The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

Nope! you're wrong, see his nose where it leaves his face? if got a big red dot of blood, that's the break, can you even see that the cartilage is crooked? Look up on the bridge, that's the break.

Where is that break 45 minutes later? The Sanford Police took this picture at that time.


provide proof that's an official police photo
Not certain what you are driving at with scrapes on knuckles theory but if you read through the DNA results, those scrapes prove nothing about self defense for Zimmerman. If anything, it would prove self defense for the kid.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was found on the cuffs/sleeves of Martin's hoodie.

Zimmerman was beaten up. Martin had injuries on his hands.

One would expect a transfer of DNA no matter who was doing the beating. The lack of DNA just looks odd. Doesn't say anything about who was wailing on whom.

Zimmerman also said Travon tried to grab his gun. No DNA on the gun.. Zimmerman's stories are shakey at best. We know he has changed his story about his injuries, perhaps Travon didn't hit him at all.

Tried to grab doesn't mean did grab. No DNA expected if Martin just reached for the gun and Zimmerman blocked.

LOL ... yeah, Martin didn't hit him at all. Very funny.
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Oh yeah..that's the ticket.

And no blood on the hoodie and hands?

Not sure how attempting 'smother' someone with a broken nose would result in blood getting on their hood. I wouldn't expect that. Hands? Yes, but if it was raining and the cops didn't bag the dead guy's hands, a reasonable person might expect there to be no blood remaining.

Then why did you bring it up?

Not according to his testimony. I can't say as I wasn't there, but I'm curious as to how you can be so sure???

Not according to the law. If you believe your life in danger, you sure as hell are allowed to use lethal force.

In other words, he murdered Martin

Again, you seem awful sure for someone that was not there and isn't privy to any more details than the rest of us. This suggests you're biased...but maybe you can clarify how you seem to know for sure what happened?

Because it's you folks that are trying Martin.

No, the State is trying Zimmerman. As I clearly stated, I cannot say what happened for sure as I wasn't there.

Zimmerman admitted to killing the boy

Correct, but that does not mean he didn't have reasonable cause to do so. Surely you don't believe that there can never be a case of justifiable self defense, do you?

The 911 tapes show that he was playing cop that night

I've heard nothing where Zimmerman claimed to be a police officer. Do you have a link to back up this claim?

It's a pretty simple case.

If so, I wonder why the police didn't file charges. Further, you've provided no solid evidence that Zimmerman is guilty of murder.

I have to say, you seem so sure Zimmerman is guilty, yet you provide no specific evidence, that is gives the appears of an overwhelming bias on your part. Exactly what that bias is, I can't say for sure.
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Nope! you're wrong, see his nose where it leaves his face? if got a big red dot of blood, that's the break, can you even see that the cartilage is crooked? Look up on the bridge, that's the break.

Where is that break 45 minutes later? The Sanford Police took this picture at that time.


provide proof that's an official police photo

It is odd that the picture in the square seems more pixalated then the rest of it.
I am feeling very disappointed in what I have been reading on this forum in the past few days. It seems that a lot of people from both sides have made their minds up before this case even started. People from both side are trying to lynch the other side with words. Please everyone needs to be patient till both sides has presented their case to make a call of guilt or innocents.
The isn't "depraved mind"'s "depraved indifference" to human life.

As it stands, Zimmerman showed just that.

Which witness or piece of evidence shows this beyond a reasonable doubt?
Sallow "feels" that Zimmerman should go to jail because his skin is several shades lighter.

I don't "feel" anything.

You folks seem to think a concealed carry permit gives one the right to start fights and kill people when they are losing.

It doesn't.

That's murder.
John Good made the case for the defense. His testimony, coupled with the other witnesses, created reasonable doubt. At least for me. This witness gave statements, as did GZ, well before either knew about the other. It is completely reasonable that GZ feared for his life while he was lying there being pummeled by Martin straddling him. There's so much corroborating evidence to support GZ's statements about what happened. I believe Martin was killed by Zimmerman in self defense.

Since I don't believe GZ was the aggressor, then everything else surrounding this event is irrelevant. If on the jury I would look at GZ's state of mind at the time the shot was fired. And there is no question he was being beaten and had no way to know when or if TM would stop beating him. He was down, he was pinned, and he was bleeding. He had to put a stop to it.
Not sure how attempting 'smother' someone with a broken nose would result in blood getting on their hood. I wouldn't expect that. Hands? Yes, but if it was raining and the cops didn't bag the dead guy's hands, a reasonable person might expect there to be no blood remaining.

Then why did you bring it up?

Not according to his testimony. I can't say as I wasn't there, but I'm curious as to how you can be so sure???

Not according to the law. If you believe your life in danger, you sure as hell are allowed to use lethal force.

Again, you seem awful sure for someone that was not there and isn't privy to any more details than the rest of us. This suggests you're biased...but maybe you can clarify how you seem to know for sure what happened?

Because it's you folks that are trying Martin.

No, the State is trying Zimmerman. As I clearly stated, I cannot say what happened for sure as I wasn't there.

Correct, but that does not mean he didn't have reasonable cause to do so. Surely you don't believe that there can never be a case of justifiable self defense, do you?

The 911 tapes show that he was playing cop that night

I've heard nothing where Zimmerman claimed to be a police officer. Do you have a link to back up this claim?

It's a pretty simple case.

If so, I wonder why the police didn't file charges. Further, you've provided no solid evidence that Zimmerman is guilty of murder.

I have to say, you seem so sure Zimmerman is guilty, yet you provide no specific evidence, that is gives the appears of an overwhelming bias on your part. Exactly what that bias is, I can't say for sure.

Zimmerman had ZERO reason to follow that kid. None. He was playing cop.

And the police? Are you serious?

The Chief of the Sanford police RESIGNED.

Sanford police chief quits in wake of furor over*Trayvon Martin, but city leaders reject resignation - NY Daily News

They really fucked this up.
Forget it, she is blind. Blinded with emotion, and prevaricated assumptions.

Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.

My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.
Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.

My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.
Because it's you folks that are trying Martin.

No, the State is trying Zimmerman. As I clearly stated, I cannot say what happened for sure as I wasn't there.

Correct, but that does not mean he didn't have reasonable cause to do so. Surely you don't believe that there can never be a case of justifiable self defense, do you?

I've heard nothing where Zimmerman claimed to be a police officer. Do you have a link to back up this claim?

It's a pretty simple case.

If so, I wonder why the police didn't file charges. Further, you've provided no solid evidence that Zimmerman is guilty of murder.

I have to say, you seem so sure Zimmerman is guilty, yet you provide no specific evidence, that is gives the appears of an overwhelming bias on your part. Exactly what that bias is, I can't say for sure.

Zimmerman had ZERO reason to follow that kid. None. He was playing cop.

And the police? Are you serious?

The Chief of the Sanford police RESIGNED.

Sanford police chief quits in wake of furor over*Trayvon Martin, but city leaders reject resignation - NY Daily News

They really fucked this up.

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that the last witness on the stand had a lot to do with the police not filing charges. Mr Good spoke to police that night and essentially corroborated GZs story. After hearing Mr Good and seeing Mr Z and knowing about the 911 call...I think the police assumed his suspicion was correct and that he was attacked and he defended himself.

Mr Good confirmed Zs story and he is a state witness. I also posted Mr Goods explanation to a news reporter in the evidence thread and a few pages back on this thread. To hear his explanation, you would definitely think that Z had reason to believe serious injury was going to or had occurred and that he was defending himself.

However, the reaching for the "phone" still bothers me. It seems to me that after trayvon sees the reach, it could be argued that he was defending himself also.
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Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)
He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.

My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

not all broken noses lead to black eyes, that's erroneous thinking.
Nice imagination you have there. I don't suppose you can actually provide any links to support...any...of it? Cuz you do keep repeating the meme...over...and over...and over. And you have yet to actually provide any evidence of it.

Playing catch up here. What meme...martin attacking Zimmerman?
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)
the side that puts me in martins shoes. I have been there and I hope jistice is served.
He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.

My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

Do you believe the doctor in his medical report lied when he stated that Z had a broken nose. The exam, IIRC was the following day and thus before Z was going over the crime scene a few days later. Do you have a medical degree or any professional experience so as to provide evidence on all types of broken noses?

How did Z get his injuries, in your opinion?
I'm waiting for Sallow to provide examples and links that delineate Zimmerman's "inconsistencies"..

I know I will be waiting in the meantime..there's Sallow & Sarhag's version...

and then there's what really happened:

Rachel Jeantrel more effective for defense

"....after nearly seven hours of questioning, our legal analyst, David Jancha, believes Jeantel may have been more beneficial for the defense.
"There appears to be issues with inconsistency in her statements and making assumptions about what took place," Jancha said. "I think she was there for the right reason to be supportive and a witness as to what she heard, but I think through cross examination, she was a more effective witness for the defense.""

David Jancha: Rachel Jeantrel more effective for defense | News 13
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