The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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How is GZ not credible? Didn't the majority of the evidence corroborate his account?

One piece of evidence is all that is needed to prove Z is not credible, I guess. He said, after he shot TM, He got on top of his back and spread out his arms and held them until someone came. When the police came TM's arms were beneath him. How did they get beneath him if he was dead?

When the defense actually starts their case (they haven't yet, these are all state witnesses) they will call a medical doctor that says that TM moved his hands before he died. He did not die as soon as he was shot. He actually died from collapsed lungs because they filled with 2 pints of blood. In order for someone of TM size to die from blood loss the norm would be 3 pints. Thus he didn't die immediately.

Is this testimony a backbreaker for the prosecution? (no pun intended)
Again, all physical evidence supports GZs story. That along with no evidence to directly contradict that there must be a reasonable doubt.
One piece of evidence is all that is needed to prove Z is not credible, I guess. He said, after he shot TM, He got on top of his back and spread out his arms and held them until someone came. When the police came TM's arms were beneath him. How did they get beneath him if he was dead?

When the defense actually starts their case (they haven't yet, these are all state witnesses) they will call a medical doctor that says that TM moved his hands before he died. He did not die as soon as he was shot. He actually died from collapsed lungs because they filled with 2 pints of blood. In order for someone of TM size to die from blood loss the norm would be 3 pints. Thus he didn't die immediately.

Is this testimony a backbreaker for the prosecution? (no pun intended)

This evidence and testimony will be given by the county ME that performed the autopsy on TM (probably another state witness). It is in the ME report that has been published for awhile now. This person will also testify that the gun shot had to occur from the position of TM on top and GZ on the bottom.
You can feel GZ is not credible, but at the end of the day evidence from a less than credible source is better than no evidence to the contrary.

Can any witness give testimony that TM didn't say you're going to die tonight mother fucker? Remember that this is the burden of the state to prove.

How is GZ not credible? Didn't the majority of the evidence corroborate his account?

One piece of evidence is all that is needed to prove Z is not credible, I guess. He said, after he shot TM, He got on top of his back and spread out his arms and held them until someone came. When the police came TM's arms were beneath him. How did they get beneath him if he was dead?

that would have to be a one heck of a piece of evidence

you see how it works

guilty beyond a reasonable doubt


innocent beyond a reasonable doubt
A medical examiner has testified that Zimmerman's wounds were "insignificant" and not "life threatening."

Insignificant is a subjective word. That right there tells you her opinion is slanted.

Probable scenerio, imo, he reached for either his gun or cell phone, Tryvon thought he was reaching for a gun and knocked him down.

So, you want to speculate your way to a murder conviction? You really think that's how the law works?
You seem to when im not here...i already told you, you get no smoking are unable to think objectively...this much is quite obvious. You failed the test.

I have no interest in trying to explain something so easy to the guy riding the short yellow bus...sorry.

Like I've told you several times. I'm willing to put my intellect up against yours any day of the week. You never seem to respond.

You go on a 15-20 pm tirade on me...un benounced to those in here of the process telling me to leave you alone..dont talk to you...blah blah blah...not one PM or neg rep initiated by me.

Then you continue to send me pms...most recently about 20 minutes ago...and then you cant shut up about me in here.

You arent getting a smoking gun...the appropriate people were pmd...we figured it go find your internet wench wife and cheer her vulgar and childish lies and accusations and stay the hell away from me. Youre like a bad girlfriend that just doesnt get the hint. ;)

15 or 20??? You lying prick. Prove it! You start telling tales here pal, you really should be able to back it up.
A medical examiner has testified that Zimmerman's wounds were "insignificant" and not "life threatening." That they were consistent with being punched in the face once and hitting his head on the pavement once. Probable scenerio, imo, he reached for either his gun or cell phone, Tryvon thought he was reaching for a gun and knocked him down. Trayvon was defending himself. Which he had every right to do. All along, Zimmerman did not say who he was or why he was there; Trayvon had every right to be in fear and to defend himself. In any case, the law that Zimmerman is using for self defense says deadly force is only allowed if your life is in imminent danger or if you are in imminent danger of great bodily harm: neither of which was the case. His injuries were INSIGNIFICANT.

Serious dingbat, but we already knew this. Christ, get a life and a brain woman!
He will get something, that is for sure. Folks are afraid of a race war. Sad that we fear from one particular race of people where justice is served due to that fear....innocent or guilty. Appease the masses, so to speak.
Except that's not what happened. But dont let facts get in your way.

I'd call following someone in the dark and rain in a truck and then later on foot when the person was running away...I call that picking a fight. Oh thats right, trayvon was supposed to assume he was just looking for an address...little does trayvon know that they cops have already been called on him and he committed no crime.

Hell, under GZs suspicious radar, he should have called the cops on himself...hes the creep following people around in the dark packing heat. Kids walking home from the store and gets stalked all the way Yeah, I call that picking a fight and asking for trouble...people dont tend to kindly to being followed in the dark and rain. You still dont get that do you?

You understand that Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, right? That's all you need to know right there.

Yeah....................sure...................because according to Zimmerman, Trayvon jumped out at him from behind some bushes.

Only trouble is..........................there are no bushes anywhere around where the altercation happened.

Try again Rabid Lie.
Good...I'm glad you'll get some sleep...because I think you are getting a little pun intended.

A) I hope that's not the smoking gun, that he was going to call 911 again.

Why wouldn't he, as a deterrent, or more obviously to let them know exactly where he was, as they were expecting him at the mailboxes, and here was the guy right here...the guy found him.

B) I don't see where you are going with unmolested. My point was to RKM that Zimmmerman never blocked Martin from anywhere...he didn't "cut off Martin's path home". Martin walked right by in unimpeded.

C) No matter how many times you repeat cannot assault someone for reaching into their pocket.

D) You understand that while you can legally make a preemptive strike in some circumstances...the one you are describing is not one of them.

Well thats just it...and you missed it...why not call the same help have already given them the information and they have already cops are on the way...why would you call the other help line....smoking gun...right over your head. During interrogation he fealt the need to say 911 because he had to ... he had already called the other wouldnt make sense. Serino didnt catch it. He knew the cops were enroute in a hurry and in fact they were there within seconds of the incident ending. So why call a different 911 and perhaps go thru it all again if you need to do it quick...why not call the same number and ask them....think, Missouri...think.

I tend to get punchy when people say I am making stuff up and then start throwing out racist scenarios to make their points...sorry.

BTW...I dont believe that Mr Z drove in front of trayvon and parked in his way...dont believe that at all...I believe he was following him...not cutting him off...just clearing that up. Now that was made up by RKM...and you are right.

OK you didn't have the balls to repeat or link to your "Smoking gun", so I went looking.

This is laughable. Prosecution get 0 points if they bring this up and with their skill set, they likely would lose a point or 2.

I mean it this is all you got, no wonder you tried to keep it hidden from me.

Just wait boy. Wait until you see the defense's smoking gun.

You're a whiny, pathetic little brat with an ego just like Fake Smarmy. All hat, no horse.

You are obsessed with you beg for it...then you go looking...then you think you find it because M says he hopes that isnt it...and then you insult whos being the troll and the arrogant ass? Again, you start I respond. Youre a mess, dude.

Waaaa waaaa that 25 guy changed his avie to a bike picture...waaaaaa waaaaaa...whats he trying to prove? waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaa....hes copying me!....waaaaaa waaaaaa.

LMAO...what are you? mid 50s to 60? working on what 3rd or 4th marriage? and pissed about some stranger changing his avatar pic!...lmao...youre acting like your 5!

And keep looking for the SG...its your time....its your life...suit yourself. You wont get it from me...I told failed the test and have no ability to think objectively.

Posting PMs is not allowed.
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She was a key witness in the George Zimmerman trial. So why can’t anyone look past the tired stereotypes and hear what Rachel Jeantel actually had to say?

Rachel Jeantel is a name that will forever live in infamy in the minds of many Americans—both black and white—after her testimony as the prosecution’s star witness in last week’s trial of George Zimmerman, the Florida man accused of murder for the death of Trayvon Martin.

Let’s be honest: Jeantel’s very presence on the witness stand (broadcast live on national and international television) conjures up all kinds of age-old race, class, and gender-based stereotypes about black women. The large, full-figured, dark-skinned black girl. Not a great communicator. Not very articulate. Head hung low. Appearing to roll her eyes and head as she verbally sparred back and forth with defense attorney Don West. And, stunningly, she tweeted about needing a “drink.”

Stereotypes aren’t funny when they follow you everywhere. Another person’s perception of who we are in the workplace, at school, or even in a courtroom becomes their reality, and—in many cases—our burden. Jeantel was set up to lose from the moment she took the stand. Not just with the greater American community, but within her own community of black Americans. At one point during the trial last week, I had to turn my TV off. I could feel the heat rising around my neck as I watched West go after Jeantel, demean and degrade her intellect, her veracity, and her status as a young black woman in America.

But what really got my ire up was the many people in the black community who were posting, tweeting, and commenting about the young, dark-skinned, full-figured 19-year-old woman looking like a cross between Sapphire’s Precious and Tyler Perry’s Madea—not to mention her apparent misuse of the “King’s English” (as we black folks like to say). The backlash from some African-American commentators and journalists was unkind as well. Many felt that Jeantel was an “embarrassment” to the community and to the case. There seemed to be a collective grimace about how she came across as “hostile” and not “respectful” from a majority of the legal analysts and pundits on cable and network TV. The use of key descriptor words in the media such as lazy, ghetto, obese, angry, aggressive, smart-mouthed, flippant, stupid, dumb, and even high on drugs are all words that play on the subconscious emotions of jurors and observers.

In the final analysis, I believe that the jury’s decision will rest largely on this young black woman’s testimony. They will either believe her account or not. They will either overlook the “stereotypes” they have been subliminally ingrained to accept about large, dark-skinned, “combative” black women, or they will embrace them and dismiss her testimony as lies and subterfuge.

The trial so far has been highly emotional and riveting all at once. The theater between young Jeantel and attorney West last week seems almost like a fixed fight. The differences between an older, well-educated white male attorney and his young black female witness were stark and undeniable. It was David versus Goliath. In the end, we will all have to wait and see what the jury decides, but be clear on this truth: stereotypes about race, gender, and class will play into how the jury evaluates and ultimately decides this case.

More: The Zimmerman Trial and 'Black Girl' Stereotypes - The Daily Beast - BY SOPHIA A. NELSON, ESQ.

Personally, I found Rachel Jeantel's testimony reasonably credible. She stood her ground against defense attorney Don West.
Although the trial isn't over, I'm having some doubts about a 2nd degree murder conviction. I expect a manslaughter conviction. I don't expect an acquittal.
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