The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I am new so bare with me if this has been addressed. I have a couple questions about the girls testimony today.

1. Did she state that she was not the only one speaking with the victim leading up to his death?
2. Did she state that she heard other people in the background that would help calm the situation?

If so, where are these witnesses?

1) I think she said that there were others responsible for texting him on her phone...she also mentioned that she was not his girlfriend and that he was in a relationship with another far as the convo leading up to the killing, It was just her account...I dont believe she mentioned anyone else for that time span in particular.

2) Yes she did say she heard others in the background that could calm the situation....she basically just blew it off and never even checked up on the situation...she also stated that she thought his father could help him.

Thank you. It was very hard to follow her. I also felt like she said that he got away from him and was at his house. However, the altercation took place some distance away from his home. Would that not substantiate the defendant's account of what happened? I feel if she was supposed to show anything beyond a reasonable doubt, she really failed. Just my opinion if I was in the box.

She was very hard to follow. Personally, I feel like the Prosecution just put her out there to get it over with. If not the defense would have for sure called her as their witness.

This is the prosecution hoping most of this is forgotten by the jury. However, she is back at 9am tomorrow and the defense says it has a couple hours with her. ""WHAT!?!" (thats what she
I know witness #8 is young, but the amount of disrespect she showed in the courtroom today was disturbing.

The kid next door to me is even younger and has more tact and verbal ability than that dumb ass. And the kid next door to me is 6 years old, adopted and was born a crack baby. Her "new" parents are white. She is black. There is no excuse for that Rachel chick. She is just flat out stupid. Her parents probably aren't even ashamed at what she tweeted and how she conducted herself. Hell, they are probably where she learned it from.
Do you ever cite anything that doesn't originate from your leftist masters, geronimo?
" In the opening two days of the Florida murder trial for neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman, defense attorneys have gotten more good responses from two of the state’s key witnesses than the prosecutors."

Prosecution witnesses back Zimmerman

See I can do that too, lakota.

At 17:00 Rachel testifies that Martin was going to "run from the back" and then "the phone just shut off."

This refutes the view that Martin was in fear of Zimmerman.
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" Dorival spoke highly of Zimmerman throughout and repeated the point frequently that she and her colleagues “always encourage [neighborhood watch people] to call.” “You err on the side of making the call?” asked West. “Yes,” said Dorival.
“When something about them doesn’t seem quite right?” asked West again. “Yes,” said Dorival. The neighborhood watch coordinator is the “eyes and ears” of the community."

Yeah, the prosecution ROCKS!

Prosecution witnesses back Zimmerman


Prosecution Witness: Martin Said He Thought 'Creepy Ass Cracker' Zimmerman Was Rapist"

That was certainly a highlight of the prosecution's show...

Yeah, they're doing GREAT!

Prosecution Witness: Martin Said He Thought 'Creepy Ass Cracker' Zimmerman Was Rapist
" Dorival spoke highly of Zimmerman throughout and repeated the point frequently that she and her colleagues “always encourage [neighborhood watch people] to call.” “You err on the side of making the call?” asked West. “Yes,” said Dorival.
“When something about them doesn’t seem quite right?” asked West again. “Yes,” said Dorival. The neighborhood watch coordinator is the “eyes and ears” of the community."

Yeah, the prosecution ROCKS!

Prosecution witnesses back Zimmerman


Prosecution Witness: Martin Said He Thought 'Creepy Ass Cracker' Zimmerman Was Rapist"

That was certainly a highlight of the prosecution's show...

Yeah, they're doing GREAT!

Prosecution Witness: Martin Said He Thought 'Creepy Ass Cracker' Zimmerman Was Rapist

Well, Zimmerman certainly has the look of one.

Shellie Zimmerman perjury: Shellie Zimmerman to appear in court to fight perjury count - Orlando Sentinel

Here's a compilation of recently deleted tweets the prosecution's start witness had on her account..

But the best thing...check out the comments. They're hilarious:

Twitter Account Gets Scrubbed In Zimmerman Case | The Smoking Gun

I'm sure most racists find her funny and not credible. However, most legal analysts that I listened to today found her to be a reluctant witness - but very credible.

And then...YOU woke up. Eventually.
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