The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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not all broken noses lead to black eyes, that's erroneous thinking.

Ones where you are punched 30 times do.

Except that is not what Zimmerman told the police in his written statement. What he told the police was

[T]he suspect punched me in the face. I fell backwards onto my back. The suspect got on top of me. I yelled "Help" several times. The suspect told me "shut the fuck up" and tried to sit up right. The suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times.

It appears that this statement says he has punched in the face only one time, not 30. Where did you get the 30 figure?

About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.
He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.

My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

Since when is it a requirement to have a black eye because your nose is broken...jesus christ you people are just grasping at anything you can in hopes the Zman will be guilty. :cuckoo:
My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

Since when is it a requirement to have a black eye because your nose is broken...jesus christ you people are just grasping at anything you can in hopes the Zman will be guilty. :cuckoo:

I just proved to her that black eyes happen if the break is "severe". Z's nose was broken but most likely wasn't a severe break. So that excuse should be gone! :)
Sallow "feels" that Zimmerman should go to jail because his skin is several shades lighter.

I don't "feel" anything.

You folks seem to think a concealed carry permit gives one the right to start fights and kill people when they are losing.

It doesn't.

That's murder.

Zimmerman didn't "start" a fight. He ended it. Unfortunately, the aggressor lost.

Or Zimmerman chased the teen, the teen turned and confronted Zimmerman, The teen reached for his skittles or to hold up his pants in the rain, Zimmerman reached for his gun, the boy fearing for his life punched and wrestled with Zimmerman in an attempt to keep Zimmerman (the hispanic gang-banger) from shooting him, Zimmerman waited till someone saw him loosing the fight so he could claim self defense, then pulls the gun and shoots the teen so he would not get away this time.

Your scenario is not more or less valid that this scenario..
Ones where you are punched 30 times do.

Except that is not what Zimmerman told the police in his written statement. What he told the police was

[T]he suspect punched me in the face. I fell backwards onto my back. The suspect got on top of me. I yelled "Help" several times. The suspect told me "shut the fuck up" and tried to sit up right. The suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times.

It appears that this statement says he has punched in the face only one time, not 30. Where did you get the 30 figure?

About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.

This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.

It makes no difference if he was punched once or 30 times.
Except that is not what Zimmerman told the police in his written statement. What he told the police was

It appears that this statement says he has punched in the face only one time, not 30. Where did you get the 30 figure?

About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.

This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.

It makes no difference if he was punched once or 30 times.

It makes a difference if he lied. ;)
Luissa, I cant wait to watch you and Sarah G meltdown and wail when Zman walks away not guilty. Then I guess we will see all the libtards hoping that someone shoots Zimmerman dead.
I know I'm not surprised.

Just as I'm not surprised that they are arguing valiantly to prevent any upgrades to existing, substandard abortion charnel houses. It's all part and parcel of the same beady-browed mindset.
I don't "feel" anything.

You folks seem to think a concealed carry permit gives one the right to start fights and kill people when they are losing.

It doesn't.

That's murder.

Zimmerman didn't "start" a fight. He ended it. Unfortunately, the aggressor lost.

Or Zimmerman chased the teen, the teen turned and confronted Zimmerman, The teen reached for his skittles or to hold up his pants in the rain, Zimmerman reached for his gun, the boy fearing for his life punched and wrestled with Zimmerman in an attempt to keep Zimmerman (the hispanic gang-banger) from shooting him, Zimmerman waited till someone saw him loosing the fight so he could claim self defense, then pulls the gun and shoots the teen so he would not get away this time.

Your scenario is not more or less valid that this scenario..
Except that if Zimmerman is getting beat on the ground, it's really hard to believe that he would wait until he had an audience to protect himself. Perhaps in hindsight, one might consider that, but when having your head smashed into the sidewalk, you act.
Except that is not what Zimmerman told the police in his written statement. What he told the police was

It appears that this statement says he has punched in the face only one time, not 30. Where did you get the 30 figure?

About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.

This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.

It makes no difference if he was punched once or 30 times.

There is no state in this country that demands that a victim allow themselves to be beaten if the person beating them thinks they have a good enough reason.
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)
the side that puts me in martins shoes. I have been there and I hope jistice is served.

You have been shot and killed by a hispanic for being a stupid thug? :cuckoo:
She is a poorly educated (possibly special needs) young woman who appears to be not very smart (or her intelligence hasn't been developed); she is unsophisticated; she doesn't know how to behave (no one has taught her). That doesn't maker her a liar or a punk or deserve a 'good whooping.' She's a simple, poorly educated young person who has been thrown into a situation of national media attention and criticism she doesn't want. Give her a break.

Someone who is trying to put an innocent man in prison doesn't deserve or get a break.
Innocent? Why even have a trial then, righty?

Exactly, there never should have been a trial, But libtards like you started screaming racism, so there you are.
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