The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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She got her ass whipped.

Get her some KY

so highlights how did it go

what with a impeachment

details details

Dang it!

I got in late - on the CST girl, West has something he's getting at with the body, what is on the body where stuff was on the body, something like that. He laid the foundation for it with her, he had the Perry Mason, heading somewhere voice on, there's something coming later with where the stuff was on the body or something like that.

On Ms. Bullshit - 1st State neighbor witness, she apparently didn't realize they record all your depos/statements and have transcripts <shocker>. M'OM came into cross with his jugular voice on and proceeded to rip hers out.
1) got her to admit on stand this is the first time she said "running S to N" by her house, important because if there was running that direction it negates Z's "where" story. M O'M had her read all her old transcripts "oh we just happen to have those!!" <Deer In The Headlights> from Ms. B. Totally impeached her. Then showed her the changedotstupidorg petition she signed, she participated in a video (during the protesting time) to "bring attention to it" and she liked the JFTM FB page.

M O'M wasted her, touchdown.

The Bernster tried to resurrect, but she had already admitted on stand today was the first day she said S to N. Sit down Bernie.

Also, M O'M inadvertently tripped her up into saying she sat in state investigators office with her SISTER in the conversation.


Defense 9
Angela Corey / State of Florida 0

hope some of that comes out in video to review
She got her ass whipped.

Get her some KY

so highlights how did it go

what with a impeachment

details details

Dang it!

I got in late - on the CST girl, West has something he's getting at with the body, what is on the body where stuff was on the body, something like that. He laid the foundation for it with her, he had the Perry Mason, heading somewhere voice on, there's something coming later with where the stuff was on the body or something like that.

On Ms. Bullshit - 1st State neighbor witness, she apparently didn't realize they record all your depos/statements and have transcripts <shocker>. M'OM came into cross with his jugular voice on and proceeded to rip hers out.
1) got her to admit on stand this is the first time she said "running S to N" by her house, important because if there was running that direction it negates Z's "where" story. M O'M had her read all her old transcripts "oh we just happen to have those!!" <Deer In The Headlights> from Ms. B. Totally impeached her. Then showed her the changedotstupidorg petition she signed, she participated in a video (during the protesting time) to "bring attention to it" and she liked the JFTM FB page.

M O'M wasted her, touchdown.

The Bernster tried to resurrect, but she had already admitted on stand today was the first day she said S to N. Sit down Bernie.

Also, M O'M inadvertently tripped her up into saying she sat in state investigators office with her SISTER in the conversation.


Defense 9
Angela Corey / State of Florida 0 trying to be objective, but how does the prosecution call this witness?...and why are they letting her sister sit in with her while discussing testimony?

Then why would she give two different accounts of what she discussed in that 45 minutes? She did that within about 20 minutes of each other to both sides!
Don't forget, this witness' sister is coming up soon. M O'M mentioned that to Bahadoor (the witness they just finished off with today). Who wants to bet that the defense has something on this one?
so highlights how did it go

what with a impeachment

details details

Dang it!

I got in late - on the CST girl, West has something he's getting at with the body, what is on the body where stuff was on the body, something like that. He laid the foundation for it with her, he had the Perry Mason, heading somewhere voice on, there's something coming later with where the stuff was on the body or something like that.

On Ms. Bullshit - 1st State neighbor witness, she apparently didn't realize they record all your depos/statements and have transcripts <shocker>. M'OM came into cross with his jugular voice on and proceeded to rip hers out.
1) got her to admit on stand this is the first time she said "running S to N" by her house, important because if there was running that direction it negates Z's "where" story. M O'M had her read all her old transcripts "oh we just happen to have those!!" <Deer In The Headlights> from Ms. B. Totally impeached her. Then showed her the changedotstupidorg petition she signed, she participated in a video (during the protesting time) to "bring attention to it" and she liked the JFTM FB page.

M O'M wasted her, touchdown.

The Bernster tried to resurrect, but she had already admitted on stand today was the first day she said S to N. Sit down Bernie.

Also, M O'M inadvertently tripped her up into saying she sat in state investigators office with her SISTER in the conversation.


Defense 9
Angela Corey / State of Florida 0

hope some of that comes out in video to review

Hang on great youtube on that - a lawyer that's regular chatter on the clickorlando chat actually started a youtube.
Don't forget, this witness' sister is coming up soon. M O'M mentioned that to Bahadoor (the witness they just finished off with today). Who wants to bet that the defense has something on this one?

She admitted they were in there chatting up their testimony together

major NO NO.

The sis is going to take a big hit just like this hit.
so highlights how did it go

what with a impeachment

details details

Dang it!

I got in late - on the CST girl, West has something he's getting at with the body, what is on the body where stuff was on the body, something like that. He laid the foundation for it with her, he had the Perry Mason, heading somewhere voice on, there's something coming later with where the stuff was on the body or something like that.

On Ms. Bullshit - 1st State neighbor witness, she apparently didn't realize they record all your depos/statements and have transcripts <shocker>. M'OM came into cross with his jugular voice on and proceeded to rip hers out.
1) got her to admit on stand this is the first time she said "running S to N" by her house, important because if there was running that direction it negates Z's "where" story. M O'M had her read all her old transcripts "oh we just happen to have those!!" <Deer In The Headlights> from Ms. B. Totally impeached her. Then showed her the changedotstupidorg petition she signed, she participated in a video (during the protesting time) to "bring attention to it" and she liked the JFTM FB page.

M O'M wasted her, touchdown.

The Bernster tried to resurrect, but she had already admitted on stand today was the first day she said S to N. Sit down Bernie.

Also, M O'M inadvertently tripped her up into saying she sat in state investigators office with her SISTER in the conversation.


Defense 9
Angela Corey / State of Florida 0 trying to be objective, but how does the prosecution call this witness?...and why are they letting her sister sit in with her while discussing testimony?

Then why would she give two different accounts of what she discussed in that 45 minutes? She did that within about 20 minutes of each other to both sides!

I gave up being objective a while ago. :)
Dang it!

I got in late - on the CST girl, West has something he's getting at with the body, what is on the body where stuff was on the body, something like that. He laid the foundation for it with her, he had the Perry Mason, heading somewhere voice on, there's something coming later with where the stuff was on the body or something like that.

On Ms. Bullshit - 1st State neighbor witness, she apparently didn't realize they record all your depos/statements and have transcripts <shocker>. M'OM came into cross with his jugular voice on and proceeded to rip hers out.
1) got her to admit on stand this is the first time she said "running S to N" by her house, important because if there was running that direction it negates Z's "where" story. M O'M had her read all her old transcripts "oh we just happen to have those!!" <Deer In The Headlights> from Ms. B. Totally impeached her. Then showed her the changedotstupidorg petition she signed, she participated in a video (during the protesting time) to "bring attention to it" and she liked the JFTM FB page.

M O'M wasted her, touchdown.

The Bernster tried to resurrect, but she had already admitted on stand today was the first day she said S to N. Sit down Bernie.

Also, M O'M inadvertently tripped her up into saying she sat in state investigators office with her SISTER in the conversation.


Defense 9
Angela Corey / State of Florida 0

hope some of that comes out in video to review

Hang on great youtube on that - a lawyer that's regular chatter on the clickorlando chat actually started a youtube.

Watching bits and pieces of this today, but if I didn't know any better, I would think that the prosecution is a lawyer for the defense. It's amazing how this guy keeps his job.

He asks the evidence tech if she saw blood on the sidewalk then turns around and asked the next witness if it was raining soon after and the next witness says yes, it was raining.

Also, these witnesses are whack. The evidence tech was asked if she removed the blanket to take the picture of Martin and she says, "I don't remember". What the hell is that? Aren't these people supposed to document everything?

If Zimmerman is found guilty by the jury, it won't be because he is guilty but the jury is afraid of something else.
Yeah....I can see it now.....

Days after the trial ends, the jurors are assembled for a press conference.....

Reporter: What was the most important testimony that led you to acquit Mr. Zimmerman?

Juror: It was that neighbor who testified on day 2.....she sure seemed to be wishy-washy!
That did it for me!
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Watching bits and pieces of this today, but if I didn't know any better, I would think that the prosecution is a lawyer for the defense. It's amazing how this guy keeps his job.

He asks the evidence tech if she saw blood on the sidewalk then turns around and asked the next witness if it was raining soon after and the next witness says yes, it was raining.

Also, these witnesses are whack. The evidence tech was asked if she removed the blanket to take the picture of Martin and she says, "I don't remember". What the hell is that? Aren't these people supposed to document everything?

If Zimmerman is found guilty by the jury, it won't be because he is guilty but the jury is afraid of something else.

I already pointed out much earlier that the state had no intention of prosecuting Zimmerman from the git go. Why are you surprised. The first thing he did was go in and prevent ANY possible allegation that there was a racial motivation. I think I said, 'with a prosecution like that, you don't need a defense.' Zimmerman did not break any laws. It as abominable that so much money is being spent on this farce to pacify a few agitators.
And if Z is found not guilty, are you going to hand your azz over to [MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] ? :eusa_whistle:

I understand the nice thought behind the post, but please do bear in mind that there are some things in this world that Sunshine just doesn't want. Snookie's ass would be one of them.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.:eusa_angel:

Ya know dumbass, if you are going to try to pass yourself off as a connoisseur of literature, you really should avail yourself of some literature firt. The word is 'methinks,' not 'me thinks.' And you have the whole damn quote backward. For your edification here is what you made a feeble attempt to pass off as scholarly knowledge:

The quotation "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II, where it is spoken by Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And no, the lady does NOT protest too much. The mere thought of your ass is repugnant. No one, and I mean no one could "protest too much." So don't try to flatter yourself, you ignorant buffoon.
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Yeah....I can see it now.....

Days after the trial ends, the jurors are assembled for a press conference.....

Reporter: What was the most important testimony that led you to acquit Mr. Zimmerman?

Juror: It was that neighbor who testified on day 2.....she sure seemed to be wishy-washy!
That did it for me!

Hell - She is flat out lying. The neighbor across from her said they were on the ground when he came out & said he was calling the police. She said they were standing. She should go to jail for perjury. She discussed this case in private with other witness, family & prosecution. She invented their running direction out of thin air.
I understand the nice thought behind the post, but please do bear in mind that there are some things in this world that Sunshine just doesn't want. Snookie's ass would be one of them.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.:eusa_angel:

Ya know dumbass, if you are going to try to pass yourself off as a connoisseur of literature, you really should avail yourself of some literature firt. The word is 'methinks..' not 'me thinks.' And you have the whole damn quote backward. For your edification here is what you made a feeble attempt to pass of as scholarly knowledge:

The quotation "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II, where it is spoken by Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And no, the lady does NOT protest too much. The mere thought of your ass is repugnant. No one, and I mean no one could "protest too much." So don't try to flatter yourself, you ignorant buffoon.

That shakespeare cat was a real should be "I think"...geez:eusa_shhh:
Yeah....I can see it now.....

Days after the trial ends, the jurors are assembled for a press conference.....

Reporter: What was the most important testimony that led you to acquit Mr. Zimmerman?

Juror: It was that neighbor who testified on day 2.....she sure seemed to be wishy-washy!
That did it for me!

Hell - She is flat out lying. The neighbor across from her said they were on the ground when he came out & said he was calling the police. She said they were standing. She should go to jail for perjury. She discussed this case in private with other witness, family & prosecution. She invented their running direction out of thin air.
While now being caught lying, no doubt she though it was a good idea when she did it.
Did they cover the contents of Martins pockets? Coroner report list a red 7-Eleven lighter.

Trayvon had to go to 7-Eleven to get a lighter to smoke some weed. Tea & candy was not the objective of the 2 mile walk in the rain.

What is Bernie doing carrying a glass door around with poor Martin's clothes in it? HLN in the face of all available evidence still trying to maintain the narrative just as they tried with Jackson in Santa Maria. Does Jean know that Diane Diamond use to have her job and lost it by misstating the events in the trial? O'Mara West are just great professional lawyers.'
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Did they cover the contents of Martins pockets? Coroner report list a red 7-Eleven lighter.

Trayvon had to go to 7-Eleven to get a lighter to smoke some weed. Tea & candy was not the objective of the 2 mile walk in the rain.


Something about this is coming.... West laid the foundation for it today.

Not sure what it is yet.
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