The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Not that far fetched? You're daft!
Skinny teen? He was 5'11" and 158 pounds. That's hardly skinny. Martin played football. We can assume he was in excellent shape, being a football player, while Zimmerman at 5'7" and 185 or 200 pounds was kind of paunchy.
5'11" And 158 is skinny. Damn. We het it . You want Martin to be bigger than he was.

My son is 5'11" he weighs 175. He has 3% body fat. Was TM still playing FB? I saw one FB pic when he was like 12...

Don't know if he was till playing, but I believe there are several pictures of him in football uniforms that are obviously taken over a couple of years
you're absolutely incorrect. if someone starts a fight, you may not use unresaonable force to defend yourself, period. you're dead wrong.

further, no indication? are fucking serious? are you following the prosecution's case? the witnesses are claiming it appeared martin was the one on top and zimmerman on the bottom being pummeled MMA style.

it doesn't matter if zimmerman started the fight, martin does not have the right to elevate his defense or the conflict beyond that which is reasonably necessary to defend himself. period.

just admit you're wrong and move on.

That scenario is a tough one. If Z started the fight, if he laid hands on St Skittles first, he's got problems.

Unless St Skittles pulled a knife or a gun.

Technically without St Skittles having a gun or knife...... Yeah, Z could still claim self-defense but it would a hard row to hoe.

Yup, but the defense is doing well, so, we will see.

I'm not so sure the defense is doing 'well' or the persecution is doing badly, I just don't think they have a case.
The more the prosecution tries to make it look like murder, the more it looks like self-defense. It's so obvious that this is an attempt to appease the black community by railroading a white guy for standing his ground against a black thug. Some of the arguments we're hearing from the left are really out there. Thank, lefties, for all the laughs. :lol:
I agree the prosecution is having a hard time getting any proof to that effect into the record.
The current WBO middleweight champion of the world, Peter Quillin is 5'11" and weighs between 154 and 160. Is he skinny?



Zona??? Where did you go?

Yes that guy is skinny, definitely not fat. He's also muscular.. muscles weigh more than fat. Was the boy muscular? I don't know. But we do know GZ was working out to become a fighter.
You don't know much about gangs do you.

More than you think. Maybe not those exact you get the point...have a conversation...ask? If you are suspicious...speak up. He acted kind of cowardly imo...but of course his diehards dont see anything that he could have done arent a diehard are ya, sunshine? Wannabes arent above approach...unless you are scared of them. Yeah, I would have said something to someone circling my vehicle.

And if I am assuming he is a gangster, then would I not be guilty of profiling? You just profiled, What? Hes black and wearing a hoodie, so hes a gangster and cant be asked where hes headed or if everything is okay? Interesting.

Jeeze, how far off center can you get. There are pictures of him making gang hand signals. And I am not the police, so I am not 'profiling.' I am a private citizen who has worked with all sorts of people, many of them gang members. Li'l Trayvon wasn't looking for conversation.

If you are black and make gang signals then you are bad, right?

Which law does that fall under?

There you go again, making racial assumptions.
Yes. John Good.

I thought Good said straddling in the MMA style. I did not hear him say slamming, pounding.. nothing more than on top. But I might have missed it had to do some work.

The "Ground and pound" phrase came up.

Yes it came up. But what I heard, was straddling him in the position called ground and pound. I did not hear him say anything other than in the straddling/ground and pound position. Good did not say he saw the pounding part... not that I heard.
I answered it clearly and correctly. There is no indication that George had the right to take TM's life if he, George started the fight.

Why are you acting afraid again, Yurt?

you're absolutely incorrect. if someone starts a fight, you may not use unresaonable force to defend yourself, period. you're dead wrong. further, no indication? are fucking serious? are you following the prosecution's case? the witnesses are claiming it appeared martin was the one on top and zimmerman on the bottom being pummeled MMA style. it doesn't matter if zimmerman started the fight, martin does not have the right to elevate his defense or the conflict beyond that which is reasonably necessary to defend himself. period. just admit you're wrong and move on.

You clearly have no idea of what you are talking about. You are claiming that GZ is defending himself, the prosecution is saying that GZ instigated it (my point), and the jury will decide that.

You are talking about matters you don't understand.

cite where i said GZ defended himself. i never said that, another jake lie.

further, and once again, it does not matter alone if zimmerman started the fight. fuck, you're either stupid or wholly ignorant. the case doesn't end based on who started it. the case must determine if the defender elevated the conflict.

seriously, how can you possibly not understand such a simple concept?
That scenario is a tough one. If Z started the fight, if he laid hands on St Skittles first, he's got problems.

Unless St Skittles pulled a knife or a gun.

Technically without St Skittles having a gun or knife...... Yeah, Z could still claim self-defense but it would a hard row to hoe.

Yup, but the defense is doing well, so, we will see.

I'm not so sure the defense is doing 'well' or the persecution is doing badly, I just don't think they have a case.

i agree. it is really impossible to say the defense is doing well when they have not even started their case yet.

just another example of jake showing his appalling ignorance.
relevance of medical records. Prosecution wants to bring in something from 2009? How is THAT relevant?

Good question. Maybe it has something to do with rumors of medication Z has been said to be on.

Most likely. Zimmerman is on meds & has been accused of molesting his cousin when he was younger. He is no boy-scout. But he was justified in this shooting even though his following may have initiated the dangerous confrontation.

He's a child molester who is on meds and initiated the confrontation but thats okay with you. Why, because TM was wearing a hoodie?:eek:

Zona??? Where did you go?

Yes that guy is skinny, definitely not fat. He's also muscular.. muscles weigh more than fat. Was the boy muscular? I don't know. But we do know GZ was working out to become a fighter.

Trevon did play football. We can assume he was in good shape. Zimmerman was fat. He may have been training, but He was in no where near the condition of Martin.
You were certainly referring to it. It does matter if GZ started it, damn right, it does. TM had the right to defend himself, and he had no obligation to retreat, and if GZ had a gun, TM had the right to beat him into the ground. GZ could only shoot TM if he thought his life was in danger. It was not.

And learn "English" and "countersuit" and "courts-martial" and "sergeants-major" for plural.
Yup, but the defense is doing well, so, we will see.

I'm not so sure the defense is doing 'well' or the persecution is doing badly, I just don't think they have a case.

i agree. it is really impossible to say the defense is doing well when they have not even started their case yet.

just another example of jake showing his appalling ignorance.

Yurt, once again is putting words in my mouth I did not say. The defense is doing well in pulling the prosecution's case to pieces.

Yurt, you really should not talk about things you don't understand, and if you lie about me, you know you always lose.
Let's see what is relevant from Z's medical records.

Difficulty sleeping - using MMA training 3 days a week to help with sleep - not working.
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Good question. Maybe it has something to do with rumors of medication Z has been said to be on.

Most likely. Zimmerman is on meds & has been accused of molesting his cousin when he was younger. He is no boy-scout. But he was justified in this shooting even though his following may have initiated the dangerous confrontation.

He's a child molester who is on meds and initiated the confrontation but thats okay with you. Why, because TM was wearing a hoodie?:eek:

He did "initiate" the confrontation because it was his DUTY to observe suspicious behavior. He observed and followed Martin. He then lost sight, but Martin doubled back and assaulted him.

Following someone is not illegal. Assault, is.
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