The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.

This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.

It makes no difference if he was punched once or 30 times.

There is no state in this country that demands that a victim allow themselves to be beaten if the person beating them thinks they have a good enough reason.

Liberals don't believe that. Reading the responses on these threads you can see liberals believe everything from Zimmerman should have just taken his beating to Zimmerman being put to death because he dared to follow a suspicious character in his community while legally carrying a weapon.
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)
the side that puts me in martins shoes. I have been there and I hope jistice is served.

You committed assault and battery on someone simply for following you? You broke someone's nose with a sucker punch and then when they fell to the ground you slammed their head into the ground repeatedly?

Exactly what kind of "justice" did you want to have served on those actions, Zona?
He was outside in 10 to 20 seconds and Zimmerman had already called 911 and ends the call as the witness approached.

No one spends only 20 seconds on the phone with 911. No one would likely be on the phone with 911 within a few seconds of shooting. Other witnesses seem to be saying that Zimmerman was on top for a period of time.
Seems to me that this guy was not there in 10 to 20 seconds, but more likely 2 to 3 minutes.
Do you maintain only guilty people are tried, zona?

Because, as we all know, that is a ridiculous claim.

The purpose of all of this is to find out if he is guilty of murdering that unarmed kid.

Saying he is innocent before a judgement is even read is ridiculous.

Ah, hate to point this out, Zona but a presumption of innocence is what our legal system is founded on. Until a judgement is read HE IS INNOCENT! Too bad that the main stream media forgot that concept in it's zeal to tar and feather someone.
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)
the side that puts me in martins shoes. I have been there and I hope jistice is served.

You jumped an armed man and got killed. Impressive you are posting at all, I'll overlook the typos :eusa_whistle:
Do you maintain only guilty people are tried, zona?

Because, as we all know, that is a ridiculous claim.

The purpose of all of this is to find out if he is guilty of murdering that unarmed kid.

Saying he is innocent before a judgement is even read is ridiculous.

Ah, hate to point this out, Zona but a presumption of innocence is what our legal system is founded on. Until a judgement is read HE IS INNOCENT! Too bad that the main stream media forgot that concept in it's zeal to tar and feather someone.

I blame public education. Really, how bright can Zona really be? He's an obama supporter.
Zimmerman didn't "start" a fight. He ended it. Unfortunately, the aggressor lost.

Or Zimmerman chased the teen, the teen turned and confronted Zimmerman, The teen reached for his skittles or to hold up his pants in the rain, Zimmerman reached for his gun, the boy fearing for his life punched and wrestled with Zimmerman in an attempt to keep Zimmerman (the hispanic gang-banger) from shooting him, Zimmerman waited till someone saw him loosing the fight so he could claim self defense, then pulls the gun and shoots the teen so he would not get away this time.

Your scenario is not more or less valid that this scenario..
Except that if Zimmerman is getting beat on the ground, it's really hard to believe that he would wait until he had an audience to protect himself. Perhaps in hindsight, one might consider that, but when having your head smashed into the sidewalk, you act.

Zimmerman had a gun, he'd been doing this for a long time, he expressed that "they always get away", he went to a class on "self defense laws." My proposal is not that far fetched. How does a skinny teen beat the hell out of an armed adult who has been training to fight to the point where the adult can't even manage ONE PUNCH in defense? Which is more plausible? The adult was playing rope a dope for the self defense excuse he had just studied about in school, or the armed adult with fight training was such a wimp that he could not defend himself without killing the teen?
After all this testimony, we still have no clue as to started the fight that lead to a young mans death. From the 911 call or the call Zimmerman placed to the non-emergency number to report a suspicious person to Jeantel's testimony about what Martin was saying, we can piece together a little about what happened.
That's your story and you're sticking to it. :cuckoo:

That's what the facts show. I don't ignore them like you do Sarah.

But you are lying about how it went. The kid was being profiled and followed by a much older creepy man who killed him for no good reason other than hate. If Zimmerman gets off here, there is no justice.

Who REALLY profiled who here? Trayvon Martin called George Zimmerman a "Cracker" right before he retraced his steps...leaving the safety of the condo he was staying walk back several hundred yards and confront the man who had been following him but had lost him. Did George Zimmerman ever refer to Trayvon Martin as a "******"? All he did was call the Police to report someone acting suspiciously in a neighborhood that had been plagued by break-ins.

You don't want "justice" want someone lynched.
After all this testimony, we still have no clue as to started the fight that lead to a young mans death. From the 911 call or the call Zimmerman placed to the non-emergency number to report a suspicious person to Jeantel's testimony about what Martin was saying, we can piece together a little about what happened.

Ayup.. clearly not a neighborhood I would want to live in.
How soon after Zimmerman is acquitted will the riots start?

Will it be that night or will it take a couple of days for things to get organized?

Then, once the riots are going for a couple of days, how long before the Feds jump in and try Zimmerman for violating Martins civil rights?

Also, will they really be riots or an opertunity for people to go on shopping sprees?
What do we know about this guy?

OMG. So far we know he is a fabulous witness for the defense. It was the brother who took the pics of the back of Zimmerman's head! Maybe there were a lot of people in that complex who were fed up with out of control teens~!

The prosecution is the defense! Wow. Just wow.
That's what the facts show. I don't ignore them like you do Sarah.

But you are lying about how it went. The kid was being profiled and followed by a much older creepy man who killed him for no good reason other than hate. If Zimmerman gets off here, there is no justice.

Who REALLY profiled who here? Trayvon Martin called George Zimmerman a "Cracker" right before he retraced his steps...leaving the safety of the condo he was staying walk back several hundred yards and confront the man who had been following him but had lost him. Did George Zimmerman ever refer to Trayvon Martin as a "******"? All he did was call the Police to report someone acting suspiciously in a neighborhood that had been plagued by break-ins.

You don't want "justice" want someone lynched.

If Zimmerman gets off this, he's going to have to go into Witness Protection to have a chance to lead a halfway normal life! The left will not let this go or accept a not guilty!
I don't "feel" anything.

You folks seem to think a concealed carry permit gives one the right to start fights and kill people when they are losing.

It doesn't.

That's murder.

Zimmerman didn't "start" a fight. He ended it. Unfortunately, the aggressor lost.

Or Zimmerman chased the teen, the teen turned and confronted Zimmerman, The teen reached for his skittles or to hold up his pants in the rain, Zimmerman reached for his gun, the boy fearing for his life punched and wrestled with Zimmerman in an attempt to keep Zimmerman (the hispanic gang-banger) from shooting him, Zimmerman waited till someone saw him loosing the fight so he could claim self defense, then pulls the gun and shoots the teen so he would not get away this time.

Your scenario is not more or less valid that this scenario..

You should listen to the witnesses for the prosecution. You would not look so stupid.
Or Zimmerman chased the teen, the teen turned and confronted Zimmerman, The teen reached for his skittles or to hold up his pants in the rain, Zimmerman reached for his gun, the boy fearing for his life punched and wrestled with Zimmerman in an attempt to keep Zimmerman (the hispanic gang-banger) from shooting him, Zimmerman waited till someone saw him loosing the fight so he could claim self defense, then pulls the gun and shoots the teen so he would not get away this time.

Your scenario is not more or less valid that this scenario..
Except that if Zimmerman is getting beat on the ground, it's really hard to believe that he would wait until he had an audience to protect himself. Perhaps in hindsight, one might consider that, but when having your head smashed into the sidewalk, you act.

Zimmerman had a gun, he'd been doing this for a long time, he expressed that "they always get away", he went to a class on "self defense laws." My proposal is not that far fetched. How does a skinny teen beat the hell out of an armed adult who has been training to fight to the point where the adult can't even manage ONE PUNCH in defense? Which is more plausible? The adult was playing rope a dope for the self defense excuse he had just studied about in school, or the armed adult with fight training was such a wimp that he could not defend himself without killing the teen?

Not that far fetched? You're daft!
Skinny teen? He was 5'11" and 158 pounds. That's hardly skinny. Martin played football. We can assume he was in excellent shape, being a football player, while Zimmerman at 5'7" and 185 or 200 pounds was kind of paunchy.
What do we know about this guy?

OMG. So far we know he is a fabulous witness for the defense. It was the brother who took the pics of the back of Zimmerman's head! Maybe there were a lot of people in that complex who were fed up with out of control teens~!

The prosecution is the defense! Wow. Just wow.

I'm beginning to think this case is being tried by 2 defense teams.
After all this testimony, we still have no clue as to started the fight that lead to a young mans death. From the 911 call or the call Zimmerman placed to the non-emergency number to report a suspicious person to Jeantel's testimony about what Martin was saying, we can piece together a little about what happened.

But we know that li'l Trayvon was on top doing 'ground and pound' and Zimmerman defended himself.
After all this testimony, we still have no clue as to started the fight that lead to a young mans death. From the 911 call or the call Zimmerman placed to the non-emergency number to report a suspicious person to Jeantel's testimony about what Martin was saying, we can piece together a little about what happened.

Yes we do. She testified Trayvon confronted Zimmereman and axed "why you following me"
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