The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Replaying those sordid liberal talking points again??

Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).

Do you REALLY believe that?? You poor thing!!! I'm guessing you still believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy!!!

She was a key witness in the George Zimmerman trial. So why can’t anyone look past the tired stereotypes and hear what Rachel Jeantel actually had to say?

Rachel Jeantel is a name that will forever live in infamy in the minds of many Americans—both black and white—after her testimony as the prosecution’s star witness in last week’s trial of George Zimmerman, the Florida man accused of murder for the death of Trayvon Martin.

Let’s be honest: Jeantel’s very presence on the witness stand (broadcast live on national and international television) conjures up all kinds of age-old race, class, and gender-based stereotypes about black women. The large, full-figured, dark-skinned black girl. Not a great communicator. Not very articulate. Head hung low. Appearing to roll her eyes and head as she verbally sparred back and forth with defense attorney Don West. And, stunningly, she tweeted about needing a “drink.”

Stereotypes aren’t funny when they follow you everywhere. Another person’s perception of who we are in the workplace, at school, or even in a courtroom becomes their reality, and—in many cases—our burden. Jeantel was set up to lose from the moment she took the stand. Not just with the greater American community, but within her own community of black Americans. At one point during the trial last week, I had to turn my TV off. I could feel the heat rising around my neck as I watched West go after Jeantel, demean and degrade her intellect, her veracity, and her status as a young black woman in America.

But what really got my ire up was the many people in the black community who were posting, tweeting, and commenting about the young, dark-skinned, full-figured 19-year-old woman looking like a cross between Sapphire’s Precious and Tyler Perry’s Madea—not to mention her apparent misuse of the “King’s English” (as we black folks like to say). The backlash from some African-American commentators and journalists was unkind as well. Many felt that Jeantel was an “embarrassment” to the community and to the case. There seemed to be a collective grimace about how she came across as “hostile” and not “respectful” from a majority of the legal analysts and pundits on cable and network TV. The use of key descriptor words in the media such as lazy, ghetto, obese, angry, aggressive, smart-mouthed, flippant, stupid, dumb, and even high on drugs are all words that play on the subconscious emotions of jurors and observers.

In the final analysis, I believe that the jury’s decision will rest largely on this young black woman’s testimony. They will either believe her account or not. They will either overlook the “stereotypes” they have been subliminally ingrained to accept about large, dark-skinned, “combative” black women, or they will embrace them and dismiss her testimony as lies and subterfuge.

The trial so far has been highly emotional and riveting all at once. The theater between young Jeantel and attorney West last week seems almost like a fixed fight. The differences between an older, well-educated white male attorney and his young black female witness were stark and undeniable. It was David versus Goliath. In the end, we will all have to wait and see what the jury decides, but be clear on this truth: stereotypes about race, gender, and class will play into how the jury evaluates and ultimately decides this case.

More: The Zimmerman Trial and 'Black Girl' Stereotypes - The Daily Beast - BY SOPHIA A. NELSON, ESQ.

Personally, I found Rachel Jeantel's testimony reasonably credible. She stood her ground against defense attorney Don West.

I agree completely and vehemently with your quoted excerpt and with your own opinion. I found Rachel to be entirely credible. I think when she is accused of giving different answers, it is not a different answer at all, it is her way of trying to find the right word for something. She may have used a different word to describe something, but she meant the same thing; it's because her use of English vocabulary is weak. I think any fixed opinions about her because of demeanor, intelligence, appearance should be understood in the context of her background and education. I am just hoping the jury is not biased regarding race. The more I read about this case, the more I can put myself in Trayvon's place, though I am a white woman. Someone following you in a dark and empty place. Considering T. had every right to be there, why would he assume anything except that Zimmerman had evil intentions? And to be there, innocent and unarmed, just walking home from the market, only to end up dead for no reason. It's a situation that could happen to anyone if we say it is okay for people to behave the way Zimmerman did: profile someone, go after them, be armed, and create a situation where an innocent civilian just minding his/her own business ends up dead. He deserves a lot of jail time.
Did you know that she speaks 3 different languages, and English is NOT her primary language?

No, I didn't know that. What 3 languages does she speak?

Creole, Spanish and English.

BTW..................ever try talking English with a genuine Creole from the swamps? Even though you know they're speaking English, you have to listen very closely to what they say because of their pronunciation and accent.

But.........................if someone has learned English only well enough to get around, no matter what their first language is, you're still gonna have to listen closely because of their accent.

Learned that during my time in the Navy and from the 26 different countries I visited. Lots of times, people overseas were eager to practice their English with me.
To Rinata:

6th neg tonight to the 6th different poster. I'm slapping you trolls all over the place. Please do not troll. I hate trolls. I'm all ears if you have something intelligent to say.

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Did you know that she speaks 3 different languages, and English is NOT her primary language?

No, I didn't know that. What 3 languages does she speak?

Creole, Spanish and English.

BTW..................ever try talking English with a genuine Creole from the swamps? Even though you know they're speaking English, you have to listen very closely to what they say because of their pronunciation and accent.

But.........................if someone has learned English only well enough to get around, no matter what their first language is, you're still gonna have to listen closely because of their accent.

Learned that during my time in the Navy and from the 26 different countries I visited. Lots of times, people overseas were eager to practice their English with me.

Great post! Thank you. :clap2::thup:
I'd call following someone in the dark and rain in a truck and then later on foot when the person was running away...I call that picking a fight. Oh thats right, trayvon was supposed to assume he was just looking for an address...little does trayvon know that they cops have already been called on him and he committed no crime.

Hell, under GZs suspicious radar, he should have called the cops on himself...hes the creep following people around in the dark packing heat. Kids walking home from the store and gets stalked all the way Yeah, I call that picking a fight and asking for trouble...people dont tend to kindly to being followed in the dark and rain. You still dont get that do you?

You understand that Trayvon doubled back and confronted Zimmerman, right? That's all you need to know right there.

Yeah....................sure...................because according to Zimmerman, Trayvon jumped out at him from behind some bushes.

Only trouble is..........................there are no bushes anywhere around where the altercation happened.

Try again Rabid Lie. let me get this straight, rabbi...Mr Z follows him through the complex, eventually the kid runs away in a direction that he cant be followed in a truck...GZ exits his vehicle and begins chasing...hes told to stop and proceeds up the same path...and its trayvon thats the aggressor because he asks the creepy follower what the problem is?

Thats hilarious...clearly Trayvon was trying to get away from this follower...but GZ continued to follow in the dark and rain...eventually Trayvon dealt with it. Oh im sorry, GZ is allowed to just keep following him whenever and wherever and trayvons only means for defense is to just keep sprinting for home?

What if he wants to walk to the store tomorrow? Does GZ get to keep following him? Why isnt Trayvon allowed to deal with some stranger stalking him in the dark and rain? Thats okay with you in your neighborhood, rabbi?
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BTW, antagonizing and threatening with neg reps is also against the rules...think about it. Because you just love playing that card, dont ya?

I neg'd you once. How many times did I pos rep you since you showed up here? A LOT.
But thanks for the reminder that I owe you some more. Stay tuned for incoming when I can. And no..that is not against the rules. I recommend you real the policies of this board before you get in deeper.

You are being did it more than lied and you know it. You broke the forum rules. And you tell me to "live and learn"?

And I have also pos repped you many times...and I have never neg repped ANYONE! That includes you. I most certainly dont antagonize with them as you have. I left you alone and you talked when I wasnt here and continued on me when i posted and then the negs and pms came coming in. Dont lie, gracie. Now you are threatening with more? Knock yourself out.
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I don't lie. I neg'd you once. I just neg'd you again a few minutes ago. That makes twice. How many pos reps did I give you? More than the 2 negs. I did not break forum rules. But go ahead and report me if you think I did. I'm willing to take my punishment without crying about it. Are you, when you get finger waggled for posting private convos? Time will tell.

Now..again...fuck off. You can't pm me any more. Whatcha gonna do? Follow me around and pick fights with me in threads in between you being an ass to others who also THOUGHT you were a great new addition here?

Grow up.
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Reported again.

I don't know what the fuck happened to you, but you aren't the same guy that joined awhile back. Now you are jumping on just about everyone and wondering why you are getting the responses you are getting. Whatever the case many be..glad to know it now instead of later.

That tends to happen when for a solid week I was trolled, called a racist, called a faggot, lied about, negged, nasty PMs by sunshine...why? because i had the nerve to give the perspective from the Martin hoo...its what I do...I gave the Zimmerman side for 3 was Martins turn...excuse the hell out of me! I responded to her and proved her lie.

I probably took the frustration of seeing all of that out on the debate between you and M and I. But again, you werent seeing what I was seeing from sunshine. You probably got the brunt when I was tired of it. I ignored her and it didnt work. So i responded.

But do you say anything to her? was right there for you to see...nope you came it at me, lol. I didnt call her a bigot and I proved it...she did call me the faggot, which was actually lite compared to the other stuff she pulled...and i proved that. What did you do? You laughed and piled on. So spare me your holier than thou showed to be the weakest of the weak. And you continue to.
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I don't lie. I neg'd you once. I just neg'd you again a few minutes ago. That makes twice. How many pos reps did I give you? More than the 2 negs. I did not break forum rules. But go ahead and report me if you think I did. I'm willing to take my punishment without crying about it. Are you, when you get finger waggled for posting private convos? Time will tell.

Now..again...fuck off. You can't pm me any more. Whatcha gonna do? Follow me around and pick fights with me in threads in between you being an ass to others who also THOUGHT you were a great new addition here?

Grow up.

Nope you negged me the second time more than a few minutes ago...and it broke the rules. I wont be bullied by neg rep threats and nasty Pms from you or anyone else. Although, I will let it go for a while, eventually I will respond if it keeps you are finding out. You dont like it...stop doing what youre doing.

And i cant PM you anymore? lmao...good...I have been begging you to stop...I have initiated NOT ONE PM to you...only responses to your nastiness. Not one! So dont tell me I cant do what I wasnt doing in the first place, you freak! What part of leave me alone dont you understand?
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So that is your bitch? That I didn't say anything to Sunshine? Are you looking for a mama to fight your battles for you? I backed up missiouian because you attacked him for no reason. YOU started with the name calling. Then you did the same to Ernie. All of us told you to chill out. You took it personal and was still angry about Sunshine?

I guess you will never grow up. And stop lying. I neg'd you. You responded. I responded then said to cease pming me. You continued. I neg'd you again. You responded to it. I responded to it. Then it was totem pms one after another. I asked again that you cease. You refused. My only option was to block ALL from pming me unless they are on my friends list..which you are no longer.

Do carry on though. Could be entertainment for others to see your childish behavior.
So that is your bitch? That I didn't say anything to Sunshine? Are you looking for a mama to fight your battles for you? I backed up missiouian because you attacked him for no reason. YOU started with the name calling. Then you did the same to Ernie. All of us told you to chill out. You took it personal and was still angry about Sunshine?

I guess you will never grow up. And stop lying. I neg'd you. You responded. I responded then said to cease pming me. You continued. I neg'd you again. You responded to it. I responded to it. Then it was totem pms one after another. I asked again that you cease. You refused. My only option was to block ALL from pming me unless they are on my friends list..which you are no longer.

Do carry on though. Could be entertainment for others to see your childish behavior.

You have your facts wrong...really need to go back and are wasting my time. I dont give a crap who you back, but dont come at me for proving someones lying and you get that?

Oh you were sending me PMs none of which I initiated to tell me to stop sending you PMs that you were sending? LMAO. You are lying to save face. You broke the rules because you are obsessed. You have been here longer to know better. Your threats dont scare me. Nor does your mindless support of trollers and liars. Hell I see that the birds of a feather flock together...liars. I dont like liars.

So I get it...your trick is to report those posting PMs (of course the person personally requested good luck), then you come on lying about yours, because you will report that person if he proves by posting your lie that he posted starting to catch on. Are you that bored!?

But Ill play your game for the audience. Lets see who is lying about PMs. Heres a smoking gun for ya, ernie.

Hey Gracie: have I ever sent you a neg rep? ever?

Hey Ernie: Have I ever sent you a neg rep? ever?

(Not even in response to your neg reps? So no initiation of PMs here, right?)

To both of you: Over the last 24-48 hours have I initiated ANY PMs to either of other words a PM that was not in direct response to your initiated PM to me? Any?

To both of you: I left and ignored for several hours yesterday...let things cool down...who was talking about who with each other on this forum while I wasnt here?

To both of you: In this forum today...when I returned from the cool down...who initiated what posts to who? Ernie had multiple posts antagonizing a response. Did I come after you? Or were you calling me out and got a response?

These should be fairly easy to answer for both of you. So dont give me this crap about Pms and trolling and all that BS, gracie...its right there for the forum to see...not that they care.
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Don't sweat it. The mods and admins can see who did what, why, where, how. LIke I said..I don't lie, I spoke truth about YOUR behavior, and I neg'd you for it.
Tell ya one coming your way will not have a comment in it. That way I am not pming you. And you can't respond to it because you are blocked. Problem solved.
Don't sweat it. The mods and admins can see who did what, why, where, how. LIke I said..I don't lie, I spoke truth about YOUR behavior, and I neg'd you for it.
Tell ya one coming your way will not have a comment in it. That way I am not pming you. And you can't respond to it because you are blocked. Problem solved.
Members may NOT negatively impact the reputation of the same person more that 1 time in a 48 hour period. If a member negatively impacts another person's reputation more than 1 time in a 48 hour period (2/48 Violation) the following will happen:

All accumulated reputation will be zero'd out
Loss of all ability to give reputation (negative/positive)
Loss of all ability to receive reputation (negative/positive)

Gracie, you broke the rules...2 negs well within that 48 hour period...actually well within a 12 hour period. You were just explaining PM rules to me, so you knew better.
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