The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Because it's you folks that are trying Martin.

No, the State is trying Zimmerman. As I clearly stated, I cannot say what happened for sure as I wasn't there.

Correct, but that does not mean he didn't have reasonable cause to do so. Surely you don't believe that there can never be a case of justifiable self defense, do you?

I've heard nothing where Zimmerman claimed to be a police officer. Do you have a link to back up this claim?

It's a pretty simple case.

If so, I wonder why the police didn't file charges. Further, you've provided no solid evidence that Zimmerman is guilty of murder.

I have to say, you seem so sure Zimmerman is guilty, yet you provide no specific evidence, that is gives the appears of an overwhelming bias on your part. Exactly what that bias is, I can't say for sure.

Zimmerman had ZERO reason to follow that kid. None. He was playing cop.

So anyone involved in a neighborhood watch is 'playing cop'?

Further, according to Zimmerman's testimony, he did not follow Martin after the 911 operator requested him to do so.

And the police? Are you serious?

The Chief of the Sanford police RESIGNED.

Sanford police chief quits in wake of furor over*Trayvon Martin, but city leaders reject resignation - NY Daily News

They really fucked this up.

Which in no way proves Zimmerman committed murder.

Like I, and others, have pointed out, your bias is OVERWHELMING.

Personally, I'll wait for all the facts to be revealed. But that's me...
Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.

She is a poorly educated (possibly special needs) young woman who appears to be not very smart (or her intelligence hasn't been developed); she is unsophisticated; she doesn't know how to behave (no one has taught her). That doesn't maker her a liar or a punk or deserve a 'good whooping.' She's a simple, poorly educated young person who has been thrown into a situation of national media attention and criticism she doesn't want. Give her a break.

Someone who is trying to put an innocent man in prison doesn't deserve or get a break.
Innocent? Why even have a trial then, righty?
Do you maintain only guilty people are tried, zona?

Because, as we all know, that is a ridiculous claim.
I don't "feel" anything.

For a guy that appears to base his arguments on emotion vs logic and reason, that statement smacks of irony.

You folks seem to think a concealed carry permit gives one the right to start fights and kill people when they are losing.

Again, you cannot possibly know who started the fight. Suggesting you do only makes you look biased...and silly.

Further, one DOES have the right to use lethal force if they believe their life is in danger. Do you deny this?

That's murder.

Without a trail? Without you possibly knowing all the evidence?

Wow. Sounds like you would have fit right in with the Inquisition back in the day...
Hi 25!

Yes, GZ reaching for his phone/gun you're concentrating on is sort of a red herring. According to GZ and DD/Rachel Jeantel, TM had lost GZ and was near his father's condo. While TM had no obligation to go home, logic tells me that if he was going back to where GZ was, then he was doing so for a reason. I don't know what that would be and it really doesn't matter. Certainly TM was not afraid of GZ or he would have gone inside. Instead, he came back to GZ (whom I believe was headed back to his car since he didn't know where Martin went) and DD says TM spoke first, asking "What you following me for?" So TM escalated this situation to his own detriment. I'm sure the whole incident happened very quickly, with little time for either of these guys to think things through rationally.

To me, the pertinent issues are 1) who was the initiator of contact - the aggressor? And 2) what was GZ's state of mind when he pulled the trigger? Following someone is not aggressive nor is it unlawful. Confronting someone in the dark could be considered aggressive. At the very least it was TM who made the first contact, not GZ.
at what point do you stupid progressives think we should fear for our lives to defend it?

Welcome to my nightmare

Would have been fearful if you were Martin? A man was following him.
When will right wingers understand Zimmerman's negligence caused Martin's death.
Which witness or piece of evidence shows this beyond a reasonable doubt?
Sallow "feels" that Zimmerman should go to jail because his skin is several shades lighter.

I don't "feel" anything.

You folks seem to think a concealed carry permit gives one the right to start fights and kill people when they are losing.

It doesn't.

That's murder.

Zimmerman didn't "start" a fight. He ended it. Unfortunately, the aggressor lost.
at what point do you stupid progressives think we should fear for our lives to defend it?

Welcome to my nightmare

Would have been fearful if you were Martin? A man was following him.
When will right wingers understand Zimmerman's negligence caused Martin's death.

what? now it's against the law for a crazy aased cracker to follow a black man?
Zimmerman deserves manslaughter. I agree he doesn't deserve 2nd murder, but his poor judgement and negligence caused an innocent person's death.
Do you maintain only guilty people are tried, zona?

Because, as we all know, that is a ridiculous claim.

The purpose of all of this is to find out if he is guilty of murdering that unarmed kid.

Saying he is innocent before a judgement is even read is ridiculous.
He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.

My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

Seems maybe his nose could have been broken, but not severe enough to cause black eyes...

Broken noses are almost always the result of trauma to the face. Symptoms include pain, visible deformity, bleeding and in severe cases difficulty breathing and bruising around the eyes or "black eyes."

Broken Noses - Treating Broken Noses
They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

not all broken noses lead to black eyes, that's erroneous thinking.

Ones where you are punched 30 times do.

Except that is not what Zimmerman told the police in his written statement. What he told the police was

[T]he suspect punched me in the face. I fell backwards onto my back. The suspect got on top of me. I yelled "Help" several times. The suspect told me "shut the fuck up" and tried to sit up right. The suspect grabbed my head and slammed it into the concrete sidewalk several times.

It appears that this statement says he has punched in the face only one time, not 30. Where did you get the 30 figure?
My son got his nose broke in a fight years ago....there was no bruising around his eyes until hours later.

They have video from Zimmerman going over the crime scene a few days later. He didn't have black eyes.

Seems maybe his nose could have been broken, but not severe enough to cause black eyes...

Broken noses are almost always the result of trauma to the face. Symptoms include pain, visible deformity, bleeding and in severe cases difficulty breathing and bruising around the eyes or "black eyes."

Broken Noses - Treating Broken Noses

I hit my face once and had a black eye for a month and a half. I would think a man who received many blows to the face would have more bruising.
Even without a broken nose a 17 year old fit male landing multiple blows should cause a lot more bruising.
Have they released if there was bruising in his arms?
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