The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Here's an easy breezy strategery: stop rising to any "bait."

Ignore the jibes.

If you truly want to talk about the case, ignore the deflections (or whatever) and don't engage in that kind of behavior yourself.

I may not agree with your analysis, but you have shown some capacity to at least discuss the evidence.

Why not stick with that?

There ya go. Mild mannered mature advice from a guy who is renowned, here, for those attributes.


Good job on the derailment.^:clap2:

I derailed the derailment.

Try to get SOME facts right, Snoopie.

Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?
OMG! Political I didn't even know about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought I covered every political f'ed up thing in my a), b), c)'s
if the car behind you was menacing you, that could be a crime.

Following isn't a crime. Menacing is a crime. Is GZ charged with menacing? Following someone is a felony IF the person doing the following is under a restraining order. Did Trayvon Martin file a restraining order?

This little thug went to the store. On the way back he decided to scout out the area for his next burglary.

Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.

So let me get this admit that it's possible that Martin was looking around the neighborhood with the intention of stealing something (hence his rather circuitous path which is strange considering the weather that night) but that Zimmerman is in the wrong for reporting it and trying to keep him in sight until the Police arrive? So you're basically against the concept of a Neighborhood Watch because that infringes on the rights of people who are contemplating committing a crime?
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were "not life threatening," adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.
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Interesting that he admits Trayvon tried to run away but then changed it and said he "skipped" and then laughed a little.

He also complained about his "ordeal" and said 'the killing was part of god's plan'.

Zimmerman is a sick little twitch.

That he is..

What's sick is little shits like you not even caring one bit about whether or not Zimmerman is guilty or innocent.

All you know is that you want him convicted. You don't care how, you don't care if he's guilty under the Laws of the State of Florida or not, all you care about is blood.

You were the same jerks screaming for the heads of the Duke LaCrosse players.

You and people like you are despicable excuses for human beings.

Hitler would have been proud as you released the cyanide capsules into the gas chambers filled with Jews.



:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Zimmerman isn't THAT bad.
Listen to some of you. Sick, twisted, and depraved individuals; craving the blood of a man to quench your hatred of him. Justice be damned. What if you were the one on trial today? Would you like someone deciding your fate based on pure emotion? Or would you rather be tried on facts? Some of you are helplessly simple minded. You are the paragon of ignorance! You mindless hypocrites! How can a person willfully succumb to this type of barbarism? What drives your sick mindsets? In out justice system you are supposed to be objective not reactive!
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Angela Corey, the special prosecutor, friend of and appointed by governor, appointed her to her interim job before governor appointed her permanently.

Got all that appointment?
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were not life threatening, adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

What is the level of injuries required under Florida law to be able to claim self-defense?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist or radical, but I swear to God.

WTF with this political game in this case.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were not life threatening, adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

They're starting to get into interesting evidence. It took her 15 minutes to get all of her credentials out. Smart lady, very smart and so is this prosecutor, John Guy.
Gatsby, you're getting your ass handed to you now by 3 different people who obviously know more about this than you do. Isn't it time to quit?
Following isn't a crime. Menacing is a crime. Is GZ charged with menacing? Following someone is a felony IF the person doing the following is under a restraining order. Did Trayvon Martin file a restraining order?

This little thug went to the store. On the way back he decided to scout out the area for his next burglary.

Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.

So let me get this admit that it's possible that Martin was looking around the neighborhood with the intention of stealing something (hence his rather circuitous path which is strange considering the weather that night) but that Zimmerman is in the wrong for reporting it and trying to keep him in sight until the Police arrive? So you're basically against the concept of a Neighborhood Watch because that infringes on the rights of people who are contemplating committing a crime?

If only Zimmerman had done that instead of stalking and killing Trayvon.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were not life threatening, adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

the Fla law says that the person must "believe" that he is in danger of being killed or seriously injured. Zimmerman's testimony and that of the witnesses supports that.

This is nothing but a racial "get even" trial. It would not even be in the news is GZ was black or TM was white.

But GZ will be acquited and blacks will burn their neighborhoods in several major cities. :cuckoo:
Interesting that he admits Trayvon tried to run away but then changed it and said he "skipped" and then laughed a little.

He also complained about his "ordeal" and said 'the killing was part of god's plan'.

Zimmerman is a sick little twitch.

That he is..

What's sick is little shits like you not even caring one bit about whether or not Zimmerman is guilty or innocent.

All you know is that you want him convicted. You don't care how, you don't care if he's guilty under the Laws of the State of Florida or not, all you care about is blood.

You were the same jerks screaming for the heads of the Duke LaCrosse players.

You and people like you are despicable excuses for human beings.

Hitler would have been proud as you released the cyanide capsules into the gas chambers filled with Jews.

You are just ridiculous. I think YOU are the one with a thinking problem. I know that I want Zimmerman convicted because he IS guilty. Why didn't he just get in his car with his loaded gun :rolleyes: and go to Target like he was supposed to?? Oh, that's right, he saw someone that was suspicious. His definition of suspicious.
Good job on the derailment.^:clap2:

I derailed the derailment.

Try to get SOME facts right, Snoopie.

Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.
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The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were not life threatening, adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

What is the level of injuries required under Florida law to be able to claim self-defense?
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?
I mean this beats trying to talk trial with you people...ive tried...its a joke. Hanging on every damn word of zimmerman and cant see one mistake...boooooriiiiiiiing. Not a thinking head in this joint...completely fooled.

I reached for my phone...yeah right

He said he was gonna kill me when he saw my gun...yeah right

I was gonna call the other 911...yeah right

I didnt follow I was looking for an apartment number and trayvon should have known...yeah right

I was too scared to identify myself...I was too scared to talk to a teen...yeah right.

He was standing in the rain looking around at houses...thats a good one...yeah right

Damnit...hes up to no good...i dont know what his problem...get here quick...lmao...yeah right.

No crime...none nata...just a paranoid creepy follower with the brains of a peanut...let me walk up this dark pathway following a guy who I think has a weapon...whats the worst that could happen...yeah right

What does "we dont need you to do that" means I should continue on the same path as the suspicious guy who is running from me? did i get that right?

i wasnt racially profiling...honest I wasnt...oh btw, yes he did fit the description of a half a dozen other crimes in the area...he looks black...yep he racially profiled...and the funny thing is people in here admit it and support it...thats fine...but dont deny it took place...what are you stupid? Of course he did...just admit it...nobody is gonna shoot youuuuu.

Forum full of dummies...full of bias worse than what they accuse of the other side. damn shame.

You guys couldnt investigate your way out of a wet paper would be asking GZ to give you directions.

Do you have one single shred of evidence that shows he was not reaching for his phone?
Now, you can prattle on and on about what you think he was reaching for, but absent proof, he was reaching for a sail foam. 289, I see.

You dont have a shred of brain cells to comprehend it if I dont think, are the dumb of the dumb in here...I tried to help you...youre hopeless.

Translation: No...not a single shred...not a mote, not a speck, not a molecule.
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I derailed the derailment.

Try to get SOME facts right, Snoopie.

Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body causes "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

Through the heart causes immediate death. BTW, the heart is in your chest, fyi.
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