The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You're getting mixed up here. Maybe you should just listen for awhile. Leagleeagle

Obviously I am not the one who is confused. You are the one who believes they are smarter than the special prosecutor and can prove Zimmerman was guilty of stalking. Perhaps you should contact Angela Corey and explain to her how she messed up? Maybe they can still amend the charging instrument to include "stalking". You can drop her a line at:

Courthouse Annex
220 East Bay Street
Jacksonville, Florida, 32202

I am sure she will be so impressed with your credentials as legal wiz extraordinaire on the US Message Boards that she will hire you at once.

You dummies are the ones saying the first time Rachel Jeantel talked to Treyvon was after he was being followed by Zimmerman and he was in front of his house. In reality she and he texted each other 200 times that day, she even talked to him on the way to the 711 and most of the way back.

He didn't say he was in front of his house, he said he was close.

But you continue to believe you are a leagle eagle.. I'm sure all your buddies will believe that.

Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the pavement. At that point was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm? If the answer is yes, then he acted in self defense and needs to go free. If the answer is no then he needs to be convicted.
Which is it?
Everything else is just noise in this case.
Obviously I am not the one who is confused. You are the one who believes they are smarter than the special prosecutor and can prove Zimmerman was guilty of stalking. Perhaps you should contact Angela Corey and explain to her how she messed up? Maybe they can still amend the charging instrument to include "stalking". You can drop her a line at:

I am sure she will be so impressed with your credentials as legal wiz extraordinaire on the US Message Boards that she will hire you at once.

You dummies are the ones saying the first time Rachel Jeantel talked to Treyvon was after he was being followed by Zimmerman and he was in front of his house. In reality she and he texted each other 200 times that day, she even talked to him on the way to the 711 and most of the way back.

He didn't say he was in front of his house, he said he was close.

But you continue to believe you are a leagle eagle.. I'm sure all your buddies will believe that.

Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the pavement. At that point was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm? If the answer is yes, then he acted in self defense and needs to go free. If the answer is no then he needs to be convicted.
Which is it?
Everything else is just noise in this case.

Not if the prosecution can show that George was the aggressor and that trayvon was defending himself. How can that be shown?...see my latest post in the other Z thread.

In short...if GZ was punched because he went reaching for his pockets in the dark when asked what his problem was or basically why he was following him and then during the struggle, Trayvon is punching him to prevent GZ from pulling a gun on him that GZ admits was exposed, then who was right?...who was the aggressor...GZ never identified himself. In Trayvons mind GZ was showing the same suspicious activity that he was accusing of...only difference is, GZ was carrying a gun.

Being slowly followed by a stranger in the dark in an unfamiliar neighborhood and then being followed again on foot in the dark using a flashlight would give anyone a creepy feeling. We have the benefit of hindsight to know who GZ was...Trayvon didnt.

Not as cut and dry as you suggest. If the prosecution would start hammering the above instead of bringing race into it, they might have a chance...otherwise no.
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I take Geodon and celexa. I still have the legal right to own firearms and buy more. Once again the process for denying the right requires a JUDGE to adjudicate the person incompetent or a threat.

This explains much.

I have made no secret of my condition. I have constant depression, with recurring major depression. I have a personality disorder, paranoia, and I have delusional Paranoia.

Geodon aids the celexa with the depression and may help with the paranoia. Prior to going on Geodon I was a basket case, suicidal thoughts controlled my life. Since Geodon hardly at all. Ohh they are always there but I have control now.

And you should totally own a gun and no one should be questioning that right.

Got it.
Not to someone like you.

Geodon is for bipolar disorder, and celexa is for severe depression. Given some of his posts, I'm not surprised the man has issues.

Why anyone thinks someone like that should be able to get a gun is the crazy part.

Now, frankly before anyone thinks "You just don't understand", I've had some really bad stuff happen in my life, too. But I've held it together without chemical aid, thanks.

You have shown your ignorance. Geodon is not 'for bipolar disorder.' In psychiatry we don't treat a disease. We treat symptoms. Geodon is used to treat symptoms, including adjunct therapy for depression, and psychosis. It can be used for other mood symptoms like mood swings if they aren't too bad.

And next time you decide to quote someone you might try not altering the post.

At the top of the page, the guy pretty much admits he's a basket case. Which is fine, I get that.

What I don't get is why you people think folks like him should have guns.
But aren't criminals inclined to go after people they find defenseless? What if now they have a side thought that the person might be carrying a weapon that could either level the playing field or give the law abiding citizen an advantage...isn't it a good deterrent?

How else do people protect themselves against violent crime? Btw, some areas have crime that would scare the wild west. isn't a good "deterrent". And it's been tried.

What do you think the whole "Wild West" thing was all about. Everyone had side arms and people wound up shooting each other because they were drunk or mad.

The gunfight at the OK corral was about gun control. We have been backsliding into a huge mess.

But that doesnt answer the question of how a law abiding person defends themselves against a criminal. Your advice doesnt help me if I am viciously attacked.

What answer do you want?

I'm giving you my perspective. Private citizens walking around with guns has been tried, and it's led to disastrous results. One of our founding fathers was killed in a gun duel. Several Presidents have been shot and some have even died. This is why most cities and states have opted to give professionals, like police, guns and the power to enforce the law. It's not perfect but it's a heck of a lot better than the alternative.

Which is, you have a wannabe street avenger, like Zimmerman, looking for people to shoot.
Geodon is for bipolar disorder, and celexa is for severe depression. Given some of his posts, I'm not surprised the man has issues.

Why anyone thinks someone like that should be able to get a gun is the crazy part.

Now, frankly before anyone thinks "You just don't understand", I've had some really bad stuff happen in my life, too. But I've held it together without chemical aid, thanks.

You have shown your ignorance. Geodon is not 'for bipolar disorder.' In psychiatry we don't treat a disease. We treat symptoms. Geodon is used to treat symptoms, including adjunct therapy for depression, and psychosis. It can be used for other mood symptoms like mood swings if they aren't too bad.

And next time you decide to quote someone you might try not altering the post.

At the top of the page, the guy pretty much admits he's a basket case. Which is fine, I get that.

What I don't get is why you people think folks like him should have guns.

Amazing, isn't it?
No, he absolutely would not be allowed to have a gun.

New York actually does do background checking.

Yes he absolutely would. And Florida has a background check as well

What they are trying to imply is that Zimmerman had a major mental illness because he was on Temazepam and Adderall. Neither of those are for mood or psychosis. Temazpam is a mild sleep aid, and Adderall is given to many children and adults to help them concentrate. Neither insomnia or ADD is a major mental illness. If they were, Zimmerman could have used the insanity defense.


I am "implying" that the restraining order would have barred Zimmerman from owning a handgun in New York, much less being able to carry it in the streets. isn't a good "deterrent". And it's been tried.

What do you think the whole "Wild West" thing was all about. Everyone had side arms and people wound up shooting each other because they were drunk or mad.

The gunfight at the OK corral was about gun control. We have been backsliding into a huge mess.

But that doesnt answer the question of how a law abiding person defends themselves against a criminal. Your advice doesnt help me if I am viciously attacked.

What answer do you want?

I'm giving you my perspective. Private citizens walking around with guns has been tried, and it's led to disastrous results. One of our founding fathers was killed in a gun duel. Several Presidents have been shot and some have even died. This is why most cities and states have opted to give professionals, like police, guns and the power to enforce the law. It's not perfect but it's a heck of a lot better than the alternative.

Which is, you have a wannabe street avenger, like Zimmerman, looking for people to shoot.

And you also have thugs that take advantage of defenseless people...what gives? Several presidents have been shot...what does that have to do with anything? What does that have to do with a defenseless female viciously attacked in a parking garage with no way to legally defend herself against a bigger/stronger man that could be carrying a weapon also. I guess the next person in the garage can report the dead body and call the police, but that doesnt do much for the dead female in the parking lot that will never see her children again...does it?

Your suggestion returns the advantage to the criminal who under your rules would have free reign to attack anyone, because that person cannot legally defend himself/herself against his illegal assault. Unfortunately, crime has risen to these levels...criminals should now think twice when before they didnt have to. Sorry, I fail to see how not having a weapon to defend yourself would deter a criminal...he should be entering at his own risk...not no risk. Your rules just made their day. I would prefer that its at least in the back of their mind that I could be legally carrying a firearm to protect myself.

I want the security of protection for me and my family and you are trying to take it away and then convince me that its good for You want to talk about dead presidents, well show me where not having a gun deterred a criminal from a vicious attack?

BTW...looking for someone to shoot? Thats an irresponsible accusation void of the facts...he called 911...he wasnt chasing Trayvon waving a pistol. You have the bias I described in my rather lengthy post above. You are making wild accusations inconsistent with the evidence...GZ wasnt some crazy lunatic looking for someone to shoot and it hurts your argument and others that would like justice for trayvon. People have to retort your crazy allegations and the facts have to take a back seat while they do it. Its illogical, unreasonable...a distraction.
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You dummies are the ones saying the first time Rachel Jeantel talked to Treyvon was after he was being followed by Zimmerman and he was in front of his house. In reality she and he texted each other 200 times that day, she even talked to him on the way to the 711 and most of the way back.

He didn't say he was in front of his house, he said he was close.

But you continue to believe you are a leagle eagle.. I'm sure all your buddies will believe that.

Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head into the pavement. At that point was Zimmerman reasonably in fear of death or severe bodily harm? If the answer is yes, then he acted in self defense and needs to go free. If the answer is no then he needs to be convicted.
Which is it?
Everything else is just noise in this case.

Not if the prosecution can show that George was the aggressor and that trayvon was defending himself. How can that be shown?...see my latest post in the other Z thread.

In short...if GZ was punched because he went reaching for his pockets in the dark when asked what his problem was or basically why he was following him and then during the struggle, Trayvon is punching him to prevent GZ from pulling a gun on him that GZ admits was exposed, then who was right?...who was the aggressor...GZ never identified himself. In Trayvons mind GZ was showing the same suspicious activity that he was accusing of...only difference is, GZ was carrying a gun.

Being slowly followed by a stranger in the dark in an unfamiliar neighborhood and then being followed again on foot in the dark using a flashlight would give anyone a creepy feeling. We have the benefit of hindsight to know who GZ was...Trayvon didnt.

Not as cut and dry as you suggest. If the prosecution would start hammering the above instead of bringing race into it, they might have a chance...otherwise no.

They don't seem to be pushing that particular fantasy because the facts wont support it. It might have been reasonable if Trayvon had punched him and run away. It is not reasonable that Trayvon would get on top of him and pound his head into the pavement. At that point Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force.
He will walk. There is no question in my mind on this one. It is as clear a case of self defense as I've seen in watching these things. The prosecutor's case falls apart every day as their own witnesses support Zimmerman.
Yes he absolutely would. And Florida has a background check as well

What they are trying to imply is that Zimmerman had a major mental illness because he was on Temazepam and Adderall. Neither of those are for mood or psychosis. Temazpam is a mild sleep aid, and Adderall is given to many children and adults to help them concentrate. Neither insomnia or ADD is a major mental illness. If they were, Zimmerman could have used the insanity defense.


I am "implying" that the restraining order would have barred Zimmerman from owning a handgun in New York, much less being able to carry it in the streets.

A restraining order is a federal disqualifier for owning a handgun.
What point were you trying to make? Had Zimmerman not had a handgun he would be dead. So I would say it was a good thing he was not disarmed by the government.
I take Geodon and celexa. I still have the legal right to own firearms and buy more. Once again the process for denying the right requires a JUDGE to adjudicate the person incompetent or a threat.

This explains much.

I have made no secret of my condition. I have constant depression, with recurring major depression. I have a personality disorder, paranoia, and I have delusional Paranoia.

Geodon aids the celexa with the depression and may help with the paranoia. Prior to going on Geodon I was a basket case, suicidal thoughts controlled my life. Since Geodon hardly at all. Ohh they are always there but I have control now.

"...but I have control now..." Famous last words......Someone like you should not be allowed to have a gun.
Now this pisses me off. I grew up with guns hanging on the wall and live in a state where you don't need a special permit to carry a concealed weapon. If you want to conceal your gun, you can. And I like that it's like that here.

What pisses me off is that Zimmerman has presented anti-gun people with some "ammunition" against the right to carry a weapon.

Thanks a lot Zimmerman, you asshole.

This conservative father-in-law I talk about carries a concealed weapon, and back when a permit was required he had a permit. I like being around him. He is the kind of guy you feel really safe being around. You know that if some nutcase comes into the theater or mall where you are and starts shooting that guys like my father-in-law will simply pull out their gun and shoot the sucker. (I think some of them live for the opportunity) : )

But it's one thing to carry a concealed weapon and know when and how to use it if necessary. It's entirely another thing to behave like Zimmerman, following people around in the dark and provoking confrontations whereupon you shoot 17-year-old kids dead.
But that doesnt answer the question of how a law abiding person defends themselves against a criminal. Your advice doesnt help me if I am viciously attacked.

What answer do you want?

I'm giving you my perspective. Private citizens walking around with guns has been tried, and it's led to disastrous results. One of our founding fathers was killed in a gun duel. Several Presidents have been shot and some have even died. This is why most cities and states have opted to give professionals, like police, guns and the power to enforce the law. It's not perfect but it's a heck of a lot better than the alternative.

Which is, you have a wannabe street avenger, like Zimmerman, looking for people to shoot.

And you also have thugs that take advantage of defenseless people...what gives? Several presidents have been shot...what does that have to do with anything? What does that have to do with a defenseless female viciously attacked in a parking garage with no way to legally defend herself against a bigger/stronger man that could be carrying a weapon also. I guess the next person in the garage can report the dead body and call the police, but that doesnt do much for the dead female in the parking lot that will never see her children again...does it?

Your suggestion returns the advantage to the criminal who under your rules would have free reign to attack anyone, because that person cannot legally defend himself/herself against his illegal assault. Unfortunately, crime has risen to these levels...criminals should now think twice when before they didnt have to. Sorry, I fail to see how not having a weapon to defend yourself would deter a criminal...he should be entering at his own risk...not no risk. Your rules just made their day. I would prefer that its at least in the back of their mind that I could be legally carrying a firearm to protect myself.

I want the security of protection for me and my family and you are trying to take it away and then convince me that its good for You want to talk about dead presidents, well show me where not having a gun deterred a criminal from a vicious attack?

It was not a vicious attack. You are hallucinating.

Look at the photos of Z's head wounds.. Do I need to explain them to you?
This explains much.

I have made no secret of my condition. I have constant depression, with recurring major depression. I have a personality disorder, paranoia, and I have delusional Paranoia.

Geodon aids the celexa with the depression and may help with the paranoia. Prior to going on Geodon I was a basket case, suicidal thoughts controlled my life. Since Geodon hardly at all. Ohh they are always there but I have control now.

"...but I have control now..." Famous last words......Someone like you should not be allowed to have a gun.

Yeah, because someone with "Delusional Paranoia" is totally safe with a gun.

I'm kind of having a hard time beleving this guy made it to E-7 in the USMC.
What answer do you want?

I'm giving you my perspective. Private citizens walking around with guns has been tried, and it's led to disastrous results. One of our founding fathers was killed in a gun duel. Several Presidents have been shot and some have even died. This is why most cities and states have opted to give professionals, like police, guns and the power to enforce the law. It's not perfect but it's a heck of a lot better than the alternative.

Which is, you have a wannabe street avenger, like Zimmerman, looking for people to shoot.

And you also have thugs that take advantage of defenseless people...what gives? Several presidents have been shot...what does that have to do with anything? What does that have to do with a defenseless female viciously attacked in a parking garage with no way to legally defend herself against a bigger/stronger man that could be carrying a weapon also. I guess the next person in the garage can report the dead body and call the police, but that doesnt do much for the dead female in the parking lot that will never see her children again...does it?

Your suggestion returns the advantage to the criminal who under your rules would have free reign to attack anyone, because that person cannot legally defend himself/herself against his illegal assault. Unfortunately, crime has risen to these levels...criminals should now think twice when before they didnt have to. Sorry, I fail to see how not having a weapon to defend yourself would deter a criminal...he should be entering at his own risk...not no risk. Your rules just made their day. I would prefer that its at least in the back of their mind that I could be legally carrying a firearm to protect myself.

I want the security of protection for me and my family and you are trying to take it away and then convince me that its good for You want to talk about dead presidents, well show me where not having a gun deterred a criminal from a vicious attack?

It was not a vicious attack. You are hallucinating.

Look at the photos of Z's head wounds.. Do I need to explain them to you?

See the bold in my post...Did you even read what you are responding too? lol....I am not referring to GZ...try to catch up...I am generalizing.
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I have made no secret of my condition. I have constant depression, with recurring major depression. I have a personality disorder, paranoia, and I have delusional Paranoia.

Geodon aids the celexa with the depression and may help with the paranoia. Prior to going on Geodon I was a basket case, suicidal thoughts controlled my life. Since Geodon hardly at all. Ohh they are always there but I have control now.

"...but I have control now..." Famous last words......Someone like you should not be allowed to have a gun.

Yeah, because someone with "Delusional Paranoia" is totally safe with a gun.

I'm kind of having a hard time beleving this guy made it to E-7 in the USMC.
Joe, why are you sending him secret messages to Kill Kill Kill?
The Left has a narrative about this incident. Any information that runs counter to that narrative is ignored, dismissed or explained away.
And you also have thugs that take advantage of defenseless people...what gives?

You breezed over the whole "cop" thing, did ya?

Several presidents have been shot...what does that have to do with anything?
It puts on display, rather starkly, just how pervasive and dangerous our gun culture really is..
What does that have to do with a defenseless female viciously attacked in a parking garage with no way to legally defend herself against a bigger/stronger man that could be carrying a weapon also. I guess the next person in the garage can report the dead body and call the police, but that doesnt do much for the dead female in the parking lot that will never see her children again...does it?
More often than not, a woman with a gun has a false sense of security. A person meaning to do harm to a defenseless woman..and I suppose you are talking about rape, basically ambushes them. That means, comes up from behind. And more often than not, a woman with a gun, finds out very quickly that gun can just easily be used against them, and then you now have a thug with a gun. Might be better to teach the same woman how to be more careful in the parking lot situation or make sure that the area is well lit with security cameras.

Your suggestion returns the advantage to the criminal who under your rules would have free reign to attack anyone, because that person cannot legally defend himself/herself against his illegal assault.
Except no, that's not what's happening.

Unfortunately, crime has risen to these levels...criminals should now think twice when before they didnt have to.
"Crime" is at historic lows.

Sorry, I fail to see how not having a weapon to defend yourself would deter a criminal...he should be entering at his own risk...not no risk. Your rules just made their day. I would prefer that its at least in the back of their mind that I could be legally carrying a firearm to protect myself.

Like I have pointed out, it's been tried before. We have police now. What the gun lobby is doing is taking this country back into some very awful days.

I want the security of protection for me and my family and you are trying to take it away and then convince me that its good for
I'm not opposed to you having a gun in your home to protect your family. Carrying it around in a public space? I have a problem with that.

You want to talk about dead presidents, well show me where not having a gun deterred a criminal from a vicious attack?

I'm sorry, proving a negative?


BTW...looking for someone to shoot? Thats an irresponsible accusation void of the facts...he called 911...he wasnt chasing Trayvon waving a pistol.
Void of facts?
Fact - Zimmerman has a history of violence. He fought a cop and bravely beat the shit out of his fiancée.
Fact - Zimmerman wanted to be a cop.
Fact - Zimmerman appointed himself "captain" of the Neighborhood watch.
Fact - Zimmerman was "patrolling" his gated community, armed.
Fact - Zimmerman pursued Martin while armed.

Sorry..he wasn't waving the pistol while in pursuit. My bad.

You have the bias I described in my rather lengthy post above. You are making wild accusations inconsistent with the evidence...GZ wasnt some crazy lunatic looking for someone to shoot and it hurts your argument and others that would like justice for trayvon. People have to retort your crazy allegations and the facts have to take a back seat while they do it.

I haven't made one "crazy" allegation. It's my belief that you should not be able to carry a gun in public places. And it's my further belief that if you are allowed to do so, you should not be allowed to shoot innocent people.

If you want to call that my guest.
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