The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You are not your brother's keeper.
After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother's keeper?”

I'm gonna guess your response is some sort of jab at Christianity, where Christians are in fact called to help each other, that Christians do in fact have the responsibility to be their brother's keeper.

Only a fool gets in between in a fight,
Then I am a fool. It's one thing to break up a fair fight, and another thing entirely to break up an un-fair fight where one has called mercy and is begging for help.

particularly when one has a gun.
How would this witness know someone has a gun?

He did the prudent thing.
And the teen died.

He called 911.
And the teen died.
I didn't see what the prosecution accomplished there, in the cross examination of Good.

Is Good witness #6?

Ah, now I see.

Mr. Good could not see and punches connect from where he was, either because of distance or poor lighting.

He only saw what looked like "raining down blows MMA style" but not the actual fist connecting with face.

And Martin was definitely on top of Zimmerman.

I believe this witness was the only one who said Martin was on top. Two others said the one on top got up, the other was just laying there.

Maybe, I didn't hear that testimony...but my understanding is that that was AFTER the shot.

I believe only this witness and the 13 year old have testimony that relates to the pre-shot positioning.
He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

It was raining. Might be a reason why there was less blood apparent. I can't say for sure, as I wasn't there, but that seems a reasonable explanation.

Oh yeah..that's the ticket.

And no blood on the hoodie and hands?

In any makes no difference.

Zimmerman initiated this..and used unreasonable force.

In other words, he murdered Martin.
And just who is the person that was crying out for help? Since you seem to know as a fact who it was, tell us all so that can be cleared up.

As far as what I've heard in the trial so far, no person has come forward to say with 100% confidence that it was M or Z.

Why would TM scream HELP!?

TM was holding his hand over GZ mouth to shut him up. The only eye witness said GZ yelled HELP!

And that's another one of the things in version 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 of Zimmerman's story that makes no sense.

He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

Gotta love it.

Good point. In the pictures of GZ he was bleeding pretty bad, especially from the mouth even after getting cleaned up. You would think that if he covered his face with his hands there would be at least some blood or dna on his hands.

I dont know what influence the rain could have on that. Is it possible the rain would wash it away? I dont know.
Has any witness proved that George Zimmerman, at the time of the incident, had a depraved mind? If not, then he can not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Might as well accept the fact that he isn't going to be found guilty of murder 2. Manslaughter is the most that he will get. At this point his scenario of events has not been challenged, but supported by witness statements, so the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't act in self-defense.

Take the emotion and opinion out and see what is happening at the trial. You can argue all you want that Zimmerman acted foolishly and was a "cracka" who was following a black kid. Doesn't change the facts that are happening in the courtroom.

The isn't "depraved mind"'s "depraved indifference" to human life.

As it stands, Zimmerman showed just that.

Which witness or piece of evidence shows this beyond a reasonable doubt?

The unarmed dead kid on the lawn.
Forget it, she is blind. Blinded with emotion, and prevaricated assumptions.

Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

Nope! you're wrong, see his nose where it leaves his face? if got a big red dot of blood, that's the break, can you even see that the cartilage is crooked? Look up on the bridge, that's the break.

Where is that break 45 minutes later? The Sanford Police took this picture at that time.

Turn off your Idiot Box people. This is just another distraction farce meant to dumb you down further. This man has already been convicted anyway. He was convicted the day the corrupt MSM declared him 'Evil White Man.' He obviously can't receive a fair trial now. Debating this farce really is an exercise in futility. So put your potato chips down, and get off the couch. Enjoy a nice Summer day instead. Don't allow them to dumb you down further. Have a nice day. :)

Dont worry sooner or later there will be a thread about a paul.

Don't get sucked into this farce. Don't let em dumb you down further. Get off the couch and enjoy a nice Summer day instead. Have a good one. :)

Some of us can pay attention to more then one thing.
He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

It was raining. Might be a reason why there was less blood apparent. I can't say for sure, as I wasn't there, but that seems a reasonable explanation.

Or that paramedics had helped Zimmerman clean himself up before the pics were taken. Knuckles to the front of the face where there was no bleeding, just swelling, would not pick up blood from the back of the head. Nowhere has it been suggested that li'l Trayvon ever scratched Zimmerman with his nails. I have seen my share of fist fights in psych hospitals. It is possible for a stronger, taller person to really injure the party he is attacking with no blood. I was stabbed by a patient back in the 90s and that patient did not get soiled with any of my blood.
Has any witness proved that George Zimmerman, at the time of the incident, had a depraved mind? If not, then he can not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Might as well accept the fact that he isn't going to be found guilty of murder 2. Manslaughter is the most that he will get. At this point his scenario of events has not been challenged, but supported by witness statements, so the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't act in self-defense.

Take the emotion and opinion out and see what is happening at the trial. You can argue all you want that Zimmerman acted foolishly and was a "cracka" who was following a black kid. Doesn't change the facts that are happening in the courtroom.

The isn't "depraved mind"'s "depraved indifference" to human life.

As it stands, Zimmerman showed just that.

Which witness or piece of evidence shows this beyond a reasonable doubt?
Sallow "feels" that Zimmerman should go to jail because his skin is several shades lighter.
I think I can see now the prosecutions alternate theory...

Martin confronts Zimmerman.

Zimmerman panics and goes for his gun.

Martin sees gun, lunges for it, knocks Zimmerman to the ground.

Martin can be on top AND screaming for help, holding Zimmerman's arms down to keep the gun barrel pointed away from him.

Zimmerman struggles, breaks his own nose with a headbutt or something, hits his own head on the ground in the struggle, gets the gun in position, fires the killing shot.


But without proof, it's just a theory.

And they have no witnesses to corroborate.

A theory with no proof is called speculation.
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He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

It was raining. Might be a reason why there was less blood apparent. I can't say for sure, as I wasn't there, but that seems a reasonable explanation.

Oh yeah..that's the ticket.

And no blood on the hoodie and hands?

Not sure how attempting 'smother' someone with a broken nose would result in blood getting on their hood. I wouldn't expect that. Hands? Yes, but if it was raining and the cops didn't bag the dead guy's hands, a reasonable person might expect there to be no blood remaining.

In any makes no difference.

Then why did you bring it up?

Zimmerman initiated this.

Not according to his testimony. I can't say as I wasn't there, but I'm curious as to how you can be so sure???

.and used unreasonable force.

Not according to the law. If you believe your life in danger, you sure as hell are allowed to use lethal force.

In other words, he murdered Martin

Again, you seem awful sure for someone that was not there and isn't privy to any more details than the rest of us. This suggests you're biased...but maybe you can clarify how you seem to know for sure what happened?
He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

It was raining. Might be a reason why there was less blood apparent. I can't say for sure, as I wasn't there, but that seems a reasonable explanation.

Or that paramedics had helped Zimmerman clean himself up before the pics were taken. Knuckles to the front of the face where there was no bleeding, just swelling, would not pick up blood from the back of the head. Nowhere has it been suggested that li'l Trayvon ever scratched Zimmerman with his nails. I have seen my share of fist fights in psych hospitals. It is possible for a stronger, taller person to really injure the party he is attacking with no blood. I was stabbed by a patient back in the 90s and that patient did not get soiled with any of my blood.


I've been in plenty of knock down drag em out fights that lasted more than a minute.

Most of them you wind up with blood everywhere, torn clothing, and everything in a pretty messy state.

Rain makes it worse.
It was raining. Might be a reason why there was less blood apparent. I can't say for sure, as I wasn't there, but that seems a reasonable explanation.

Oh yeah..that's the ticket.

And no blood on the hoodie and hands?

Not sure how attempting 'smother' someone with a broken nose would result in blood getting on their hood. I wouldn't expect that. Hands? Yes, but if it was raining and the cops didn't bag the dead guy's hands, a reasonable person might expect there to be no blood remaining.

Then why did you bring it up?

Not according to his testimony. I can't say as I wasn't there, but I'm curious as to how you can be so sure???

.and used unreasonable force.

Not according to the law. If you believe your life in danger, you sure as hell are allowed to use lethal force.

In other words, he murdered Martin

Again, you seem awful sure for someone that was not there and isn't privy to any more details than the rest of us. This suggests you're biased...but maybe you can clarify how you seem to know for sure what happened?

Because it's you folks that are trying Martin.

Zimmerman admitted to killing the boy.

The 911 tapes show that he was playing cop that night.

It's a pretty simple case.
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