The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.

This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.

It makes no difference if he was punched once or 30 times.

It makes a difference if he lied. ;)

The witness who testified ytesterday is an admitted liar. All of her testimony should be thrown out, no man should face prison time based on a liar's testimony.
What do we know about this guy?

OMG. So far we know he is a fabulous witness for the defense. It was the brother who took the pics of the back of Zimmerman's head! Maybe there were a lot of people in that complex who were fed up with out of control teens~!

The prosecution is the defense! Wow. Just wow.

I'm beginning to think this case is being tried by 2 defense teams.

Rat! Rat! Rat! How many times have I already said that!!!!! Putting on Mz. Bahadoor was detrimental to the prosecution. Cook was detrimental to the prosecution. Now this brother is detrimental to the prosecution.
What do we know about this guy?

OMG. So far we know he is a fabulous witness for the defense. It was the brother who took the pics of the back of Zimmerman's head! Maybe there were a lot of people in that complex who were fed up with out of control teens~!

The prosecution is the defense! Wow. Just wow.

I missed this; work comes first. I'll have to watch tonight when I get home.
His life is effectively over. He'll live in fear for the rest of it because of the overwhelmingly negative treatment he's received from the main stream media who convicted him long ago and now have egg on their faces because the FACTS of the case don't support the narrative that they have put out all these months.
Yurt, don't be silly. Come knock on my door - I'll sell you a gun. Or, answer an ad on line. Or go to certain gun shows. Anyone can buy a gun and anyone can carry it "concealed" if they want to.

But, I'll give the nutters this: In some ways, it really does make sense to be armed at all times. If Trayvon had been armed, he would not have been screaming for his life like a helpless little kid. He would have been able to defend himself against the guy who DID have a gun and he would have know it.

IMO, every person who carries a gun is just hoping and waiting for the opportunity to play Mighty Mouse and swoop down to "save the day". People (especially men) who feel impotent and small, at the mercy of outside forces such as their boss, spouse, etc, those are the people who are so scared of the world that they carry a gun. Zimmerman, with his cop wannabe phone calls to 911 fits that description. He needed to feel important. Watch him right now in the courtroom. The stupid fool looks like Ted Bundy in that he's just thrilled to be the center of attention.

BUT, even if Zimmerman did not plan to kill somebody that night, he knew he could if he wanted to. He had no reason to scream for help because he knew he could defend himself.

The person who had no defense - Trayvon - had very good reason to scream. He also had every right to "stand his ground" against the guy who was stalking him and he had every right to fight for his life. Sadly, he didn't know that the guy who was stalking him was armed and hoping for the chance to prove he's a Real Man.

No matter what else you believe about this case, one person had a gun and the other did not. There was never any question about who was gonna live and who was gonna die.

and i can kill you with my bear hands if i want to....

pointing out that someone can do something illegally, does not change the fact your statement is incorrect. as law abiding citizens do in fact require licenses. using your logic, laws are worthless, therefore you should be AGAINST more gun laws.

do you now see the flaw of your own logic?

further, just because someone has a gun and the other does not, does not at all mean someone will die. numerous lives have been saved because someone had a gun and someone else surrendered. so yes, there is indeed a question.
When this trial concludes they are going to have to dig li'l Trayvon up and put him in prison~!
His life is effectively over. He'll live in fear for the rest of it because of the overwhelmingly negative treatment he's received from the main stream media who convicted him long ago and now have egg on their faces because the FACTS of the case don't support the narrative that they have put out all these months.

He would have to go into the witness protection program to have a chance at a normal life!
I can and will accept the verdict in this case.

Ask yourself if YOU can.

^ I just asked myself that. I thought about it. Then I answered me. I told myself that I would certainly accept the verdict in this case if the alternative is (say) armed insurrection.

Then I thought about it some more and told myself I really am not inclined to jump up and down for joy if I agree with the verdict. The case is still tragic, either way.

And if I think the verdict is wrong and a miscarriage of justice has occurred, I told myself that I am not really going to be in a position to do anything BUT "accept" it.

I mean, I asked myself, what's the alternative?
Zimmerman with another expensive custom made suit with expensive tie, today. My, my, my, don't he look chic?

What about his suit looks expensive and custom made to you?

You'll have to excuse Snookie. His wardrobe consists of t-shirts & torn jeans.

And WTF do nice clothes have to do with the facts anyway? Dr. Kevorkina's lawyer moved Kevorkian into a nice house on a lake that the attorney had gotten in a settlement.
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