The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).

Do you REALLY believe that?? You poor thing!!! I'm guessing you still believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy!!!

You are an idiot. let me get this straight, rabbi...Mr Z follows him through the complex, eventually the kid runs away in a direction that he cant be followed in a truck...GZ exits his vehicle and begins chasing...hes told to stop and proceeds up the same path...and its trayvon thats the aggressor because he asks the creepy follower what the problem is?

Thats hilarious...clearly Trayvon was trying to get away from this follower...but GZ continued to follow in the dark and rain...eventually Trayvon dealt with it. Oh im sorry, GZ is allowed to just keep following him whenever and wherever and trayvons only means for defense is to just keep sprinting for home?

What if he wants to walk to the store tomorrow? Does GZ get to keep following him? Why isnt Trayvon allowed to deal with some stranger stalking him in the dark and rain? Thats okay with you in your neighborhood, rabbi?

You know......................if I was followed like Trayvon was, I'm pretty sure that I'd stop, turn around, and ask the idiot following me what their problem was.

It's happened before to me, and it's not fun to be followed. And yeah..................there was a confrontation between them and myself, but fortunately, I won that round.

You can tell if someone is following you.

If Zimmerman was really just looking to keep a watch on the neighborhood, when Trayvon went up the sidewalk between the buildings, instead of jumping him, Zimmerman should have just watched and waited for the cops to show up and told them where he went.
Unfortunately you're not the one on trial here. And if you hadn't been dressed like a stripper those sailors never would have followed you.
As for this case, Martin ran away. Which is normal behavior if you're being followed. The problem was he came back to teach the creepy ass cracker a lesson. And got dead for it.

Interestingly enough, if I'm being followed by some creep who I don't know, and am in a place where I've been before and have a right to be (like Trayvon did, because he was visiting a family member who lived there), yeah..................I'd try to get to a safe place (where my family is) as quickly as possible.

Trayvon had a right to be there.......................his father lived there.

And.......................if he DID come back to "teach that creepy ass cracker a lesson" like Zimmerman has said, where are the bushes that Trayvon supposedly leaped out from?

Got news for you.....................there were none in the area where the fight happened.

Zimmerman is a liar and should be taken down for it.
Actually I dont think Zimmerman mentioned anything about bushes. He just said that Trayvon appeared out of nowhere. Perhaps he speculated about bushes.
But typical for you to fasten on to a minor detail and spin it to make the case you wanted anyway. I think thats called confirmation bias. In your case stupidity covers it pretty well.
Actually I dont think Zimmerman mentioned anything about bushes. He just said that Trayvon appeared out of nowhere. Perhaps he speculated about bushes.
But typical for you to fasten on to a minor detail and spin it to make the case you wanted anyway. I think thats called confirmation bias. In your case stupidity covers it pretty well.

It's really fun when I can prove you idiots wrong.......................

Zimmerman, 28, is charged with second-degree murder in Martin's February 26 shooting death. Zimmerman has said he shot Martin in self-defense, but Martin's family and civil rights activists across the country said Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, racially profiled Martin and ignored a 911 dispatcher's advice not to follow him.

In an interview just after the shooting, Zimmerman told police that the struggle began when Martin "jumped out from the bushes" and punched him in the face, knocking him down.
"I started screaming for help. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe," he said.

"He grabbed my head and started hitting it into the sidewalk," he said. "When he started doing that, I slid into the grass to try to get out from under him. ... I'm still yelling for help."

George Zimmerman: Trayvon Martin threatened my life -

Yanno Rabid's really fun to see when your stupidity makes you blind to the facts.
You've proven yourself a dunce and a half, unable to read an understand simple concepts. What does "culpable negligence" have to do with this case? There was no negligence. It was an intentional act. That's why they cannot charge Zimmerman like that. That's why self defense is not a defense here, because self defense is a deliberate act.
I realize that goes well beyond your capability to understand but whatever.

Are you really that slow? I'm not arguing if there was or wasn't culpable negligence; nor have I been in post after post. I'm just telling you what the damn definition of manslaughter is. And in your zeal, you're pretending that I'm arguing against GZ.

Now let me go over it, one more fucking time. Self defense is the defense against murder. It is not also an outright defense against manslaughter according to the statute. If the prosecution can show that GZ exercized culpable negligence that caused Travis's death then it would be manslaughter. That's all I'm fucking saying; because that is what the fucking law is.

I don't know how many fucking times I can tell you that I'm not arguing that it is or isn't manslaughter. I'm just telling you the legal fucking parameter, dickweed.

Wow, I should listen to the terrific legal mind that spun a right to open carry from a misreading of the 2A. For the record you don't know jack shit about the law or any legal parameter. You are an ignorant fucking twerp.

Oh yeah. And in case you forgot this came up because you claimed the prosecution should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter dont recall why but I'm sure you had a terrific reason. Maybe they'll hire you after you finish high school.

Yea, I'd spin away from your ignorant BS too. Now, that I told you I'm not even arguing for a manslaughter conviction, merely telling you the definition of manslaughter. I guess it finally sunk into your tiny bird brain.

I've never said that GZ should have been charged with manslaughter. I stated that if there was any charge, it should have been manslaughter at most. I've also stated that from the evidence I've seen that I don't believe manslaughter occurred. You're just getting your panties in a bunch b/c I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida.

And don't judge my lawyer skills; because unlike you I have at least taken law classes and unlike you I look at statutes properly instead of constantly crying out like a little whiny baby who's due for a nap. Yea, take that fuck off to the juice bank, bitch.
it is the rules of the court

if zimmerman had known the bad things burglary stuff

the street fighting

the druggie lifestyle

it could be used

since he didnt it cant be used

GZ knew he was dealing with a first class thug as soon as TM circled his car sticking his hand in his waste band staring at him saying things all to intimidate GZ because he was snitching on him. Then ran into a dark out of the way area.

TM lead GZ into a trap & jumped him. That is TM's standard MO to get "da nigga snitch" GZ into "a duckd off spot" & jump the cracker.

These TM records are vital evidence.
Wait, one caveat - Can he do a convincing cry-session? I'm talking shrill, streamy, steamy eyes, snotty nose, babbling incoherent... You know, like real remorseful? Can he convince a jury that he's actually sad that he shot someone... Not just scared of being Bubba's bitch?

Polar opposite of his police interview I guess is what I'm asking. Can he do that?

If so, maybe it'd get him some pull in an all female jury.
I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.


The shooting happened. He will get away with killing an unarmed kid, but be honest. WHY WAS MARTIN "SUSPICIOUS" to Zimmerman? Be honest.

Has he ever called the cops on a white guy in a hoodie? BE HONEST JUST ONCE.

What's the significance of a hoodie?
It's a stereotype for pro filers, especially when worn by young black kids. Gang bangers.
it is the rules of the court

if zimmerman had known the bad things burglary stuff

the street fighting

the druggie lifestyle

it could be used

since he didnt it cant be used

GZ knew he was dealing with a first class thug as soon as TM circled his car sticking his hand in his waste band staring at him saying things all to intimidate GZ because he was snitching on him. Then ran into a dark out of the way area.

TM lead GZ into a trap & jumped him. That is TM's standard MO to get "da nigga snitch" GZ into "a duckd off spot" & jump the cracker.

These TM records are vital evidence.
Too stupid to debate^
OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

It's something else ain't it...

I think there was a motion on this...they can't be admitted as evidence...

And surely the prosecution isn't going to make any mistake that will allow them to be admitted as rebuttal.

But if they'd be devastating.
There was an argument yesterday where the defense is trying not to get GZ school history in. If they loose does that open the door to TM school records?
OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

It's something else ain't it...

I think there was a motion on this...they can't be admitted as evidence...

And surely the prosecution isn't going to make any mistake that will allow them to be admitted as rebuttal.

But if they'd be devastating.
There was an argument yesterday where the defense is trying not to get GZ school history in. If they loose does that open the door to TM school records?

Yes and the judge hinted yesterday that she would let it in.
it is the rules of the court

if zimmerman had known the bad things burglary stuff

the street fighting

the druggie lifestyle

it could be used

since he didnt it cant be used

GZ knew he was dealing with a first class thug as soon as TM circled his car sticking his hand in his waste band staring at him saying things all to intimidate GZ because he was snitching on him. Then ran into a dark out of the way area.

TM lead GZ into a trap & jumped him. That is TM's standard MO to get "da nigga snitch" GZ into "a duckd off spot" & jump the cracker.

These TM records are vital evidence.
Too stupid to debate^

Many of Tm friends text him with lots of messages like "you need to stop fighting forreal".

This was Trayvon's life. He watched fight movies, hosted real fights & fought on a regular basis. His friends kept warning him to stop but TM had a uncontrollable instinct to "thump a nigga snitch". Then TM would get into trouble & his friends text him to stop again, but TM replies "dat nigga snitched on me... naw im not done wit fool... he gona have 2 see me again... he aint bleed nuff 4 me, only his nose".
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Don't sweat it. The mods and admins can see who did what, why, where, how. LIke I said..I don't lie, I spoke truth about YOUR behavior, and I neg'd you for it.
Tell ya one coming your way will not have a comment in it. That way I am not pming you. And you can't respond to it because you are blocked. Problem solved.
Members may NOT negatively impact the reputation of the same person more that 1 time in a 48 hour period. If a member negatively impacts another person's reputation more than 1 time in a 48 hour period (2/48 Violation) the following will happen:

All accumulated reputation will be zero'd out
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Gracie, you broke the rules...2 negs well within that 48 hour period...actually well within a 12 hour period. You were just explaining PM rules to me, so you knew better.

Don't post it here, send the two neg pms to the mods.
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