they turned into a driveway when they got where they were going or turned off someplace. The following was purely coincidental.

If following somebody on a public sidewalk is considered harrassment, then we all could be charged with harrassment.

This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....
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I wouldn't be surprised at all when six months or so down the line during another lull in news, it will be time for another round of Zimmerman debate to fight the boredom, and he will have to face a federal court this time for civil right violations.
And it is extremely difficult to make a case for harrassment when somebody has a perfect right to go wherever he or she chooses on a public sidewalk whether or not somebody else worries that he or she might be followed. There is no law that prevents any of us from following anybody. I do it all the time when I think somebody is headed some place I need to go. I have done it when somebody seemed to look or be behavingly suspicious to me. And I have done it inadvertently with no intention to actually follow. How many of us have observed a car following us for some distance, making the same turns as we did, etc. and then noted that they turned into a driveway when they got where they were going or turned off someplace. The following was purely coincidental.

If following somebody on a public sidewalk is considered harrassment, then we all could be charged with harrassment.

This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:
And it is extremely difficult to make a case for harrassment when somebody has a perfect right to go wherever he or she chooses on a public sidewalk whether or not somebody else worries that he or she might be followed. There is no law that prevents any of us from following anybody. I do it all the time when I think somebody is headed some place I need to go. I have done it when somebody seemed to look or be behavingly suspicious to me. And I have done it inadvertently with no intention to actually follow. How many of us have observed a car following us for some distance, making the same turns as we did, etc. and then noted that they turned into a driveway when they got where they were going or turned off someplace. The following was purely coincidental.

If following somebody on a public sidewalk is considered harrassment, then we all could be charged with harrassment.

This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

We had a huge rash of burglaries in our neighborhood, a small bedroom community in the mountains just east of Albuquerque. And we got with the local Sheriff for some training and formed a neighborhood watch program just as Zimmeman and his neighbors did in theirs. And some of us were more conscientious in participating in that program than others, and that is okay. It is the same way in my current neighborhood though we don't have anywhere near the crime problem that we had out on the mountain.

But I have followed many a vehicle that I didn't recognize as belonging there. My next door neighbor, a single lady, actually chased down and confronted the driver of a Penske rental truck that was seen moving around the neighborhood--some of those burglaries included whole households being cleaned out. The driver turned out to be a UPS guy using a rental truck while their regular one was in the shop.

Were his civil rights violated? The Sheriff's deputy we were working with was really REALLY unhappy with her for putting herself at risk like that, but the driver didn't consider his rights violated. Nor did he see being chased down as justification to assault her or do any other violence to her. Nor would he have had she been a 'him'.

And THAT is the difference between law abiding people and people who use any justification to get physical. The jury in the Zimmerman case obviously made that distinction too. There was zero evidence that Zimmerman made any intentional contact with or made any threats to Martin of any kind. And there was plenty of evidence that Martin assaulted Zimmerman.

The jury decided. The judge accepted the verdict. And that should end it. Those who want to continue to persecute George Zimmerman are violating his civil rights.
Does anyone expect that our government would find a totally new type of civil rights abuse right out of the blue, without having some attempt to correct it locally?

Sure do.

That would totally lend towards credence. lol

We've been on this topic for 6 weeks or more, I think I've been pretty clear on my position as have the people on this and other threads.

I just pop in now and again to comment on posters that haven't been paying attention or haven't caught up yet.

It's amusing to spend all those hours spewing nonsense about what a depraved individual George Zimmerman is...and then he does something noble for complete strangers and it makes your rants seem petty and shrill. Gotta love it...

"Noble"? Your criteria for nobility is pretty damn low. He stopped at the scene of a one car accident where no one was injured and helped some people exit the vehicle. Another passerby did the same thing. If that equates to nobility, it lowers the bar very, very low. You all are trying to make a hero out of this guy who is anything but. And the only reason you even know about him or support him is because you are pro-gun: anything to further the cause of every dim witted, dumb ass American toting lethal firearms.

Someone stopping to help a stranger with simple car trouble is noble these days! Why? Because we've become a society where people "can't be bothered". The thing that makes a George Zimmerman noble is that he CARES about his neighbors! He gave up his free time to try and keep them safe by being part of Neighborhood Watch. He CARED about minorities. He protested when a white man beat a black man and wasn't charged with a crime. He mentored two young black children.

The reason I "know about" George Zimmerman is because you anti-gun zealots decided to make him a symbol of what's wrong with our gun laws...turning a clear cut case of self defense into a national sensation. I'm not trying to make Zimmerman into a "hero"...I'm simply pointing out that he keeps showing himself to be a nice guy despite constant attempts by people like yourself to paint him as evil. I know that's got to drive you CRAZY, Essie! How DARE he keep doing good! He needs to hide in his house and let progressives mount their high tech lynching!
And it is extremely difficult to make a case for harrassment when somebody has a perfect right to go wherever he or she chooses on a public sidewalk whether or not somebody else worries that he or she might be followed. There is no law that prevents any of us from following anybody. I do it all the time when I think somebody is headed some place I need to go. I have done it when somebody seemed to look or be behavingly suspicious to me. And I have done it inadvertently with no intention to actually follow. How many of us have observed a car following us for some distance, making the same turns as we did, etc. and then noted that they turned into a driveway when they got where they were going or turned off someplace. The following was purely coincidental.

If following somebody on a public sidewalk is considered harrassment, then we all could be charged with harrassment.

This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

Correct.. Where available.. At least with a phone and a taser..

That's what community organizing is all about.. Empowerment of the inhabitants. Nothing says empowerment as well as armed defense. Would save COUNTLESS lives in Chicago ghettos.. ONLY leftist MORONS would consider making this proactive involvement illegal..
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This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

Correct.. Where available.. At least with a phone and a taser..

That's what community organizing is all about.. Empowerment of the inhabitants. Nothing says empowerment as well as armed defense. Would save COUNTLESS lives in Chicago ghettos.. ONLY leftist MORONS would consider making this proactive involvement illegal..

Following around people with a gun sounds like tyranny to me.
It's amusing to spend all those hours spewing nonsense about what a depraved individual George Zimmerman is...and then he does something noble for complete strangers and it makes your rants seem petty and shrill. Gotta love it...

"Noble"? Your criteria for nobility is pretty damn low. He stopped at the scene of a one car accident where no one was injured and helped some people exit the vehicle. Another passerby did the same thing. If that equates to nobility, it lowers the bar very, very low. You all are trying to make a hero out of this guy who is anything but. And the only reason you even know about him or support him is because you are pro-gun: anything to further the cause of every dim witted, dumb ass American toting lethal firearms.

Someone stopping to help a stranger with simple car trouble is noble these days! Why? Because we've become a society where people "can't be bothered". The thing that makes a George Zimmerman noble is that he CARES about his neighbors! He gave up his free time to try and keep them safe by being part of Neighborhood Watch. He CARED about minorities. He protested when a white man beat a black man and wasn't charged with a crime. He mentored two young black children.

The reason I "know about" George Zimmerman is because you anti-gun zealots decided to make him a symbol of what's wrong with our gun laws...turning a clear cut case of self defense into a national sensation. I'm not trying to make Zimmerman into a "hero"...I'm simply pointing out that he keeps showing himself to be a nice guy despite constant attempts by people like yourself to paint him as evil. I know that's got to drive you CRAZY, Essie! How DARE he keep doing good! He needs to hide in his house and let progressives mount their high tech lynching!

Esmeralda needs to understand the dangers involved in TRYING to be a good citizen. Even nurses and doctors are worried about being sued for their good deeds. A spinal injury or just an "imagined" injury from the rescue could empty their bank accounts. Not only that, but being at ANY roll-over is a dangerous deal.. There could be an explosion at any time. Particularly if the ignition is still on. To not understand the risks Zimmerman was taking means that YOU should never attempt to be a hero...
You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

Correct.. Where available.. At least with a phone and a taser..

That's what community organizing is all about.. Empowerment of the inhabitants. Nothing says empowerment as well as armed defense. Would save COUNTLESS lives in Chicago ghettos.. ONLY leftist MORONS would consider making this proactive involvement illegal..

Following around people with a gun sounds like tyranny to me.

Just means to me that you should probably not have a gun.. The GUN is there for self-defense --- not to enforce your petty views of "tyranny"..
Correct.. Where available.. At least with a phone and a taser..

That's what community organizing is all about.. Empowerment of the inhabitants. Nothing says empowerment as well as armed defense. Would save COUNTLESS lives in Chicago ghettos.. ONLY leftist MORONS would consider making this proactive involvement illegal..

Following around people with a gun sounds like tyranny to me.

Just means to me that you should probably not have a gun.. The GUN is there for self-defense --- not to enforce your petty views of "tyranny"..

Are you the spokesman for this vigilante force you want? Do you know what motivations they'll truly have? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And it is extremely difficult to make a case for harrassment when somebody has a perfect right to go wherever he or she chooses on a public sidewalk whether or not somebody else worries that he or she might be followed. There is no law that prevents any of us from following anybody. I do it all the time when I think somebody is headed some place I need to go. I have done it when somebody seemed to look or be behavingly suspicious to me. And I have done it inadvertently with no intention to actually follow. How many of us have observed a car following us for some distance, making the same turns as we did, etc. and then noted that they turned into a driveway when they got where they were going or turned off someplace. The following was purely coincidental.

If following somebody on a public sidewalk is considered harrassment, then we all could be charged with harrassment.

This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

If both actions are legal separately, why wouldn't they be legal together?
You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

Correct.. Where available.. At least with a phone and a taser..

That's what community organizing is all about.. Empowerment of the inhabitants. Nothing says empowerment as well as armed defense. Would save COUNTLESS lives in Chicago ghettos.. ONLY leftist MORONS would consider making this proactive involvement illegal..

Following around people with a gun sounds like tyranny to me.

Sounds like you need a new dictionary.
This goes farther than "following in a public space".. This goes to the REQUIREMENT that communities organize to prevent crime.. THAT is the basis of neighborhood watch. Zimmerman LIVED in that neighborhood. Martin's dad was a guest there. And Trayvon had every right to be there. He should have acted like he belonged there.

Damn straight I'm gonna follow folks in my neighborhood that don't behave like they belong there. If there were similiar pro-active "followers" in the hood, fewer kids would be dying and getting tied up in the legal system...

Seems like a professional "community organizer" ought to KNOW intuitively -- the value of a neighborhood watch.. And SOME IDIOTS on this thread --- want to make THAT illegal.. Go figure....

You advocate following around people armed with a gun. :badgrin:

If both actions are legal separately, why wouldn't they be legal together?

Why do you need a gun to follow someone? Could it be you expect (to make) trouble?
Following around people with a gun sounds like tyranny to me.

Just means to me that you should probably not have a gun.. The GUN is there for self-defense --- not to enforce your petty views of "tyranny"..

Are you the spokesman for this vigilante force you want? Do you know what motivations they'll truly have? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now you're being silly.. The object of neighbors monitoring their neighborhoods is NOT to assert force.. It's to observe and report and INQUIRE if safely possible. Use of a gun outside your property is ALWAYS an iffy proposition. Even for a police officer. The use of gun is reserved for situations that have ALREADY turned deadly.

Trayvon rules --- skip over all the obvious "non-violent" options. Like calling 911 who could have told him exactly who was "following him".

Vigilante force is the mode of operation in the Miami hood where Trayvon was raised. The rules he operated by that night WILL get you killed much quicker and more certainly in his Miami neighborhood than in Zimmerman's turf in Sanford.
Correct.. Where available.. At least with a phone and a taser..

That's what community organizing is all about.. Empowerment of the inhabitants. Nothing says empowerment as well as armed defense. Would save COUNTLESS lives in Chicago ghettos.. ONLY leftist MORONS would consider making this proactive involvement illegal..

Following around people with a gun sounds like tyranny to me.

Sounds like you need a new dictionary.

Tyranny is as tyranny does.
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