The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So I'm armed, I observe someone whose actions tell me they may be about to commit a crime, I'm supposed to run away?

Is the same reaction required if I'm not armed?

Big difference between "thinking" someone is "about to" commit a crime, and observing someone who is actually commiting a crime. And there's also a big difference in how you can respond.

Let's not rush things here, we are talking about just the observation at this point.

I agree with what has already been posted. GZ has every right to observe and follow someone he viewed as suspicious. Whether he was armed or not, and what community club he was a member of has no relevance.

I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.
Hi...My name is George Zimmerman...Im following a suspicious character in my neighborhood in the dark and rain...I have holstered my pistol just in case there is a, Im not a cop...Im a neighborhood watch captain. What should I do?

911: Get your stupid ass back in your truck and wait for the police...right now!! Do not pass not collect $200.

Hi 25 caliber. Here is a transcript of the key portion of the police call with Zimmerman:


Up until Zimmerman states "Shit, he is running" there is no dispute that Zimmerman was in his vehicle.. When Zimmerman says "The back entrance ... fucking [unintelligible]" there is also no dispute that Zimmerman is in the process of leaving his vehicle for the first time in the phone call.

If I was representing Zimmerman, the argument that I would make is that when the dispatcher replied to Zimmermans exclamation "Shit, he is running" with "He's running? Which way is he running?" Zimmerman took that as a directive to follow Martin and report where Martin was headed.

Latter, when the dispatcher discerns that Zimmerman is running because of the sounds of heavy breathing and the wind (not to mention the sounds of wet grass) he asks "Are you following him?'. Zimmerman responds "Yeah", the dispatcher says "OK we don't need you to do that". At that point you can tell Zimmerman is slowing down and comes to a stop a few seconds thereafter.

Thus the defense will argue, far from ignoring the dispatcher, Zimmerman believed he was following the express direction of the dispatcher

The dispatcher ALSO said, "Just let me know if he does anything, okay?" Sounded to ME like he was telling Zimmerman to keep an eye on Martin, and then told him to stop doing it . . . which Zimmerman did.
Big difference between "thinking" someone is "about to" commit a crime, and observing someone who is actually commiting a crime. And there's also a big difference in how you can respond.

Let's not rush things here, we are talking about just the observation at this point.

I agree with what has already been posted. GZ has every right to observe and follow someone he viewed as suspicious. Whether he was armed or not, and what community club he was a member of has no relevance.

I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.

Zona not being incarcerated is ample proof of that.
[MENTION=43879]testarosa[/MENTION], where's your post that starts "Your not going to like this..."

I wanted to respond to it, but now I can't find it.
Big difference between "thinking" someone is "about to" commit a crime, and observing someone who is actually commiting a crime. And there's also a big difference in how you can respond.

Let's not rush things here, we are talking about just the observation at this point.

I agree with what has already been posted. GZ has every right to observe and follow someone he viewed as suspicious. Whether he was armed or not, and what community club he was a member of has no relevance.

I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.
So, get a punch in the nose, and you can kill in florida? But only certain demographics of course.

Let's not rush things here, we are talking about just the observation at this point.

I agree with what has already been posted. GZ has every right to observe and follow someone he viewed as suspicious. Whether he was armed or not, and what community club he was a member of has no relevance.

I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.

Zona not being incarcerated is ample proof of that.

So this is where the right wing nuts are now.

Should I?

Sure, post it.

If some don't like it, they'll just b!tch about it, since there's nothing else they can do. Besides, some on here need new material to whine about.
@testarosa, where's your post that starts "Your not going to like this..."

I wanted to respond to it, but now I can't find it.

I deleted it.... I don't know if the masses can take it.

Too was a good post.

Folks can handle were taking a critical look at your own "sides" (for lack of a better term) opinion...that's always welcome.
They won't accept responsibility. They'll blame it on whitey..

What is going to surprise them will be the backlash they get from Hispanics, if they're stupid enough to try to burn down any but their OWN neighborhoods.

Hopefully, they will stay true to their roots and, yet again, just smash, burn, kill in their own little piece of heaven.

If they burn down their OWN neighborhoods, Obama will just give them bigger and better ones, dontcha know. He has already strutted out on this one.

And here folks you have it. Trayvons murder is revenge for having a Black President. That's why the same people who wanted OJ to burn are now the SAME people who want Zimmerman to get off.
So this is your smoking gun on whitey and their reasoning eh ? Hmmm, maybe it's more like what have you been smoking in that gun (barrel) you are inhaling from, in which has you smoking like a freight train out of both of your ears trying to come up with such analogies or answers like that ? Now what you are doing I think, is you are drawing instead this weird non-sense in which you speak from your biased lips, and it is way off track is what it is I think, but how does someone like you get convinced somehow otherwise ?
Let's not rush things here, we are talking about just the observation at this point.

I agree with what has already been posted. GZ has every right to observe and follow someone he viewed as suspicious. Whether he was armed or not, and what community club he was a member of has no relevance.

I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.
So, get a punch in the nose, and you can kill in florida? But only certain demographics of course.

Get a punch in the nose? No You can't shoot. Get knocked down, jumped on and take repeated blows in "MMA style" and the asshole on top is fair game no matter what his complexion is.
I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.

Zona not being incarcerated is ample proof of that.

So this is where the right wing nuts are now.

I don't care if George Zimmerman danced a jig behind Martin while singing the "Oompaloompa Song". It still doesn't make it acceptable for Martin to assault him, or revoke Zimmerman's right to defend himself when Martin DID assault him. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require anyone to "avoid a confrontation", nor is it illegal to be annoying.

Zona not being incarcerated is ample proof of that.

So this is where the right wing nuts are now.

This is where What? What are you trying to say about me Zona? Come on guy, out with it.
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