The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Witness John Good - probably should have been considered the most important witness for this trial. He is the one that went outside and saw more of what happened than anyone else.

Yeah he's also the despicable jerk that decided to not help the guy crying out for help.

With some very narrow exceptions, the law does not require a person to step in. You are not your brother's keeper. Only a fool gets in between in a fight, particularly when one has a gun. He did the prudent thing. He called 911.
Forget it, she is blind. Blinded with emotion, and prevaricated assumptions.

Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

So you are suggesting that this was a coverup? A conspiracy? You are basely predictable, Sarah.

No, not conspiracies, lying. Zimmerman said he was punched in the face 30 times. Look at him after he was cleaned up 45 minutes after the altercation. Does he look like he was hit by a big strong kid 30 times?

If the prosecution doesn't get into this kind of evidence and Zimmerman walks, I blame the prosecution.
Witnesses have said in deposition that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him. Sounds like rage to me.
Martin doubled back and attacked him.
He had several lacerations to his scalp, 4 lumps in distinctly different areas of his scalp and a broken nose. I call that violent. I would certainly be in fear for MY life.
evidence supports Zimmerman's account that Martin attacked him.
Yes Mr Zimmerman's injuries were minor in comparison to Martin's but if we are to accept Zimmerman's and Good's accounts, both supported by a time line established by the recorded phone call and forensics, Zimmerman was getting his head slammed into the sidewalk and was reasonably in fear for his life.

Or... Zimmerman scratched his own head as he was trying to scoot out from underneath TM?
Sure! We'll just go with that. :doubt:

Do you have a witness that saw TM was slamming GZs head on the concrete?
Has any witness proved that George Zimmerman, at the time of the incident, had a depraved mind? If not, then he can not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Might as well accept the fact that he isn't going to be found guilty of murder 2. Manslaughter is the most that he will get. At this point his scenario of events has not been challenged, but supported by witness statements, so the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't act in self-defense.

Take the emotion and opinion out and see what is happening at the trial. You can argue all you want that Zimmerman acted foolishly and was a "cracka" who was following a black kid. Doesn't change the facts that are happening in the courtroom.
Yeah he's also the despicable jerk that decided to not help the guy crying out for help.

And just who is the person that was crying out for help? Since you seem to know as a fact who it was, tell us all so that can be cleared up.

As far as what I've heard in the trial so far, no person has come forward to say with 100% confidence that it was M or Z.

Why would TM scream HELP!?

TM was holding his hand over GZ mouth to shut him up. The only eye witness said GZ yelled HELP!

And that's another one of the things in version 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 of Zimmerman's story that makes no sense.

He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

Gotta love it.
Witnesses have said in deposition that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him. Sounds like rage to me.
Martin doubled back and attacked him.
He had several lacerations to his scalp, 4 lumps in distinctly different areas of his scalp and a broken nose. I call that violent. I would certainly be in fear for MY life.
evidence supports Zimmerman's account that Martin attacked him.
Yes Mr Zimmerman's injuries were minor in comparison to Martin's but if we are to accept Zimmerman's and Good's accounts, both supported by a time line established by the recorded phone call and forensics, Zimmerman was getting his head slammed into the sidewalk and was reasonably in fear for his life.

Or... Zimmerman scratched his own head as he was trying to scoot out from underneath TM?

With li'l Trayvon on top and Zimmerman lifting he head to try and see a way out of how to defend himself, he most assuredly get wounds to the back of the head when the blows came crashing down on his face.
Sarah, with respect I don't think you're considering this issue fairly. On your picture, it's not just two pinholes, but there's also a cut on the upper bridge of his nose. Also, he may have damage on the inside parts of his nose that can't easily be seen from the outside.

Please consider this picture of Zimmerman's bloody nose, which points to there being trauma which would cause the bleeding in the first place:


Forget it, she is blind. Blinded with emotion, and prevaricated assumptions.

Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

He would have also had at least one black eye. When I broke my nose I had my black eye for a month and a half.
Martin might have attacked him, but he lied about the details that is for sure.
Not all of them wear a new tailor made suit every day.

Not all of them have a defense team that wants to present their client in the best possible light.
Would you rather he wear a prison jump suit?

Yes, that would be appropriate.:eusa_angel:

Courts have long held that bringing a defendant into the courtroom in prison attire prejudices the jury. As a self proclaimed street thug you should appreciate that.
Has any witness proved that George Zimmerman, at the time of the incident, had a depraved mind? If not, then he can not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Might as well accept the fact that he isn't going to be found guilty of murder 2. Manslaughter is the most that he will get. At this point his scenario of events has not been challenged, but supported by witness statements, so the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't act in self-defense.

Take the emotion and opinion out and see what is happening at the trial. You can argue all you want that Zimmerman acted foolishly and was a "cracka" who was following a black kid. Doesn't change the facts that are happening in the courtroom.

The isn't "depraved mind"'s "depraved indifference" to human life.

As it stands, Zimmerman showed just that.
Has any witness proved that George Zimmerman, at the time of the incident, had a depraved mind? If not, then he can not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Might as well accept the fact that he isn't going to be found guilty of murder 2. Manslaughter is the most that he will get. At this point his scenario of events has not been challenged, but supported by witness statements, so the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't act in self-defense.

Take the emotion and opinion out and see what is happening at the trial. You can argue all you want that Zimmerman acted foolishly and was a "cracka" who was following a black kid. Doesn't change the facts that are happening in the courtroom.

Mens rea is not an issue in murder 2. Geeze. Try to keep up.
He had a "broken" nose, was bleeding profusely and yet, no blood smeared on George's face? No Zimmerman blood on Martin's hands or Hoodie?

It was raining. Might be a reason why there was less blood apparent. I can't say for sure, as I wasn't there, but that seems a reasonable explanation.
Has any witness proved that George Zimmerman, at the time of the incident, had a depraved mind? If not, then he can not be convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Might as well accept the fact that he isn't going to be found guilty of murder 2. Manslaughter is the most that he will get. At this point his scenario of events has not been challenged, but supported by witness statements, so the state has not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he didn't act in self-defense.

Take the emotion and opinion out and see what is happening at the trial. You can argue all you want that Zimmerman acted foolishly and was a "cracka" who was following a black kid. Doesn't change the facts that are happening in the courtroom.

The isn't "depraved mind"'s "depraved indifference" to human life.

As it stands, Zimmerman showed just that.

Which witness or piece of evidence shows this beyond a reasonable doubt?
You don't know much about gangs do you.

More than you think. Maybe not those exact you get the point...have a conversation...ask? If you are suspicious...speak up. He acted kind of cowardly imo...but of course his diehards dont see anything that he could have done arent a diehard are ya, sunshine? Wannabes arent above approach...unless you are scared of them. Yeah, I would have said something to someone circling my vehicle.

And if I am assuming he is a gangster, then would I not be guilty of profiling? You just profiled, What? Hes black and wearing a hoodie, so hes a gangster and cant be asked where hes headed or if everything is okay? Interesting.

Jeeze, how far off center can you get. There are pictures of him making gang hand signals. And I am not the police, so I am not 'profiling.' I am a private citizen who has worked with all sorts of people, many of them gang members. Li'l Trayvon wasn't looking for conversation.

George wasnt privy to trays hand signals on that night and neither were you...assuming he is a gangster is profiling. I would approach Tray as I would any other teen I thought suspicious or who was circling my vehicle....I would do it as I stated before and it most likely would have prevented his death.

GZ made mistakes...that should be easily recognized for someone with your experience.
I didn't see what the prosecution accomplished there, in the cross examination of Good.

Is Good witness #6?

Ah, now I see.

Mr. Good could not see and punches connect from where he was, either because of distance or poor lighting.

He only saw what looked like "raining down blows MMA style" but not the actual fist connecting with face.

And Martin was definitely on top of Zimmerman.

I believe this witness was the only one who said Martin was on top. Two others said the one on top got up, the other was just laying there.
Well, the prosecution has called a fantastic witness.....................for the defense! :clap2:
Sarah, with respect I don't think you're considering this issue fairly. On your picture, it's not just two pinholes, but there's also a cut on the upper bridge of his nose. Also, he may have damage on the inside parts of his nose that can't easily be seen from the outside.

Please consider this picture of Zimmerman's bloody nose, which points to there being trauma which would cause the bleeding in the first place:


Forget it, she is blind. Blinded with emotion, and prevaricated assumptions.

Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

Nope! you're wrong, see his nose where it leaves his face? if got a big red dot of blood, that's the break, can you even see that the cartilage is crooked? Look up on the bridge, that's the break.
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