The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'


I wish I knew why the 'wannabe cop' thing is such an issue. As stated earlier I had several nursing students who just couldn't cut it in school. They were 'wannabes'.' Does that mean they can't give their own children a spoon of cough syrup? Does wanting to be a cop and not being hired negate your right to defend your own life? I really don't see why that is constantly used to denigrate Zimmerman. This is America. One of our rights here is the right to fail. But failing at a job interview or failing a class does not invalidate your own right to defend your life.
Are you really that slow? I'm not arguing if there was or wasn't culpable negligence; nor have I been in post after post. I'm just telling you what the damn definition of manslaughter is. And in your zeal, you're pretending that I'm arguing against GZ.

Now let me go over it, one more fucking time. Self defense is the defense against murder. It is not also an outright defense against manslaughter according to the statute. If the prosecution can show that GZ exercized culpable negligence that caused Travis's death then it would be manslaughter. That's all I'm fucking saying; because that is what the fucking law is.

I don't know how many fucking times I can tell you that I'm not arguing that it is or isn't manslaughter. I'm just telling you the legal fucking parameter, dickweed.

Wow, I should listen to the terrific legal mind that spun a right to open carry from a misreading of the 2A. For the record you don't know jack shit about the law or any legal parameter. You are an ignorant fucking twerp.

Oh yeah. And in case you forgot this came up because you claimed the prosecution should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter dont recall why but I'm sure you had a terrific reason. Maybe they'll hire you after you finish high school.

Yea, I'd spin away from your ignorant BS too. Now, that I told you I'm not even arguing for a manslaughter conviction, merely telling you the definition of manslaughter. I guess it finally sunk into your tiny bird brain.

I've never said that GZ should have been charged with manslaughter. I stated that if there was any charge, it should have been manslaughter at most. I've also stated that from the evidence I've seen that I don't believe manslaughter occurred. You're just getting your panties in a bunch b/c I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida.

And don't judge my lawyer skills; because unlike you I have at least taken law classes and unlike you I look at statutes properly instead of constantly crying out like a little whiny baby who's due for a nap. Yea, take that fuck off to the juice bank, bitch.

^ STILL unable to grasp the meaning of the words he quotes. It claims that "I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida." But it is wrong.

Justification is an absolute defense in this case inasmuch as the provision cited by the ignorant Gatsby simply has NO applicability to the Zimmerman case.

Under the proper circumstances, he has the beginnings of a point. In the proper case, under the proper circumstances, where the relevant crime is charged, if the justification defense is raised as against the injury to (or death of) a minor, then justification would NOT be a valid defense.

But those are not the circumstances in the Zimmerman trial.

In Zimmerman's case, "justification" is a fully proper defense; and would indeed serve as an absolute defense in the Zimmerman case.
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'


I wish I knew why the 'wannabe cop' thing is such an issue. As stated earlier I had several nursing students who just couldn't cut it in school. They were 'wannabes'.' Does that mean they can't give their own children a spoon of cough syrup? Does wanting to be a cop and not being hired negate your right to defend your own life? I really don't see why that is constantly used to denigrate Zimmerman. This is America. One of our rights here is the right to fail. But failing at a job interview or failing a class does not invalidate your own right to defend your life.

No, but, this person's ability to do what a qualified and trained police officer can do in this situation. He simply does not have the requisite skills necessary to make an assessment which, in this situation, cost someone his life. Zimmerman is a total loser for acting in any manner other than making a call to the police and letting them handle it.

Moreover, I would not trust this fool to give anyone a spoonful of cough syrup.
Are you really that slow? I'm not arguing if there was or wasn't culpable negligence; nor have I been in post after post. I'm just telling you what the damn definition of manslaughter is. And in your zeal, you're pretending that I'm arguing against GZ.

Now let me go over it, one more fucking time. Self defense is the defense against murder. It is not also an outright defense against manslaughter according to the statute. If the prosecution can show that GZ exercized culpable negligence that caused Travis's death then it would be manslaughter. That's all I'm fucking saying; because that is what the fucking law is.

I don't know how many fucking times I can tell you that I'm not arguing that it is or isn't manslaughter. I'm just telling you the legal fucking parameter, dickweed.

Wow, I should listen to the terrific legal mind that spun a right to open carry from a misreading of the 2A. For the record you don't know jack shit about the law or any legal parameter. You are an ignorant fucking twerp.

Oh yeah. And in case you forgot this came up because you claimed the prosecution should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter dont recall why but I'm sure you had a terrific reason. Maybe they'll hire you after you finish high school.

Yea, I'd spin away from your ignorant BS too. Now, that I told you I'm not even arguing for a manslaughter conviction, merely telling you the definition of manslaughter. I guess it finally sunk into your tiny bird brain.

I've never said that GZ should have been charged with manslaughter. I stated that if there was any charge, it should have been manslaughter at most. I've also stated that from the evidence I've seen that I don't believe manslaughter occurred. You're just getting your panties in a bunch b/c I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida.

And don't judge my lawyer skills; because unlike you I have at least taken law classes and unlike you I look at statutes properly instead of constantly crying out like a little whiny baby who's due for a nap. Yea, take that fuck off to the juice bank, bitch.

The only "law classes" you've ever taken have been watching Judge Judy. You dont have the slightest fucking idea what you're babbling about. Your reading of the statute is a pitiful exercise in stupidity and your continued ignorance is losing its freak show appeal.
Good morning, everyone.

Last night, my much better half and I were watching the Nancy Grapes scream-a-thon after we came home from her birthday dinner. We ended up having a question we couldn't answer, so I thought I would throw it out to the group and see what you thought.

When George gets acquitted, and walks out of court a free man, will the screeching Howler Monkey...

A) Take an extended vacation until another trial come along that she can work her idiot lawyer friends into a frenzy over?

B) Quit her job in disgust that CNN couldn't manufacture enough evidence to get George executed live on national TV?

C) Perform a very short act of oral sex with a Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol?

TIA for your thoughts.

Sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'


I wish I knew why the 'wannabe cop' thing is such an issue. As stated earlier I had several nursing students who just couldn't cut it in school. They were 'wannabes'.' Does that mean they can't give their own children a spoon of cough syrup? Does wanting to be a cop and not being hired negate your right to defend your own life? I really don't see why that is constantly used to denigrate Zimmerman. This is America. One of our rights here is the right to fail. But failing at a job interview or failing a class does not invalidate your own right to defend your life.

It will show that he was pissed off and frustrated over being rejected as a cop. Hell they even refused to allow him on a police car ride along.

Even Si from "Duck Dynasty" went on a police ride along.

He was nearly convicted of a felony for assaulting a police officer. His family's "constable connection" saved him then.

He took his frustrations out on TM.

"That punk" did not get away like all the others.
I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

And if you walk to your house and go inside there wouldn't be any incidents.

When I was a freshman in high school, one of my friends had a brother who played ball. His older sister always invited me to go to the games with her family. The ballpark was in a not so nice neighborhood, but back then those neighborhoods aren't what they are today. We got permission to walk a few blocks to Walgreens where they had a soda fountain. On the way a gang of boys got after us. At first we didn't realize what was happening, but they started closing in. When we got to Walgreens we looked back and they had gone into an alley. We really thought that when we came out they would be waiting for us. It was a small town, so we just cooled our heels in Walgreens and waited for an adult we knew to come in. We asked her if she would drive us back to the ballpark. No cell phones in that day, so that was about the only option two scared teenage girls could come up with other that stupidly walking back and getting waylaid by a gang of boys.

There are options when creepy people get after you. You are not required to assault them.
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good morning, everyone.

Last night, my much better half and i were watching the nancy grapes scream-a-thon after we came home from her birthday dinner. We ended up having a question we couldn't answer, so i thought i would throw it out to the group and see what you thought.

When george gets acquitted, and walks out of court a free man, will the screeching howler monkey...

A) take an extended vacation until another trial come along that she can work her idiot lawyer friends into a frenzy over?

B) quit her job in disgust that cnn couldn't manufacture enough evidence to get george executed live on national tv?

C) perform a very short act of oral sex with a kel-tec pf-9 pistol?

Tia for your thoughts.

sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2

It's something else ain't it...

I think there was a motion on this...they can't be admitted as evidence...

And surely the prosecution isn't going to make any mistake that will allow them to be admitted as rebuttal.

But if they'd be devastating.
There was an argument yesterday where the defense is trying not to get GZ school history in. If they loose does that open the door to TM school records?

Yes and the judge hinted yesterday that she would let it in.

If the Prosecutors get GZ's school records they risk the Defense getting TM's school records in.

That will open up one hell of a large can of whoop ass on the Prosecution.

O'Mara reminds of a cat purring away;just waiting for the mouse to come out and run across the kitchen floor.

O'Mara told CNN on Tuesday night that if prosecutors start bringing up Zimmerman's past, "then it really brings in what Trayvon Martin brings to the table, all of his violent acts that we know about and some of the fighting that he was involved in."

News from The Associated Press
it seems everyone knows what will happen when the verdict comes in favor of Zimmerman, so let's just get it on now, start the burning shooting, slashing, stabbing and all other acts of barbarism, just keep it far from my neighborhood, because we are a law abiding community and will NOT tolerate nigga atrocities, we will initiate lead pill injections.

before anyone gets their diaper wadded up we are a very diverse "hood" :up:
I have wondered if maybe he tried to get in at the home of his father's fiancée and couldn't because the father was otherwise occupied and he couldn't get in at that red hot minute.
Defense talking too much again and getting everybody's nerves. Hope she slaps him down on his objections to Zimmerman's Criminal Justice education.
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