The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Martin referred to Zimmerman as a "Crazy ass cracka."

I'm concerned about the almost all-white upper-middle class jury for this reason...

What White People Don't Understand About Rachel Jeantel By Rachel Samara | Global Grind

She will have little effect in the end on the jury's appreciation of the problem, which is whether GZ was justified in using deadly force if he did indeed provoke the brawl.
Why do you say that?
I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?
I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

What percentage of time do you make stuff up? ;)

I've read that Zimmerman said Martin came up behind him. But I'm not aware of an account saying that Martin was still behind Zimmerman when Martin attacked.
I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.
So, get a punch in the nose, and you can kill in florida? But only certain demographics of course.

Get a punch in the nose? No You can't shoot. Get knocked down, jumped on and take repeated blows in "MMA style" and the asshole on top is fair game no matter what his complexion is.

Wait, who was the MMA fighter here?

Physician assistant: George Zimmerman trained 'MMA style'

Physician assistant: George Zimmerman trained 'MMA style' | News 13

I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

What percentage of time do you make stuff up? ;)

I've read that Zimmerman said Martin came up behind him. But I'm not aware of an account saying that Martin was still behind Zimmerman when Martin attacked.
Never...aka zero percent.

Post any credible links that states that Trayvon attacked the killer Zimmerman.
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So, get a punch in the nose, and you can kill in florida? But only certain demographics of course.

Get a punch in the nose? No You can't shoot. Get knocked down, jumped on and take repeated blows in "MMA style" and the asshole on top is fair game no matter what his complexion is.

Wait, who was the MMA fighter here?

Physician assistant: George Zimmerman trained 'MMA style'

Physician assistant: George Zimmerman trained 'MMA style' | News 13



Zimmerman was playing the role of "The Karate Kid" before "Mr. Myogi" got ahold of him.

Yeah, people are seeing the writing on the wall. Zimmerman isn't going to be convicted and they are pissed. There's no way this guy is going to be found guilty unless there's a video of Zimmerman running up on Martin, slapping him up side his head, pulling his gun and shoots him. Then the video showing Zimmerman kicking his own ass "Liar Liar" style.
Why do so many want Justice to be blind in what happened between Z and M?

Why are so many on a witch hunt just because some loud mouth bigoted racist pigs (SpikeBoy, KnifeSharpton, etc) decided they should be the ones to get the ball rolling when it had already been deflated?

Why do people ignore the trial and the evidence just to pretend they know everything there is about what happened and what was said between the two, knowing damn good and well they don't know what they're talking about? Even if there was a video and sound of everything that happened, some people would still swear up and down that it didn't happen the way it would have been shown.

IF none of this makes sense, I'm blaming the margarita I drank.
Okay, the no one is going to like this post.

This is the way I think it went down, I'm omitting some things as I think they will play out in trial according to the appeal on Crump, the depo, some other things that will come into play.

Based on the testimony so far and how I can envision this. This kid was in some trouble in Miami -see cell, suspensions, etc. and his mom sent him up here to his dad's to "get straightened out", his dad was otherwise occupied with gf and didn't stand on him as he should have been. As far as that night goes...

He was on the phone to Miami (we'll see about this later in trial), according to DD he was this niggah following me, this crackah, his young dumb full of cum balls were hanging out on that call - DD first day - not DD drugged up and told to shut up 2nd day. There is unaccounted explanations to trip to 7-11 in rain/time/the phone call/step brother/all star game - all that scenario is in question as far as I'm concerned, no testimony and many questions there.

Anyhow, he's on the Bluetooth with Miami, sees Z, talking about the niggah, crackah, he's got his badass game on, by her testimony. I think he was playing billy bad ass and Z did get out of the vehicle to see what was going on, he was prompted by the dispatcher -where is he? which was is he headed? etc. to assist. That is what it is, there were many questions there by dispatch and he was "assisting". He may have been going back to his vehicle(keys out, dispatcher instructions - "ok") or even not, either way, it was pitch black out, he can't see anything but his ring of flashlight walking around in the dark and the rain. If you have the flashlight you cant see but 5 feet in your ring, to find someone? I have 5 acres, unless I have the spotlight in my hand, I can't figure out shit on those nights, but if someone else is around they can see YOU! Many people have said he may have been "reaching for his gun not cell" in the interview, maybe true. If someone steps into your ring of vision/flashlight, that is what you would do SURPRISE! here I am, I need my gun/cell whatever. It leads me to believe that that's what happened TM was on the phone playing mano a mano impressing his Miami friend(s) and stepped into that light, what you following me for crackah? you got a problem - use your imagination here. That confrontation falls right into what DD said he was saying on the phone. So I do believe that TM was trying to impress on the Bluetooth and I do believe Z couldn't have found him in the dark, but the other way around with the light. Then after testimony yesterday, It think there was a what are you doing? what's it to ya niggah, watch this! on the phone thing that happened. He got Z down with the punch, there was scooting up to the concrete while Z was trying to get out from underneath, there was pounding, however, TM didn't know or did, from the beginning of him getting into that field of flash light vision SURPRISE! that Z had a gun. Either way, any way, doesn't matter, I think that's how it went down. If Z hadn't had a gun, this would be a different case entirely and not one in the public eye.

Now, there are some other things at work here other than the incident and the night itself and the defense has the goods on that, but that's for later on and that goes to the political / racial mess this trial is. Don't forget that as soon as the dad made the call to Crump, Crump called Al, got DD's story together with the dad and call the Justice Dept to start making some noise, and noise it made. The entire racial divide was pinned on this single incident and everyone with an agenda showed up for the party. That, already was unfounded, although for many that is still the issue even though it was unfounded, the investigation was closed, etc. many are still hanging their agenda hats on this incident. I think that is going to be a gigantic ass biter.

As for the incident itself and what happened there - I think it just about like what I said it was.

We're still pretty early into it, and still we have from the prosecution's witnesses, pretty compelling testimony about who was on top, who was yelling. And DD was enlightening.

What'd I say????

I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

What percentage of time do you make stuff up? ;)

I've read that Zimmerman said Martin came up behind him. But I'm not aware of an account saying that Martin was still behind Zimmerman when Martin attacked.
Never...aka zero percent.

Post any credible links that states that Trayvon attacked the killer Zimmerman.

You do make things up. I hoped you might give me a greater than 0% answer. That would have added to your credibility. But c'est la vie.

Post a credible link? How am I expected to do that? You won't find Zimmerman's account credible, and that's the only one I know of from someone who was there.
I think you captured the attitude of Martin pretty well. He did seem to be posturing for Dee Dee on the phone and working himself up for a confrontation.
That, combined with the calm, rational conversation at about the same time between Zimmerman and the dispatcher shows both men's state of mind. One calm, business like, for the most part, and one posturing, almost demanding respect for being a bad assed gangsta.
I see a lot of folks talking about Trayvon attacked the killer George Zimmerman from the back. However, no where has this ever been stated, nor corroborated in the media nor in court thus far.

Don't you people feel foolish making crap up all the time?

What percentage of time do you make stuff up? ;)

I've read that Zimmerman said Martin came up behind him. But I'm not aware of an account saying that Martin was still behind Zimmerman when Martin attacked.
Never...aka zero percent.

Post any credible links that states that Trayvon attacked the killer Zimmerman.

If you watched the trial like the rest of us, John Good made it clear who attacked who. Yes, you make shit up 100 percent of the time. My gosh, Marc, you'd defend Martin if he tried to anally rape him!

You're clueless!
I think you captured the attitude of Martin pretty well. He did seem to be posturing for Dee Dee on the phone and working himself up for a confrontation.
That, combined with the calm, rational conversation at about the same time between Zimmerman and the dispatcher shows both men's state of mind. One calm, business like, for the most part, and one posturing, almost demanding respect for being a bad assed gangsta.

Theres more than that, but the defense hasn't even started yet. So next week we'll have a better conversation :).
Do you know how many more witnesses the prosecution has? I'm thinking they'll have Martin's parents on for the sympathy factor, but what else do they have?
Okay, the no one is going to like this post.

This is the way I think it went down, I'm omitting some things as I think they will play out in trial according to the appeal on Crump, the depo, some other things that will come into play.

Based on the testimony so far and how I can envision this. This kid was in some trouble in Miami -see cell, suspensions, etc. and his mom sent him up here to his dad's to "get straightened out", his dad was otherwise occupied with gf and didn't stand on him as he should have been. As far as that night goes...

He was on the phone to Miami (we'll see about this later in trial), according to DD he was this niggah following me, this crackah, his young dumb full of cum balls were hanging out on that call - DD first day - not DD drugged up and told to shut up 2nd day. There is unaccounted explanations to trip to 7-11 in rain/time/the phone call/step brother/all star game - all that scenario is in question as far as I'm concerned, no testimony and many questions there.

Anyhow, he's on the Bluetooth with Miami, sees Z, talking about the niggah, crackah, he's got his badass game on, by her testimony. I think he was playing billy bad ass and Z did get out of the vehicle to see what was going on, he was prompted by the dispatcher -where is he? which was is he headed? etc. to assist. That is what it is, there were many questions there by dispatch and he was "assisting". He may have been going back to his vehicle(keys out, dispatcher instructions - "ok") or even not, either way, it was pitch black out, he can't see anything but his ring of flashlight walking around in the dark and the rain. If you have the flashlight you cant see but 5 feet in your ring, to find someone? I have 5 acres, unless I have the spotlight in my hand, I can't figure out shit on those nights, but if someone else is around they can see YOU! Many people have said he may have been "reaching for his gun not cell" in the interview, maybe true. If someone steps into your ring of vision/flashlight, that is what you would do SURPRISE! here I am, I need my gun/cell whatever. It leads me to believe that that's what happened TM was on the phone playing mano a mano impressing his Miami friend(s) and stepped into that light, what you following me for crackah? you got a problem - use your imagination here. That confrontation falls right into what DD said he was saying on the phone. So I do believe that TM was trying to impress on the Bluetooth and I do believe Z couldn't have found him in the dark, but the other way around with the light. Then after testimony yesterday, It think there was a what are you doing? what's it to ya niggah, watch this! on the phone thing that happened. He got Z down with the punch, there was scooting up to the concrete while Z was trying to get out from underneath, there was pounding, however, TM didn't know or did, from the beginning of him getting into that field of flash light vision SURPRISE! that Z had a gun. Either way, any way, doesn't matter, I think that's how it went down. If Z hadn't had a gun, this would be a different case entirely and not one in the public eye.

Now, there are some other things at work here other than the incident and the night itself and the defense has the goods on that, but that's for later on and that goes to the political / racial mess this trial is. Don't forget that as soon as the dad made the call to Crump, Crump called Al, got DD's story together with the dad and call the Justice Dept to start making some noise, and noise it made. The entire racial divide was pinned on this single incident and everyone with an agenda showed up for the party. That, already was unfounded, although for many that is still the issue even though it was unfounded, the investigation was closed, etc. many are still hanging their agenda hats on this incident. I think that is going to be a gigantic ass biter.

As for the incident itself and what happened there - I think it just about like what I said it was.

We're still pretty early into it, and still we have from the prosecution's witnesses, pretty compelling testimony about who was on top, who was yelling. And DD was enlightening.

What'd I say????


This kid was in some trouble in Miami -

have you been keeping track of the scandal with the school police and cover up

go back and look at the crime scene you will see the debris field

notice it
Do you know how many more witnesses the prosecution has? I'm thinking they'll have Martin's parents on for the sympathy factor, but what else do they have?

they have the medical reports of martin

the lab testing on the clothing

they should be wrapped up by midweek
I did already. I told you I can do compound sentences. :)

There's a new trial trademark "compound sentences"
Oh no! When the trial ends I'm never going to see you again. Bring your bow and meet me in Park Rapids.
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