The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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First, the black guy struck first.

Second, the white guy stopped hitting him once he was down.

Had he continued to wail on the black guy after he was down, and no one was stopping him...and the black guy believed he was in danger of death or grievous bodily harm, he would have been within his rights to use lethal force to stop the attack.

But it didn't come to that...white guy ended the threat to himself, and walked away.

Had Martin done that, he would be alive today.

"struck first" chest poke at best.. yeah the black guy pushed him .. just as Zimmerman pushed Trayvon by chasing and chasing and chasing then reaching for his pocket when asked who he is why he's following him..

The white guy stopped hitting him probably because there were witnesses, because he probably had bad knees, and also because he's probably a better man than either Zimmerman or Trayvon. BS that gang banger did not pull a gun probably because he didn't have one and/or because there were witnesses.

So chest poke is a strike, he instigated. What are you arguing?

Zimmerman pushed Trayon...major liberties with the language here:eusa_hand:

Mind reading, medical diagnosis and a silly psych evaluations:doubt:

Instigated... you mean like pursued by car, verbal taunts, pursued on foot in the rain in the dark, then reached for his gun when questioned by TM? Same as this bus video.. they did the dance for a long time... the wannabe pursued... the alpha beat the carp out of the wannabe for "instigating" ... The difference between this video and the trial? color of skin and age are swapped... video evidence.. neither are packing..
Because HE was the aggressor, you fool, not because of his color. The white guy had made his attempt to defuse the situation by moving to the front of the bus. The black kid pursued him and deserved his beat down. Self defense does not apply when the person committing the bad act is met with superior force. The white man in this case was the one acting lawfully.

This is further proof of your myopic black vs. white mentality. Why can't you see good vs. evil?


Give this man a cigar.
Except that you still mistakenly believe that George Zimmerman was the aggressor.

Why do you believe Zimmerman's pursuit was "passive" and the pursuit by the guy in this bus was "aggression?" In this video on the bus both are being aggressive, the old man smartly tries to diffuse by walking away, but then he turns to taunt by saying something like I'll beat the shit out of you.. then the wannabe pursues. They are both the aggressor right up to the point where the wannabe curls up in the fetal position while the old man is beating on him. Just like the trial where GZ is just laying there getting his ass beat crying out for help.
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The evidence that he confronted George is in, that he was punching George is and that George had a gun is in and that Travon is dead is most certainly in. So
Your assertion that " if Travyon was the thug he's being made to be, Zimmerman would be dead today" is remarkably dim witted.

Yes the defense has not actually begun last line was just a reminder of what's already common knowledge for those following the case.

Well actually no.

That's George's first story..when he told police he got out of the car to check the address and was hit from behind.

That didn't quite jibe with the 911 tape or the proximity of where body was found so Zimmerman told a couple of other stories..

And wound up with Martin asking him "What's your problem"..

Sort of a

We'll have to see. None of that removes the testimony already on the record pointing to TM being the aggressor.

It really is quite a stretch to call a person getting pursued by another person, an aggressor.

Mr. Martin did not actively seek to confront Mr. Zimmerman.

It was Zimmerman that was chasing Martin.

This didn't happen over a long period of time.

And now some in the conservative community are saying some really ridiculous Martin doubled back.

In six minutes?

Really? :cuckoo:
Because HE was the aggressor, you fool, not because of his color. The white guy had made his attempt to defuse the situation by moving to the front of the bus. The black kid pursued him and deserved his beat down. Self defense does not apply when the person committing the bad act is met with superior force. The white man in this case was the one acting lawfully.

This is further proof of your myopic black vs. white mentality. Why can't you see good vs. evil?


Give this man a cigar.
Except that you still mistakenly believe that George Zimmerman was the aggressor.


Zimmerman's own statements (Depending on which set you believe) make that the case.

Someone fleeing is generally looked at as the victim. Sometimes the victim can turn things around.

Check out this vid.

[ame=]Zebra Drowning a Lion - YouTube[/ame]

Sometimes the lion doesn't always win.
Irrelevant to you? And so does following someone in the dark, not identifying yourself and reaching for your that wasnt

GZ was aggressively following and hence got aggressively punched by a Very relevant to self defense...he went looking and he found it.

so far the testimony is that zimmerman did not follow

when the defense presents its case

you will see the debris field starting at the T

and traveling to the place where martins body laid

take this into account with deedees testimony

that martin made it home and returned

in addition according to witnesses it would

have been to dark for zimmerman to be following martin

1. He did follow...trayvon went up the path and he followed with a flashlight...thats on the 911 tape and GZs own words.

2. Touche...want to hear the defenses case...I may change my opinion...but as of now...this is where I stand.

3. Not too dark to follow with a evidence already.

4. I doubt seriously that will we see anything solidifying the fact that he absolutely made it home and returned...certainly cant rely on deedees testimony. She doesnt know home from vicinity or front door from building.

With all due respect, 25? The girlfriend's testimony is that when she calls him back...he's standing outside of the condo he's staying at, breathing hard after running away from the man who was following him. Look at a map of the gated community. That's several hundred yards away from the path that Zimmerman took when he was ATTEMPTING to follow the man who had disappeared behind the row of townhouses. Martin has lost his pursuer. According to the Prosecution's own witness Martin is safely outside the condo. So how do you move him all the way back to where the fight took place unless HE chose to walk back to confront Zimmerman?
George Zimmerman is on the phone walking back to his SUV at this point. He's completely LOST Martin. He's telling the Police where to meet him inside of the complex. It's at this point...right after Zimmerman gets off the phone...that the confrontation takes place. The fact is...there is no way possible for that confrontation to take place where it did unless Trayvon Martin makes a decision to retrace his steps and confront the "creepy assed Cracker". It simply doesn't happen.
The old man in the video... he appeared to be intent on teaching the wannabe a lesson... I suspect that's what TM was doing.
I doubt that.
I do know I would still be on Zimmerman's side in this discussion assuming it had national attention.

This woman you are referring to with the 20 year 'stand your ground' case was prosecuted by Angela Corey right after she was assigned as special prosecutor to this case.

IMO she is another casualty in the long list of casualties of this case - ie Bill Lee and Ron King.

Rep Corinne Brown vs Angela Corey on Marissa Alexander:

[ame=]05.11.12: Rep. Brown + Angela Corey Talk on Marissa Alexander - YouTube[/ame]

Bumping the post.

I saw. I see similarity, BUT Ms. Alexander fired a warning shot that hit a child. I would fully expect that George Zimmerman would be found guilty if he had missed Martin and killed someone else.

I agree that 20 years is very harsh.

At best, reckless endangerment 5 years, out in 2.
He got the shit kicked out of him because he approached the older whit dude. The white guy got up and moved away for God's sake. They traded some insults and the bad ass black kid goes up to confront him.
If he had stayed in his seat, he wouldn't have gotten his stupid ass beat down. He's lucky. I'm not bigger than he was and I'm older than the whit dude. I'd have considered putting him down.

And that has nothing to do with the point I made.

Had the young man shot the old man, because he was losing the fight and felt that his life with in danger..none of you folks would have any trouble putting the young man in jail.

And that's telling.

Let's see.. bad ass old man walks away from argument with wannabe... Trayvon walks away from wannabe... wannabe pursues makes aggressive move (one wannabe makes sweep with hand at bad ass, the other wannabe makes fumbling reached for "pocket" when questioned)... wannabe gets ass handed to him...

Difference? Wannabe with the gun not happy about loosing the fight, screams for help, and then kills the bad ass in "self defense."

Except nothing in evidence supports your scenario. OK?
There are many Americans who put the lives of others ahead of their own: Policemen, nurses, doctors, soldiers, to name a few. All of them are voluntarily in harm's way. But even in those instances there are many situations which demand that the person defend his/her own life and they are legally allowed to do so.

Your statement has to be the stupidest one I have EVER read on a forum. Humans are genetically programmed to preserve their own lives, and the law allows it.

So in your mind, depraved as it appears to be, an 8year old little girl brandishing a toy gun and yelling bang, deserves to die. Nice.



I saw the song playing over and over and over and over again on the thread and totally missed this!

You're always on your game. ;-)
And if Zimmerman's testimony is believed that 'he thought he was near death' at the time he shot Martin, how do we on a message board determine when the proper point of 'near death' might be? That seems to be important to some here--that Zimmerman was not near enough to death to shoot. How does one determne if they are near enough to pull the trigger?
Clearly if Trayvon was the thug he's being made to be, Zimmerman would be dead today.
So you missed the part where the thug punched out an armed man??

Who btw when saw the gun told GZ " you're going to die tonight"

According to WHO?

Well they know this as rote fact Zona, because first of all, it's the accused's version of events. Second of all... Second of all... :confused:
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And that has nothing to do with the point I made.

Had the young man shot the old man, because he was losing the fight and felt that his life with in danger..none of you folks would have any trouble putting the young man in jail.

And that's telling.

Because HE was the aggressor, you fool, not because of his color. The white guy had made his attempt to defuse the situation by moving to the front of the bus. The black kid pursued him and deserved his beat down. Self defense does not apply when the person committing the bad act is met with superior force. The white man in this case was the one acting lawfully.

This is further proof of your myopic black vs. white mentality. Why can't you see good vs. evil?

Ernie, he's agreeing with you on the bus video. The black guy is playing zimmerman. You appear to see the old man as zimmerman in this video. You are defending the white guy in both scenarios, that is the point. If this black kid on this bus had pulled a gun in self defense when loosing the fight would you have defended his shooting as self-defense? All the black kid did was "pursue" malign and poke. The old man beat the crap out of the black kid for the pursuit and for the poke.. the black kid by your measure would have been in his right to kill the old man in self defense.

NO!!!! because the black kid was the aggressor. Find a youtube of a white man attacking a black man. I will always come down on the side of the one attacked. Sallow will always come down on the side of the black. See the difference?
And that has nothing to do with the point I made.

Had the young man shot the old man, because he was losing the fight and felt that his life with in danger..none of you folks would have any trouble putting the young man in jail.

And that's telling.

Let's see.. bad ass old man walks away from argument with wannabe... Trayvon walks away from wannabe... wannabe pursues makes aggressive move (one wannabe makes sweep with hand at bad ass, the other wannabe makes fumbling reached for "pocket" when questioned)... wannabe gets ass handed to him...

Difference? Wannabe with the gun not happy about loosing the fight, screams for help, and then kills the bad ass in "self defense."

Except nothing in evidence supports your scenario. OK?

Boiled down?

Zimmerman calls the cops. He follows Martin in his car. Checks an address. Martin flees. Zimmerman gets out of car to pursue Martin. At some point he meets Martin. They fight. Zimmerman shoots Martin.

That whole thing took place over the course of 7 minutes.
This woman you are referring to with the 20 year 'stand your ground' case was prosecuted by Angela Corey right after she was assigned as special prosecutor to this case.

IMO she is another casualty in the long list of casualties of this case - ie Bill Lee and Ron King.

Rep Corinne Brown vs Angela Corey on Marissa Alexander:

05.11.12: Rep. Brown + Angela Corey Talk on Marissa Alexander - YouTube

Bumping the post.

I saw. I see similarity, BUT Ms. Alexander fired a warning shot that hit a child. I would fully expect that George Zimmerman would be found guilty if he had missed Martin and killed someone else.

I agree that 20 years is very harsh.

At best, reckless endangerment 5 years, out in 2.

The point is Angela prosecuted her right after she was assigned to this case, and she made an example out of this lady because it was smack in the middle of everyone covering their asses and trying to keep the peace
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And that has nothing to do with the point I made.

Had the young man shot the old man, because he was losing the fight and felt that his life with in danger..none of you folks would have any trouble putting the young man in jail.

And that's telling.

Let's see.. bad ass old man walks away from argument with wannabe... Trayvon walks away from wannabe... wannabe pursues makes aggressive move (one wannabe makes sweep with hand at bad ass, the other wannabe makes fumbling reached for "pocket" when questioned)... wannabe gets ass handed to him...

Difference? Wannabe with the gun not happy about loosing the fight, screams for help, and then kills the bad ass in "self defense."

Except nothing in evidence supports your scenario. OK?

I'm going by Zimmerman's testimony given prior to the trial. Zimmerman himself said Trayvon was walking away, then running away. Zimmerman himself said he pursued the suspect. Zimmerman himself said he was questioned by the suspect and reached for his "pocket." Zimmerman himself said he was not happy about loosing the fight. Zimmerman himself said he screamed for help. Zimmerman himself said he killed the bad ass in "self defense." What part of Zimmerman's provided statements disproved what Zimmerman himself said?
Bumping the post.

I saw. I see similarity, BUT Ms. Alexander fired a warning shot that hit a child. I would fully expect that George Zimmerman would be found guilty if he had missed Martin and killed someone else.

I agree that 20 years is very harsh.

At best, reckless endangerment 5 years, out in 2.

The point is Angela prosecuted her right after she was assigned to this case, and she made an example out of this lady because it was smack in the middle of everyone covering their asses and trying to keep the piece.

Which piece were they trying to keep?

Is this a zombie thing?

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