The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is an unknown assailant, with an unknown skill level, his age is unknown to you. He's young, that's all you can ascertain. And it's dark.

He has attacked you in an alley behind some houses.

It is irrelevant how you got there or how he got there.

You where not planning to attack him, he attacked you for being there.

How did you die?

You were in fear for your life.

That was stipulated.

And you had a gun.

You tried to fight instead, and your unknown opponent was a better fighter...when you started fighting back, he smashed your head against the concrete with all his strength and you lost consciousness and he continued slamming your head against the ground until you expired.

Hope you had some life insurance to take care of the family.

I, on the other hand, understand something you do not.

When I am in fear for my life, Occam's razor kicks in...simple answers are better.

Nothing fancy.

This guy is trying to kill me, my mission is to kill him first, as quickly as humanly possible.


Everything else is bunk.

>>> You tried to fight instead, and your unknown opponent was a better fighter...when you started fighting back, he smashed your head against the concrete with all his strength and you lost consciousness and he continued slamming your head against the ground until you expired.

If your proposed scenario has nothing to do with this case, why bring it up? You trying to say I can't figure out it's just a teenager I'm fighting with?

I've already been in the situation that you described. On the ground in with the guy over me who is a much better fighter than me on top with both of his hands on my head pounding it again and again onto the concrete. I did not have a gun. I'm still here. How did I get out? Read the instructions I provided above. Would I have killed him if I was armed.. god I hope not. Was he trying to kill me? It sure felt for a few seconds like he was. But in that moment I rose up and became a better fighter. There is no honor in killing an unarmed teenager with a pistol. There is no honor in stabbing an unarmed teenager with a pistol. There is no honor in dragging the teenager to the concrete so you could say he was trying to bash your head on the concrete.

If there is no honor what is the point of being here? Just to say you survived?

I put you in Zimmerman's exact position.

Honor? What does honor have to do with anything?

Is it honorable to get beaten to death?

I thought you might have something to contribute, but that's just dumb.

Put down Kung Fu Weekly, and come join us in reality.
I'm with AYE, it's laziness, just not wanting to make the effort to speak clearly.

I teach urban highschoolers. Its not laziness or neck issues, lol. Its lack of training and practice in formal speech, in addressing adults or authority figures in a manner different than the tone you would use with your peers. Many of my students arrive in my classroom with no concept that they should address the principal, a teacher, a police officer, or a lawyer during cross-examination more professionally than when they are hanging out with friends.

She is mumbling and sighing because she is nervous/annoyed/scared/confused/angry/whatever...and no one has ever taught her that in some settings, even if you are feeling that you don't want to be there and don't want to speak to the person talking to sit up straight, speak clearly, and answer respectfully and concisely.

Well, then, she needs to go home and smack her Momma - and her Daddy, if she knows who he is - for never expecting any better of her than that. I can promise you, all of MY kids had ample opportunity to learn good manners LONG before they got to her age. Hell, my 4-year-old does better than that.
Well, I never would have gotten in that position in the first place because I wouldn't have been following someone around in the night. If they were truly suspicious I would have called the cops and remained in my vehicle.

We can't go around provoking unarmed people and then use that as an excuse to shoot them. Good God have mercy!

While that's an interesting point, it doesn't have a bearing on this part of the discussion.

I don't necessarily agree with it, in a gated community when one is the neighborhood watch captain.

And only a barbarian attacks people physically for anything other than physical assault on themselves.

Do you think you have the right to assault me if a follow you?

I got cold cocked once when I drove a girl home.. the girls's "brother" thought I was out with her.. all I did was do the girl a favor and give her a ride home from the party. Was he a barbarian, or a confused brother?

A barbarian.

Anyone who responds with violence to a non-violent situation is a barbarian.

A confused brother asks a question or two...and is STILL a barbarian if he attacks you.
So you admit to being a coward by using a gunb on an unarmed juvenile
A coward? Hell no. When I'm assaulted, I'll do whatever I have to to survive. If that includes taking a life, so be it. That's hardly cowardly I have the courage and the ability to act to save my life or the life of another. You have the courage only to call me a coward.

So if this little girl stepped on your toe and threatened to take your life with a bobby pin, you shoot her dead? No hesitation, no reasoned thought, just pull the trigger.


Hardley worth a reply.
I'll repeat: When I'm assaulted, I'll do whatever I have to to survive. If that includes taking a life, so be it.
George Zimmerman did not initiate the conflict. Mr. Martin came out of the residence after the initial following was over. He was safely in his house. When Mr. Martin came back outside it was he who initiated the conflict. Mr. Zimmerman was then the victim. If Mr. Martin had stayed in his home the incident would not have occurred. When he walked outside to confront Zimmerman the event changed.

If Mr. Martin had been afraid of Mr. Zimmerman he would have called the police or at least stayed in his home. If he was not afraid but didn't want trouble then he would have stayed inside or talked to Mr. Zimmerman through an open window. Instead Mr. Martin went outside to confront Mr. Zimmerman with violence because he was angry. He made the wrong choice. He broke the law by attacking Mr. Zimmerman and when Mr. Zimmerman had no way to get away and was being beaten he did the only thing he could. He defended himself with the only thing he had left. Mr. Martin died because of his own anger and because he attacked an armed man. Had He (Mr. Martin) known that the man he was attacking had a gun I don't think he would have gone back outside.

Yep, you nailed it.

Why do you think the lefties are saying this is a racial attack by GZ? Political opportunism on the part of some?
She can speak three languages. English is her THIRD...


This is America and I only need one language where I come from...

Sorry to say these days it will be spoken from the business end of a gun should the need arise

So it's not a thyroid problem like I said...


This somehow went to guns. Wow. It seems Precious has more common sense than you do and can tell you that in three languages. Including merican.

How the hell would you know since you are plainly a fucking idiot?
The defense's strategy is to keep asking the same questions over and over, while prodding her about her low voice to shame her, until she cracks up.

Fucking bully lawyer.

Let's see if he is that brave with TM's father.

Oh, for God's sake, grow up. They're in a fucking courtroom, in front of a fucking judge and jury, surrounded by fucking law enforcement officers. There's no "being brave" about this; he's doing his job, and he'll do it with Martin's father, who has no fucking choice but to accept it. What's he gonna do, jump over the railing of the witness box and assault the defense lawyer? Puhleeze.

Be a little more immature and trashy, why don't you?
How pissed is this girl going to be when the prosecutor wants to re-direct, lol.

and then west starts in again


Every now and then as I listen to West I wonder if his tactic is to ultimately have her just lose it on the stand and perhaps blurt out stuff she shouldn't? The depth of her ignorance is astonishing and an expletive laced outburst wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

I think he's just trying to make the jury utterly disregard her as a worthless witness, but I don't think he'd object if she DID have a meltdown on the stand.
Whoot third neg from "Sunshine." This is fun. cmon Sunshine give it to me.. Do you "three" love birds deny that girls can fight better than Zimmerman?

Sunshine is an arrogant bitch. She recently negged me, also. I enjoy taunting her. Ever since I let the forum know that she negged me just for disagreeing with her, my rep has zoomed up, not down.

In fact, I don't have much to give, but I'm going to give you some positive rep just because that bitch negged you.

She's a mental case, I think.

Be that way. If you want to pass rep around like a game, I can play that too. Since you've just repped RMK, I think I'll neg him/her. Is that cool with you?
Follow a guy in florida because he is black, get punched in the nose for doing it, and shoot and kill that unarmed kid.............and get away with it?

God bless america.
Emotion does not trump facts.

Martin: No blunt force injuries...Zimmerman didn't hit him.

Zimmerman: All blunt force injuries...Zimmerman was on the receiving end...he did not fight back.

Martin: On top punching.

Zimmerman: On the ground getting his head slammed into the concrete.

This is the testimony.

This is the evidence from the autopsy.

Facts trump emotion.
You don't need fists when you are packing a nine mil.

Is there any logic in your replies, or are you using a random post generator?
You are too ignorant to understand..
Follow a guy in florida because he is black, get punched in the nose for doing it, and shoot that unarmed kid.............and get away with it?

God bless america.

Join neighborhood watch in Florida. Lawfully observe a suspicious character. Get attacked an pummeled by said suspicious character. Kill your attacker in self defense and get prosecuted for it because if the POTUS had a son, he would look like the attacker. God HELP America.
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