The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Could she use her law degree to tell me how significant the injuries need to be for someone can lawfully claim self-defense?
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

A woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that?

She said clearly she was not prepared to state that his injuries were life threatening. Yet she has a physicians assistant contradicting her in prior testimony.
Wow, Prosecution actually pulled out a decent one there... Only thing I have issues with is, how many times does a person have to get hit before it becomes life threatening? Does one have to wait until they sustain a significant amount of damage before they can defend themselves even with deadly force?
Also, it was smart to bring up the lack of injury on Martin other than the abrasions because it showed that only Zimmerman suffered from the fight...
I know that isn't much but it's still the prosecutor's job to show Zimmerman as the aggressor and unless he hits like a 10 year old girl, Martin should have still had some kind of injury if he truly was being attacked by Zimmerman.
She said he was by his house. To me by my house means when I arrive in the same state.

But what does the jury think it means to her?

That's the only meaning that matters.

Jeantel said Trayvon was "back in the area that his daddy fiancee house is" and thought he had lost him.

“I had thought he was by his daddy's house, so somebody would come help him," she said.

George Zimmerman trial: Witness Rachel Jeantel | News - Home

Now do you think the jury is going to take that to be proof that Martin was in Florida or near his temporary residence?

I think the jury will take that to mean somewhere between the "T" and the end of the apartments.

So not just in his home state then?
The lead investigator said he was not skeptical. One of the phone calls that you are basing the harassment off of led to the capture of a black person committing a crime. Again, the lead investigator found it credible that GZ was not profiling blacks. The only reason he asked him this question was because of outside pressures, including an anonymous call to report GZ was a racist. No basis was found for these allegations, confirmed by SPD and the FBI. These are all facts of the case.

FBI said that there was not enough evidence to prove a hate crime. But that does not mean Zimmerman is not a racist.

It wasn't an anonymous call. It was witness # 9. It was Zimmerman's cousin which I made a thread about.

People also say there's not enough evidence that God exists....but that does not mean He doesn't. There's been no PROOF he doesn't, there's a lot of proof he does.

For Zimmerman, there's actually more proof that he isn't racist than there is proof he is. But the Z haters will never accept it. They are the actual racists.
I'd like to see the Zimmerman supporters try to debunk her now.

Could she use her law degree to tell me how significant the injuries need to be for someone can lawfully claim self-defense?
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

I didn't hear the witness but some people are saying that a woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that? Someone else said that she said he could possibly have been struck repeatedly.

So either way how does her testimony lead to a conclusion that he lied?
Teen Charged With Homicide After Death Of Soccer Referee In Utah : The Two-Way : NPR

The 17-year-old soccer goalie who allegedly punched and killed a referee during a game in Utah last month faces a charge of "homicide by assault" and may be tried as an adult.

One punch. To the head of a Soccer referee. And Soccer referees are in pretty good shape.

One punch.

Let me punch you. Let me sucker punch you. Let's see how you like it.

Then let me jump on top of you and smash your head into a concrete sidewalk while screaming about how I'm going to kill your cracker ass.

You people.... You St Skittles supporters.... You're pathetic. You know nothing about real life
Let me ask you one question. How were these injuries made and who made them?
...and let's not forget that physical injury is not required in defense of justifiable homicide.

True. But there is a physical injury here. We have photographs. They are consistant with the Defense's version of what happened and the eye witness testimony.

yet somehow we are supposed to pretend those things didnt happen.

I'm not suggesting that. I am convinced that Zimmerman has been totally honest about what happened. He was on the bottom, having his head (slammed, smashed, driven, hammered, clunked....pick a word) into the concrete (cement) sidewalk and was being beat about the face...he pulled out his gun and shot his assailant. Justifiable homicide....whether Zimmerman sustained any injuries or not.

The current witness is hostile to the defense. In my opinion, she wants to see Zimmerman convicted.
Best question of the trial. Would the next injury have been life threating or caused death? That is a reasonable fear for ones life.

It doesn't matter. It is the worst question of the trial. (OK maybe not the worst). The issue is whether a reasonable person in Zimmerman's position would be in fear of death or severe bodily injury.

The answer is obviously yes.

The ignorance of people on this site as to basic criminal law, and details of the laws of self defense is astounding.
The lead investigator said he was not skeptical. One of the phone calls that you are basing the harassment off of led to the capture of a black person committing a crime. Again, the lead investigator found it credible that GZ was not profiling blacks. The only reason he asked him this question was because of outside pressures, including an anonymous call to report GZ was a racist. No basis was found for these allegations, confirmed by SPD and the FBI. These are all facts of the case.

FBI said that there was not enough evidence to prove a hate crime. But that does not mean Zimmerman is not a racist.

It wasn't an anonymous call. It was witness # 9. It was Zimmerman's cousin which I made a thread about.

People also say there's not enough evidence that God exists....but that does not mean He doesn't. There's been no PROOF he doesn't, there's a lot of proof he does.

For Zimmerman, there's actually more proof that he isn't racist than there is proof he is. But the Z haters will never accept it. They are the actual racists.

The lead investigator said he was not skeptical. One of the phone calls that you are basing the harassment off of led to the capture of a black person committing a crime. Again, the lead investigator found it credible that GZ was not profiling blacks. The only reason he asked him this question was because of outside pressures, including an anonymous call to report GZ was a racist. No basis was found for these allegations, confirmed by SPD and the FBI. These are all facts of the case.

FBI said that there was not enough evidence to prove a hate crime. But that does not mean Zimmerman is not a racist.

It wasn't an anonymous call. It was witness # 9. It was Zimmerman's cousin which I made a thread about.

People also say there's not enough evidence that God exists....but that does not mean He doesn't. There's been no PROOF he doesn't, there's a lot of proof he does.

For Zimmerman, there's actually more proof that he isn't racist than there is proof he is. But the Z haters will never accept it. They are the actual racists.

Wtf does ones opinion have to do with defending ones self from harm or do you believe that one doesn't have a right to self defense if they're racist.

These leftist are killing this nation. Making thought and words worse then murder. :eek:

Of course there's no proof that he was racist...Maybe he wouldn't of gotten out of the car if he was.
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Where is the case? Why on earth do you people want to hang this man so much?

Don't you think he has a right to a fair trial???? The guy isn't even white so wtf!

He killed a 17 yr. old kid in cold blood. He's getting all the fairness he didn't give that boy.

I've heard this question a couple of times now, talking point of the day?
Here is my thought on this. Zimmerman will walk. We ALL know why he thought martin was "suspicious" but sadly, him following martin is not illegal. Being a racist asshole is not illegal. Zimmerman did everything right to get away with killing martin. Life in immenent danger 101....down to a science. He will walk for killing a boy who did nothing wrong. These are my thoughts as of now. :(
I believe, and I'm not certain, but believe that getting more or less a puncture wound though your body does not cause "instantaneous death".

Only a massive brain injury or a brain stem injury would do that...

...and maybe electrocution.

But, in my non-medical opinion, getting fatally shot in the chest would not preclude a final vocalization.

EDIT- I meant to say "does not cause" is changed now.

I shot a deer through the heart, lungs & both shoulders & it still ran 2/3rd's of a mile before it collapsed. Death is not instant. Chickens run around with no heads. In France they used to tell people they were free to go just before the guillotine blade was released just to watch their headless body run.

I read somewhere about a chicken that lived for months with no head...but it still had part of it's brain stem intact.

I just read this article, and it seems to verify your statement.

There is no such thing as instant death.

HowStuffWorks "Do you really stay conscious after being decapitated?"

I thought the rest of that was debunked as autonomic spasms...but that seems not to be the case.

As an aside...Mike the Headless Chicken - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Not to be construed as having any bearing on the case, but I wanted to link to it in the event anyone was interested.
The question at hand here is did Zimmerman lie or tell the truth.

It's clear he was lying. The fact that you don't want to address that BLATANT question and issue tells me your motives and your biases.

No, it's not clear he was lying.

A woman who never examined him said his head wasn't bashed repeatedly on the concrete. What kind of witness is that?

She said clearly she was not prepared to state that his injuries were life threatening. Yet she has a physicians assistant contradicting her in prior testimony.

There's a reason MEs aren't practicing doctors - they can't harm their patients.
Only one witness said that Zimmerman was on top. The rest said the one on top got up, the other was dead on the ground. The jury heard this and that is what is important, not what people here are making up.

There is also a dna report that does NOT support Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon Martin caused his injuries The jury also has this stuff:

No, you are so far off base it is pathetic. Are you really this ignorant?
The DNA evidence has already been introduced and ALL it says that may help the prosecution is that they found no DNA on the gun.
And since it was raining the forensic examiner stated that was common to have rain wash off DNA from the gun.
There has been no "the rest" of the witnesses to testify what you claim.
Go away and look at the videos of the trial. You know nothing of anything factual in this case.

The Jury will see the DNA report shows that none of Zimmerman's DNA was under Martin's fingernails. You are the one who needs to look better at the evidence. It was only drizzling that night.

You're a fool. You always have been.

from the prosecution's star witness:

“I was on the phone when Trayvon decided to go to the corner store. It started to rain so he decided to walk through another complex because it was raining too hard...."

Zimmerman testimony focuses on letter given to Trayvon Martin's mom - U.S. News
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