The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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His JOB was to protect his neighborhood. That includes keeping his eye on suspicious characters. He perceived Martin as suspicious. The fact that he was carrying a gun was not relevant UNTIL Martin attacked him. At that point, Zimmerman used his gun in self defense. He should walk away a free man and be compensated by the State of Florida for malicious prosecution.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge a.) the mere possibility that Zimmerman's a liar, and b.) the mere possibility that Trayvon hit Zimmerman in 'Self-defense?'

We have an account from Zimmerman that is corroborated by the time line established by the dispatch call and the autopsy and medical reports.
No one, well, except for Dee Dee, has offered anything that disputed his account. Even Diamond Eugene/Rachele/Dee Dee appeared to change her opinion of who yelled for help.
So far, Dee Dee's credibility is zero, so there really is nothing in evidence to dispute Zimmerman's account.
Why do you doubt Mr. Zimmerman? Can you entertain the possibility that Trevon attacked unprovoked? Or does that simply not fit your preconceived notion?

I have no preconceived notions. You seem to.

The ever-changing story from the only witness, whose account may be skewed by his desire to see the light of day during his natural life, seems far-fetched.

But I'm not sure. I can't get over how sure some of you people seem to be.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.

Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

Seriously you think they have separate dispatchers for police, fire, ambulance? Unless someone has been deputized they are not 'the police.' I work in health care. I know these people. There has been so much criticism about 911 dispatchers who weren't able to handle a medical emergency that they are paramedics. They will send the police, they will send an ambulance, they will give you simple instructions of what to do at t he scene of a medical problem if it looks like you can help. But they are not 'the police.'

Having worked in an outpatient setting, we call 911 in case of a medical emergency because we don't have equipment there to handle it. When a psych patient threatens we call the police. Dispatchers are the same. Paramedics.

No but they are trained in police procedure. They have a close relationship with police and vica versa.
By the way, Tracy Martin was CRYING, not laughing in court, as some of you have stated. Sometimes when people cry their mouth may distort so it appears like a grin. But he was CRYING.
Why do you refuse to acknowledge a.) the mere possibility that Zimmerman's a liar, and b.) the mere possibility that Trayvon hit Zimmerman in 'Self-defense?'

We have an account from Zimmerman that is corroborated by the time line established by the dispatch call and the autopsy and medical reports.
No one, well, except for Dee Dee, has offered anything that disputed his account. Even Diamond Eugene/Rachele/Dee Dee appeared to change her opinion of who yelled for help.
So far, Dee Dee's credibility is zero, so there really is nothing in evidence to dispute Zimmerman's account.
Why do you doubt Mr. Zimmerman? Can you entertain the possibility that Trevon attacked unprovoked? Or does that simply not fit your preconceived notion?

I have no preconceived notions. You seem to.

The ever-changing story from the only witness, whose account may be skewed by his desire to see the light of day during his natural life, seems far-fetched.

But I'm not sure. I can't get over how sure some of you people seem to be.

He's a kettle talker.
Zimmerman beat up his old girlfriend and had a restraining order against him.

So much for the calm cool, collect Z boy.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.

Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

Seriously you think they have separate dispatchers for police, fire, ambulance? Unless someone has been deputized they are not 'the police.' I work in health care. I know these people. There has been so much criticism about 911 dispatchers who weren't able to handle a medical emergency that they are paramedics. They will send the police, they will send an ambulance, they will give you simple instructions of what to do at t he scene of a medical problem if it looks like you can help. But they are not 'the police.'

Having worked in an outpatient setting, we call 911 in case of a medical emergency because we don't have equipment there to handle it. When a psych patient threatens we call the police. Dispatchers are the same. Paramedics.

Again, my understanding is that he called the police department directly, not 911.

Not the case?
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

Some of us had hit on this pages and pages back. Totally agree, there were several statements the dispatcher made that were "directives" or "assisting" the dispatcher.

Interesting he said 'OK' when told he didn't need to follow. Then he says 'he ran.' That makes it sound more like li'l Trayvon doubled back and nabbed Zimmerman. Not that Zimmerman chased him down.
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

I agree with you. I have stated as much in previous posts using the same transcript.

I think that this went from an apparent chase (running after) to following and observing from a distance.

It was dark and GZ knew the cops were on the way and he didnt want to lose the approximate location of Trayvon.

My point is that he is following someone suspicious carrying a gun. The dispatch did not have that little tidbit of information or I think they would have been more direct in making sure he not only didnt follow, but that he was out of the area and waiting for police.

Im following a suspicious teen in the dark and rain...Im carrying a gun...what should I do at this point. I dont think most rational people would advise him to keep pursuing...this could get ugly...or it has the possibility of getting ugly.

As it turns out, on this occasion, GZs suspicion was wrong. Hes been right before, but he was wrong this time. The kid was just going home to watch the all star game. It was getting dark and raining and he put his hoody up to protect his head.

He had a right to be suspicious...I have made that point before. But his suspicion was wrong in this case.

I would just like to see some objectivity in the forum. Race divides and it puts the blinders on rational thought.

If this were two white people or two black people, then I believe there would be a much more diverse opinion on what should and should not have been done.

Its why I hate the race card being played. People will immediately look to find every reason why their color was right, responsible and legal in what they did. Logic sometimes takes a back seat. Im guilty of this myself. The tendency is to get defensive.

BTW, thanks for the respectful post [MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION]

Your argument that a person who was within his rights is somehow partly 'responsible' is like saying that if you get out in your car and someone runs a stop sign and hits you, then you are partly responsible because you were out in your car.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.

Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

Seriously you think they have separate dispatchers for police, fire, ambulance? Unless someone has been deputized they are not 'the police.' I work in health care. I know these people. There has been so much criticism about 911 dispatchers who weren't able to handle a medical emergency that they are paramedics. They will send the police, they will send an ambulance, they will give you simple instructions of what to do at t he scene of a medical problem if it looks like you can help. But they are not 'the police.'

Having worked in an outpatient setting, we call 911 in case of a medical emergency because we don't have equipment there to handle it. When a psych patient threatens we call the police. Dispatchers are the same. Paramedics.

I think you are taking it a little too literally...when someone calls 911 because of a prowler, then they believe they are calling the police.

If I call 911 for an ambulance because I just broke my leg then Im assuming they can help me also.

Thats all. In this case it was a suspicious many would think that calling 911 is calling the police.

I am very aware that 911 handles a variety of emergency calls.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.

Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

Not if they are having a heart attack.
By the way, everyone who is saying the police dispatchers aren't "the police," that is just ridiculous. How nitpicky is that? They work for the police department and they represent the police department. They are a part of "the police" in the eyes of the citizenry.

Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

And in essence, they ARE calling the police.

You think a person having a heart attack calls the police. Groovy.
Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

Some of us had hit on this pages and pages back. Totally agree, there were several statements the dispatcher made that were "directives" or "assisting" the dispatcher.

Interesting he said 'OK' when told he didn't need to follow. Then he says 'he ran.' That makes it sound more like li'l Trayvon doubled back and nabbed Zimmerman. Not that Zimmerman chased him down.

The distance to Z car was one minute slow walking. If he had followed instructions he would have been at his truck instead of brutally murding a young black male, who had his whole life in front of himm, but was snuffed out by a wanna be junior G=man.


Why could not Zimmerman become a cop?..I think because he is a freaking psycho.:evil:
Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

Seriously you think they have separate dispatchers for police, fire, ambulance? Unless someone has been deputized they are not 'the police.' I work in health care. I know these people. There has been so much criticism about 911 dispatchers who weren't able to handle a medical emergency that they are paramedics. They will send the police, they will send an ambulance, they will give you simple instructions of what to do at t he scene of a medical problem if it looks like you can help. But they are not 'the police.'

Having worked in an outpatient setting, we call 911 in case of a medical emergency because we don't have equipment there to handle it. When a psych patient threatens we call the police. Dispatchers are the same. Paramedics.

No but they are trained in police procedure. They have a close relationship with police and vica versa.

Meaning, they are not the police, and cannot act under the color of law. Only those who are deputized may act under the color of law.
Correct...most people believe that when they call 911 they are calling the police.

Seriously you think they have separate dispatchers for police, fire, ambulance? Unless someone has been deputized they are not 'the police.' I work in health care. I know these people. There has been so much criticism about 911 dispatchers who weren't able to handle a medical emergency that they are paramedics. They will send the police, they will send an ambulance, they will give you simple instructions of what to do at t he scene of a medical problem if it looks like you can help. But they are not 'the police.'

Having worked in an outpatient setting, we call 911 in case of a medical emergency because we don't have equipment there to handle it. When a psych patient threatens we call the police. Dispatchers are the same. Paramedics.

Again, my understanding is that he called the police department directly, not 911.

Not the case?

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