The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is getting good.

Zimmerman said Martin said "you got me" after he was shot & got up. He likely grabbed his chest as he went down. His arms under his chest is consistent with that.

Zimmerman said he got on top of Martin after rolling him off and spread his hands out away from his body. Martin was shot through the heart and the long, so the body placement is not consistent with what Zimmerman said he did.


Maybe someone can help clear up something I've been wondering about for awhile. Zimmerman says he got on top of him and spread his hands out (and I believe he was face down). The responding officers attempted CPR which means they turned the body over.

When was the photograph taken showing the body face down with hands under the chest? The answer I probably out there, I just haven't heard it.

"Prosecutors in the George Zimmerman second-degree-murder trial showed jurors a photo of Trayvon in that position Tuesday. Then they showed several more photos of his body."​

George Zimmerman trial: Testimony continues today in Trayvon Martin shooting -


Now this is an EXCELLENT question. The photos shown in court show the body face down with arms by the side. So did they take pictures before trying to revive him?

I also saw another picture in court with Trayvon laying straight up, which I would have to assume was after the officer tried to revive him. The disturbing part is the other picture...It suggests someone was snapping pictures instead of trying to revive him.

So who took the first picture and at what time? Sorry WW...Im asking the same
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Zimmerman said he got on top of Martin after rolling him off and spread his hands out away from his body. Martin was shot through the heart and the long, so the body placement is not consistent with what Zimmerman said he did.


Maybe someone can help clear up something I've been wondering about for awhile. Zimmerman says he got on top of him and spread his hands out (and I believe he was face down). The responding officers attempted CPR which means they turned the body over.

When was the photograph taken showing the body face down with hands under the chest? The answer I probably out there, I just haven't heard it.

"Prosecutors in the George Zimmerman second-degree-murder trial showed jurors a photo of Trayvon in that position Tuesday. Then they showed several more photos of his body."​

George Zimmerman trial: Testimony continues today in Trayvon Martin shooting -


If I remember correctly, the state's witness (crime scene tech on stand today) said she took that photograph when she arrived at the scene.

She would have arrived after the patrolmen who attempted CPR. During my last qual cycle the individual had to be on their back for that. ;)

A few more days as devastating to the prosecution as today was and the defense won't have to put on their case. It is already being done for them.
One thing that has stuck in my craw since the beginning was the Prosecution and Martin's family insistence that it was Trayvon screaming for help.

Now this makes no sense at all. I can't remember any time in my life working bars with my bands when a brawl would break out and the guy beating the crap out of the other guy would be screaming for help.

This doesn't jive. You don't punch someone's lights out and scream for help as you are mashing their head into a bar room floor or in this case into pavement.

I've never been entirely clear on what the Zimmerman-haters think the timeline was of what happened, and how it fits with the evidence. Admittedly, I haven't heard the tape of the screaming for help, but it seems it was going on for at least a few seconds, and given that Martin didn't have a mark on him other than the fatal wound, I have to wonder what they think Zimmerman was doing, precisely, before shooting Martin to make Martin scream like that.

Supposedly, this is when he was staring at the barrel of a gun, but it doesnt add least with what has been presented thus far.

And Zimmerman's what . . . just standing there, pointing a gun and listening for a bit? Makes no sense.
Maybe someone can help clear up something I've been wondering about for awhile. Zimmerman says he got on top of him and spread his hands out (and I believe he was face down). The responding officers attempted CPR which means they turned the body over.

When was the photograph taken showing the body face down with hands under the chest? The answer I probably out there, I just haven't heard it.

"Prosecutors in the George Zimmerman second-degree-murder trial showed jurors a photo of Trayvon in that position Tuesday. Then they showed several more photos of his body."​

George Zimmerman trial: Testimony continues today in Trayvon Martin shooting -


If I remember correctly, the state's witness (crime scene tech on stand today) said she took that photograph when she arrived at the scene.

She would have arrived after the patrolmen who attempted CPR. During my last qual cycle the individual had to be on their back for that. ;)


Which is why I'm wondering where the defense is going to go with their line of questioning when it's their turn. Did the police roll M over to take photos showing how he was based on some of the witness statements OR did the man that took the photo of Z's head also take a picture of M laying on the ground before the cops arrived?
I've never been entirely clear on what the Zimmerman-haters think the timeline was of what happened, and how it fits with the evidence. Admittedly, I haven't heard the tape of the screaming for help, but it seems it was going on for at least a few seconds, and given that Martin didn't have a mark on him other than the fatal wound, I have to wonder what they think Zimmerman was doing, precisely, before shooting Martin to make Martin scream like that.

Supposedly, this is when he was staring at the barrel of a gun, but it doesnt add least with what has been presented thus far.

And Zimmerman's what . . . just standing there, pointing a gun and listening for a bit? Makes no sense.

Correct....makes no sense...but if its Zimmerman screaming it shows he is defending himself after yelling for help...prosecution doesnt want that, so they have to make it like it could be either/or.

IMO...prosecution is going about it all wrong, but who the hell am I? lol.

The prosecution could get Zimmerman convicted. 1) lesser charge of manslaughter; 2) Go after the police interrogation where GZ admits reaching for something just before being punched. 3) Put GZ on trial with his tapes...make it to where he has to testify to defend himself.

Playing the race card is easily refuted....trying to prove that GZ was the aggressor cannot be proven unless following someone while on the phone with 911 is a crime...cant be proven so get outta there and rip the interrogation tapes to shreds. But thats me.
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This is getting good. Great choice Zimmerman. All that money you recieved by your "supporters" and this is the best you could do?

Oh yeah, I forgot, you and your girlfriend spent most of money, didncha.
Zimmerman said he got on top of Martin after rolling him off and spread his hands out away from his body. Martin was shot through the heart and the long, so the body placement is not consistent with what Zimmerman said he did.


Maybe someone can help clear up something I've been wondering about for awhile. Zimmerman says he got on top of him and spread his hands out (and I believe he was face down). The responding officers attempted CPR which means they turned the body over.

When was the photograph taken showing the body face down with hands under the chest? The answer I probably out there, I just haven't heard it.

"Prosecutors in the George Zimmerman second-degree-murder trial showed jurors a photo of Trayvon in that position Tuesday. Then they showed several more photos of his body."​

George Zimmerman trial: Testimony continues today in Trayvon Martin shooting -


Now this is an EXCELLENT question. The photos shown in court show the body face down with arms by the side. So did they take pictures before trying to revive him?

I also saw another picture in court with Trayvon laying straight up, which I would have to assume was after the officer tried to revive him. The disturbing part is the other picture...It suggests someone was snapping pictures instead of trying to revive him.

So who took the first picture and at what time? Sorry WW...Im asking the same

Not everyone is qualified to do CPR, and even those who are do not if there is a large amount of blood involved unless they have the proper barrier protection. First responders like paramedics would try to revive him. Members of the press would not try to revive him. And no one other than the medical people called to the scene, and maybe the police if they are trained, are obligated to try.
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Supposedly, this is when he was staring at the barrel of a gun, but it doesnt add least with what has been presented thus far.

And Zimmerman's what . . . just standing there, pointing a gun and listening for a bit? Makes no sense.

Correct....makes no sense...but if its Zimmerman screaming it shows he is defending himself after yelling for help...prosecution doesnt want that, so they have to make it like it could be either/or.

IMO...prosecution is going about it all wrong, but who the hell am I? lol.

The prosecution could get Zimmerman convicted. 1) lesser charge of manslaughter; 2) Go after the police interrogation where GZ admits reaching for something just before being punched. 3) Put GZ on trial with his tapes...make it to where he has to testify to defend himself.

Playing the race card is easily refuted....trying to prove that GZ was the aggressor cannot be proven unless following someone while on the phone with 911 is a crime...cant be proven so get outta there and rip the interrogation tapes to shreds. But thats me.

Voiceprint identification can be defined as a combination of both aural (listening) and spectrographic (instrumental) comparison of one or more known voices with an unknown voice for the purpose of identification or elimination. Developed by Bell Laboratories in the late 1940s for military intelligence purposes, the modern-day forensic utilization of the technique did not start until the late 1960s following its adoption by the Michigan State Police. From 1967 until the present, more than 5,000 law enforcement related voice identification cases have been processed by certified voiceprint examiners.

Voice identification has been used in a variety of criminal cases, including murder, rape, extortion, drug smuggling, wagering-gambling investigations, political corruption, money-laundering, tax evasion, burglary, bomb threats, terrorist activities and organized crime activities. It is part of a larger forensic role known as acoustic analyses, which involves tape filtering and enhancement, tape authentication, gunshot acoustics, reconstruction of conversations and the analysis of any other questioned acoustic event.

Voiceprint Identification - Voice Identification expert article by Steve Cain, Lonnie Smrkovski and Mindy Wilson
If I remember correctly, the state's witness (crime scene tech on stand today) said she took that photograph when she arrived at the scene.

She would have arrived after the patrolmen who attempted CPR. During my last qual cycle the individual had to be on their back for that. ;)


Which is why I'm wondering where the defense is going to go with their line of questioning when it's their turn. Did the police roll M over to take photos showing how he was based on some of the witness statements OR did the man that took the photo of Z's head also take a picture of M laying on the ground before the cops arrived?

I don't know this but the foundation started being laid today. They are going somewhere with this and it is important.
Posted by Andrew Branca Sunday, June 23, 2013

In-depth profiles of the 6 jurors and 4 alternates, how they answered questions during voir dire, and what we know about them.

We will continue our live coverage of the Zimmerman trial starting with Opening Statements tomorrow. As before, we will have live video and Twitter feeds all day, and an end of day wrap up.

But before we get to that, let’s take a look at the 6 jurors and 4 alternates selected, and what we know about them.

A very interesting piece @ Meet the Zimmerman Trial Jurors

What gets me most about them is how absolutely uninformed they are!!! They don't watch the news and supposedly haven't the faintest clue about the case. C'mon now. You gotta be kidding me!

On the other hand, are these typical “low information” citizens? And we allow people like this to vote – and decide the fate of another human being?


i somewhat agree, but whats the alternative?
The state's case is going down in flames!

Today can only be characterized as an utter debacle for the prosecution in Florida v. Zimmerman. Besides the testimony of a couple of highly professional law enforcement witnesses, the testimony of the the other State witnesses ranged from signing George Zimmerman’s praises, to acknowledging the utility of following a suspicious person from a distance, to being utterly discredited by razor sharp cross-examination of the defense.

. . . . . . . . .

Wendy Dorival, Sanford Police Department, Neighborhood Watch Program

Ms. Dorival works for the Sanford Police Department and played a major role in coordinating with George Zimmerman to establish the Neighborhood Watch Program at the Retreat at Twin Lakes community. Her role is to instruct the residents on how the NWP works, and provide guide lines on its operation.
Screen Shot 2013-06-25 at 10.28.46 AM

State witness, Ms. Dorival, NWP coordinator

Recall that one of the key elements of the State’s theory of the case is that Zimmerman is a “wannabe cop” who “took the law into his own hands.” The expectation was that this witness would define the limited scope of the NWP, and the State could then illustrate how Zimmerman had aggressively over-stepped these limitations in “profiling” and “following” Martin.

Accordingly, the State started asking Dorival about whether NWP participants are advised to “follow” and “confront” suspicious persons, and she affirmed that the participants were merely supposed to be the “eyes and ears” of the community and that actual enforcement should be left to the police. If they saw a crime they should call 911, if they saw merely suspicious behavior they should call the provided non-emergency number.

Defense Attorney West

He asked if she had any personal knowledge of the drivers behind Twin Lakes starting a NWP,. Dorival confirmed that she had checked with the Sanford Police Department’s crime statistics and confirmed that there had been a spike in robberies and that the neighborhood’s concerns about crime were genuine. She was also aware of the recent home invasion.

He then explored her experience interacting with George Zimmerman. Was he polite, courteous, respectful, he asked?

Oh, yes, Dorival answered. Every time.

That was the first indication that this witness might spin against the State’s interests–and an eruption of confirmatory testimony was about to emerge.

Dorival naturally thought it was great that Zimmerman wanted to start a NWP. Indeed, so committed was she herself to the NWP initiative that she took the lead at the Sanford PD even though it wasn’t really her “day job” there.

Further, she thought it was great that Zimmerman was pursuing a degree in criminal justice. In fact, she had been so impressed with him that she had tried to recruit him for the Sanford PD’s “Citizen on Patrol” program.

“Citizens on Patrol?” asked West. “What’s that?”

It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

This did not, however, spoil Dorival’s respect for Zimmerman. When asked by West if there was anything about Zimmerman’s demeanor that “raised any red flags” for her, she answered in the negative. George, she said, struck her as very professional, perhaps a little meek, but a man who was really committed to making his community better.​
Maybe someone can help clear up something I've been wondering about for awhile. Zimmerman says he got on top of him and spread his hands out (and I believe he was face down). The responding officers attempted CPR which means they turned the body over.

When was the photograph taken showing the body face down with hands under the chest? The answer I probably out there, I just haven't heard it.

"Prosecutors in the George Zimmerman second-degree-murder trial showed jurors a photo of Trayvon in that position Tuesday. Then they showed several more photos of his body."​

George Zimmerman trial: Testimony continues today in Trayvon Martin shooting -


Now this is an EXCELLENT question. The photos shown in court show the body face down with arms by the side. So did they take pictures before trying to revive him?

I also saw another picture in court with Trayvon laying straight up, which I would have to assume was after the officer tried to revive him. The disturbing part is the other picture...It suggests someone was snapping pictures instead of trying to revive him.

So who took the first picture and at what time? Sorry WW...Im asking the same

Not everyone is qualified to do CPR, and even those who are do not if there is a large amount of blood involved unless they have the proper barrier protection. First responders like paramedics would try to revive him. Members of the press would not try to revive him. And no one other than the medical people called to the scene, and maybe the police if they are trained, are obligated to try.

The second officer (as a first responder) on the scene attempted to revive Martin and the indication is he attempted CPR.

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