The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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im pretty sure the jury viewed her performance as just that a paid actor

they are sitting there wondering why hasnt the state called in the Dr

who did the autopsy

why are all these other witnesses able to see all the injuries to zims head

but she cant

what is the state hiding

Will (or can?) the defense call the ME?

they probably dont need to

omara did a good job without that one today

in establishing the distance of the firearm

in relation to the chest of martin

and the angle of the shot

and the body position of martin over zimmerman

as for the testimony from the Dr of the dead

(who likes to wash her feet in the autopsy sink)

elaborating about zimmermans injuries

there has been already the actual medical professional

that witnessed zimmermans injuries on the stand

who said he had a lot of them

and closed the dayfor the weekend with this zinger

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

folgate: “It could have, yes.”

Who needs the ME when you have ballistics/trajectory/position coming up
Will (or can?) the defense call the ME?

they probably dont need to

omara did a good job without that one today

in establishing the distance of the firearm

in relation to the chest of martin

and the angle of the shot

and the body position of martin over zimmerman

as for the testimony from the Dr of the dead

(who likes to wash her feet in the autopsy sink)

elaborating about zimmermans injuries

there has been already the actual medical professional

that witnessed zimmermans injuries on the stand

who said he had a lot of them

and closed the dayfor the weekend with this zinger

omara:“Medically speaking, would you say that whatever he did to stop the attack allowed him to survive it?”

folgate: “It could have, yes.”

Who needs the ME when you have ballistics/trajectory/position coming up

im sure by tomorrow

the state will have figured out to object

to omaras informative line of questioning today

Well they're warching HLN and NG tonight to catch up and get pointers. What's not to know for tomorrow?
This might have something to do with Serinos demotion...see the yellow shaded area in the FBI interview:

maybe you are unaware of this

but if you apply yourself correctly

you will be waste deep in the internal affairs investigation

concerning the whole police department

testarosa have i said too much

or not enough

Yep...its a mess...I think this is just a trial to deflect pressure to the 6 women on the jury...poor ladies.

The good thing in my opinion, is that the prosecutions case is going so terrible, that I think it will lighten the racial intensity of any riots...I think they are doing that bad...not even the TM supporters thinks this has a chance at this point.

karma will come back to this prosecution team...they will be blamed for the ridiculous case they put up and the jurors will be seen as doing the only thing they could based on a terrible presentation by the prosecution...their ultimate plan of passing the buck is not going to work.
Wow...just saw this comment from Serino...its what ive been saying:

Serino FBI Report:
"The encounter between GEORGE ZIMMERMAN and TRAYVON MARTIN was ultimately avoidable by ZIMMERMAN, if ZIMMERMAN i had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement...

...or conversely if he had identified himself to MARTIN as a concemed
citizen and initiated dialog in an effort to dispel each party's concern


And as Paul Harvey would say "and now for the rest of the story"...

He is considered a key witness in the neighborhood watch volunteer's murder trial as he was the person who initially said Trayvon's death was 'avoidable' and suggested manslaughter charges for Zimmerman.

He later claimed he was pressured by other officers to say this.

Lead detective in Trayvon Martin shooting tells court Zimmerman's story remained consistent in days that followed | Mail Online
Wow...just saw this comment from Serino...its what ive been saying:

Serino FBI Report:
"The encounter between GEORGE ZIMMERMAN and TRAYVON MARTIN was ultimately avoidable by ZIMMERMAN, if ZIMMERMAN i had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement...

...or conversely if he had identified himself to MARTIN as a concemed
citizen and initiated dialog in an effort to dispel each party's concern


And as Paul Harvey would say "and now for the rest of the story"...

He is considered a key witness in the neighborhood watch volunteer's murder trial as he was the person who initially said Trayvon's death was 'avoidable' and suggested manslaughter charges for Zimmerman.

He later claimed he was pressured by other officers to say this.

Lead detective in Trayvon Martin shooting tells court Zimmerman's story remained consistent in days that followed | Mail Online


Dammit girl, you are on the ball ! :thup:

My rep reservoir is bone dry, but I'll remember to get you later.
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Trayvon got the best because Trayvon probably is the one who attacked.

There is at least reasonable doubt.

And guess what ... this is America. Reasonable doubt means Zimmerman gets off. If the justice system is working correctly.

If Trayvon was being followed, how is it he's the one that attacked? GZ's account has holes in it.


Traydick want back to his place and then circled around to behind a bush. He then jumped on Zimmerman. :eek:

Except it has been shown there were no "bushes" close to where GZ said he was attacked!

Black people killing black people in Chicago, no liberal in America gives a damn. A 17 year old black kid gets shot and killed in self defense by a "White-Hispanic" and they all go apeshit. Case in point.

Yeah, it's all so crazy. Republican/conservatives hate Hispanics and Democrats, but when a black kid gets murdered by a Democrat Hispanic, they all take the Hispanic/Democrat's side? Hmmmm, makes you wonder.
If Trayvon was being followed, how is it he's the one that attacked? GZ's account has holes in it.


Traydick want back to his place and then circled around to behind a bush. He then jumped on Zimmerman. :eek:

Except it has been shown there were no "bushes" close to where GZ said he was attacked!

Uh yeah, there were. Right side of the 'T' to the left of where Zimmerman passed as he was heading back to his vehicle. Remember now, it was dark, so it was easy to hide behind a bush. If you were watching the re-enactment video, you would have seen it. It was as clear as day.

Pause this video at 5:40, 5:44 and 5:49. You will see a bush directly ahead of them next to the condominium furthest from them on the right, and then two other bushes on the front of that same unit in 5:49, to the right of Zimmerman's head. The kid had multiple hiding places. Please learn to be more observant.

Next fallacy please?
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OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.
I think I would like to know exactly what TM was doing that made him look suspicious. Was he looking in windows? Was he checking for unlocked doors? Was he looking for signs of pets, most likely dogs?
I think I would like to know exactly what TM was doing that made him look suspicious. Was he looking in windows? Was he checking for unlocked doors? Was he looking for signs of pets, most likely dogs?

Does it matter? Did it become illegal to walk up to someone to ask a question???:confused: I've had black men ask what I was doing walking around late at night.
Well they're warching HLN and NG tonight to catch up and get pointers. What's not to know for tomorrow?

OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

i have been putting the pieces together to what went so wrong

in martins life that led to this encounter

it started back in 2010

tragic really
I think I would like to know exactly what TM was doing that made him look suspicious. Was he looking in windows? Was he checking for unlocked doors? Was he looking for signs of pets, most likely dogs?

Does it matter? Did it become illegal to walk up to someone to ask a question???:confused: I've had black men ask what I was doing walking around late at night.

The entire scenario wouldn't have started if Z hadn't decided TM looked suspicious. The guy was walking eating skittles drinking tea. Just how suspicious could that be? And 20 minutes later he's dead.
I think I would like to know exactly what TM was doing that made him look suspicious. Was he looking in windows? Was he checking for unlocked doors? Was he looking for signs of pets, most likely dogs?

Does it matter? Did it become illegal to walk up to someone to ask a question???:confused: I've had black men ask what I was doing walking around late at night.

The entire scenario wouldn't have started if Z hadn't decided TM looked suspicious. The guy was walking eating skittles drinking tea. Just how suspicious could that be? And 20 minutes later he's dead.

Replaying those sordid liberal talking points again??
OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

It's something else ain't it...

I think there was a motion on this...they can't be admitted as evidence...

And surely the prosecution isn't going to make any mistake that will allow them to be admitted as rebuttal.

But if they'd be devastating.
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Well they're warching HLN and NG tonight to catch up and get pointers. What's not to know for tomorrow?

OMG - I just read the contents of TM's cell phone texts. He was a major thug. He was suspended for fighting many times. His Mom kicked him out. He deals drugs & guns. He said he was going to kill a couple of people. He fights anyone who he thinks is a snitch. That is his motive for attacking GZ. If the defense ever gets this into the trial, it is all over for the prosecution.

i have been putting the pieces together to what went so wrong

in martins life that led to this encounter

it started back in 2010

tragic really

What happened Brother Jon?
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