The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Now this is an EXCELLENT question. The photos shown in court show the body face down with arms by the side. So did they take pictures before trying to revive him?

I also saw another picture in court with Trayvon laying straight up, which I would have to assume was after the officer tried to revive him. The disturbing part is the other picture...It suggests someone was snapping pictures instead of trying to revive him.

So who took the first picture and at what time? Sorry WW...Im asking the same

Not everyone is qualified to do CPR, and even those who are do not if there is a large amount of blood involved unless they have the proper barrier protection. First responders like paramedics would try to revive him. Members of the press would not try to revive him. And no one other than the medical people called to the scene, and maybe the police if they are trained, are obligated to try.

Correct...but how is the picture person getting there and snapping photos before the first responders get there?

I would like to think that anyone who has to respond to a crime scene regardless if they are first responders or not would know how to give CPR...its not rocket science...I learned it when I was 12.

Oh im sorry...I just take'll just have to die unless those damn paramedics get here the meantime snap snap...flash

I was in and out until CST so I don't know who showed the photos, but the witness that took the bloody nose photo immediately after? Was it a responder who took them or no?
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Sorry bout that,

1. OJ murdered those people, Zim was protecting himself, there is a difference.
2. OJ is a rich sob, who could charm a snake out of its skin.
3. Zim is guilty of no murder, and to claim he murdered this Martin kid is plain stupidity, its an assumption.

What did we learn today. Zimmerman is a nice guy at his wannabe cop meetings(many said the KKK leaders were nice guys). Zimmerman has shaving bumps on his head. Liking something on Facebook means you agree. (I guess that make me a money making millionaire)
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.


OH really liar? Really? Did you neg me???? Didya?


I'm pretty sure she's drunk bro :razz::razz::razz:

Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.


Careful with those negs, sunshine.

Don't they take away your rep ability if you do more than one within 48 hours?

Zona has his rep turned off. The only way to give them to him is on the open forum. ;)

He apparently can't tolerate rejection. LOL
Sorry bout that,

1. OJ murdered those people, Zim was protecting himself, there is a difference.
2. OJ is a rich sob, who could charm a snake out of its skin.
3. Zim is guilty of no murder, and to claim he murdered this Martin kid is plain stupidity, its an assumption.


Wether he did or did not, we won't know for sure until the jury reaches a verdict.
Hell, I don't even know if he is guilty for sure.

But if Zimmerman is found innocent, the illegal gun issue should definitely be addressed.
Sorry bout that,

1. OJ murdered those people, Zim was protecting himself, there is a difference.
2. OJ is a rich sob, who could charm a snake out of its skin.
3. Zim is guilty of no murder, and to claim he murdered this Martin kid is plain stupidity, its an assumption.


Why wont the defenders of Zimmerman say the same thing they said to me...why not wait for a trial.

(But keep in mind, I said "if found guilty".
After Zimmerman is acquitted and the usual inner city Negro suspects start rioting Zona will say with satisfaction that it was a result of the unjust verdict.

The facts of the case have been obvious to anyone paying attention who had a modicum of knowledge. Zimmerman was justified in his shooting under the law. That's why the police let him go home that night. Only the racist brain dead on this site ad elsewhere who have a pre-arranged script in mind think otherwise.

Yup he killed a negro minor and he'll get to walk on a technicality. Hooray for America!!!! :cool:

That technicality would be????

Let's not mention the pics of Zimmermans face and head.....we can throw that out because of Photoshop, right?

The technicality is that Zimmerman didn't commit a crime, silly!

Stupid technicalities, ruin a good lynching and all...
If anyone bangs anyone elses head on the concrete who has a gun - you know the rest. Zimmerman was excoriated, and convicted by all the racist blacks immediately. If Zimmerman walks, and riots ensue. Any blood spilled as a result should be on the hands of irresponsible racist assholes like Sharpton, and Jackson! :smoke:
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