The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman had training in martial arts and kick boxing.

i just got done doing the quick hits on the youtube

i didnt know according to one state witness

that apparently zimmerman shot martin through the back

and not with one but three shots

pop pop pop

That was the one that lost her mind on 911, couldn't get a grip and had to have a victim's advocate.
Zimmerman had training in martial arts and kick boxing.

i just got done doing the quick hits on the youtube

i didnt know according to one state witness

that apparently zimmerman shot martin through the back

and not with one but three shots

pop pop pop

That was the one that lost her mind on 911, couldn't get a grip and had to have a victim's advocate.

yeah her youtube is up and running
The left is convinced of the following truths:
1) Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out to kill someone.
2) Zimmerman was culpable because he followed Martin.
3) Zimmerman shot Martin because Martin was a black kid in a white neighborhood.
4) Zimmerman is motivated by racial hatred.

We will find none of these is true. The jury will reach the fastest not guilty plea ever and lefty heads will explode.

A minor is dead because of Zimmerman. If I accidentally kill someone crossing the street tomorrow I'm going to jail. But Zimmerman is on a pedestal as a hero. That is completely wrong.
And OJ was also placed on a pedestal as a what (a movie star who could do no wrong in so many of his followers eyes back then) ?

We went over and over this case here on USMB, and if we didn't learn anything much back then, well then maybe the trial will hopefully clear it all up for us finally, or maybe not just as the OJ trial didn't clear anything up much either in the end.
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there are many eyes on the internets

i promised the crowd sourcing site

i would not elaborate

i would not want to tip the defenses hand

but i will say you are one sharp cookie

and have the ability to connect the dots

I'm a dot connector that's for damn sure.

This is totally annoying me until I figure it the rest of the way out.
. . . . . . . . . .

when you do

and i am sure that you will

DO NOT share it on the internets Please

No worries, I'm an awesome secret keeper ;-)

the money / media thing I said before about the "somebody else".

I just got it.

See how little the fonts were?

YAY!! I can sleep tonight without your annoying tease thing bugging me.
I don't see how the prosecution loses. If Zimmerman leaves the vehicle; he's no longer standing his ground--especially if he's going looking for Martin.

If the Prosecution can put Zimmerman outside of his vehicle, Zimmerman cannot claim castle doctrine. So that is it for his case.
Here's a fact; if the State's case fails, expect federal civil rights criminal charges being bought up against zimmerman. Wasn't one of zimmerman's parents a judge in that town or near by? If zimmerman would have headed the advice of the dispatcher, we wouldn't be talking about this case.

You are exactly right on the first point. Holder and his Negroes are determined not to let this white boy-ooops, White Hispanic boy (with black grandfather) get away. He will be sacrificed to placate the gods of racial unrest.
In Opposite World, prosecution is doing great.

ON Bizarro World, your posts sound smart.

I don't see how the prosecution loses. If Zimmerman leaves the vehicle; he's no longer standing his ground--especially if he's going looking for Martin.

If the Prosecution can put Zimmerman outside of his vehicle, Zimmerman cannot claim castle doctrine. So that is it for his case.

You really don't understand the issues here, do you? Honestly I'd be ashamed to post such tripe, when this case has been in the news for months and I had that long to familiarize myself with the issues.
Here's a hint: The case has nothing to do with stand your ground.
Here's a fact; if the State's case fails, expect federal civil rights criminal charges being bought up against zimmerman. Wasn't one of zimmerman's parents a judge in that town or near by? If zimmerman would have headed the advice of the dispatcher, we wouldn't be talking about this case.

You are exactly right on the first point. Holder and his Negroes are determined not to let this white boy-ooops, White Hispanic boy (with black grandfather) get away. He will be sacrificed to placate the gods of racial unrest.

yup--bullied the rest of his life
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