The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

And if you walk to your house and go inside there wouldn't be any incidents.

When I was a freshman in high school, one of my friends had a brother who played ball. His older sister always invited me to go to the games with her family. The ballpark was in a not so nice neighborhood, but back then those neighborhoods aren't what they are today. We got permission to walk a few blocks to Walgreens where they had a soda fountain. On the way a gang of boys got after us. At first we didn't realize what was happening, but they started closing in. When we got to Walgreens we looked back and they had gone into an alley. We really thought that when we came out they would be waiting for us. It was a small town, so we just cooled our heels in Walgreens and waited for an adult we knew to come in. We asked her if she would drive us back to the ballpark. No cell phones in that day, so that was about the only option two scared teenage girls could come up with other that stupidly walking back and getting waylaid by a gang of boys.

There are options when creepy people get after you. You are not required to assault them.
This advice could apply to Zimmerman as well. BTW, you should have called the police.
When I was a freshman in high school, one of my friends had a brother who played ball. His older sister always invited me to go to the games with her family. The ballpark was in a not so nice neighborhood, but back then those neighborhoods aren't what they are today. We got permission to walk a few blocks to Walgreens where they had a soda fountain. On the way a gang of boys got after us. At first we didn't realize what was happening, but they started closing in. When we got to Walgreens we looked back and they had gone into an alley. We really thought that when we came out they would be waiting for us. It was a small town, so we just cooled our heels in Walgreens and waited for an adult we knew to come in. We asked her if she would drive us back to the ballpark. No cell phones in that day, so that was about the only option two scared teenage girls could come up with other that stupidly walking back and getting waylaid by a gang of boys.

There are options when creepy people get after you. You are not required to assault them.

Wow, no cell phones when you were in high school. I thought you said you were 29? Was that 29 & holding long time? :lol:
Actually I dont think Zimmerman mentioned anything about bushes. He just said that Trayvon appeared out of nowhere. Perhaps he speculated about bushes.
But typical for you to fasten on to a minor detail and spin it to make the case you wanted anyway. I think thats called confirmation bias. In your case stupidity covers it pretty well.

Someone else found some things 'in the bushes' but I can't recall exactly what. I am not all that clear on who the testimony came from because I was occupied doing other things in my house.
He did papers on how to testify in court, how to handle cross examination, etc.. He did one on the 4th ammendment.

This guy is a vigilante.
There was an argument yesterday where the defense is trying not to get GZ school history in. If they loose does that open the door to TM school records?

Yes and the judge hinted yesterday that she would let it in.

If the Prosecutors get GZ's school records they risk the Defense getting TM's school records in.

That will open up one hell of a large can of whoop ass on the Prosecution.

O'Mara reminds of a cat purring away;just waiting for the mouse to come out and run across the kitchen floor.

O'Mara told CNN on Tuesday night that if prosecutors start bringing up Zimmerman's past, "then it really brings in what Trayvon Martin brings to the table, all of his violent acts that we know about and some of the fighting that he was involved in."

News from The Associated Press

Umm, the only violence known about him is a fight he was in. Few guys have never been in a fight. That doesn't depict a violent nature.
in other words just now

the state admits it cased is the

throw as much shit on the wall and hope some sticks theory

who knew

saying i drew my firearm

rather then i pulled my gun

is symptomatic for being a wanna be op

the states case is toast
When I was a freshman in high school, one of my friends had a brother who played ball. His older sister always invited me to go to the games with her family. The ballpark was in a not so nice neighborhood, but back then those neighborhoods aren't what they are today. We got permission to walk a few blocks to Walgreens where they had a soda fountain. On the way a gang of boys got after us. At first we didn't realize what was happening, but they started closing in. When we got to Walgreens we looked back and they had gone into an alley. We really thought that when we came out they would be waiting for us. It was a small town, so we just cooled our heels in Walgreens and waited for an adult we knew to come in. We asked her if she would drive us back to the ballpark. No cell phones in that day, so that was about the only option two scared teenage girls could come up with other that stupidly walking back and getting waylaid by a gang of boys.

There are options when creepy people get after you. You are not required to assault them.

Wow, no cell phones when you were in high school. I thought you said you were 29? Was that 29 & holding long time? :lol:

Post the link where I said that.
Good morning, everyone.

Last night, my much better half and I were watching the Nancy Grapes scream-a-thon after we came home from her birthday dinner. We ended up having a question we couldn't answer, so I thought I would throw it out to the group and see what you thought.

When George gets acquitted, and walks out of court a free man, will the screeching Howler Monkey...

A) Take an extended vacation until another trial come along that she can work her idiot lawyer friends into a frenzy over?

B) Quit her job in disgust that CNN couldn't manufacture enough evidence to get George executed live on national TV?

C) Perform a very short act of oral sex with a Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol?

TIA for your thoughts.

Sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2

Great article at MEDIAite.

Headline sums it up nicely.

As George Zimmerman Prosecution Implodes, A Media Invested In His Guilt Grows More Shrill

I just loved this part...:lol: Jeantel was not discredited. She was speaking from her "cultural lens as a PHD."


It was then that the media commentators invested in Zimmerman’s guilt went on the defense. MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor – one of the first media commentators to don a hooded sweatshirt to protest Martin’s unnecessary murder — told MSNBC host Karen Finney on Tuesday of last week that Jeantel was not only not discredited, but she has as much credibility, “speaking from her cultural lens,” as a “Ph. D.”

As George Zimmerman Prosecution Implodes, A Media Invested In His Guilt Grows More Shrill | Mediaite
I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

And if you walk to your house and go inside there wouldn't be any incidents.

Seems your message is blacks need to stay hidden indoors for their own safety.
Yes and the judge hinted yesterday that she would let it in.

If the Prosecutors get GZ's school records they risk the Defense getting TM's school records in.

That will open up one hell of a large can of whoop ass on the Prosecution.

O'Mara reminds of a cat purring away;just waiting for the mouse to come out and run across the kitchen floor.

O'Mara told CNN on Tuesday night that if prosecutors start bringing up Zimmerman's past, "then it really brings in what Trayvon Martin brings to the table, all of his violent acts that we know about and some of the fighting that he was involved in."

News from The Associated Press

Umm, the only violence known about him is a fight he was in. Few guys have never been in a fight. That doesn't depict a violent nature.

Recheck Miami situation and events.
I can't wait until the prosecution puts TM's mom Sybrina Fulton on the stand to identify the screams. :lol: She did not raise TM & barely knew him or what he sounded like. :lol: This will be the awesomest backfire yet!
I can't wait until the prosecution puts TM's mom Sybrina Fulton on the stand to identify the screams. :lol: She did not raise TM & barely knew him or what he sounded like. :lol: This will be the awesomest backfire yet!

It will be interesting to see how the defense handles her in cross. If they lean too hard, they could turn the jury against them for "offending a grieving mother".

Sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2
I can't wait until the prosecution puts TM's mom Sybrina Fulton on the stand to identify the screams. :lol: She did not raise TM & barely knew him or what he sounded like. :lol: This will be the awesomest backfire yet!

If they don't put her on and get her right back off the door will open.
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