The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I can't wait until the prosecution puts TM's mom Sybrina Fulton on the stand to identify the screams. :lol: She did not raise TM & barely knew him or what he sounded like. :lol: This will be the awesomest backfire yet!

It will be interesting to see how the defense handles her in cross. If they lean too hard, they could turn the jury against them for "offending a grieving mother".

Sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2

I'm sure Zimmerman's lawyers know that.
OK, well, I have things to do. And the plumbers are coming back to finish their job. Let the butt hurt ensue.
Who knows how the altercation went down. We know Z's attitude about TM (The "asshole" and "Fucking punk")...He didn't sound like the Welcome Wagon. I'm not taking Rachael's word on anything.

We all know how the altercation "went down". The injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head prove that when he was knocked to the ground, his head landed on the concrete. He was sucker punched. Then as Zimmerman lie there helpless to blows, he has his nose broken. Next, he has his head repeatedly driven into the dog-walk, which results in the two lacerations you see. At some point during the fight Zimmerman tries to slide out from under Martin, but in doing so reveals his holster with the weapon inside. Martin reaches for (doesn't touch) Zimmerman's firearm, and utters the words "you're going to die tonight motherfucker!" at that point after hearing such a threat, Zimmerman acted in genuine fear for his life, pulled the gun out and fatally wounds the teenager.

It can't be any more precise than that (to this point).

Do you REALLY believe that?? You poor thing!!! I'm guessing you still believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy!!!

If that is what Zimmerman says there is NOTHING IN EVIDENCE so far to refute it.
If that is what the jury has to decide on then the eye witness' account with Martin on top is reasonable doubt.
And remember, under our law here in America as we are not in Iran Zimmerman IS PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN, GUILTY, not labeled guilty as many here go by from media rank hearsay.
So under THE LAW, to this point Zimmerman is not guilty as there has been no evidence so far to convict him.
Nothing, nada, zero.
Sorry it is not going so swell for the folks that made up all those lies before the trial.
Facts sure got into the way of their fraud party.
If the Prosecutors get GZ's school records they risk the Defense getting TM's school records in.

That will open up one hell of a large can of whoop ass on the Prosecution.

O'Mara reminds of a cat purring away;just waiting for the mouse to come out and run across the kitchen floor.

O'Mara told CNN on Tuesday night that if prosecutors start bringing up Zimmerman's past, "then it really brings in what Trayvon Martin brings to the table, all of his violent acts that we know about and some of the fighting that he was involved in."

News from The Associated Press

Umm, the only violence known about him is a fight he was in. Few guys have never been in a fight. That doesn't depict a violent nature.

Recheck Miami situation and events.
There was one fight where he talks about getting his ass kicked in the 1st round. He also lied about fighting, so who knows if he had any fights. He texted someone that he got suspended from school for fighting, which was a lie.

There is more evidence of violence from Zimmerman than there is from Martin.
48hrs huh. Ok yeah I was wondering why sunshine's negs were coming to me just a bit over two days.
O'Mara just asked for another extension on this issue. Judge said she will listen now but she is not continuing this issue.

I'm sick of listening to him. She's going to be fair to both, she has been all along, he needs to shut up.
Umm, the only violence known about him is a fight he was in. Few guys have never been in a fight. That doesn't depict a violent nature.

Recheck Miami situation and events.
There was one fight where he talks about getting his ass kicked in the 1st round. He also lied about fighting, so who knows if he had any fights. He texted someone that he got suspended from school for fighting, which was a lie.

There is more evidence of violence from Zimmerman than there is from Martin.

Neither accused nor victim are angels. Only the most accurate sequence of events and perceived intent will determine the jury's findings, which I hope all here will be willing to accept.
Who initiated the attack?

Martin. Prove Zimmerman started the fight. How does Zimmerman go from retreating, to a fight in zero seconds flat? He was ambushed. All you have is your emotion.

Prove Martin started the fight, prove Zimmerman was ambushed.

No one has to. The defense does not have to prove that.
Your team has to prove ZIMMERMAN started the fight with these important charges and facts already in evidence:
1. Zimmerman was NOT ordered or commanded to stop following Martin per the testimony of Sean Nofske who was the 911 dispatcher who took the call. Nofske testified they do not give orders or commands as that would make them liable.
2. Zimmerman WAS NOT STALKING Martin as if he was he would be charged with that and Zimmerman was doing nothing wrong following him.
3. The ONLY EVIDENCE INTRODUCED SO FAR is Martin on top of Zimmerman pounding him. Now that is a jury question but that is DIRECT EVIDENCE which is NOT by inference which is all circumstantial evidence is and all you have offered.

The burden of proof is ON THE STATE, THE GOVERNMENT, THE PROSECUTION to "prove each and every element of their indictment".

The prosecution has to prove Zimmerman started the fight and if they can't NOT GUILTY is the verdict as in the Judge's jury charges before deliberations that will be told to the jury.
Blows my mind that they'd allow something like Zimmerman's bad credit score into this case... Hell, I'd be screwed then if I were on trial like this!
Yep, Martin tried to avoid him and zimmerman repeatedly followed him that night.

That's the saddest part of this. Zimmerman SAID Martin had run away from him and he had to hunt him down a second time.

I wish they'd put him on the stand because he has lied and changed his story several times. But, that's also why they won't.

He never said that. You are also making it up as you go.
Uh, only the defense can call a defendant to the stand. The prosecution is putting their case up now.
Not surprising folks believe this as this is what the media said.
And none of it fact.
O'Mara just asked for another extension on this issue. Judge said she will listen now but she is not continuing this issue.

I'm sick of listening to him. She's going to be fair to both, she has been all along, he needs to shut up.

He is doing his job defending his client from the power and vast resources of the state.
Do you know anything about the presumption of innocence and the burden of proof of the state when they indict a citizen?
Admissable, defense objections overruled. 10 minute recess so defense can try and regain composure.
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