The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Not true.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Arial,Verdana]As you treat the victim, bear in mind that almost 70% of gunshot victims survive. While victims who suffer gunshot wounds to the head or heart may succumb quickly, most will recover from wounds to other parts of the body.

How to Survive Being Shot - Part II: Bleeding
The part of his heart that was destroyed causes immediate death.

I don't think that that is an accurate statement.

Do you have any evidence to back it up?

I know your need evidence, so that you can say its not evidence....and then go back and forth for about 5 pages...been there done that with you.
The liar CLAIMED that his head was slammed repeatedly on the concrete, his friend and buddy, further added to the lie by claiming Trayvon sat on him and commeneced to a "ground and pound" the likes he sees on MMA.

The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Rao, just totally DEBUNKED that swill.

Who's lying?

Why can't you admit that Zimmerman was lying?

his nose was broken, his head was bleeding in several places, he was screaming for help. Do you think he felt in danger for his life? Plus TM was bigger and stronger and he was on top.
Nice story, here's another.

A few years ago, I was waiting for a red light to turn green, there was a car in front of me, I was on my cell phone texting. I thought the light was green and a hit my gas. I tapped the car in front of me.

The driver, a female, came out the car CLAIMING her back was hurting like never before, she was almost wailing.

The cop that came ended up dismissing me and dealt with the matter after giving me a ticket.

Clearly the woman was making crap up, as I barely tapped her car, there was not even a dent.

Morale of the story is, Zimmerman can CLAIM anything, including yelling like a banshee...that doesn't make his injuries any more real.

Furthermore, the matter of WHO was screaming has not yet been established, yet you're using that as some sort of fact.

It's clear where you stand.

Yes. Zimmerman can claim anything and that doesn't make his injuries real.

The photographs of the injuries are what prove they actually happened.
She doesn't understand what protrusion means

She thinks he has a crooked head

She says bruising happens immediately

So, yes I'm guessing Corey's new bff

Why didn't they call the one who did the autopsy instead of the BFF that READ THE REPORT?

This goes as Q) on my F'ed up things about this case list.

Money as in money?

They blew 70k on Owens f'ing around with the 911 call for 700 hours and then he didn't even testify.
I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.
Apples and oranges argument.

What? chickens running around with no heads and trayvon getting shot in the heart dont compare...but the chickens are in evidence, right? :eusa_angel:

A deer can run 2/3rd's of a mile with 3/4 of it's heart obliterated. TM would still be alive for over a minute without a pulse.
Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?

Well.. according to Sarah... she believes he went and rolled around and did them himself after he hunted down TM like an animal...

What's sick is little shits like you not even caring one bit about whether or not Zimmerman is guilty or innocent.

All you know is that you want him convicted. You don't care how, you don't care if he's guilty under the Laws of the State of Florida or not, all you care about is blood.

You were the same jerks screaming for the heads of the Duke LaCrosse players.

You and people like you are despicable excuses for human beings.

Hitler would have been proud as you released the cyanide capsules into the gas chambers filled with Jews.

You are just ridiculous. I think YOU are the one with a thinking problem. I know that I want Zimmerman convicted because he IS guilty. Why didn't he just get in his car with his loaded gun :rolleyes: and go to Target like he was supposed to?? Oh, that's right, he saw someone that was suspicious. His definition of suspicious.

You are worse. You want him convicted because you assume he is. This trial is 7 days old, and you already have him tried and convicted. You people are like vampires, craving blood of the innocent for your warped sense of justice.

They don't understand justice or how our justice system works.
Did he claim a brain hemorrhage or something that I am not aware of? Did he give a statement that gave medical terms? How could he be lying?
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?
...and let's not forget that physical injury is not required in defense of justifiable homicide.
Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.

So let me get this admit that it's possible that Martin was looking around the neighborhood with the intention of stealing something (hence his rather circuitous path which is strange considering the weather that night) but that Zimmerman is in the wrong for reporting it and trying to keep him in sight until the Police arrive? So you're basically against the concept of a Neighborhood Watch because that infringes on the rights of people who are contemplating committing a crime?

If only Zimmerman had done that instead of stalking and killing Trayvon.

Zimmerman DID do that....he lost sight of Trayvon and went back to his truck. Trayvon decided to take matters in to his own hands (that's what thugs always do) instead of just going home. That was HIS mistake.
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?
...and let's not forget that physical injury is not required in defense of justifiable homicide.

True. But there is a physical injury here. We have photographs. They are consistant with the Defense's version of what happened and the eye witness testimony.

yet somehow we are supposed to pretend those things didnt happen.
Even if he was, having a moron following him with a gun is what has created the problem.

This isn't some uncivilized country where thieves have their hands cut off for stealing and certainly not one where you a stupid cowboy like Zimmerman decides who lives and who dies.

Sanford isn't Tombstone.

So let me get this admit that it's possible that Martin was looking around the neighborhood with the intention of stealing something (hence his rather circuitous path which is strange considering the weather that night) but that Zimmerman is in the wrong for reporting it and trying to keep him in sight until the Police arrive? So you're basically against the concept of a Neighborhood Watch because that infringes on the rights of people who are contemplating committing a crime?

If only Zimmerman had done that instead of stalking and killing Trayvon.

As we discussed earlier in this thread, Zimmerman did not stalk anyone. There is a reason he isnt charged with stalking.
Let me clarify that I'm not saying Zimmerman should or shouldn't be convicted of manslaughter.

Now, get to your retarded muck; Self defense is a valid defense against murder. It is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT (Saying it enough times to sink into your pudding brain) an absolute defense against manslaughter. The FL statute for manslaughter regards whether GZ exercised culpable negligence that led to Travis's death. Now that this has been explained to you for the fourth fucking time; you should get it now.

The Statute you cited clearly states that manslaughter does not apply to justified killing, meaning self defense. You can't even read your own quotes.

That's the first possibility; for adults. The third possibility doesn't include "lawful justification" in the case of a minor as an absolute defense; IE self defense. It merely states that a person is guilty of manslaughter if his culpable negligence leads to the death of that person. THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. IT'S FREAKING BLACK AND WHITE. I'M NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT A GRAY AREA HERE.

Your own quoted text does not say what you claim. It clearly lists for all clauses that justified killings are not manslaughter

Defense got this witness to admit she's friends with the DA and that it's possible that Zimmermans head was slammed into the concrete at least 4 times.

I said it once, I'll say it again, the States attorney needs to be fired.
We have a cop that testified that he believes that Zimmerman exaggerated his injuries yesterday.

Today we have the Chief Medical Examiner stating that his injuries were insignificant.

Can you recount what Zimmerman's testimony of his injuries were please?


Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?
...and let's not forget that physical injury is not required in defense of justifiable homicide.

They're a lynch mob
Let me clarify that I'm not saying Zimmerman should or shouldn't be convicted of manslaughter.

Now, get to your retarded muck; Self defense is a valid defense against murder. It is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT (Saying it enough times to sink into your pudding brain) an absolute defense against manslaughter. The FL statute for manslaughter regards whether GZ exercised culpable negligence that led to Travis's death. Now that this has been explained to you for the fourth fucking time; you should get it now.

The Statute you cited clearly states that manslaughter does not apply to justified killing, meaning self defense. You can't even read your own quotes.

That's the first possibility; for adults. The third possibility doesn't include "lawful justification" in the case of a minor as an absolute defense; IE self defense. It merely states that a person is guilty of manslaughter if his culpable negligence leads to the death of that person. THIS ISN'T DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. IT'S FREAKING BLACK AND WHITE. I'M NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT A GRAY AREA HERE.

Zimmerman committed an intentional act. He cannot be charged for negligence.

A little knowledge is a silly thing.

Defense got this witness to admit she's friends with the DA and that it's possible that Zimmermans head was slammed into the concrete at least 4 times.

I said it once, I'll say it again, the States attorney needs to be fired.


Who's counting <ZING!>'s?
Z said that after he shot TM that TM sat up and said "You got me".

A medical expert said that TM was killed instantly.

Z be telling zombie stories.

Reply? Or ignore?

I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.

I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.

I read somewhere about a chicken that lived for months with no head...but it still had part of it's brain stem intact.

I just read this article, and it seems to verify your statement.

There is no such thing as instant death.

HowStuffWorks "Do you really stay conscious after being decapitated?"

I thought the rest of that was debunked as autonomic spasms...but that seems not to be the case.
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Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?
...and let's not forget that physical injury is not required in defense of justifiable homicide.

True. But there is a physical injury here. We have photographs. They are consistant with the Defense's version of what happened and the eye witness testimony.

yet somehow we are supposed to pretend those things didnt happen.

Zimmerman had reasonable fear for safety and for his well-being. He was justified in using whatever force he needed in order to preserve it.

For the Martin advocates: If an axe murderer comes at you, and you have a gun as your only means of defense, would you not use that gun to stop him from chopping your head off? Or will you sit there and suggest that you had other less violent ways of stopping him? Fear is powerful. It can make you prone to hyperbole, but at the same time you are exuding this fear, you assume that your life is in danger. Even if the injures you receive are minor, what to say they wouldn't have become worse had you not defended yourself out of fear?
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