The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What is exactly your point?

Black people killing black people in Chicago, no liberal in America gives a damn. A 17 year old black kid gets shot and killed in self defense by a "White-Hispanic" and they all go apeshit. Case in point.

Yeah, it's all so crazy. Republican/conservatives hate Hispanics and Democrats, but when a black kid gets murdered by a Democrat Hispanic, they all take the Hispanic/Democrat's side? Hmmmm, makes you wonder.

Apparently American's first half white/liberal president only cares about his adopted son and not about the kids in these other cities. I've not heard a public comment about each one of these victims.
What is exactly your point?

Black people killing black people in Chicago, no liberal in America gives a damn. A 17 year old black kid gets shot and killed in self defense by a "White-Hispanic" and they all go apeshit. Case in point.

Yeah, it's all so crazy. Republican/conservatives hate Hispanics and Democrats, but when a black kid gets murdered by a Democrat Hispanic, they all take the Hispanic/Democrat's side? Hmmmm, makes you wonder.

Hoho, so now Zimmerman is a Hispanic now? I remember a year ago you guys saying he was white, and a racist to boot. I like how you keep using the word "murdered," that little bit of misinformation was disproven by several witnesses. Why wasn't he a Democrat or a Hispanic when you found out he killed a black kid? Funny how your mind works.

Sounds like now you are backtracking. Next!
I don't know why the jury that is JUDGING someone, can't know all that everyone else knows. How can justice be served if things are hidden from them and they don't know until AFTER it is all over?

Seems a bit warped to me.
Does it matter? Did it become illegal to walk up to someone to ask a question???:confused: I've had black men ask what I was doing walking around late at night.

The entire scenario wouldn't have started if Z hadn't decided TM looked suspicious. The guy was walking eating skittles drinking tea. Just how suspicious could that be? And 20 minutes later he's dead.

Replaying those sordid liberal talking points again??

Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

And I wish people would stop with the liberal - conservative aspect of this. I am as conservative as you can get when it comes to politics, but when it comes to fairness to people and justice, I'm right down the middle. I just call it as I see it.
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OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

His mother is the one i feel sorry for...I think she knows whats going on and the attorney who represents her...Daryl Parks, I think is actually a standup guy...discouraged race as an issue from the beginning.

The dad? Im not sure what to think about him...I think the $$ signs are popping and hes gonna take advantage.... has changed his mind it seems under some scheme with crump who is looking to capitalize big. He knows his son was trouble and moving further into it by the day....and now hes was probably predicted by him and the mother if he didnt start changing his ways.
OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

It's something else ain't it...

I think there was a motion on this...they can't be admitted as evidence...

And surely the prosecution isn't going to make any mistake that will allow them to be admitted as rebuttal.

But if they'd be devastating.

yes it would be

the state will try and be careful not to open the door

could happen when mom is on the stand

or maybe on recall of deedee
The entire scenario wouldn't have started if Z hadn't decided TM looked suspicious. The guy was walking eating skittles drinking tea. Just how suspicious could that be? And 20 minutes later he's dead.

Replaying those sordid liberal talking points again??

Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).
Well they're warching HLN and NG tonight to catch up and get pointers. What's not to know for tomorrow?

OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

i have been putting the pieces together to what went so wrong

in martins life that led to this encounter

it started back in 2010

tragic really

What happened Brother Jon?

2010 is when he lost his only support

that was the beginning of the end
Replaying those sordid liberal talking points again??

Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What a FANTASTIC story!!

Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What a FANTASTIC story!!


Here's the one fingered victory salute!

Stfu you degenerate.
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I don't know why the jury that is JUDGING someone, can't know all that everyone else knows. How can justice be served if things are hidden from them and they don't know until AFTER it is all over?

Seems a bit warped to me.

it is the rules of the court

if zimmerman had known the bad things burglary stuff

the street fighting

the druggie lifestyle

it could be used

since he didnt it cant be used

doesnt seem right

but it is what it is

on the other hand

it can be used as rebuttal

at the appropriate times

if the state opens the door
Thats right...great point....walked by several times unmolested and he walked by several times without approaching and calling out Z also...right? in fact even ran away at one point...but that didnt stop MR Z...he kept following...he kept following and Trayvon kept walking...until he was followed on foot near his home...finally he said something...

Z went reaching at that point for a phone to call 911 again? LMAO they were already on their way and he was going to meet them...whatcha calling 911 again for...yeah right. When he reached for what he couldnt find...the creepy follower in the dark got clocked...during the struggle when he kept going for his gun...he continued to get clocked. Oh I know speculation right...why? Because GZ didnt say it? Dont you think he has motive not to say it?

You crack me up are stating that essentially it was Trayvon that repeatedly showed restraint when followed by this strange person in the dark and rain.

How many times must he continue on his way without asking why hes being followed? What number is good for you? Infinitely? Turn tail and book it home...well how do I know he wont be following me the next time I go to the store? I think Ill ask why now and settle it now.

You made my point...I can sleep

Good...I'm glad you'll get some sleep...because I think you are getting a little pun intended.

A) I hope that's not the smoking gun, that he was going to call 911 again.

Why wouldn't he, as a deterrent, or more obviously to let them know exactly where he was, as they were expecting him at the mailboxes, and here was the guy right here...the guy found him.

B) I don't see where you are going with unmolested. My point was to RKM that Zimmmerman never blocked Martin from anywhere...he didn't "cut off Martin's path home". Martin walked right by in unimpeded.

C) No matter how many times you repeat cannot assault someone for reaching into their pocket.

D) You understand that while you can legally make a preemptive strike in some circumstances...the one you are describing is not one of them.

Well thats just it...and you missed it...why not call the same help have already given them the information and they have already cops are on the way...why would you call the other help line....smoking gun...right over your head. During interrogation he fealt the need to say 911 because he had to ... he had already called the other wouldnt make sense. Serino didnt catch it. He knew the cops were enroute in a hurry and in fact they were there within seconds of the incident ending. So why call a different 911 and perhaps go thru it all again if you need to do it quick...why not call the same number and ask them....think, Missouri...think.

I tend to get punchy when people say I am making stuff up and then start throwing out racist scenarios to make their points...sorry.

BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right.

OK you didn't have the balls to repeat or link to your "Smoking gun", so I went looking.

This is laughable. Prosecution get 0 points if they bring this up and with their skill set, they likely would lose a point or 2.

I mean it this is all you got, no wonder you tried to keep it hidden from me.

Just wait boy. Wait until you see the defense's smoking gun.

You're a whiny, pathetic little brat with an ego just like Fake Smarmy. All hat, no horse.
You can feel GZ is not credible, but at the end of the day evidence from a less than credible source is better than no evidence to the contrary.

Can any witness give testimony that TM didn't say you're going to die tonight mother fucker? Remember that this is the burden of the state to prove.
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[MENTION=27360]Jackson[/MENTION]: And what about Martin calling Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker" should we not portend any racism from that comment? Which is racist?

"Punk" or "Cracker"?
The racist left can spin, spin, spin all they want but can't change what really happened and what is being revealed by the prosecution's own witnesses, and that is that Martin attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman killed his ass in self defense.
OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

His mother is the one i feel sorry for...I think she knows whats going on and the attorney who represents her...Daryl Parks, I think is actually a standup guy...discouraged race as an issue from the beginning.

The dad? Im not sure what to think about him...I think the $$ signs are popping and hes gonna take advantage.... has changed his mind it seems under some scheme with crump who is looking to capitalize big. He knows his son was trouble and moving further into it by the day....and now hes was probably predicted by him and the mother if he didnt start changing his ways.

i feel bad for his step mom Alicia Stanley
You can feel GZ is not credible, but at the end of the day evidence from a less than credible source is better than no evidence to the contrary.

Can any witness give testimony that TM didn't say you're going to die tonight mother fucker? Remember that this is the burden of the state to prove.

How is GZ not credible? Didn't the majority of the evidence corroborate his account?
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