The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Shellie Zimmerman perjury: Shellie Zimmerman to appear in court to fight perjury count - Orlando Sentinel


Here's a compilation of recently deleted tweets the prosecution's start witness had on her account..

But the best thing...check out the comments. They're hilarious:

Twitter Account Gets Scrubbed In Zimmerman Case | The Smoking Gun

I'm sure most racists find her funny and not credible. However, most legal analysts that I listened to today found her to be a reluctant witness - but very credible.

I pity her. I pity her and all young women who are so utterly lacking in character, charm, intelligence or grace.
She was born in Florida. Her mother was from Haiti. Which means her mother probably works 2 to 3 jobs per day, 24/7. And her kid is left home alone to become the idiot she is because her mother has to work her ass off just to pay rent and have food on the table. Too bad her daughter is such a low life she brags she does not work and sucks off her parents instead of working to HELP them. She is 19 years old and in the 12th grade. What's that tell ya?

What the sam hell is wrong with the prosecution to put that girl up there?? They just screwed their own case.
(Reuters) - George Zimmerman, the man charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin, failed on at least two opportunities to identify himself as a neighborhood watch volunteer before he shot the unarmed teenager, a police investigator wrote in a report made public on Tuesday.

More: Trayvon Martin's killer never identified himself: police | Reuters

Again, most people dont introduce themselvs to people who attack them from behind.

How do you attack someone from behind who is running to catch up?
I'm stating the facts on why they came across the way they did.
Your opinion as to the effect it had with the jury is an unknown, as we both have no idea how it came across with them.

There are court reporters who are saying the jury was listening to her very intently and there was one juror who seems a little impatient with all the sidebars. So we do have some idea how witnesses and lawyers are coming across to the jury.

You have a right to your opinion.
Everybody had OJ guilty until the verdict was read. Nobody really knows what goes on between the ears of the jurors.

I can't believe how OJ is being held up as a good example of justice. He was a wife beater and harasser as well though so I do see the similarities between Zimmerman and OJ.
The Trayvon Martin story that was pushed so relentlessly by the main stream media...that he was this cherubic youngster on his way home from 7/11 after buying candy only to be attacked by a racist cop wannabe...turns out to be a fairy tale. The truth is, Trayvon got his cherubic ass suspended from high school because he got caught with pot and stolen goods. His girlfriend gave us all a good look into the world that Trayvon's from and it's NOT The Cosby Show! It's a world where kids are still IN high school when they are 19 years old because they're stoned idiots. You honestly think that Trayvon was dating THAT piece of work but was a choir boy? Really?
I am new so bare with me if this has been addressed. I have a couple questions about the girls testimony today.

1. Did she state that she was not the only one speaking with the victim leading up to his death?
2. Did she state that she heard other people in the background that would help calm the situation?

If so, where are these witnesses?

1) I think she said that there were others responsible for texting him on her phone...she also mentioned that she was not his girlfriend and that he was in a relationship with another far as the convo leading up to the killing, It was just her account...I dont believe she mentioned anyone else for that time span in particular.

2) Yes she did say she heard others in the background that could calm the situation....she basically just blew it off and never even checked up on the situation...she also stated that she thought his father could help him.

Thank you for translating :thup:

[ame=]GEORGE ZIMMERMAN TRIAL WITNESS RACHEL GEANTEL 6.26.13 PT.17 (Trayvon GF) - YouTube[/ame]

18:11 – He had already told me he was by hisself at home so . . .
18:12 – I thought his father was gonna help him . . .
18:14 – And I did hear . . . like . . . sounds from the background if people could help him . . .
18:17 – So, I never thought it was that . . . deadly serious.
Did Martin, at any time, call the cops? If not, why?

Too busy trying to get away from the creepy ass cracker.

Why didn't Zimmerman identify himself?
He had time to call his girlfriend, and he had time to confront Zimmerman, but he didn't have time to call 911? And your use of the word "cracker" shows you're a racist.

Yeah, I'm racist against my own race, you just aren't making any sense. Get some rest.

The stalker should have identified himself otherwise he is just a stalker.
She was born in Florida. Her mother was from Haiti. Which means her mother probably works 2 to 3 jobs per day, 24/7. And her kid is left home alone to become the idiot she is because her mother has to work her ass off just to pay rent and have food on the table. Too bad her daughter is such a low life she brags she does not work and sucks off her parents instead of working to HELP them. She is 19 years old and in the 12th grade. What's that tell ya?

What the sam hell is wrong with the prosecution to put that girl up there?? They just screwed their own case.

She's 19 years old and in the 12th grade? Considering that most kids graduate from school when they're 18 (and yeah................I started early and graduated at 17, but 3 months later, I was in the Navy boot camp at the age of 18), I'd be willing to say that like many students, she may have been held back a year.

She doesn't work? Could that be because she's going to school and trying to get an education? Have you ever worked and went to school as well?

Keep trying with the bigoted claims that she's less than you.
Creepy ass cracker...

Ever been "followed" by a someone creepy? Sounds "scary". For either a young girl or a young boy.

Young girl? Young boy?

That spin of acting like Trayvon was younger than he really was looks like it could backfire in the court. Hyperbole is weak.

not could

did backfire

the witness who thought martin was smaller and a young boy

based that off of pictures she seen on tv

omara showed her various pictures

she seen the 12 year old hoodie the 12 year old football shirt pic

and another picture from when he was 12 or 13

he also showed her a picture of him

while he was in 7-11 she had not seen that picture
I liked the white lady who said it was trayvon's voice screaming...and then destroyed her credibility by sayiing she heard 3 shots...

Then the black lady with the mumbles...

according to white lady

zimmerman besides shooting 3 times pop pop pop

shot martin through the back while he was facing down on the ground
The Trayvon Martin story that was pushed so relentlessly by the main stream media...that he was this cherubic youngster on his way home from 7/11 after buying candy only to be attacked by a racist cop wannabe...turns out to be a fairy tale. The truth is, Trayvon got his cherubic ass suspended from high school because he got caught with pot and stolen goods. His girlfriend gave us all a good look into the world that Trayvon's from and it's NOT The Cosby Show! It's a world where kids are still IN high school when they are 19 years old because they're stoned idiots. You honestly think that Trayvon was dating THAT piece of work but was a choir boy? Really?

He was suspended for having a sandwich bag in his backpack that had TRACES of marijuana in it; he did not have any pot. The jewelry was never found to be stolen. He was acutally suspended mainly for graffitti, writing WTF on a locker. An obvious ganster and thug? Not. Doing what half of American teenagers do anyway, probably smoking pot and also writing graffitti. Wow. He sure deserves to die for that.

You have no idea why this girl is still in high school at 19. Maybe she is a special needs kid. Maybe she was held back a year in grammar school. You are villifying kids for no reason except that it somehow, in your mind, justifies murdering them.
The Trayvon Martin story that was pushed so relentlessly by the main stream media...that he was this cherubic youngster on his way home from 7/11 after buying candy only to be attacked by a racist cop wannabe...turns out to be a fairy tale. The truth is, Trayvon got his cherubic ass suspended from high school because he got caught with pot and stolen goods. His girlfriend gave us all a good look into the world that Trayvon's from and it's NOT The Cosby Show! It's a world where kids are still IN high school when they are 19 years old because they're stoned idiots. You honestly think that Trayvon was dating THAT piece of work but was a choir boy? Really?

He was suspended for having a sandwich bag in his backpack that had TRACES of marijuana in it; he did not have any pot. The jewelry was never found to be stolen. He was acutally suspended mainly for graffitti, writing WTF on a locker. An obvious ganster and thug? Not. Doing what half of American teenagers do anyway, probably smoking pot and also writing graffitti. Wow. He sure deserves to die for that.

You have no idea why this girl is still in high school at 19. Maybe she is a special needs kid. Maybe she was held back a year in grammar school. You are villifying kids for no reason except that it somehow, in your mind, justifies murdering them.
No, Trayvon bashing Zimmerman's head into the ground justified killing him. Libs just don't get it.
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