The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Remember, if you have ccw and some kid punches you in the nose,you can kill him. Make sure he is black so you can call him a thug because you see, he got suspended or something.

It doesn't matter if you had troubles with the police or if you have a restraining order and obviously have anger CAN kill him. It's fine. It's florida.

How about this.

Restrain your violent ass from punching people and you won't have to fear getting shot by law abiding citizens.

Too simple?
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Remember, if you have ccw and some kid punches you in the nose,you can kill him. Make sure he is black so you can call him a thug because you see, he got suspended or something.

It doesn't matter if you had troubles with the police or if you have a restraining order and obviously have anger CAN kill him. It's fine. It's florida.

Strange tune.

You mindless liberals had been singing a different song.

You confer the "white" title on some Hispanic guy and declare him guilty without proof because he killed a black guy.

You declared the black guy to be some 12 year old.

You gave no consideration at all to the possibility that maybe he had no right to pound the defendant as the defendant claims he did (with physical evidence to back it up).

You'd want the right to defend yourself if you had just had your nose broken and your head knocked onto the concrete.

You'd want the law not to declare you some "initial aggressor" for the mere doing of something you had a legal right to do.

And make no mistake about it, sock boi, that IS Zimmerman's claim. But assholes like you (dishonest lying scumbag assholes like you I should say) wouldn't dream of giving him the right to offer a defense.

After all: the "victim" is black, so Zimmerman who is not black MUST be guilty to you lolberals.
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So, get a punch in the nose, and you can kill in florida? But only certain demographics of course.

Get a punch in the nose? No You can't shoot. Get knocked down, jumped on and take repeated blows in "MMA style" and the asshole on top is fair game no matter what his complexion is.

You know you can kill someone with a punch to the nose, right? GZ should have just shot him right away lest the teen get a chance to do anything. What does it matter about the sidewalk? The kid was there, he's a thug right? Why give him the chance at all? GZ was scared of the dark, so he was justified right? I had a good friend die falling out of a bus, his head hit the concrete and he was gone just like that. We can't run the risk of thug teens tackling anyone. What we need is you guys to go around and put the mark of cane on all the thugs so we know which ones to shoot in case any of them come at us.

How about we just raise kids so they don't attack people in dark courtyards?
If Treyvon Martin had kept his arrogant piss ass attitude in check and simply returned to his fathers residence, he would be alive. Your problem is that you want to excuse his gangster wannabe life style and crucify a man who acted in self defense.
is it just me or did the state's recent witness(s) just support zimmerman's claim?

Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

i bet this gets lost in this thread because it will be so massive. too bad we can't have separate threads on the separate facets of the trial.

Posters continue to ask for 'evidence' which has already been established
Which is why this thread was created:
Innocent of second degree murder yeah probably... but may be guilty of involuntary manslaughter... will keep watching.

it dont work that way with self defense

if you are not guilty of 2nd murder

the self defense would also apply to manslaughter

So it's murder 2 or nothing?

Essentially. If the jury rules self defense, it is justifiable homicide. He walks. I suppose the jury could convict on involuntary homicide, but it likely wouldn't hold up on appeal.
What percentage of time do you make stuff up? ;)

I've read that Zimmerman said Martin came up behind him. But I'm not aware of an account saying that Martin was still behind Zimmerman when Martin attacked.
Never...aka zero percent.

Post any credible links that states that Trayvon attacked the killer Zimmerman.

You do make things up. I hoped you might give me a greater than 0% answer. That would have added to your credibility. But c'est la vie.

Post a credible link? How am I expected to do that? You won't find Zimmerman's account credible, and that's the only one I know of from someone who was there.

That's the funniest shat I ever heard. Post it if you can or concede that you don't have jack shat.

You people are too funny.
Don't tell me... You'd try diplomacy.
Diplomacy would be in the list above shooting the unarmed teen in the chest, yes.

So you're on your back getting the shit kicked out of you and you want to negotiate with someone who is intent on killing you? What do you have to bargain with at that point. Don't you dare tell me you would tell your assailant that you are armed, thereby giving away your last chance. That is suicidal.
All you can do at that point is surrender and hope the beating stops, or act. Zimmerman wisely chose to act. I would chose to act as well. Am I to take it that you would rather die than take a life? You're sicker than I thought.

Depends on the life... I would rather die than kill any one of my family. Like I said, I don't believe in the no win scenario.
The moral of this story/trial is to never get in a fight unless you are truly defending yourself.

Crime is out of control in this country and new laws have been established to protect citizens minding their own business who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I do think that Zimmerman could have done other things to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place. However, that doesnt negate the fact that in the end he was not chasing Tray looking for a fight and Tray could have avoided the confrontation by simply going home.

Im a little old school and it clouds my judgment at times...I believe in the old fashioned toe to knives and no weapons. But this pertains to two parties looking to settle a difference worth fighting for, etc.

My big problem with Martin at this point in the trial is the fact that he circled back and around GZs me, with that he loses the benefit of the doubt of being frightened and scared...this suggests he was sizing up the opposition. I think that changes things a bit in regards to who was the aggressor.

I also have been thinking about another post last night, cant remember who (sorry), that essentially said that if the one on the bottom is in retreat or has had enough....then knock it off before you kill someone. You got the better of him, he wont follow anyone in the dark anymore, now leave him alone.

At some point, Tray became the aggressor, at some point Tray knew he had the better of him. At some point Tray should have been able to stop. Young kid, didnt really care about the consequences of his the end he was shot because he couldnt stop himself.

In MMA there is a ref that will call the fight when the one on the bottom is defenseless and in extreme danger. If there was no ref, you would see guys killed in the ring. There was no ref there that night to stop a person getting a dozen punches to the head.

My question is what point do some in here think tray would have stopped? Based on the testimony presented and had GZ not had a gun...when do you think Tray would have stopped punching?...when GZ was knocked out? He was raining down blows to a person being dominated by a full mount position and crying for help...this wasnt enough for Tray. Remember this is the same kid that said that people werent "bleeding enough" in his fights.

In other words, GZ was tapping out. Tray didnt seem to care. Another old school thing, is when someone is tapping out or says they have had da man!

Do me a favor. You seem pretty well balanced on the issue, but still, you refer to Martin as "Tray" and Zimmerman as "Zimmerman". It subliminally indicates a bias towards Martin. If you wish to use first names, use Treyvon and Jorge, but don't fall into the trap the prosecution and the Media have set.
This tactic is employed to portray Martin as that cute 12 year old depicted in the first photos we saw of him.
You're above that, I think.
The moral of this story/trial is to never get in a fight unless you are truly defending yourself.

Crime is out of control in this country and new laws have been established to protect citizens minding their own business who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I do think that Zimmerman could have done other things to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place. However, that doesnt negate the fact that in the end he was not chasing Tray looking for a fight and Tray could have avoided the confrontation by simply going home.

Im a little old school and it clouds my judgment at times...I believe in the old fashioned toe to knives and no weapons. But this pertains to two parties looking to settle a difference worth fighting for, etc.

My big problem with Martin at this point in the trial is the fact that he circled back and around GZs me, with that he loses the benefit of the doubt of being frightened and scared...this suggests he was sizing up the opposition. I think that changes things a bit in regards to who was the aggressor.

I also have been thinking about another post last night, cant remember who (sorry), that essentially said that if the one on the bottom is in retreat or has had enough....then knock it off before you kill someone. You got the better of him, he wont follow anyone in the dark anymore, now leave him alone.

At some point, Tray became the aggressor, at some point Tray knew he had the better of him. At some point Tray should have been able to stop. Young kid, didnt really care about the consequences of his the end he was shot because he couldnt stop himself.

In MMA there is a ref that will call the fight when the one on the bottom is defenseless and in extreme danger. If there was no ref, you would see guys killed in the ring. There was no ref there that night to stop a person getting a dozen punches to the head.

My question is what point do some in here think tray would have stopped? Based on the testimony presented and had GZ not had a gun...when do you think Tray would have stopped punching?...when GZ was knocked out? He was raining down blows to a person being dominated by a full mount position and crying for help...this wasnt enough for Tray. Remember this is the same kid that said that people werent "bleeding enough" in his fights.

In other words, GZ was tapping out. Tray didnt seem to care. Another old school thing, is when someone is tapping out or says they have had da man!

Do me a favor. You seem pretty well balanced on the issue, but still, you refer to Martin as "Tray" and Zimmerman as "Zimmerman". It subliminally indicates a bias towards Martin. If you wish to use first names, use Treyvon and Jorge, but don't fall into the trap the prosecution and the Media have set.
This tactic is employed to portray Martin as that cute 12 year old depicted in the first photos we saw of him.
You're above that, I think.

First of all its Trayvon not Treyvon; and its George not Jorge. Second of all I refer to Zimmerman in most cases as GZ...see the very post you quoted...I refer to him as GZ. At times Zimmerman and at times Martin for Trayvon.

Im shortening it offense intended. Im not sure how that depicts him as a 12 year old. Maybe you are a tad too emotionally involved? lol.

Rest assured, I am falling into no trap...hope I cleared this up...good talk.
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Remember, if you have ccw and some kid punches you in the nose,you can kill him. Make sure he is black so you can call him a thug because you see, he got suspended or something.

It doesn't matter if you had troubles with the police or if you have a restraining order and obviously have anger CAN kill him. It's fine. It's florida.

Asked and answered several times, idiot. Please get a new routine.
I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

Posters continue to ask for 'evidence' which has already been established,
which is why this thread was created:

is it just me or did the state's recent witness(s) just support zimmerman's claim?

Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

After five days of testimony my only question at this point is why this was ever brought to trial? The Prosecutions own witnesses have proven the Defense's case. Quite simply...this is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.

Posters continue to ask for 'evidence' which has already been established
Which is why this thread was created:


Did you respond to my answer to your question?
If, so, apologies in advance and I'll dig around some more.

If not, please do.

I'm concerned about the almost all-white upper-middle class jury for this reason...

What White People Don't Understand About Rachel Jeantel By Rachel Samara | Global Grind

Both Defense and Prosecution were involved in choosing the jury.

Hopefully, you are not accusing the Prosecution of being racist.

The tactic used by the defense was to discredit her testimony. The tactic used had to do with her prior inconsistent taped interview and her deposition among other things.

Rachel Jeantel Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman: Prosecution Witness Tweets About Drunk Driving | Breaking News for Black America

Rachel Jeantel George Zimmerman: Trayvon Martin?s Friend Testifies | Breaking News for Black America
The moral of this story/trial is to never get in a fight unless you are truly defending yourself.

Crime is out of control in this country and new laws have been established to protect citizens minding their own business who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I do think that Zimmerman could have done other things to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place. However, that doesnt negate the fact that in the end he was not chasing Tray looking for a fight and Tray could have avoided the confrontation by simply going home.

Im a little old school and it clouds my judgment at times...I believe in the old fashioned toe to knives and no weapons. But this pertains to two parties looking to settle a difference worth fighting for, etc.

My big problem with Martin at this point in the trial is the fact that he circled back and around GZs me, with that he loses the benefit of the doubt of being frightened and scared...this suggests he was sizing up the opposition. I think that changes things a bit in regards to who was the aggressor.

I also have been thinking about another post last night, cant remember who (sorry), that essentially said that if the one on the bottom is in retreat or has had enough....then knock it off before you kill someone. You got the better of him, he wont follow anyone in the dark anymore, now leave him alone.

At some point, Tray became the aggressor, at some point Tray knew he had the better of him. At some point Tray should have been able to stop. Young kid, didnt really care about the consequences of his the end he was shot because he couldnt stop himself.

In MMA there is a ref that will call the fight when the one on the bottom is defenseless and in extreme danger. If there was no ref, you would see guys killed in the ring. There was no ref there that night to stop a person getting a dozen punches to the head.

My question is what point do some in here think tray would have stopped? Based on the testimony presented and had GZ not had a gun...when do you think Tray would have stopped punching?...when GZ was knocked out? He was raining down blows to a person being dominated by a full mount position and crying for help...this wasnt enough for Tray. Remember this is the same kid that said that people werent "bleeding enough" in his fights.

In other words, GZ was tapping out. Tray didnt seem to care. Another old school thing, is when someone is tapping out or says they have had da man!

Do me a favor. You seem pretty well balanced on the issue, but still, you refer to Martin as "Tray" and Zimmerman as "Zimmerman". It subliminally indicates a bias towards Martin. If you wish to use first names, use Treyvon and Jorge, but don't fall into the trap the prosecution and the Media have set.
This tactic is employed to portray Martin as that cute 12 year old depicted in the first photos we saw of him.
You're above that, I think.

First of all its Trayvon not Treyvon; and its George not Jorge. Second of all I refer to Zimmerman in most cases as GZ...see the very post you quoted...I refer to him as GZ. At times Zimmerman and at times Martin.

Im shortening it offense intended. Im not sure how that depicts him as a 12 year old. Maybe you are a tad too emotionally involved? lol.

Rest assured, I am falling into no trap...hope I cleared this up...good talk.

I got the same you're buddies, instead of TM to go with GZ.

Not piling on, just saying it wasn't just Ernie.
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The moral of this story/trial is to never get in a fight unless you are truly defending yourself.

Crime is out of control in this country and new laws have been established to protect citizens minding their own business who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I do think that Zimmerman could have done other things to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place. However, that doesnt negate the fact that in the end he was not chasing Tray looking for a fight and Tray could have avoided the confrontation by simply going home.

Im a little old school and it clouds my judgment at times...I believe in the old fashioned toe to knives and no weapons. But this pertains to two parties looking to settle a difference worth fighting for, etc.

My big problem with Martin at this point in the trial is the fact that he circled back and around GZs me, with that he loses the benefit of the doubt of being frightened and scared...this suggests he was sizing up the opposition. I think that changes things a bit in regards to who was the aggressor.

I also have been thinking about another post last night, cant remember who (sorry), that essentially said that if the one on the bottom is in retreat or has had enough....then knock it off before you kill someone. You got the better of him, he wont follow anyone in the dark anymore, now leave him alone.

At some point, Tray became the aggressor, at some point Tray knew he had the better of him. At some point Tray should have been able to stop. Young kid, didnt really care about the consequences of his the end he was shot because he couldnt stop himself.

In MMA there is a ref that will call the fight when the one on the bottom is defenseless and in extreme danger. If there was no ref, you would see guys killed in the ring. There was no ref there that night to stop a person getting a dozen punches to the head.

My question is what point do some in here think tray would have stopped? Based on the testimony presented and had GZ not had a gun...when do you think Tray would have stopped punching?...when GZ was knocked out? He was raining down blows to a person being dominated by a full mount position and crying for help...this wasnt enough for Tray. Remember this is the same kid that said that people werent "bleeding enough" in his fights.

In other words, GZ was tapping out. Tray didnt seem to care. Another old school thing, is when someone is tapping out or says they have had da man!

Do me a favor. You seem pretty well balanced on the issue, but still, you refer to Martin as "Tray" and Zimmerman as "Zimmerman". It subliminally indicates a bias towards Martin. If you wish to use first names, use Treyvon and Jorge, but don't fall into the trap the prosecution and the Media have set.
This tactic is employed to portray Martin as that cute 12 year old depicted in the first photos we saw of him.
You're above that, I think.

First of all its Trayvon not Treyvon; and its George not Jorge. Second of all I refer to Zimmerman in most cases as GZ...see the very post you quoted...I refer to him as GZ. At times Zimmerman and at times Martin.

Im shortening it offense intended. Im not sure how that depicts him as a 12 year old. Maybe you are a tad too emotionally involved? lol.

Not at all. I see it as a subliminal devise, not intentional, on your part, but just that you may have taken the bait. GZ is fine, if you use TM to refer to Martin. Tray sounds like a cute cuddly kid GZ or Zimmerman seems harsh.

Think it over.
I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

Posters continue to ask for 'evidence' which has already been established,
which is why this thread was created:

After five days of testimony my only question at this point is why this was ever brought to trial? The Prosecutions own witnesses have proven the Defense's case. Quite simply...this is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.

Posters continue to ask for 'evidence' which has already been established
Which is why this thread was created:

Nothing you posted has anything pertaining to Trayvon attacking the killer George Zimmerman.
You're getting mixed up here. Maybe you should just listen for awhile. Leagleeagle

Obviously I am not the one who is confused. You are the one who believes they are smarter than the special prosecutor and can prove Zimmerman was guilty of stalking. Perhaps you should contact Angela Corey and explain to her how she messed up? Maybe they can still amend the charging instrument to include "stalking". You can drop her a line at:

Courthouse Annex
220 East Bay Street
Jacksonville, Florida, 32202
I am sure she will be so impressed with your credentials as legal wiz extraordinaire on the US Message Boards that she will hire you at once.

Poor sarhag.

She is very fond of detective shows.....
After looking at the tapes again...there is something that kinda bothers me. Maybe you guys can help.

If GZ observes tray in front of a house and continues to drive down the street as he says and then takes a right turn and parks in front of the clubhouse and then later pulls around the corner. Why does Tray think he is being followed. Its made to look like he is passed once (nothing abnormal about that)...parks in front of a clubhouse (he lives there nothing abnormal there)...he pulls around the corner stops and sees Trayvon approaching and walking by. Later he strolls up the walk...whats so abnormal about that?...there are residents strolling up and down sidewalks all day.

Why does Trayvon believe he is being followed? How was it so obvious? It seems to me that the way GZ portrays he would just be another resident driving thru the neighborhood and strolling up a walkway.
I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

Posters continue to ask for 'evidence' which has already been established
Which is why this thread was created:

Nothing you posted has anything pertaining to Trayvon attacking the killer George Zimmerman.

Did you even read the links? What a moron. Ask for links and don't read them. You believe what you want to believe.
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