The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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is it just me or did the state's recent witness(s) just support zimmerman's claim?

Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

After five days of testimony my only question at this point is why this was ever brought to trial? The Prosecutions own witnesses have proven the Defense's case. Quite simply...this is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.

i honestly expected the state to present a much stronger argument. so far, i have not seen anything beyond a preponderance of the evidence, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.

in fact, i've seen just the opposite. the state has built the defense's case. i agree with you, at this point, i fail to see why this was ever brought, however, we both know it was brought because of politics. perhaps this evidence is exactly why zimmerman was not initially charged. this is why i've cautioned both sides from the beginning that we do not know all the facts.

I initially -- last year -- thought Zimmerman deserved all kinds of horrible things.

Now I'm wondering if the judge could dismiss the case after the prosecution rests because the murder charge is so obviously baseless.

Does the jury have an option of convicting on a lesser charge?
Forget it, she is blind. Blinded with emotion, and prevaricated assumptions.

Ever had a broken nose or seen anyone with a broken nose? You can tell when it is broken, it bleeds a lot, the blood would not have been just at the scratch on the tip. Look closley at the picture you posted, if you are fair and not biased, you will see blood is only coming from the tip of his nose..

Great Point ! :clap2:

LOL We got idiots who think they have an MD!

It had stopped bleeding by the time the EMT had gotten to him. Obviously he isn't a hemophiliac, or he would have bled to death from his injuries. My father was an EMT in North Carolina for a number of years. And if you didn't see the swelling, you are willfully blind. Please, you guys can't tell a skinned knee from a hernia, be quiet.
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After five days of testimony my only question at this point is why this was ever brought to trial? The Prosecutions own witnesses have proven the Defense's case. Quite simply...this is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.

i honestly expected the state to present a much stronger argument. so far, i have not seen anything beyond a preponderance of the evidence, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.

in fact, i've seen just the opposite. the state has built the defense's case. i agree with you, at this point, i fail to see why this was ever brought, however, we both know it was brought because of politics. perhaps this evidence is exactly why zimmerman was not initially charged. this is why i've cautioned both sides from the beginning that we do not know all the facts.

I initially -- last year -- thought Zimmerman deserved all kinds of horrible things.

Now I'm wondering if the judge could dismiss the case after the prosecution rests because the murder charge is so obviously baseless.

Does the jury have an option of convicting on a lesser charge?

Defense will make a motion to dismiss on summary judgment at the end of prosecution's case if it believes prosecution has not met even a basic level of proof.

The judge will then say granted or denied.
he was a skinny kid going up against an armed adult who was following him. Period.

The current WBO middleweight champion of the world, Peter Quillin is 5'11" and weighs between 154 and 160. Is he skinny?



Zona??? Where did you go?
Cant wait to see this fucking guy go to jail forever.

Damn, I hope there is a guilty verdict. Then, wait for the excuses by the right.

There is what really happened opposed to what people think happened, as opposed to those in either camp, who don't give a rat's ass about serving justice, just so long as their side wins. What are you selling? :)
the side that puts me in martins shoes. I have been there and I hope jistice is served.

You've had a guy on the ground pounding his head into the pavement threatening to kill him? That would explain why your posts represent you as one of the biggest motherfucking assholes on this board. Hope you rot in hell, jerk off.
Do you maintain only guilty people are tried, zona?

Because, as we all know, that is a ridiculous claim.

The purpose of all of this is to find out if he is guilty of murdering that unarmed kid.

Saying he is innocent before a judgement is even read is ridiculous.

Wrong. No wonder you can't understand any of this.
Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. That part is undisputed. He should be guilty of manslaughter. His affirmative defense is that he did so in self defense. So the question becomes: Was he reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm when he fired at Martin? If the answer is Yes he should be acquitted.
After five days of testimony my only question at this point is why this was ever brought to trial? The Prosecutions own witnesses have proven the Defense's case. Quite simply...this is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.

i honestly expected the state to present a much stronger argument. so far, i have not seen anything beyond a preponderance of the evidence, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.

in fact, i've seen just the opposite. the state has built the defense's case. i agree with you, at this point, i fail to see why this was ever brought, however, we both know it was brought because of politics. perhaps this evidence is exactly why zimmerman was not initially charged. this is why i've cautioned both sides from the beginning that we do not know all the facts.

I initially -- last year -- thought Zimmerman deserved all kinds of horrible things.

Now I'm wondering if the judge could dismiss the case after the prosecution rests because the murder charge is so obviously baseless.

Does the jury have an option of convicting on a lesser charge?

Yes...there are lesser included charges.

I believe manslaughter is an option, and perhaps negligent homicide...but I'm not as sure about the latter as a am the former.
I have broken my nose NUMEROUS times in sports, bar fights, etc... You do not inherently have a face full of blood... I have had it gush one time, and trickle another... This saying there is 'only blood at the tip' is not disproving a broken nose (which is very evident in the pc that it is smashed good)
From these witnesses that the State is calling, I'm starting to think they only charged Zimmerman because of pressure from the public. They don't have a case.
About ten different web sites and a link provided in this thread.
This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.

It makes no difference if he was punched once or 30 times.

So in Florida, you get hit once, you can kill. Damn.

Technically there doesn't have to be any hits. Some thug comes running at me aggressively, I'm going to drop him. No way will I let him get within arms length.

Zimmerman was lucky to be able to get his weapon free after he was on the ground with Martin on top.
After five days of testimony my only question at this point is why this was ever brought to trial? The Prosecutions own witnesses have proven the Defense's case. Quite simply...this is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.

i honestly expected the state to present a much stronger argument. so far, i have not seen anything beyond a preponderance of the evidence, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.

in fact, i've seen just the opposite. the state has built the defense's case. i agree with you, at this point, i fail to see why this was ever brought, however, we both know it was brought because of politics. perhaps this evidence is exactly why zimmerman was not initially charged. this is why i've cautioned both sides from the beginning that we do not know all the facts.

I initially -- last year -- thought Zimmerman deserved all kinds of horrible things.

Now I'm wondering if the judge could dismiss the case after the prosecution rests because the murder charge is so obviously baseless.

Does the jury have an option of convicting on a lesser charge?

a lot of people did and many people thought he was innocent. the fact is, none of us really knew what happened and jumping to conclusions before all the facts are out seldom make us right.

the judge could dismiss the case based on a summary judgment motion by the defense. if the state has not presented any triable issues of fact that could convict zimmerman, the judge should grant the motion, however, he has much discretion.

if the state included a lesser charge, then yes, assuming FL is similar to CA law.
This is Florida. Florida laws apply. Once Martin put his hands on Zimmerman, George had the right to defend himself.
Not if George provoked the fight. That is what the trial is about.
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