The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I derailed the derailment.

Try to get SOME facts right, Snoopie.

Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.

I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.
I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body causes "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

Through the heart causes immediate death. BTW, the heart is in your chest, fyi.

Not true.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Arial,Verdana]As you treat the victim, bear in mind that almost 70% of gunshot victims survive. While victims who suffer gunshot wounds to the head or heart may succumb quickly, most will recover from wounds to other parts of the body.

How to Survive Being Shot - Part II: Bleeding

There's evidence of people with gunshot wounds to the head have survived as well. Like Gabby Guilfords and this young man who tried to committ suicide at LaSalle High School in Cincinnati this past winter who is still alive.

I don't know why some in this thread are trying so hard to derail this thread. We are here talking about evidence being presented by the prosecution and how all of it is helping Zimmerman, but so many don't care about that. They have an agenda and want riots in the streets so they an go on a "Shopping Spree".
Through the heart causes immediate death. BTW, the heart is in your chest, fyi.

Not true.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Arial,Verdana]As you treat the victim, bear in mind that almost 70% of gunshot victims survive. While victims who suffer gunshot wounds to the head or heart may succumb quickly, most will recover from wounds to other parts of the body.

How to Survive Being Shot - Part II: Bleeding
The part of his heart that was destroyed causes immediate death.

I don't think that that is an accurate statement.

Do you have any evidence to back it up?
Why did Zimmerman LIE about his injuries Redfish?

Can you answer that?

He did not lie about his injuries. where have you been?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?
Her definition of "slammed" does not appear to match his. "Slammed" is open to opinion. Any sudden impact can be considered by some to be a slam.

You're grabbing at straws.
Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.

I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.
Apples and oranges argument.
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?
Why did Zimmerman LIE about his injuries Redfish?

Can you answer that?

He did not lie about his injuries. where have you been?
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.

Do you agree?

During the McMartin Preschool trials (look them up, they're very interesting) I told everybody that was interested that something stunk to high Heaven.

I was right.

During the OJ Trial, I told anybody that would listen that the prosecution didn't have a case and that Marcia Clark and that Darden guy were douchebags.

I said then, and I'll tell you now... I don't know if OJ was guilty or innocent but I would have voted NOT Guilty about ten seconds after hitting the Jury Room.

During the Duke LaCrosse Trial, I told everybody that would listen that Mike Nifong was a scumbag, that Crystal Mangum was a douche and that the boys were probably guilty of being..... Boys. Nothing else.

In all those cases, I was right and I'm right on this case.

If I thought for one second.... One fucking second, that George Zimmerman was guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time and of being something of a pussy....

I would pull the lever on Old Sparky myself.

This is a lynching, Marc.

Just that goddam simple. A lynching.

Proud of yourself?
I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.

I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.
Apples and oranges argument.

What? chickens running around with no heads and trayvon getting shot in the heart dont compare...but the chickens are in evidence, right? :eusa_angel:
That he is..

What's sick is little shits like you not even caring one bit about whether or not Zimmerman is guilty or innocent.

All you know is that you want him convicted. You don't care how, you don't care if he's guilty under the Laws of the State of Florida or not, all you care about is blood.

You were the same jerks screaming for the heads of the Duke LaCrosse players.

You and people like you are despicable excuses for human beings.

Hitler would have been proud as you released the cyanide capsules into the gas chambers filled with Jews.

You are just ridiculous. I think YOU are the one with a thinking problem. I know that I want Zimmerman convicted because he IS guilty. Why didn't he just get in his car with his loaded gun :rolleyes: and go to Target like he was supposed to?? Oh, that's right, he saw someone that was suspicious. His definition of suspicious.

You are worse. You want him convicted because you assume he is. This trial is 7 days old, and you already have him tried and convicted. You people are like vampires, craving blood of the innocent for your warped sense of justice.
More ignorant yawp.
Zimmerman raised a claim of self defense. The prosecutor must overcome that claim no matter the charge. He cannot and Zimmerman will go free.

Let me clarify that I'm not saying Zimmerman should or shouldn't be convicted of manslaughter.

Now, get to your retarded muck; Self defense is a valid defense against murder. It is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT (Saying it enough times to sink into your pudding brain) an absolute defense against manslaughter. The FL statute for manslaughter regards whether GZ exercised culpable negligence that led to Travis's death. Now that this has been explained to you for the fourth fucking time; you should get it now.

The Statute you cited clearly states that manslaughter does not apply to justified killing, meaning self defense. You can't even read your own quotes.

That's the first possibility; for adults. The third possibility doesn't include "lawful justification" in the case of a minor as an absolute defense; IE self defense. It merely states that a person is guilty of manslaughter if his culpable negligence leads to the death of that person. THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. IT'S FREAKING BLACK AND WHITE. I'M NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT A GRAY AREA HERE.
If they anticipate that Zimmerman will ultimately exercise his right not to testify, by playing this interview now, the prosecution might be thinking that it's as close as they can get to doing a "cross" exam.

I am kind of wondering why his lawyer permitted this, in fact.

Ultimately, I don't think it hurts Zimmerman. But at the time of the interview, it seems like a strange risk (and an unnecessary risk) to take.

I don't see it as a risk. He only said the same things he said to Serino & Singleton during his interrogations.

And since the state's defense team couldn't question the tape, I think playing it was pointless.

It was pointless and it hurt the States case.

This prosecutor should be fired after the trial or hell, right now.

O'Mara may hire him. He seems like a pretty good defense attorney.
I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.
Apples and oranges argument.

What? chickens running around with no heads and trayvon getting shot in the heart dont compare...but the chickens are in evidence, right? :eusa_angel:

Probably, lol.a
Someone hep me.

She didn't do the autopsy....



Is she being called because she Angela Corey's friend?

She doesn't understand what protrusion means

She thinks he has a crooked head

She says bruising happens immediately

So, yes I'm guessing Corey's new bff

Why didn't they call the one who did the autopsy instead of the BFF that READ THE REPORT?

This goes as Q) on my F'ed up things about this case list.
Gatsby, you're getting your ass handed to you now by 3 different people who obviously know more about this than you do. Isn't it time to quit?

By that logic, trolls like yourself could be right about anything and everything.

I don't know.

However, would you admit now that Zimmerman was lying?

Bullshit, you just want him convicted because he is a "white" hispanic, just like you wanted OJ acquited because he is a rich famous black man.

This is all about racial "getting even". if GZ was black you would not give a shit abou this case---------and you know it.
Why did Zimmerman LIE about his injuries Redfish?

Can you answer that?

He didn't. The injuries exist. There are photos of them. They are consistant with the statements he has mad.

I know you want him to be guilty for some reason. But the fact is the evidence doesn't support it Marc.
The Chief Medical Examiner's testimony does NOT match Zimmerman's.


Dr. Valerie Rao, the Jacksonville-based medical examiner for the state's fourth district,

She testified that Zimmerman's head injuries were consistent with being stuck against concrete just once, but said in cross that it could also be consistent with more strikes than that."

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara noted that Rao is from the home district of State Attorney Angela Corey, the special prosecutor in this case. He asked if Corey appointed Rao to her post, and Rao replied that Corey "sent my name up to the governor."

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