The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were not life threatening, adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

What is the level of injuries required under Florida law to be able to claim self-defense?
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

There is no level of injuries that are required under state law. GZ says he was in fear for his life. All the evidence supports that. So no I don't believe he is lying. Although, he is a semi-white person accused of killing a black person, so he is more than likely a devil.
Good job on the derailment.^:clap2:

I derailed the derailment.

Try to get SOME facts right, Snoopie.

Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.
Dr. Rao said:
So if somebody's head is repeatedly slammed against concrete with great force, I would expect lacerations, I would expect a lot of injury that would bleed profusely, that would necessitate suturing and so I don't see that in this picture.

I'd like to see the Zimmerman supporters try to debunk her now.
Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body causes "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

Through the heart causes immediate death.

Are you sure about that?
I derailed the derailment.

Try to get SOME facts right, Snoopie.

Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.

You sound like Zimmerman.
The Chief Medical Examiner recently stated that the injuries Zimmerman experienced were not life threatening, adding that there were "insignificant."

That's another blow to the defense that shows Zimmerman to be the pathological liar that he is.

What is the level of injuries required under Florida law to be able to claim self-defense?
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

Bullshit, you just want him convicted because he is a "white" hispanic, just like you wanted OJ acquited because he is a rich famous black man.

This is all about racial "getting even". if GZ was black you would not give a shit abou this case---------and you know it.
Another thing that ought to be noted is that George Zimmerman didn't have to obey the voice on the other line. It had no binding.

The voice on the other end of the line was not ordering him to do anything. The rules he did have to follow were the rules he was given when he was being trained to do the block watch. You don't follow people you feel are suspicious. You don't get to question anyone asking things like what are you doing around here.

He should have been calling the police which he did but now there are questions about profiling.

He killed the kid after profiling and stalking him and it shouldn't be too hard for the jury to figure it all out.

This whole concept that there is a rule that you don't follow someone who is suspicious is nonsense. The Police advise citizens not to do so because they put themselves at risk. If the Police DID advise Neighborhood Watch members to follow suspects then they could be held liable if something happened to that Neighborhood Watch member. That is why they advise that you don't confront suspects or try to
physically detain them.

When Mr. Goode came out of his condo to try and break up the fight he COULD have interceded and pulled the man on top off of the man on the bottom. That isn't something that the Police would EVER advise however. Why? Because if they did...then they could be held liable if something were to happen to Goode. I guarantee you that the "official" position on an ongoing fight is that you should wait for the Police to show up and not take action by yourself. They're going to tell you that because their attorneys have drilled it into heads of law enforcement not to expose themselves to potential lawsuits.

Does that make not intervening the right thing to do? No...I'm sorry but it doesn't. There are times when the right thing to do is step in and break up a fight before someone gets hurt.

Now the official position on following someone you think may be contemplating a crime is to not do so. But the question you need to ask is whether that position is based on what is "right" or what protects the City from a lawsuit.
What is the level of injuries required under Florida law to be able to claim self-defense?
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

There is no level of injuries that are required under state law. GZ says he was in fear for his life. All the evidence supports that. So no I don't believe he is lying. Although, he is a semi-white person accused of killing a black person, so he is more than likely a devil.
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?
Dr. Rao said:
So if somebody's head is repeatedly slammed against concrete with great force, I would expect lacerations, I would expect a lot of injury that would bleed profusely, that would necessitate suturing and so I don't see that in this picture.

I'd like to see the Zimmerman supporters try to debunk her now.

Could she use her law degree to tell me how significant the injuries need to be for someone can lawfully claim self-defense?
Dr. Rao said:
So if somebody's head is repeatedly slammed against concrete with great force, I would expect lacerations, I would expect a lot of injury that would bleed profusely, that would necessitate suturing and so I don't see that in this picture.

I'd like to see the Zimmerman supporters try to debunk her now.

Do you support justice or are you out for revenge? tell the truth.
What is the level of injuries required under Florida law to be able to claim self-defense?
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

Bullshit, you just want him convicted because he is a "white" hispanic, just like you wanted OJ acquited because he is a rich famous black man.

This is all about racial "getting even". if GZ was black you would not give a shit abou this case---------and you know it.
Why did Zimmerman LIE about his injuries Redfish?

Can you answer that?
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

There is no level of injuries that are required under state law. GZ says he was in fear for his life. All the evidence supports that. So no I don't believe he is lying. Although, he is a semi-white person accused of killing a black person, so he is more than likely a devil.
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?

Ground and Pound and MMA terms came from the eye witness. Not GZ. So no he is not lying. He never said that.
Someone hep me.

She didn't do the autopsy....



Is she being called because she Angela Corey's friend?
Dr. Rao said:
So if somebody's head is repeatedly slammed against concrete with great force, I would expect lacerations, I would expect a lot of injury that would bleed profusely, that would necessitate suturing and so I don't see that in this picture.

I'd like to see the Zimmerman supporters try to debunk her now.

Could she use her law degree to tell me how significant the injuries need to be for someone can lawfully claim self-defense?
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.
I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

There is no level of injuries that are required under state law. GZ says he was in fear for his life. All the evidence supports that. So no I don't believe he is lying. Although, he is a semi-white person accused of killing a black person, so he is more than likely a devil.
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?

his nose was broken, his head was bleeding in several places, he was screaming for help. Do you think he felt in danger for his life? Plus TM was bigger and stronger and he was on top.
Do you have one single shred of evidence that shows he was not reaching for his phone?
Now, you can prattle on and on about what you think he was reaching for, but absent proof, he was reaching for a sail foam. 289, I see.

You dont have a shred of brain cells to comprehend it if I dont think, are the dumb of the dumb in here...I tried to help you...youre hopeless.

Translation: No...not a single shred...not a mote, not a speck, not a molecule.

Oh, theres first he doesnt want the bickering, now he participates in which one is it?
Marc, if GZ was found not guilty, but someone gunned him down outside the courthouse would that suffice for justice in your eyes?
People copying my avie with fake pictures...funny...they wont put their real mugs up there...wonder why? Must be those creeeeeepy internet fellas, huh? GZ following...not creepy...showing their real face on the internet...creeeeeeepy?

I mean if you guys are gonna do it, then do it...dont be shy...we wont laugh...promise.

Who copied your avi? You copied mine, asshole! You were asked why and refused to answer. You claim you have some magical smoking gun, but won't reveal it and challenge MY mental capacity, thought you don't appear to be much smarter than my left shoe.

Is that your motorcycle? Why would anyone in their right mind use their own picture for an avatar? An avatar is a graphical representation of a user or a user's alter ego or character.

Sh!t I wish someone would have said that before I put the ducks up.
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