The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Was there a curfew?

And thus far NOTHING indicates this "new theory" that Martin "double backed" to confront Zimmerman.

In fact..thus far the evidence shows that Martin was running away from the Crazy Ass Cracker.

Martin stated that he lost the young man during the call with the dispatcher so the only way the confrontation happened was if Martin double backed.
You're telling me that some pudgy middle aged guy chased down this young athletic man?

Telling you?

Those are the facts.

Zimmerman has also lied several times about what happened.

In the first iteration of his "story" Martin "cold cocked" him as he left the car to check the address. That turned out to be a complete lie. Subsequent Zimmerman stories have Martin struggling for the gun and telling Zimmerman that he was going to kill him

Bottom line?

I don't believe anything Zimmerman says.

He got it wrong over 5 times.

Do you have a link on the story of him saying he was cold cocked by Martin when he stepped out of the car? I hadn't heard that and it would give me a new impression on Zimmerman!
This lady is saying the one on top got up and walked away and that he was the one telling someone to call the cops.
Anyone who says race is not an issue in this situation is out of their mind. You can see the racism just bleeding through in some of these posts.

It kind of turns my stomach.
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

Some of us had hit on this pages and pages back. Totally agree, there were several statements the dispatcher made that were "directives" or "assisting" the dispatcher.
Anyone who says race is not an issue in this situation is out of their mind. You can see the racism just bleeding through in some of these posts.

It kind of turns my stomach.

I'm assuming DeeDee, one of the prosecutor's star witnesses, turned your stomach too then, right?
I just caught a little of it on MSNBC. Not sure if it will be on this afternoon or not, but I can't listen on my computer because I've had technical difficulties and don't have sound.

Man, I've never heard such biased commentators. And they are going on and on about how meeeeeeeeeeeen the attorney for the defense is to her. Damn. I thought he as being pretty gentle. She has clearly been coached to use the word 'sir' but not to say it with any kind of respect. The prosecution could have sewn this case up with her. All she had to do was to come in and be vulnerable. The minute he made here cry, it would be 'Katy bar the door' to the defense.

She is not credible, and she is not vulnerable. But she's a national celeb. Anyone wanna make book on how long after this trial is over before she starts to make the talk show circuit, and gets a ghost writer to write up all her lies in a book? I'd say less than a month.

Maybe she'll be able to afford a plastic-surgen to remove that thing from around her neck. causes that????

That's called "dickhead" she could have a circumcision, I suppose.

I keep clicking REPREPREPREP and it keeps saying spreadspreadspread.

Damn thing's broke.
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

Why not wait until all the facts get laid on the table, or are you just out for a good ol' lynchin'?

He said he's hoping for a guilty VERDICT, which implies allowing the trial to take its course. How do you get a "good ol' lynchin'" out of that?
The implication of his post which I highlighted for you should serve.
Certainly makes the case against every bozo having a gun stuck in his pants.

If we're gonna allow just anyone to carry a loaded gun, we need to require it be in plain sight.

1. not just anyone can own a gun

2. concealed carry requires not just anyone, you have to pass a test and get a license
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

I agree with you. I have stated as much in previous posts using the same transcript.

I think that this went from an apparent chase (running after) to following and observing from a distance.

It was dark and GZ knew the cops were on the way and he didnt want to lose the approximate location of Trayvon.

My point is that he is following someone suspicious carrying a gun. The dispatch did not have that little tidbit of information or I think they would have been more direct in making sure he not only didnt follow, but that he was out of the area and waiting for police.

Im following a suspicious teen in the dark and rain...Im carrying a gun...what should I do at this point. I dont think most rational people would advise him to keep pursuing...this could get ugly...or it has the possibility of getting ugly.

As it turns out, on this occasion, GZs suspicion was wrong. Hes been right before, but he was wrong this time. The kid was just going home to watch the all star game. It was getting dark and raining and he put his hoody up to protect his head.

He had a right to be suspicious...I have made that point before. But his suspicion was wrong in this case.

I would just like to see some objectivity in the forum. Race divides and it puts the blinders on rational thought.

If this were two white people or two black people, then I believe there would be a much more diverse opinion on what should and should not have been done.

Its why I hate the race card being played. People will immediately look to find every reason why their color was right, responsible and legal in what they did. Logic sometimes takes a back seat. Im guilty of this myself. The tendency is to get defensive.

BTW, thanks for the respectful post [MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION]
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Neither side was completely right in what they did that night. Objectivity is slight on both sides of this issue in this forum. Thats my objective opinion.

We don't know that.

What we do that the kid is dead. His encounter with Zimmerman....which was initiated by Zimmerman....led to his death.

That kid was not out looking for Zimmerman. That we know.

I am not speaking to Zimmerman's guilt of the charges filed against him. That is to be determined by the jury. But that kid's death is the result of Zimmerman's actions. This is not in dispute.

Well, yes. Zimmerman did shoot him. That is not in dispute.
The crux of the matter is at what point this went from a Neighborhood Watch volunteer performing his duty to a physical altercation.
Walking through a neighborhood in a hoody is not illegal. Following a subject in a hoody is not illegal. Assaulting someone is. If we are to believe that Martin attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman was in fear of his life, then Martin is ultimately responsible for his own death.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.
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This lady is saying the one on top got up and walked away and that he was the one telling someone to call the cops.

That means that Zimmerman was on top of Martin.....according to her testimony.

Not really, since she said it was too dark to tell who was on top. She couldn't identify who was who.
This lady is saying the one on top got up and walked away and that he was the one telling someone to call the cops.

That means that Zimmerman was on top of Martin.....according to her testimony.

Not really, since she said it was too dark to tell who was on top. She couldn't identify who was who.

And now she says she didn't go out until after the gunshot. So she wouldn't know if they changed places at that time.
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

I agree with you. I have stated as much in previous posts using the same transcript.

I think that this went from an apparent chase (running after) to following and observing from a distance.

It was dark and GZ knew the cops were on the way and he didnt want to lose the approximate location of Trayvon.

My point is that he is following someone suspicious carrying a gun. The dispatch did not have that little tidbit of information or I think they would have been more direct in making sure he not only didnt follow, but that he was out of the area and waiting for police.

Im following a suspicious teen in the dark and rain...Im carrying a gun...what should I do at this point. I dont think most rational people would advise him to keep pursuing...this could get ugly...or it has the possibility of getting ugly.

As it turns out, on this occasion, GZs suspicion was wrong. Hes been right before, but he was wrong this time. The kid was just going home to watch the all star game. It was getting dark and raining and he put his hoody up to protect his head.

He had a right to be suspicious...I have made that point before. But his suspicion was wrong in this case.

I would just like to see some objectivity in the forum. Race divides and it puts the blinders on rational thought.

If this were two white people or two black people, then I believe there would be a much more diverse opinion on what should and should not have been done.

Its why I hate the race card being played. People will immediately look to find every reason why their color was right, responsible and legal in what they did. Logic sometimes takes a back seat. Im guilty of this myself. The tendency is to get defensive.

BTW, thanks for the respectful post.

Exactly right, Zimmerman was wrong. And you can't be wrong when you're carrying a gun and following kids around the neighborhood at night. You don't have the right to be wrong in that situation. You can't go, oh oops, oh shit, I killed a kid.

If you can't handle the responsibility properly, don't go following people around in the dark with a gun with your little prejudiced notions about "these punks always get away."

There is no room for error here.

And I think the problem with a lot of the posters here is they really don't think it's that big of a deal that Trayvon Martin was shot dead. It's kind of like a "whatever" to many of you, isn't it?

Well, it's a very, very big deal.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.

They aren't always employed by the local police department. Many are employed by the city or county, depending on the state. They're usually considered public safety jobs.

Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
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